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Global Warming - What Effect On Thailand


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We have daily reports of Global warming - The latest today says that the Arctic Ice Cap will melt within 30-40 years maybe sooner and that this will have a major impact on global weather patterns and sea levels .

Does anyone know how this will impact Thailand - Will we have more rain , heat ?? Some parts of the world will have a positive impact and some very negative . Wine growing in the south of England but desert in the South of France and Spain ? Brighton the new Cannes ?

Does anyone think about this when spending 20 million on a bit of beach land ? If sea levels rise by only 12 inches a lot of beach land will be lost .

It seems to me that the politicians can do nothing but talk , and the US ( the worse offender ) will not admit that it is a major problem .

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I think before rising sea levels will be a problem if they ever are, there will undoubtedly be severe changes to weather patterns across the globe. What this means for Thailand is anyones guess, but I think it will mean more rain not less, and this years flood problems will only be a small sign of things to come... think Bangladesh and I believe you'll be on the right tack. Saying that Africa is forecast with massive and I mean massive problems due to evaporation from its lakes which in turn leads to rivers drying up thousands of miles away.

I think the headwaters of the mekhong in Qinghai China, will be where you would really need to look to see what problems Thailand will have, and knowing China, if there is gonna be a shortfall, it will simply build a dam and turn off the taps. So Isaan could be in big trouble. It's all very complicated and unlike politics it will not respect boundaries.

Happy Days

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As I have said in another thread I raed a novel by Crichton

(State of Fear) of which the main theme was calling into

question the reality of "global warming". He suggested

that the whole topic had become an industry. And actually

your post has some interesting words in it. Climate change

is always happening , always has. Ever heard of ice ages.

The thesis of the global warming industry is that it is now

being driven/accelerated by human activity. This may be

so but are there daily changes which warrant daily reports

as you suggest ? Or is it an industry ?

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As I have said in another thread I raed a novel by Crichton

(State of Fear) of which the main theme was calling into

question the reality of "global warming". He suggested

that the whole topic had become an industry. And actually

your post has some interesting words in it. Climate change

is always happening , always has. Ever heard of ice ages.

The thesis of the global warming industry is that it is now

being driven/accelerated by human activity. This may be

so but are there daily changes which warrant daily reports

as you suggest ? Or is it an industry ?

Good novel and lot of the scientific data in it for global warming takes quite a beating.

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