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Seven Europeans fall victim to Filipino card scam in Pattaya

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Like my Navy Company Commander says: Ho Kay Shailor!!! Yew Give Me Money, I Give Yew Good Puck!!!

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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

What does the fella on the left of the photo have concealed up his T shirt ?


Nothing, just eight-months pregnant with twins or triplets... a common farang condition in Thailand :)

4 hours ago, ezzra said:

Those Filipinos have been doing this for many years, and they're never

short of victims,  it's a very well know scam and anyone falls for it deserve

to be fleeced of his money......

when 2 strangers (usually a man and a woman on a motorbike) suddenly stop you on the street and start asking such inane questions in their very distinct Filipino accent as are you one holiday here and are gushing with friendliness, you would have to be extremely naive not to be sceptical and be ready to run the other way.:giggle:

I have also seen these couples (they usually always have the same modus operandi) in Laos and Cambodia

5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

What does the fella on the left of the photo have concealed up his T shirt ?

It looks like one of those XL t-shirts from Big C or Tesco that look fine on the hanger in the store then when you try it on at home you realize there only made for Thai`s, either that or he`s off to the bowling alley and forgot the bag for his ball.


One Phillipino tried the old scam on me years ago outside MBK where he asks where your from and then says he's got a sister as a nurse there, can you meet my family at home.

Then they drug and rob you.


I wonder how prevalent it is?


We probably never get to hear about 99% of the scams because gambling is illegal, so who are you going to complain to?


And nobody likes to admit to friends that they have been stupid.

2 hours ago, loong said:

And sharks don't loan money either.

They both lend and borrow. I was approached, while swimming, by a shark with something in it's mouth. It said to me ' can you give this to the guy wearing the blue T shirt, it's the sick squid I owe him '

Ok ok I'll get my coat.

2 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I worked with some Filippinos who wantd me to come to theirs to play cards. Make sure you bring some money they said. They seemed quite overbearing, so I told them that I'm a catholic and gambling is very bad in my religion. That really got under their skin. 

Interesting as almost every Filipino's I know are very religious don't see how that would get under their skin (they just want to take the money of the white guy)


7 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

What does the fella on the left of the photo have concealed up his T shirt ?

5 Mil THB

4 hours ago, Pattaya28 said:

Card "Sharps" :cheesy:


In the UK they're called Card "Sharks".

If you look out the nearest window you may notice this isn't the UK.



Card shark vs. card sharp
Card sharp is preferred in British English, while card shark is more common in American, Canadian, and Australian English. They share their main definitions—namely, (1) a professional card player, (2) a person who is skilled in card games, and (3) a person who is skilled in cheating at card games. The British card sharp more often implies cheating. Card shark, especially in American English,is often simply a term for someone who spends a lot of time playing cards




As to whether card sharp or card shark entered the English language first, the answer is far from straightforward. A print sighting of card sharp dates to 1884 and one of card sharper to 1859, while the first print sighting of card shark takes us back only to  1942 — evidence  which would seem to settle matters. However, both sharper and shark (in the sense of one who cheats) antedate all of the above, sharper to 1681 and shark to 1599, evidence which could be seen as giving the nod to shark. (By the way, the "shark" in question has nothing to do with carnivorous fish; it instead likely entered the English language via the German schurke, a word that in the  16th century  had the meaning of a cheat or




7 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

What does the fella on the left of the photo have concealed up his T shirt ?

A water Mellon ? Here in Thailand they sell a lot of those tee shirts with the bulge in the front. Dummies that go to someone's else house,that they have just met ,deserve to be fleeced.


Phillipinos arr really very generous people because when u join them for a card game u will even get food and drinks But the food its spiked with drugs to make u more cooperative for their scam.

1 hour ago, twizzian said:

One Phillipino tried the old scam on me years ago outside MBK where he asks where your from and then says he's got a sister as a nurse there, can you meet my family at home.

Then they drug and rob you.

