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British Citizens Who Chose To Go Permanently Abroad


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Metheimp, why is it you feel you have to insult people to get your point accross, as for saying you bet I'm a right laugh to have a drink with, gladly you will never find out, you are very opinionated and assume quite a lot about other people, just the type who thinks he can handle his piss, but falls apart and makes a prick of himself. I have yet to hear you write one intelligent or constructive thing.

Guesthouse I'm also very dissapointed with your bluster as you seem to think it is only your opinion that is right. you're obviously unable to compromise with people even though I have tried to compromise with you. You haven't lived in the UK for along time and you do have a comfortable lifestyle, you don't have to live on a low wage, or work with no regulations. I make no bones that I come from the wrong side of the tracks and I've seen things that might make you think twice, but I don't expect you to see that.

Thats my opinion.

Boo you say that house prices have risen from 30k to 250k so everyone should be sitting pretty, what about people that would like to buy a house that now starts at around 200k for instance, when wages haven't risen for most people for the last ten years.

Seems the three of you want to get into a personal attacks about my credibility, when all I am stating is I think the report is putting a lot of positive spin on some very negative figures, whats wrong with that?, why, do you think it is outside the realms of possibility? I'm happy that you're happy with your lives, but for 4.4 million Brits something is definately not right.

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Boo you say that house prices have risen from 30k to 250k so everyone should be sitting pretty, what about people that would like to buy a house that now starts at around 200k for instance, when wages haven't risen for most people for the last ten years.

If you read my post properly I specified people who bought proprty years ago & were of retirement age as that was who the articale was talking about.

I too had to buy my first proprty 2 years ago & am lumped with a huge mortgage, you aint the only one to pay.

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Metheimp, why is it you feel you have to insult people to get your point accross, as for saying you bet I'm a right laugh to have a drink with, gladly you will never find out, you are very opinionated and assume quite a lot about other people, just the type who thinks he can handle his piss, but falls apart and makes a prick of himself. I have yet to hear you write one intelligent or constructive thing.

Guesthouse I'm also very dissapointed with your bluster as you seem to think it is only your opinion that is right. you're obviously unable to compromise with people even though I have tried to compromise with you. You haven't lived in the UK for along time and you do have a comfortable lifestyle, you don't have to live on a low wage, or work with no regulations. I make no bones that I come from the wrong side of the tracks and I've seen things that might make you think twice, but I don't expect you to see that.

Thats my opinion.

Boo you say that house prices have risen from 30k to 250k so everyone should be sitting pretty, what about people that would like to buy a house that now starts at around 200k for instance, when wages haven't risen for most people for the last ten years.

Seems the three of you want to get into a personal attacks about my credibility, when all I am stating is I think the report is putting a lot of positive spin on some very negative figures, whats wrong with that?, why, do you think it is outside the realms of possibility? I'm happy that you're happy with your lives, but for 4.4 million Brits something is definately not right.

The figures speak for themselves as Robski has pointed out ... whatever the reason/reasons (and there will be a myriad of reasons depending on who's opinion you seek) the figures speak for themselves ...

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Guesthouse I'm also very disappointed with your bluster..

I'm genuinely sorry that I disappoint you .. but getting back to the questions I asked of you. - Have you got the evidence to support your accusations regarding the BBC article, or was that just a case of the 'Bluster' to which you refer? ... I did say, I am waiting with bated breath.

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Metheimp, why is it you feel you have to insult people to get your point accross, as for saying you bet I'm a right laugh to have a drink with, gladly you will never find out, you are very opinionated and assume quite a lot about other people, just the type who thinks he can handle his piss, but falls apart and makes a prick of himself. I have yet to hear you write one intelligent or constructive thing.

Guesthouse I'm also very dissapointed with your bluster as you seem to think it is only your opinion that is right. you're obviously unable to compromise with people even though I have tried to compromise with you. You haven't lived in the UK for along time and you do have a comfortable lifestyle, you don't have to live on a low wage, or work with no regulations. I make no bones that I come from the wrong side of the tracks and I've seen things that might make you think twice, but I don't expect you to see that.

