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UK: More than a million sign petition for Trump state visit to be cancelled


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22 hours ago, yogi100 said:


There are still at least 62 million people in the UK, that's the vast majority of the population who would appear quite happy to welcome Trump when he comes to the UK.


And it's back to the basic arithmetic books for you.

Let me get this straight. People who didn't sign the petition, including toddlers, are assumed by you to be "happy to welcome Trump"?


My assumption is that people who didn't sign are just the passive-aggressive types who will simply fold their arms and look sullen when Trump arrives.


The massive interest in the petition has forced Parliament to debate the invitation. You can watch the debate lives on Feb 20 at Parliamentlive.tv


The number of signatories is now over 1.8M



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33 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

No chance this guy will have at least 10 eggs on his face and the police will do nothing because it's more than expected. 

Where'd you get your crystal ball from? Or is this more wishful thinking from the left-wing loonies.

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15 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:

Where'd you get your crystal ball from? Or is this more wishful thinking from the left-wing loonies.

No mate that's just the UK for you. When a few cause a ruck a mass will follow and regardless he's a ginger so he's f ucked.nothing g else to do is there.

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On Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 11:10 AM, 348GTS said:


You've clearly been drinking too much of the liberal mainstream media Koolaid. The fact that you mention Breitbart (thereby implying it is somehow not a valid news source because it doesn't support your brainwashed leftist views), is evidence enough. I am not going to waste time being drawn into a debate about the debunked handicapped reporter and grabbing women nonsense, other than to point out that he was making an offhand comment about what men could get away with as celebrities and he never said he did that or would do it. The fact that the anti Trump brigade keep bringing up something he said 12 years ago is kinda desperate anyway. As I did say before, islam is not a race therefore the previous poster's comment was not racist by definition. The myth that Trump is a racist, misogynist, homophobe, etc is just nonsense used by the Clinton campaign and it's PR arm the mainstream media to discredit him in order to win an election. Which they lost by the way. So that didn't work. I guess the next best thing is to now accuse and label all those who voted for him of being the same. Sad and predictable !!

One thing I believe paved the way for someone like Trump is the widespread believed myth that sometime back in the 70s there was a clandestine meeting of "soft liberals" or leftwinged polititians (many variation of this myth) that made a conspiracy to open up the borders for mass Immigration , steal our jobs and corrupt our values etc.The unspoken message here is that we  are calling for a hard insensitive leader who live in the "real world" to put things right again.Now we seem to have gotten one in Trump.

The boring fact is that no political party ever had/ will have the power to stop historic developments like mass transportation , the effects of information technology, corporation seeking more profits by sourcing out and so on.The only political  parties that has openly supported lasseiz faire (no government interference in nothing) is far right market liberalistisk parties (and I have never heard anybody blame them for the current state of our world.)

History show us how dangerous it is to try to stop the tide of world development by trying to turn back time.Then you usually end up with regimes that are much bigger problems than the initial problems they tried to remedy.


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Comment in The Times


"Trump and Brexit attract support from the intellectually underpowered and the ethically under-squeamish. Why should the Queen have to be associated with populist nonsense?"




Edited by Grouse
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12 hours ago, Pauhi said:

widespread believed myth that sometime back in the 70s there was a clandestine meeting

Well, that's one "widespread believed myth" that I never heard of.


What "paved the way" for Trump were the policies of useless POTUS called Obama.


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10 hours ago, Grouse said:

It's the chavs that are clamouring for him.

Probably the Russians as well :wink:  I wonder how many times Igor at the Kremlin has registered.




You must feel so proud of yourself now. You are officially a Trump supporter. Please display your screen shot so proudly when this maniac kicks off the next major conflict.

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7 hours ago, Grouse said:

Comment in The Times


"Trump and Brexit attract support from the intellectually underpowered and the ethically under-squeamish. Why should the Queen have to be associated with populist nonsense?"


More butthurt liberal propaganda written by sore losers desperately trying to come to terms with the fact that they lost a referendum in the UK and an election in the US. And hopefully the next elections in France, Netherlands, Italy etc. I see lately they're trying to attach negative connotations to the word 'populist'. Rather than look inwardly at their own failed policies for the reasons they lost, they insult those who voted against their agenda. Typical liberal MO in other words.

