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Meeting Thai Girls Online


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16 hours ago, JaySonic said:

Where in my opening post did I say I was looking for BKK girls to have sex with? 


More assumptions made about me. You must be quite a guy to know my intentions when I dont even state them !


you have just shown how naive you are.


ok, let me explain. when a thai female speaks english and refers to having 'fun' they are referring to sex.


obviously everyone want to have fun (enjoyment) on a date but not every thai female wants to have fun (sex) on a date.


the fact that you don't understand this nuance speaks volumes about you.



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15 hours ago, JaySonic said:

I dont know about the percentages, but the girls I am chatting to have good, regular jobs. 


It kinda wastes MY time if I am talking to freelance sex workers, since Im not looking for sex


Its very presumtious to assume so many Thai girls are in the game. Its actually borderline racist. Online dating is common all over the world... would you say the same about US or UK site members? 

ive been doing the internet dating think for years, the sex is a given, ive met all sorts on the net, old, young, ladies with high powered jobs and had sex with 95% all within 20 minutes. i think its just Thai way to make man happy. im always very happy.:smile:

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6 hours ago, JaySonic said:

Half the fun of Thaifriendly is shortlisting. I told one she was being very forward in wanting to meet, to which she replied that conversation is a waste of time, she is in property development, would just rather meet as its a dating site.


So with great personal satisfaction, I blocked her. But not before having the courtesty to tell her why:


"To be honest, youre personality is too agressive. Thanks for the contact, but I dont think we are compatible minds. Plus I always have a mistrust of people in the property game. I wish you all the best. "


Goddamn real estate cougars. NEXT


PS: I Think she was just looking for quick, NSA free sex. As many career women do. Sorry, but I will not be objectified for simply having a functioning pen!s. I am not a piece of meat, but a human being. 



sure you can try to to encourage some degree of courteous, respectful, rational (!) behaviour  in these women.


unfortunately you cant make a silk purse from a sow's ear.


and as i calmly and politely tell them; it's their loss.

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15 hours ago, Ulic said:

Actually 1,500 and they usually stay for 2-3 hours and are very keen to return.

One way or another a guy pays and P4P is the cheapest punani you will ever get.

Time, doing things you don't want to do, gifts, divorce, that house in Issan,  monthly

stipend to Mum and Dad. To each his own but one way or another, you pay. :tongue:


yup many 'sideliners' and 1500 for 2/3 hours is what I pay too... why not?  it's an exchange and I love changing and experiencing new pooying. I make it clear I don't want a GF  (and don't have a GF) . relax, have fun, who needs all that serious stuff anyway. BTW I also get 'free' too but prefer to pay something so the lines are clear. Thaifriendly and Badoo have been good to me over the years   :w00t:


Carpe Diem

Edited by LannaGuy
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:cheesy::cheesy::clap2: Oh JaySonic,you are a silly man.It just proves that when you find that you are on the losing side of a topic conversation,how quickly you bring out the old lady boy accusation.Its ok, a lot pf people are like you.Cant think of any thing else to say,so bring in the old ladyboy thing.I could say the same about you.How do we know that you arent talking to LB's on line. But just to put your childish,naive mind at rest.We had 2 bars in Patts over 5 years,and my wife and i employed a few.They were loyal,protective and downright honest. Yes! i do like ladyboys as friends and we still see them when we visit Patts.Your remarks only prove to me how little you know about these people,andthe role they have played in the history of Thailand.You seem to think that theyve only just arrived here.So,my little man,go on your merry way,where you converse with the virtual,and not the actual.

Now go play outside while i do something far more interesting than talking to you,i have some paint to watch drying.:cheesy::cheesy:

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Thai Friendly is loaded with gold diggers and ex prostitutes and on and off but currently working prostitutes and women looking for sugar daddies and girls who make like they are Hi-So girls but they are not and girls who post photos of themselves from 10 years ago when they where 19 and looked great but now they are 29 and do not look very attractive any longer and 2 kids in tow and plenty of bar girls and lady boys in disguise to be found amongst the percent of girls that are office workers or factory workers and occasionally a Higher-So So  girl and often enough student girls and university girls looking for something different.

Basically you just have to go with the flow while realising that many of them do not really have much to say or offer while most of them can not speak English or hardly at all really while many of them have dated dozens of foreigners and they are great company and fun to be with and if they like you then they will be your lover on the first date or within a week of dating ( as in, they also like sex ).......while the whole Gamut of girls exist with the exception of real, certified and genuine or proven Hi-Society girls or women.

All in good fun of course while you just have to weed out the ones that you do not click with while they will be weeding you out also.

Meantime you can line up an endless parade of Thai women to have dates with through Thai Friendly and or several other Thai based website dating sites.....Wah-Hoo

And that...is all I have to say about that ...lol


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23 hours ago, samsensam said:


you have just shown how naive you are.


ok, let me explain. when a thai female speaks english and refers to having 'fun' they are referring to sex.


obviously everyone want to have fun (enjoyment) on a date but not every thai female wants to have fun (sex) on a date.


the fact that you don't understand this nuance speaks volumes about you.



I'm learning so much from you, oh wise one. 

I have no idea how I've managed to drift through life up to this moment without your sage advice. Who would have thought that 'fun' meant 'sex' in the context of the delivery? AMAZING LEARNING CURVE I'M RIDING TODAY ! 

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21 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

bring in the old ladyboy thing.I could say the same about you.How do we know that you arent talking to LB's on line.

Um, I *am* a ladyboy. Does that clear things up? I'll bet you're feeling pretty silly right now 


And do u wanna meet for coffee next week, handsum man? 

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Jay Sonic

You are indeed a very presumptuous,naive,immature, person if you believe your comments have made me 'feel silly, suggest that you grow up somewhat and remember that you are in an adults world.I have no intention of bandying words with one such as you.Are you actually in Thailand? or are you a wannabe?You need to go out into the real world,beyond the computer.I get the idea,from your user name,that you are still playing games in arcades and tying to beat the 'Pin Ball Wizard' Reading your reply also tells me that you are a troll that exists only to try and bate posters with your silly replies.

NOW,read this and understand.

I will no longer answer  your immature comments,i have far better things to do in adult world.You are without doubt a very silly,insignificant person with insecurity and praturity gland problems.This conversation is now at an end.You will get no more replies from me,and by tomorrow you will be just a child posting sillyness,and i think that the other posters on here will see that too.

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On ‎27‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 4:45 PM, JaySonic said:

Comments like this are a little foolish. There is nothing negative about my preferences in venues. If you wish to frequent classy bars with all the other tossers, Then so be it.  For me, it simply isnt my style. Its not about the money, its about the pomposity, of which I have no time for. I have very open pockets when i travel, and I share my money very liberally... but that doesnt mean I should go to some bar full of arrogant wannabe's. Nor do I wish to dress like Im the crown prince. 

really, your swipe at me here is pointless and redundant. If you wish to fantasise that yourr James Bond and go to w@nky cocktail bars, then more power to you. I'll be down the road happily shooting pool with a local guy or girl and loading the jukebox with vintage rock music. 

Edited by ChangMaiSausage
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If you prefer 'grimy old bars with Character' then Bangkok is the place to be - not all chicks that go to the bars are hookers, most all have day jobs as well, not al all uncomon to hook up and find out they might be put off if you offer them money, its happened to me. so visit the Entertainment sections and have fun.

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On 27/01/2017 at 9:05 PM, JaySonic said:

Finally ! Someone who understands me . We should hang out in BKK for a bro date. Hope you play pool and like drinking Chang from the bottle

How many straws will you fit in that bottle?

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