Thats my opinion.

Boo you say that house prices have risen from 30k to 250k so everyone should be sitting pretty, what about people that would like to buy a house that now starts at around 200k for instance, when wages haven't risen for most people for the last ten years.

Seems the three of you want to get into a personal attacks about my credibility, when all I am stating is I think the report is putting a lot of positive spin on some very negative figures, whats wrong with that?, why, do you think it is outside the realms of possibility? I'm happy that you're happy with your lives, but for 4.4 million Brits something is definately not right.

You complain about bias in the BBC reporting yet your posts imply that all the 4.4 million people that left the UK did so because they were disillusioned by the country - this is simply not true. Yes I know there are a number of bitter folk out there - such as yourself - but to suggest they are typical is nonsense. People have emigrated from the UK ever since it has been possible - otherwise where have Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand's populations largely come from!

And again you haven't put any substance to your argument apart from saying 4.4 million have left the country so something must be wrong - A lot of these people have family in other countries (look at the figures for south Asia), weather and money goes further in developing countries - etc etc there is a whole myriad of reasons

But hey glad you haven't stooped to my low level to get your point across. Good to see you have claimed the moral high ground!

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Well the reason i decided to move to Thailand had nothing to do with any problem with the United Kingdom, i came to Thailand because i like the country and wanted a whole new change of lifestyle, culture and eventualy direction.

I think the UK is a great place to live, i also think Thailand for me personaly is a great place to live, it just so happens that right now i am enjoying living in Thailand. I would have no complaints about going back to live and work in the UK. I would miss the food though.

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oh & for the record robski, I never referrred to you in my posts but you chose to refer to mine so IO replied to you directly so please tell me where I have attacked you personally :o

Seems the three of you want to get into a personal attacks about my credibility
Edited by Boo
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Boo you say that house prices have risen from 30k to 250k so everyone should be sitting pretty, what about people that would like to buy a house that now starts at around 200k for instance, when wages haven't risen for most people for the last ten years.

Recon Boo is about right on this one and certainly most people in my/similar position thought that the idea of paying £20-30k for a HOUSE was absolutely crazy (20-30 years ago)....dont forget wages were in shillings per hour (12 p= 1 shilling with 20 =£1 )

WOT all that money just for a place to stay in...eh... not me mate I would prefer to rent ...yeah Cancil mate canci....

Going back and checking the deeds of my little joint (simple 2 bed pied a terr -built @ 1890) it appears to have be renovated by someone in the 1960s who bought it for.........£500 quid.... so its all relative.....

Now 2 million Brits have overseas holiday homes -including me (Bangkok-Hua Hin and Chiang Mai) and so wot.....

In another 20 years time it will probably 5 million but whos counting?...er

and ...just in time for the Olympic Games..... :o ...smashing....

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Sorry if this is not Thai related but as a British Expat I thought it was worth looking at, its from the BBC to day from ......


5.5m Britons 'opt to live abroad'

That's alot of people.

Almost one in 10 British citizens is living overseas, according to a study of people coming in and out of the UK.

Studies by the Institute for Public Policy Research, published on the BBC News website, indicate that at least 5.5m British-born people live abroad.

Figures suggest the rate of departure has been so great that population falls are only masked by immigration.

Puts spin on a negative statement.

While Australia and Spain are the top locations, increasing numbers are heading to major Asian economies.

The research by the institute (IPPR) is the first significant attempt to put a figure on the number of British citizens who live overseas

The study found 5.5 million expat Britons - a number that rises to six million if those who live or work part of the year abroad are included. Taken together, they represent approximately 10% of British citizens. Until now, tentative government estimates of expats had ranged from 4.5 million to 14 million.

Over the course of 40 years, some 67,500 more Britons have left the UK every year than have returned - a population loss that has been balanced out by increasing immigration.

