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Hi I am interested in buying a device that attaches at the fuse box in my condo that would monitor the electricity used in the condo. The objective is 2 fold, first and foremost as my condo does not have its own PEA connection (meter) I would like to make sure that what I get billed from the condo I actually use and the second thing would be optimizing any electrical usage to mnimize wastage. It would be great if they had some kind of app so I could look at it remotely. 


Do these devices exist in Thailand and if so could someone recommend one?


i have googled some systems but what I have found is US centric which is 120v so I don't want to waste a few hundred dollars for something that may not work in Thailand which is 240v. They also look pretty complex, and although I would get a professional to install it I'm not confident that the local sparky Somchai Thamfaigengchangloey won't burn down or blow up my condo if the instructions aren't relatively simple.


My condo says says they do not add a surcharge and the condo accounts don't reflect one but  my usage seems high as I don't live there all the time and when I don't stay the only electrical usage is from a medium size fridge with a  5 star energy rating and a small pool pump for a splash pool on the balcony that runs 4 hours a day . There have been instances where I never visited for 5 months and the electrical bill showed wide swings month to month which the management couldn't explain.


Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.






Someone may be tapping into your electric supply....you should turn off every electric appliance and ask to see the meter the condo bills you from if its still spinning then theres your answer.


I've not seen them on sale here but there are a number of clip-on (easy DIY install) energy meters available, the products from CurrentCost are one http://www.currentcost.com/


We have a fairly old CurrentCost EnviR, if you team it with their NetSmart link you can monitor it from anywhere. Obviously you'll need an internet connection for remote monitoring :)


Have a look on Ebay, you may be able to find the units at decent discounts.


Something like this would do the trick http://www.ebay.com/itm/331921563217?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&fromMakeTrack=true


EDIT The CurrentCost website seems well out of date on the products available.


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