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The OP is doomed because regardless of how good the monks 'home cleansing' is and regardless of who paid for it and how much, once the house is finished and they move in, anything from the high electric bill, the rice going off overnight, the chickens not laying and the brother-in-laws motorbike accident (in another province) will be directly attributed to this act of illicit procreation and another temple will be solicited to supply another troupe of monks for another cleansing.

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Not a huge deal, if they aren't doing it in your house then they will be doing it in the random huts spread out over the village...lets just be thankful they did it in the house and not her school at lunchtime. Obviously age is a factor here, but if it wasn't then maybe if Thai just let the boyfriend sleep over in the house (same room) then their daughters wouldn't be running around having fun in public.


Thais are quite serious about a new house. Was at one party for the blessing of the house. The monks came and did their thing. And all the neighbors came with food and drink and with entertainment. White string around the house. Once the house was blessed the owners can move in but not before. This why the wife is so upset.


39 minutes ago, Beats56 said:

Thais are quite serious about a new house. Was at one party for the blessing of the house. The monks came and did their thing. And all the neighbors came with food and drink and with entertainment. White string around the house. Once the house was blessed the owners can move in but not before. This why the wife is so upset.


Not forgetting you have to sleep in the house on the first 3 days after blessing. Three days on the floor for me. Bedroom furniture and 3 piece suite ordered for three days latter me thinking we could stay in condo we rented for build. Lol slight miss communication between me and the mrs ( she did say something about it I chosenot to listen correctly.) Didn't tell her that though.

On 29/01/2017 at 0:20 AM, BEDBANDIT said:

Well shes rung me again to inform there a meeting in the morning with village boss and families to discuss how much this poor girl virginity is worth ..

I've found the whole situation amusing and i'm not really bothered what happens as long it dont cost me cash...but i know it will



Exactly, its just another scam to get money from us farangs.

She won't get no compensation from the youngsters families and why should she.

On 29/01/2017 at 0:20 AM, BEDBANDIT said:

Well shes rung me again to inform there a meeting in the morning with village boss and families to discuss how much this poor girl virginity is worth ..

I've found the whole situation amusing and i'm not really bothered what happens as long it dont cost me cash...but i know it will


This reminds me of the saying "A fool and his money are soon parted."  It is surely up to you whether this applies to you or not.

  • 2 months later...

What makes me laugh is that not so long ago, the women in this country used to walk around topless, and they were fornicating in the fields, at every given chance. At least this couple had the decency to find a sheltered accommodation, for their evening tryste. Its all posturing by the aggrieved mother of the girl. Its all a load of old crap. trying to get a few quid at any way they can.Its just another RomeoAnd Juliet story, only this time, the Montague's and Capulets want dosh and not death. As the other op said '"This too shall pass"

On 1/29/2017 at 9:11 AM, finy said:

How would you like to live on top of a graveyard?


If the lad shot his load into the ground there are millions of dead sperm everywhere.


This is a very big deal, the house is haunted.

The graveyard parts hilarious, imagine how many other animals insects  worms people have died on that exact spot over the millenia..............funny ( although continents  drift so??)  yet not a "frightened" thought is  given to that.............pah nonsense irrational thoughts

Id have no qualms  living on a graveyard probably get  bloody  good  soil


"Wifey" rung up the OP. So he is not on location. Even if he were on location, without speaking fluent Thai, he would still have to rely on comments coming from "wifey".

Could it be (a revolutionary thought), that "wifey" is using this occurance to extract an additional amout of money from "hubby", on top of the regular monthly allowance? Especially in a time, where the usual "sick Buffalo" story doesn't wash anymore?

But on second thaught, no! Thai "wifeys" just don't do things like that. It would be a first.


Unless there is some physical evidence of the couple in question having had a shag there, how would the OP or his wife know?

Unless there is some physical evidence of the couple in question having had a shag there, how would the OP or his wife know?

What would satisfy you?,:a pair of Alan whickers left on the floor, or maybe a used condom?Or maybe just a stain on the floor were he's fired his man fat...

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33 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

Unless there is some physical evidence of the couple in question having had a shag there, how would the OP or his wife know?

I heard she was a virgin so think of a crime scene and you may be onto something.

  • 3 weeks later...

Typical scam. Young girl sleeps with older guy then tells Daddie the next day.


A girl in our village has done it to 3 different guys. My GFs cousin had to pay 30k otherwise police involved (under 18, no parental consent = illegal).


This has nothing to do with the OPs house, except wifey has hatched a plan to extract cash from him to pay for the blessing. 


It'll be 6 monks + the abbott. 500 per monk and 2000 for the abbott. This will have to happen 3 times in one week.


My next door neighbour crashed her car into her house (remarkable considering the house is 20m from the road). She had to get a string of monks over, multiple times to clear out the bad luck. Don't know "exactly" how much each monk cost. It varies.



Typical scam. Young girl sleeps with older guy then tells Daddie the next day.
A girl in our village has done it to 3 different guys. My GFs cousin had to pay 30k otherwise police involved (under 18, no parental consent = illegal).
This has nothing to do with the OPs house, except wifey has hatched a plan to extract cash from him to pay for the blessing. 
It'll be 6 monks + the abbott. 500 per monk and 2000 for the abbott. This will have to happen 3 times in one week.
My next door neighbour crashed her car into her house (remarkable considering the house is 20m from the road). She had to get a string of monks over, multiple times to clear out the bad luck. Don't know "exactly" how much each monk cost. It varies.

Bet that was an interesting insurance claim form!

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Watch it...I guarantee that, among the villagers, there's at LEAST one Thai who believes that 1) if you had never come to Thailand, that house would never have been built, in which case 2) those kids would never have had sex in it, therefore 3) you should be financially responsible for the child (if any) produced from their coupling.


Go ahead and laugh (and yes, I'm joking here), but this is not that far off from some Thais' justification of why the farang is ALWAYS the one responsible in any road accident involving a vehicle he's in (even if he was just the passenger in a taxi, for instance)...

Watch it...I guarantee that, among the villagers, there's at LEAST one Thai who believes that 1) if you had never come to Thailand, that house would never have been built, in which case 2) those kids would never have had sex in it, therefore 3) you should be financially responsible for the child (if any) produced from their coupling.
Go ahead and laugh (and yes, I'm joking here), but this is not that far off from some Thais' justification of why the farang is ALWAYS the one responsible in any road accident involving a vehicle he's in (even if he was just the passenger in a taxi, for instance)...

Sad but true

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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