Puts spin on a negative statement. Doesn't give any reasons why.

The number of British citizens who chose to go permanently abroad doubled from 53,000 in 2001 to 107,000 last year - some 2,000 people a week.

Doesn't give any reasons why.

The majority of expats live in Australia, Spain, the US and other English speaking nations. But in all some 41 nations each have at least 10,000 permanent British residents. The IPPR's figures have been calculated from official sources, such as census data, counts of pensions paid overseas, passport applications and other statistics.

Young and working

According to the IPPR's research, those most likely to leave the UK are young workers without families, along with those seeking to retire

Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah, co-author of the report, said that the scale and spread of the British expat diaspora was probably being driven by the UK's economic strength.

The IPPR is agovernment policy thinktank, again puts positive spin.

A strong economy was attracting economic immigrants - but also encouraging Brits to broaden their opportunities.

If the economy is so strong why are people leaving? Doesn't say why this is encouraging Brits to broaden their opportunities

Will attract immigrants who will no doubt also see this by saying the is strong and enhancing the image of oppurtunities.

"Britain is truly at the crossroads of the global movement of people," said Dr Sriskandarajah.

"Two-thirds of Britons who leave do so to seek employment abroad - and are replaced by skilled professionals from elsewhere in the world.

"When the going is good, Brits get going."

Pure rhetoric and 65% of those leaving are mangerial or skilled, most migrants are going into service and unskilled sectors.

If the going is good, why are Brits leaving, again no real reasons given.

More emigration expected

Earlier this year, a BBC survey on emigration attitudes found the number hoping to leave in the near future had doubled since 2003.

Young people were the most likely to want to leave, with a quarter saying they were hoping to live abroad.

Dr Sriskandarajah said the new figures indicated emigration would grow further.

"If current trends continue, we could expect as many as a million more British nationals to emigrate over the next five years," he said.

But Sir Andrew Green of Migrationwatch UK said the departure of British citizens should be seen against an annual arrival of some 300,000 immigrants.

"This net migration is the key issue - that is those who come minus those who go," he said.

"We now face by far the largest wave of immigration since 1066, even allowing for those who emigrate. This is putting enormous strain on our infrastructure, public services and on social cohesion."

The only negative statement in the report, but again no details.

Lord Triesman, Foreign Office Minister for Consular Affairs, said he welcomed the report.

"Globalisation has increased movement of people both to and from the UK," he said.

"The policy challenges are how to manage these flows effectively in order to respond to the changing needs of the UK. This research will be helpful in understanding how best to address those challenges.

"The report also confirms what we at the FCO know to be true - that a small but significant proportion of British emigrants run into trouble because they have not planned their departure properly.

"Much of what we do is designed to help people avoid such pitfalls, and we will continue to work hard in this area. "

How about working hard to find out why people are leaving and address that situation.

Who left in 2004?.......

40% professional/managerial

25.3% manual/clerical

17.5% retired/carers

9.3% children

7.9% students

If you want to see how many Britions are in Thailand have a look at ........



Guesthouse I've made the effort to try and show what I mean about it being 'spun' as you can see there is no mention of reason why people are leaving other than to broaden horizons. 5.5m people leaving, 65% professional/manual I cant see anything good about that, yet the IPPR statements are very positive. That is called 'spin' or propaganda.

I'm sure this won't satisfy you that I might have a point.

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and from the above BBC site.... :D

The Foreign Office has funded the IPPR's research.

Minister Lord Triesman said that government needed to know not only where people have gone - but also what this tells us about how people migrate in a globalised world.

"It's clear that more British people are going to live abroad," said Lord Triesman.

"Up to 14 million Britons live overseas for at least part of the year. To deliver the consular services and assistance to which British residents overseas are entitled, we need more accurate information on how many there are, and where they are going.