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3 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


More butthurt liberal propaganda written by sore losers desperately trying to come to terms with the fact that they lost a referendum in the UK and an election in the US. And hopefully the next elections in France, Netherlands, Italy etc. I see lately they're trying to attach negative connotations to the word 'populist'. Rather than look inwardly at their own failed policies for the reasons they lost, they insult those who voted against their agenda. Typical liberal MO in other words.

It is nothing to do with being 'sore losers' that is the butthead comment! This is now about commenting on his performance. His current day to day way of operating, which is frankly disgraceful. Nothing to do with Clinton or Liberals or Democrats. Trumps behaviour is now the focal point and it (his behaviour) is disgraceful.

Edited by Andaman Al
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More butthurt liberal propaganda written by sore losers desperately trying to come to terms with the fact that they lost a referendum in the UK and an election in the US. And hopefully the next elections in France, Netherlands, Italy etc. I see lately they're trying to attach negative connotations to the word 'populist'. Rather than look inwardly at their own failed policies for the reasons they lost, they insult those who voted against their agenda. Typical liberal MO in other words.

Negative connotation to populist? Chavez comes to mind.
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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

It is nothing to do with being 'sore losers' that is the butthead comment! This is now about commenting on his performance. His current day to day way of operating, which is frankly disgraceful. Nothing to do with Clinton or Liberals or Democrats. Trumps behaviour is now the focal point and it (his behaviour) is disgraceful.


Come on, it has everything to do with it. This has nothing to do with "Trump's behaviour". The quote says and I quote (lol) "Trump and Brexit attract support from the intellectually underpowered" - that is just a nice way of saying only stupid people voted for Trump and to leave the EU. All the whiny sore loser liberals do is insult people who don't agree with their misguided agenda. Trump's "disgraceful" behaviour is a matter of perspective, his supporters and the people who voted for him don't agree with your assertion I'm afraid. The insult in that Times quote is more offensive and disgraceful than anything Trump has ever said or done.

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23 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


Come on, it has everything to do with it. This has nothing to do with "Trump's behaviour". The quote says and I quote (lol) "Trump and Brexit attract support from the intellectually underpowered" - that is just a nice way of saying only stupid people voted for Trump and to leave the EU. All the whiny sore loser liberals do is insult people who don't agree with their misguided agenda. Trump's "disgraceful" behaviour is a matter of perspective, his supporters and the people who voted for him don't agree with your assertion I'm afraid. The insult in that Times quote is more offensive and disgraceful than anything Trump has ever said or done.

I never said a word


The Times is a Murdoch rag ?

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I think you need to resynchronise  your moral compass, it is drifting badly. 


My moral compass is just fine thanks. However I don't allow my views on reality to be influenced by the lies and mass hysteria peddled out by the corrupt biased mainstream media, particularly when it comes to the anti Brexit and anti Trump issues.

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54 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


Come on, it has everything to do with it. This has nothing to do with "Trump's behaviour". The quote says and I quote (lol) "Trump and Brexit attract support from the intellectually underpowered" - that is just a nice way of saying only stupid people voted for Trump and to leave the EU. All the whiny sore loser liberals do is insult people who don't agree with their misguided agenda. Trump's "disgraceful" behaviour is a matter of perspective, his supporters and the people who voted for him don't agree with your assertion I'm afraid. The insult in that Times quote is more offensive and disgraceful than anything Trump has ever said or done.

Even as I disagree with you, I cannot deny that you write intelligently and coherently. I respect that. And I agree that Liberals' criticisms of Trump supporters (as opposed to Trump himself—as a public figure, he is fair game) do often contain good sprinklings of superiority (sometimes warranted) and snobbishness.


Having said that...


I invite you to read the transcript (or watch the short video) of Trump's Black History Month speech. Compare it to HW Bush's speech. It is supposed to be about BHM, but Trump references himself at least 17 times in the short speech. It is a fairly inane speech that even a middle schooler would be embarrassed by.


Ask yourself honestly whether this self-obsessed man-child should even be in charge of a weekend barbie, let alone the world's richest, most heavily militarized nuclear-powered country.


