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Guest upset after wedded couple return her 200 baht cash gift


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On 1/30/2017 at 8:50 PM, kkerry said:


Plenty of upcountry weddings where a one or two hundred baht gift would be the norm from many of the guests. It's a days income for some people.

I agree up to now we put one hundred , just started putting two hundred this year. That's for a village wedding not them nasty ones held in a big hotel ,I try and avoid them.

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18 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:


OK, but in the UK a gift of only 4 pounds would represent about 50% of the minimum wage FOR ONE HOUR and could possibly be regarded as insulting, whereas a gift of 200 baht in Thailand represents 67% of ONE DAY'S wage for many people.


The bride's action was unnecessary and insulting and suggests something unfavourable about her character.   The gift probably was not insulting at all, depending on the giver's financial circumstances.

you missed the point. I had already pointed out that if it was a village wedding, attended by Thais who earn your 300 baht a day, it is entirely understandable and even 100 baht would be acceptable (did you read my posts?) BUT if it were an 'up-market city' wedding it was a low sum.  Well-to-do Thais don't earn 300 baht a day just as I and you did not earn 8 pounds an hour.  Anyway, as I said before, it was ungracious and impolite we agree on that but so was the posting on FB which just shows the vindictive nature of some Thais.

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