....ere we go ere we go...... :o

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You complain about bias in the BBC reporting yet your posts imply that all (?)the 4.4 million people that left the UK did so because they were disillusioned by the country - this is simply not true.(no disillusioned people? what not any?) Yes I know there are a number of bitter folk out there (but you know a few bitter folk yourself, so there are some)- such as yourself (I'm sure I'd remember if we had ever met, still keeping it personal though I see)- but to suggest they are typical is nonsense.[/u](ah something you might actually know about)

People have emigrated from the UK ever since it has been possible - otherwise where have Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand's populations largely come from check out the Brit bashing thread for details, otherwise that's a pretty lame argument

And again you haven't put any substance to your argument are you sure you can read or is it just selective? apart from saying 4.4 million have left the country so something must be wrong - A lot of these people have family in other countries (look at the figures for south Asia), weather and money goes further in developing countries good reasons to go somewhere, but still you need a good reason to leave your home country and the report is devoid of any real reason, which is my point.- etc etc there is a whole myriad of reasons

But hey glad you haven't stooped to my low level to get your point across. Good to see you have claimed the moral high ground!

Thanks, it wasn't difficult.

Edited by Robski
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oh & for the record robski, I never referrred to you in my posts but you chose to refer to mine so IO replied to you directly so please tell me where I have attacked you personally :D
Seems the three of you want to get into a personal attacks about my credibility

Sorry Boo. I think you got caught in the crossfire. :o

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What is not bloody nice, is complaining of foreigners in their country while going to live in someone else's country.

The complaining of foreigners is of those coming here as political migrants, those drawn by government handouts

And those brits 'going to live in someone elses country' are because they can afford to.. I can only assume that most brits in thailand are there because they do not need to work, and are there with their own money

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Figures suggest the rate of departure has been so great that population falls are only masked by immigration.

Puts spin on a negative statement.

Over the course of 40 years, some 67,500 more Britons have left the UK every year than have returned - a population loss that has been balanced out by increasing immigration.

Puts spin on a negative statement. Doesn't give any reasons why.

The number of British citizens who chose to go permanently abroad doubled from 53,000 in 2001 to 107,000 last year - some 2,000 people a week.

Doesn't give any reasons why.

Guesthouse I've made the effort to try and show what I mean about it being 'spun' as you can see there is no mention of reason why people are leaving other than to broaden horizons. 5.5m people leaving, 65% professional/manual I cant see anything good about that, yet the IPPR statements are very positive. That is called 'spin' or propaganda.

I'm sure this won't satisfy you that I might have a point.

Im with Robski on this one, spot on. Sure the 'population loss' has been balanced out by immigration - but the majority of those going go because they can afford to and the majority of those entering come as economic migrants

Some 2000 a week leave the uk permanently huh? Well over 2000 arrive every week with not a penny to their name knowing full well they'll be well looked after

And as for those who dont think the BBC is the governments 'spokesman', everyone knows its there to sub-conciously brain wash 99% of the population slouched in their armchairs every evening

Edited by glenbat
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Recon Boo is about right on this one and certainly most people in my/similar position thought that the idea of paying £20-30k for a HOUSE was absolutely crazy (20-30 years ago)....dont forget wages were in shillings per hour (12 p= 1 shilling with 20 =£1 )

WOT all that money just for a place to stay in...eh... not me mate I would prefer to rent ...yeah Cancil mate canci....

I think you are woefully way off the mark here, 20 years ago I was working in the north of england and earning £900 per month I could have bought a house then from as little as £5000 believe it or not, but a decent place would have been £12-15000. Fast forward twenty years and that same job is paying less than twice what it was about £1500 month and those very same houses are going for over £100, 000...

The housing boom was great for those that could and did buy, but for those who for whatever reason thought it was wrong for them, the housing boom was a disaster, as they are now facing an impossible task if they wanted to buy. I guess maybe a lot of these people feel at least they may be able to have some better life somewhere else, somewhere they can afford to buy.

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5.5m Britons 'opt to live abroad' ..

That's alot of people.

