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Murdered over 20 baht - security guard dead because co-worker needed his lunch


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3 hours ago, SoFarAndNear said:

Damn, what is going on the last few months. Record tourist deaths, record deaths on the road, every few days a crazy killing story like this here.

I just think BP and the Nation are reporting more lately due to restrictions....the murder rates are always high here!

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43 minutes ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

... i believe most Thais cannot reason or debate.

What do you expect them where to learn it? In school? At home? From the soaps? From the "powers that are"?
If it wouldn't be so sad ...

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16 hours ago, SoFarAndNear said:

Damn, what is going on the last few months. Record tourist deaths, record deaths on the road, every few days a crazy killing story like this here.

Yes, crazy. RIP. Sad, to say the least.

Want to see real crazy, just wait until Americans can't get their money out of U.S. banks, by design, not accident, and start starving.

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58 minutes ago, Lupatria said:

Murderous inflation in the price of human lives here. I gave up on hope they will ever grow up and develop civilized behavior. 


Like this type of incident doesn't happen everywhere?  Someone in the UK a few years back stabbed someone 11 times in the back of the head because he wouldn't give him a bite of his saveloy sausage, he was even offered a chip but he just wanted the sausage.

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As I have said before: If you could have a look at the daily or weekly or monthly police reports and criminal incidents reports you would learn that this sort of crazy thing is not uncommon .

We simply do not hear about ALL the incidents ...and if you did you would really have second thoughts about staying here ...especially if you were to digest all the gruesome details.

When I first came to Thailand and started living here full time back in 1987 I remember nearly all the newspaper and magazine stands on the street had the usual array of information and news print and magazines to purchase along with several separate publication that covered the police and crime activities throughout the country,  printed and published on a weekly basis

Often I would have a look at the various police and crime magazines and see page after page of gruesome death reports and murders and  deadlyroad accident photos and crime scene instigation reports while the owner of the magazine stand would gladly explain to me the details, all written in Thai of course, while I was trying to learn and understand Thai.

Hit man killings and rival business men killing one another......... Wife murders husband .....Husband murders wife....Husband murders lover of wife ...Wife murders lover of husband..... Shoot outs and killings between gangs......Shoot outs between gangs and police .......Drunken brawls turned violent with knifes or bottles or machetes or guns used and all too often....Dead bodies found in the rice fields and abandoned building sites and irrigation canals and the side of the road and just dumped off.........Revenge killings and revenge attacks...Arson ...Plenty of suicides also.......Plenty of robberies and robberies with assault ....Lots and lots of rape cases and wife beating cases and child abuse cases.....Drug trafficking arrests and weapons cache seizures........Brothels being raided and sex clubs being shut down...... and what ever constitutes a crime worthy of publishing in their police and crime magazines while commonly the different magazines would have the same story ...but additional photos and not seen in the other publications.  

Then I did not see them being sold after several years along with the soft porn girly magazines that had photos of semi nude girls and always included contact numbers with the girls photos....and long before cell phones.

Maybe they still publish them but I have not seen them or obviously on display like I used to.

The police and crime report magazines made me realize that the Thais are just as screwed up as everyone while they do not have the meaning of life figured out any better than the rest of the people, while outsiders seem to think the whole nation is at peace with itself...or at least the illusion that is cast.



Edited by gemguy
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1 hour ago, thooktong said:

I remembered 2 years ago in an Isan family, as I was amazed to see two women fighting for sip bath (10 baths only) :sad:.

I decided to give them the 10 baths and after they stopped fighting and were even laughing !

Even 10 bath can be precious money for some women in thailand at some moment !:shock1:

It's probably not the money, more the need to avoid loss of face.


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2 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

Farangs remember :


Learn to wai your a** off.


No eye contact.

No alpha wolf or A type personality allowed.

20 baht is a lot of money for some Thais.

Cheap knives break off in a murderous rage.

Be extra careful around Thai men with low blood sugar levels.






 Listening to your advice it seems to be better to stay at home and build a snowwoman. :post-4641-1156694083:


 P.S. calling members here Farangs is an insult. Not if you're Thai, of course. 

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1 hour ago, hobz said:

Why are these people so poor and hungry? don't they get paid? No wonder people in thailand sell their bodies for money... they just can't manage living on a low paying salary (because it's too low and because they don't know how to manage money) and they can't afford an education that would give them a better job.

Sure wouldn't want to pay  Attanan for his body (Just relating your quote into the original article.)

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1 hour ago, hobz said:

Why are these people so poor and hungry? don't they get paid? No wonder people in thailand sell their bodies for money... they just can't manage living on a low paying salary (because it's too low and because they don't know how to manage money) and they can't afford an education that would give them a better job.


All the security guards I've seen on the estates inc mine are lazy useless slobs, they don't deserve a salary, just eat and watch tv, and I don't mean cctv.