I had the same thing happen to me but it was the woman who  approached me with her ( brother) and asked where I was from and she told me she was a nurse and going to work in the same city . Wanted to know if I would like to go over for dinner . 

5 hours ago, Pattaya28 said:

Card "Sharps" :cheesy:


In the UK they're called Card "Sharks".

My father has always used the term "card sharp" and he is from the UK.

More a term of the older generation. He was born in 1930. "Card shark"

is used by the younger generation in North America. Both are acceptable,

"card shark" much more commonly in use.

Just to be clear my father always spoke the Kings English. I never heard him

swear ever. A gentleman (which I am not) 555


Like already stated 7 people and 5 million Bath. 700000 a person!

What I really don´t understand is why people go to Thailand for play cards and get conned. It would be much easier to go somewhere else where it is allowed.
On the other hand, how can you get conned out of 700000? That and go with people that you don´t know for a game of cards.
Totally stupid and they really deserve loosing their money. No feelings for them from here!

7 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

What does the fella on the left of the photo have concealed up his T shirt ?

Looks German to me so I doubt if it is English pounds. Silly me must be German pounds. 

57 minutes ago, ChangMaiSausage said:

Interesting as almost every Filipino's I know are very religious don't see how that would get under their skin (they just want to take the money of the white guy)


5 Mil THB

That was the point. I'm not catholic. I just said I was to act sanctimonious and shut them up from asking. They often preached the virtues of believing, so I stuck it back to them. The winding them up was just a bonus and a lesson not to be a hypocrite. Basically, you can't bulls*** a bulls*****. 

8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

What does the fella on the left of the photo have concealed up his T shirt ?

it is a thai undercover listening device ........

8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

What does the fella on the left of the photo have concealed up his T shirt ?


Nothing - but he eats space-hoppers for breakfast! :smile:

1 hour ago, ChangMaiSausage said:

Interesting as almost every Filipino's I know are very religious don't see how that would get under their skin (they just want to take the money of the white guy)


5 Mil THB


Most Filipinos are Catholic - that makes them very superstitious and also means than can get forgiveness for anything. (Apart from abortions and condom use apparently).


Seriously, these "victims" must be gamblerholics or something. Why on earth come to any place on holiday and play cards with people you've just met, in their house, and carry on even though you always loose big amounts?


I find the Philippines the most dangerous country I've visited in SEA. Many Chinese friends say that too. The levels of poverty and corruption there drive so many to crime.

8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

What does the fella on the left of the photo have concealed up his T shirt ?

500 consumed Chang Beers  ??


5 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Most Filipinos are Catholic - that makes them very superstitious and also means than can get forgiveness for anything. (Apart from abortions and condom use apparently).


Seriously, these "victims" must be gamblerholics or something. Why on earth come to any place on holiday and play cards with people you've just met, in their house, and carry on even though you always loose big amounts?


I find the Philippines the most dangerous country I've visited in SEA. Many Chinese friends say that too. The levels of poverty and corruption there drive so many to crime.

No worse than Mynamar or even here in Thailand.

An yes I've been to all 3 of these.

6 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Most Filipinos are Catholic - that makes them very superstitious and also means than can get forgiveness for anything. (Apart from abortions and condom use apparently).


Seriously, these "victims" must be gamblerholics or something. Why on earth come to any place on holiday and play cards with people you've just met, in their house, and carry on even though you always loose big amounts?


I find the Philippines the most dangerous country I've visited in SEA. Many Chinese friends say that too. The levels of poverty and corruption there drive so many to crime.

the Catholic Church was glue that held their society together but I wonder what happens now after their president said last week the Catholic Church " is full of s*** " !:shock1:




5 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

Just move away from Filipino's, most of them are up to no good, and will cheat and scam you. Whatever happened to common sense?

I am surprised you have reached this point in your life without realizing common sense is anything but.....it should be titled, "Uncommon sense."

If Common Sense existed the world would not have been scammed by the likes of Hitler, Stalin. Nixon, and fill in the   "               " blank.

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