If you have a conclusion to draw from that provide some back up for the conclusion, other than to state the obvious that 5.5 million people is indeed a lot of people.

Figures suggest the rate of departure has been so great that population falls are only masked by immigration.

Puts spin on a negative statement.

You've lost me. Where is the negative statement? Lots of people have left and their departure might be noticed if lots of other people came in. So what? I see no negativity there at all, nor do I see any spin.

Over the course of 40 years, some 67,500 more Britons have left the UK every year than have returned - a population loss that has been balanced out by increasing immigration.

Puts spin on a negative statement. Doesn't give any reasons why.

Could it be that the BBC is simply reporting a fact? As I stated - There is no report on motivations. But I guess when the BBC doesn't provide the conclusion you want or facts to back up your conclusion the BBC is biased.

The number of British citizens who chose to go permanently abroad doubled from 53,000 in 2001 to 107,000 last year - some 2,000 people a week.

Doesn't give any reasons why.

The BBC doesn't have to say why - It is simply reporting statistics on the number of Britons living overseas (you can make up your own reasons... Oh you have already!)

driven by the UK's economic strength.

The IPPR is a government policy think-tank, again puts positive spin.

Erm are you saying that the UK economy is not strong, or that growth in UK personal wealth has not enabled many Britons to move overseas, perhaps taking early retirement? How does that measure against TV members who have financed their life in Thailand with wealth from the UK? Are British TV members who are living in Thailand on rental income, property growth, personal savings spinning a lie for the government, or has the wealth they have made in the booming UK economy given them the freedom to choose where they want to live (Regardless of why the choose Thailand)?

"Britain is truly at the crossroads of the global movement of people," said Dr Sriskandarajah.

"Two-thirds of Britons who leave do so to seek employment abroad - and are replaced by skilled professionals from elsewhere in the world.

"When the going is good, Brits get going."

Pure rhetoric and 65% of those leaving are managerial or skilled, most migrants are going into service and unskilled sectors.

If the going is good, why are Brits leaving, again no real reasons given.

Off you go again, firstly where did your figure of 65% come from? And secondly why do you want the BBC to report on the motivations for people leaving when you are perfectly capable of making those up yourself.

"We now face by far the largest wave of immigration since 1066, even allowing for those who emigrate. This is putting enormous strain on our infrastructure, public services and on social cohesion."

The only negative statement in the report, but again no details.

You mean it doesn't give the conclusion you want?.. Make one up on your own.

How about working hard to find out why people are leaving and address that situation.

How about letting people make their own choices.....?!

And incidentally, it is quite clear that you haven't got a clue who or what the IPPR is. What the IPPR is not, is a Government think-tank.. but hey, don’t let truth and facts get in the way.

There is nothing in the BBC report that supports any of your rabid claims and there is a great deal in your interpretation of the BBC report that reveals your own failings.. the bit about the IPPR is a gem.

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My comments about buying a place years ago for 20-30k were purely on personal expereince of people I know. My own mum for example bought her first house off of maggie thatchers governemnt for 30k punds 18 years ago, she then moved with the boom & after 4 house moves is now mortgage free in a £400k+ house. All down to being in the market at the right time & being smart enough to move with the market. First time buyers now as basically screwed but the government is looking into building more shared ownership places.

Every person she knows of her era who brought at the same time or before are all in the enviable position of having houses worth multiple times their income. My mum has only ever been a low income earner but worked 3 jobs when we were kids to afford to own her own home. Others like Rinrada said, decided to stick with renting so don't get the benefit but from watching all the shows on UK tv about people moving abroad, 99% of them use the equity from their UK homes to fund the move. :o

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Figures suggest the rate of departure has been so great that population falls are only masked by immigration.

Puts spin on a negative statement.

You've lost me. Where is the negative statement? Lots of people have left and their departure might be noticed if lots of other people came in. So what? I see no negativity there at all, nor do I see any spin.

