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Thai govt gives go-ahead to buy Chinese submarine and tanks


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22 hours ago, webfact said:

China was the first major power to acknowledge Thailand's ruling junta following a 2014 coup

Similar style governments so I can understand this. China is doing all it can to cozy up to Asian nations be it political or financial. The world will eventually form about 4 power blocks. 

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no benefit?

the maps of Thailand should show it on the right, not center.

with the words ****Bay**** of ****Bengal**** in the center.

and Dhaka and India on the left.

it's always about ****people****.  and no matter what the political nonsense is currently.... military scenario planners are ****not**** in denial about stuff such as the conflagration unfolding in Chile ****today**** nor the recent few weeks the crack in Larsen C has grown.... as well as all the other stuff related to that topic.  

having capabilities is a good thing, even if you never use them.

scenario planning here doesn't just involve the Gulf of Thailand.  


Edited by maewang99
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35 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

no benefit?

the maps of Thailand should show it on the right, not center.

with the words ****Bay**** of ****Bengal**** in the center.

and Dhaka and India on the left.

it's always about ****people****.  and no matter what the political nonsense is currently.... military scenario planners are ****not**** in denial about stuff such as the conflagration unfolding in Chile ****today**** nor the recent few weeks the crack in Larsen C has grown.... as well as all the other stuff related to that topic.  

having capabilities is a good thing, even if you never use them.

scenario planning here doesn't just involve the Gulf of Thailand. 

Your point is a reasonable one if only the decisions were made by an elected government that was not reliant on martial law and corrosion to govern. 

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As with High Speed Railways and Aircraft Carriers they have not the faintest idea what sort of support systems are needed for a 'Fleet', or what the costs for such requirements are likely to be amortised over say....25 or even 40 years.


All Naval Vessels need regular refits at about five year or so intervals and the ongoing costs just cannot be justified when the country doesn't need Submarines for any practical purpose other than to give 'Big Face' to a few Admirals for a short period of time until they become bored with their new toys.


This country just looks sillier with every day that passes when you consider that only 1.4% of it's 'educated' souls can be regarded as reasonably equipped for brain power.  This being the case would there ever be enough people intelligent enough to be set loose in the Worlds Ocean's with a Submarine ?    Laughable !

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4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Will they never learn,I remember the last time they bought Chinese

tanks,and they developed cracks ,so unless the quality has greatly

improved, they will end up,been parked up somewhere,along with

the Blimp,Bomb detectors,the Aircraft carrier without planes,and

I suspect a whole load of other useless stuff that has been bought

at great expense in the name of National security.

regards worgeordie

One of the men working on my house told the wife when he was in the army they were sent on Laos  patrol at night to search for drug smugglers with no ammo in their guns.i think they had to shout bang bang if they spotted a smuggler.100% true.he said he was a nervous wreck when he got out.

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