Not forgetting a good stabbing during the boredom.

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First it was murder for an iPhone.
Then it was for 3000 Bath.
After that for a hai cut.
Now it´s for 20 Bath.


Actually after that one person has been murdered for not cleaning his plate after eating. (Coming soon to TV)

What´s next? Take a wild guess and give me some funny ideas!

My personal guess is having to long toe nails.

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6 minutes ago, Get Real said:

First it was murder for an iPhone.
Then it was for 3000 Bath.
After that for a hai cut.
Now it´s for 20 Bath.


Actually after that one person has been murdered for not cleaning his plate after eating. (Coming soon to TV)

What´s next? Take a wild guess and give me some funny ideas!

My personal guess is having to long toe nails.

I bet the next one will be for not 'liking' someones profile pic on facebook .. "He did not like my profile pic, i waited 10 minutes and still no like, so i took the knife and cut out his heart and posted on facebook, it got many likes"

Edited by hobz
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13 minutes ago, twizzian said:


All the security guards I've seen on the estates inc mine are lazy useless slobs, they don't deserve a salary, just eat and watch tv, and I don't mean cctv.

Not forgetting a good stabbing during the boredom.


I'm rather fond of the guys who work security at my apartment complex in BKK. 

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8 minutes ago, hobz said:

I bet the next one will be for not 'liking' someones profile pic on facebook .. "He did not like my profile pic, i waited 10 minutes and still no like, so i took the knife and cut out his heart and posted on facebook, it got many likes"



   You mean farcebook, right? 

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4 hours ago, SoFarAndNear said:

Damn, what is going on the last few months. Record tourist deaths, record deaths on the road, every few days a crazy killing story like this here.


IMO..I think it has been the slow build up of overall stress that has been accumulating throughout the country and integrating into a cultural norm at a warp speed...That being said, it is also my opinion that the culture in general isn't prepared to accept nor handle the onslaught of it...They can't keep up with the direction life around them is moving....Then there are other factors that come into play such as drugs personal pressures at home, whatever...The  current life of the land is moving faster than their minds can comprehend...haven't been educated in how to deal with things that most people in the west have known about for generations..Thus they snap and react in neanderthalistic ways.


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2 hours ago, thooktong said:

I remembered 2 years ago in an Isan family, as I was amazed to see two women fighting for sip bath (10 baths only) :sad:.

I decided to give them the 10 baths and after they stopped fighting and were even laughing !

Even 10 bath can be precious money for some women in thailand at some moment !:shock1:

They must of been very clean after giving them 10 baths!!!:cheesy::cheesy:

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Most (not all, but MOST) Thais lack the ability to debate without things turning violent. They simply never learnt it in school and also get their "education" from Thai TV-Dramas, where conflicts are most often solved violently. It also does not help, that the culture says "Smile", even if someone takes you hard in the A.s... Constantly avoiding conflicts, makes people uncomfortable when they occur and for Thais it means using violence to resolve the issue.


Take an uneducated Thai-man like this guy in the news story. Stupid as <deleted> and with absolutely debat-skills, but fully aware that he must not "lose face" no matter what. Inside he is basically only like an 10 year old. Push him in a corner and only thing he can do is turn violent, regardless of what the issue is about. This also goes for many Thai-women, who also keep it "primitive" when facing challenges or conflict. Every tried to have a real deep and constructive debate with a Thai-woman?... Not many of them are able to. Not even the educated ones. 


Personally, I love this country and also its people. But I will never get too close to anyone else than my family here. I have seen too many times, what kind of "drama" these people can make of something anyone else in the world would consider just a simple disagreement.


Besides that I think Thais are great people as long as we all smile and talk about simple things, that can not result in a conflict of any kind. Meaning the best subjects are about food.. e.g. if anyone is hungry and what we had for dinner last night. 


Thai-Culture on the other hand, also has its benefit. E.g. I hardly never argue with my Thai-wife... Why? Well, simply because she finds it to difficult to handle and I know that she will end up killing me, if I insist on debating her :-) So conflicts are easily resolved with out much talk. I love that!




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1 hour ago, hobz said:

I bet the next one will be for not 'liking' someones profile pic on facebook .. "He did not like my profile pic, i waited 10 minutes and still no like, so i took the knife and cut out his heart and posted on facebook, it got many likes"

Where can I vote? LOL

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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

First it was murder for an iPhone.
Then it was for 3000 Bath.
After that for a hai cut.
Now it´s for 20 Bath.


Actually after that one person has been murdered for not cleaning his plate after eating. (Coming soon to TV)

What´s next? Take a wild guess and give me some funny ideas!

My personal guess is having to long toe nails.

Did anyone else look at their feet when they read this?  ;D

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