If this manifestly  unqualified "leader" gives you a boner rather than a chill, you need to really examine whether your delight at Liberals' endless hand-wringing over him is worth the risk he poses to both democracy and peace.




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11 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Even as I disagree with you, I cannot deny that you write intelligently and coherently. I respect that. And I agree that Liberals' criticisms of Trump supporters (as opposed to Trump himself—as a public figure, he is fair game) do often contain good sprinklings of superiority (sometimes warranted) and snobbishness.


Having said that...


I invite you to read the transcript (or watch the short video) of Trump's Black History Month speech. Compare it to HW Bush's speech. It is supposed to be about BHM, but Trump references himself at least 17 times in the short speech. It is a fairly inane speech that even a middle schooler would be embarrassed by.


Ask yourself honestly whether this self-obsessed man-child should even be in charge of a weekend barbie, let alone the world's richest, most heavily militarized nuclear-powered country.


If this manifestly  unqualified "leader" gives you a boner rather than a chill, you need to really examine whether your delight at Liberals' endless hand-wringing over him is worth the risk he poses to both democracy and peace.





I hear you, but the thing about Trump is that is not a politician. People have their heads in a twist because they have bought in to the concept that a president has to be a politician, and that's just not the case, and this is what people need to deal with. It is time for something different, and now they have it whether they like it or not. Trump in many ways is the antithesis of  a politician. Once you get away from that way of thinking and give credence to the fact that maybe countries would be better run and more successful if they were run like businesses, then having a Trump in charge starts to make sense. Although I tend to agree that he does not have the experience, and perhaps not the personality,  to be president from a political perspective, he is a good leader and a good businessman. When I say he is a good leader, I mean specifically that I think he surrounds himself with what he determines to be the best people for the job (ie not political or nepotism choices) and actually listens to them. I respect that. The same thing could not be said about the previous administration - Obama and Clinton flat out ignored the advice of the generals regarding Libya etc and look how that turned out. This is what happens when politicians think they can run wars and negotiate trade deals.

This myth of Trump being some fascist out of control dictator is just not true and it is quite amazing how people have bought into it. They think they know him because he was on reality TV. People who actually know him have only good things to say about him.  Whether Trump can actually fix anything is yet to be seen, but the guy is right about everything that is wrong with the world and the USA and he is not afraid to say it. This is why I started to support him because you can't fault him on the issues. He is right on pretty much everything. People just fault him on his solutions, but offer no alternatives that will acheive the results needed apart from 'more of the same' and this is definitely what we don't need. Look at the mess Europe is in now, does everyone really want the same for America?? That is the difference between him and other so-called 'leaders'. Everyone pussyfoots around the issues daring not to point out what is plainly in sight out of fear of "offending" anyone. As a result nothing gets done and nothing changes, in fact things just continue to get worse. Most of the halfwits who are out protesting have zero clue what they are protesting about, it was the same after Brexit, all the clueless ignorant liberals were not informed enough on the realities and were just virtue signalling and jumping on the bandwagon. Demanding 2nd referendums and recounts etc. Not understanding the difference between refugees and economic migrants, or in the case of the USA illegal aliens and legitimate immigrants, calling the recent travel ban a muslim ban etc and immortalizing their ignorance on the subject whenever a TV camera is put on them. The dishonest media and politicians knowingly blur the lines between these issues and promote anarchy because it is in the best interests of their agenda. Sadly most people still choose to get their news from these shills and repeat parrot fashion the lies spoonfed to them over and over again until they think it is the truth.

The whole 'threat to world peace' chestnut is just more Clinton campaign rhetoric which didn't die after the election was over. The liberal democrats and their de facto PR dept the MSM haven't quite got the memo yet that they lost the election and seem to think it is an ongoing campaign, and ironically it is they who are posing the threat to democracy and peace by not respecting the tradtion of the smooth transfer of leadership, encouraging and promoting disscent, blocking cabinet appointments, pushing the anti Russian angle, (and let's not get started on the whole Russia meddled with the election fake news), organising all these Sorus  funded anti Trump protests etc etc. They are the ones weakening and trying to divide the USA and making it look in disarray to the outside world. It just fascinates me to no end that more people can't see through this facade.