Can you not see the BBC convincing its viewers that immigration is good?

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My comments about buying a place years ago for 20-30k were purely on personal expereince of people I know. My own mum for example bought her first house off of maggie thatchers governemnt for 30k punds 18 years ago, she then moved with the boom & after 4 house moves is now mortgage free in a £400k+ house. All down to being in the market at the right time & being smart enough to move with the market. First time buyers now as basically screwed but the government is looking into building more shared ownership places.

Every person she knows of her era who brought at the same time or before are all in the enviable position of having houses worth multiple times their income. My mum has only ever been a low income earner but worked 3 jobs when we were kids to afford to own her own home. Others like Rinrada said, decided to stick with renting so don't get the benefit but from watching all the shows on UK tv about people moving abroad, 99% of them use the equity from their UK homes to fund the move. :o

Spot on Boo

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Recon Boo is about right on this one and certainly most people in my/similar position thought that the idea of paying £20-30k for a HOUSE was absolutely crazy (20-30 years ago)....dont forget wages were in shillings per hour (12 p= 1 shilling with 20 =£1 )

WOT all that money just for a place to stay in...eh... not me mate I would prefer to rent ...yeah Cancil mate canci....

I think you are woefully way off the mark here, 20 years ago I was working in the north of england and earning £900 per month I could have bought a house then from as little as £5000 believe it or not, but a decent place would have been £12-15000. Fast forward twenty years and that same job is paying less than twice what it was about £1500 month and those very same houses are going for over £100, 000...

The housing boom was great for those that could and did buy, but for those who for whatever reason thought it was wrong for them, the housing boom was a disaster, as they are now facing an impossible task if they wanted to buy. I guess maybe a lot of these people feel at least they may be able to have some better life somewhere else, somewhere they can afford to buy.

Got me thinking.........Right......

1967....Apprentice Spark...Shipyard- Clydeside.. £5 a week....

1977... Saudi Arabia working for Al Salamis ..... £100 a week......

1987....London Hotel...................................... £300 a week.........

1997....Viet Nam......Gov........($1000)[email protected].. £550 a week...........

2007....Cansil Mate-Cansil.London.................. £900 a week............

and only ever bought 2 houses..in UK

1977...Liverpool Kensington...... £6,000...sold 3 years later £ 9500....

1985.. London .........................£24,000........................Now...???

Houses/Condos/Lands/Businesses etc...in....Bangkok-Samut P -Hua H-Chiang Mai ...plus others in LOS ..Wifes.... and MKO JAI/.MPRAI....

This is about NORMAL...Yeah......

In fact probably below but life is OK.....

so apart from a few other little places in between.........

Its All Relative..... :o

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As everyone has discussed and knows, there are loads of reasons why people are moving abroad from the UK. I believe one of the reasons why the UK is slowly going down the pan is the younger generations lack of repsect. I know this sounds old fashioned but I feel really strongly about this.

While I was at secondary school (93-98) studying 'History' I struggle to remember being taught about WWI & WWII. Now I can understand why the government may be concerned about promoting tension toward Germany, even though Today's Germany and Nazi Germany are a million miles apart.

But what I'm trying to say is, I believe one of the main reasons why today's kids don't have respect for their elders and country is partly down to not being taught about the wars. I can't imagine how upset and angry a war veteran is seeing the current state of the country that they laid and gave their lives for. Looking at the current state of the majority if the younger generation with all the ASBOs being handed out that its only going to get worse with each generation until they are taught about valuing their country and being proud of it.

So how on earth is our country going to get better when its left in the hands of people who don't respect it in the first place.

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GH you really have got a hard on for yourself, please keep holding your baited breath and do us all a favor.

The figures are at the bottom of the report.

You're a prick. :o

A well laid out and writen counter to what you had writen and that is your reply? Further more you were complaining about other people resorting to personal attacks only a few posts ago.

Your reply says far more about you than it does about GuestHouse, now thats a fact you cant argue.

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