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44 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


I hear you, but the thing about Trump is that is not a politician. People have their heads in a twist because they have bought in to the concept that a president has to be a politician, and that's just not the case, and this is what people need to deal with. It is time for something different, and now they have it whether they like it or not. Trump in many ways is the antithesis of  a politician. Once you get away from that way of thinking and give credence to the fact that maybe countries would be better run and more successful if they were run like businesses, then having a Trump in charge starts to make sense. Although I tend to agree that he does not have the experience, and perhaps not the personality,  to be president from a political perspective, he is a good leader and a good businessman. When I say he is a good leader, I mean specifically that I think he surrounds himself with what he determines to be the best people for the job (ie not political or nepotism choices) and actually listens to them. I respect that. The same thing could not be said about the previous administration - Obama and Clinton flat out ignored the advice of the generals regarding Libya etc and look how that turned out. This is what happens when politicians think they can run wars and negotiate trade deals.

This myth of Trump being some fascist out of control dictator is just not true and it is quite amazing how people have bought into it. They think they know him because he was on reality TV. People who actually know him have only good things to say about him.  Whether Trump can actually fix anything is yet to be seen, but the guy is right about everything that is wrong with the world and the USA and he is not afraid to say it. This is why I started to support him because you can't fault him on the issues. He is right on pretty much everything. People just fault him on his solutions, but offer no alternatives that will acheive the results needed apart from 'more of the same' and this is definitely what we don't need. Look at the mess Europe is in now, does everyone really want the same for America?? That is the difference between him and other so-called 'leaders'. Everyone pussyfoots around the issues daring not to point out what is plainly in sight out of fear of "offending" anyone. As a result nothing gets done and nothing changes, in fact things just continue to get worse. Most of the halfwits who are out protesting have zero clue what they are protesting about, it was the same after Brexit, all the clueless ignorant liberals were not informed enough on the realities and were just virtue signalling and ju



mping on the bandwagon. Demanding 2nd referendums and recounts etc. Not understanding the difference between refugees and economic migrants, or in the case of the USA illegal aliens and legitimate immigrants, calling the recent travel ban a muslim ban etc and immortalizing their ignorance on the subject whenever a TV camera is put on them. The dishonest media and politicians knowingly blur the lines between these issues and promote anarchy because it is in the best interests of their agenda. Sadly most people still choose to get their news from these shills and repeat parrot fashion the lies spoonfed to them over and over again until they think it is the truth.

The whole 'threat to world peace' chestnut is just more Clinton campaign rhetoric which didn't die after the election was over. The liberal democrats and their de facto PR dept the MSM haven't quite got the memo yet that they lost the election and seem to think it is an ongoing campaign, and ironically it is they who are posing the threat to democracy and peace by not respecting the tradtion of the smooth transfer of leadership, encouraging and promoting disscent, blocking cabinet appointments, pushing the anti Russian angle, (and let's not get started on the whole Russia meddled with the election fake news), organising all these Sorus  funded anti Trump protests etc etc. They are the ones weakening and trying to divide the USA and making it look in disarray to the outside world. It just fascinates me to no end that more people can't see through this facade.

I disagree with your entire post but I will respond to one of your most blatant trumpist propaganda  falsehoods.


Where you said: People who actually know him have only good things to say about him. 





“The Art of the Deal” made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth—and regrets it.


“I put lipstick on a pig,” he said. “I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is.” He went on, “I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.”




Fellow New Yorker and REAL billionaire Bloomberg on trump:



Edited by Jingthing
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On 31/01/2017 at 6:17 PM, yogi100 said:


There are several million Muslims in the UK so a lot of them will be radical and want to cause trouble. 

Hey yea ! Let's just forget about the UK's history of radicalised Loyalist Prodestants and Nationalist Catholics, and what may well be considered a civil war in the name of religion. Because words like 'radical' and 'terrorism' must only be in regerence to Muslims these days. The white master race can do no wrong !


Lets also forget about the illiterate drug addicted, alcoholic white lower class scans of Britain who beat each other up over the colour of a football team (and then go home and beat their wife and welfare kids). 

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