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Community tourism strategy drafted to disperse tourists


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Community tourism strategy drafted to disperse tourists


BANGKOK: -- New information has indicated tourist arrivals to Thailand likely exceeded the Ministry of Tourism and Sport’s expectations in 2016.


Latest data has shown that over 32 million people made their way to Thailand in 2016, above the Ministry of Tourism’s annual target.


However, statistics showed the number was still mostly concentrated in certain areas with little dispersion away from popular sites such as Pattaya, Hua Hin and Phuket.


The data has signalled the ministry to draft more plans to better spread out visitors to the nation. The ministry has already approved a sustainable community tourism strategy to run until 2020.


The project will use local attractions to draw travelers to new areas of the Kingdom.


The five portions of the strategy include improving human resources in communities to receive tourists, adding value to local products, managing tourism resources for balance, integrating relevant mechanisms and development of an index to track community happiness and tourist satisfaction.

-- nnt 2017-02-02
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The Thai way of increasing prices when there is low demand should work. :)

Yesterday in Pattaya I enquired about the price of an egg and banana roti from a street stall. I was quoted a price of 120 baht! I double checked and it was confirmed that the price was 120 baht. 

Decided to walk the extra few hundred metres to the place that I usually patronise.

Enquired of the price. That had leapt from 40 baht to 50 baht. 

I asked why 50 baht, as I am sure that the price of the ingredients have not increased. A large egg 5 baht, a large banana 10 baht at the most. In fact they sold a banana to a local flower seller for just that as I stood there.

They said because everyone else had increased to 50 baht. 

I said no...40 baht and they agreed.

Hardly any customers these days, so they increase the price, effectively annoying the customers they have left.


Edited by JamJar
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1 hour ago, JamJar said:

The Thai way of increasing prices when there is low demand should work. :)

Yesterday in Pattaya I enquired about the price of an egg and banana roti from a street stall. I was quoted a price of 120 baht! I double checked and it was confirmed that the price was 120 baht. 

Decided to walk the extra few hundred metres to the place that I usually patronise.

Enquired of the price. That had leapt from 40 baht to 50 baht. 

I asked why 50 baht, as I am sure that the price of the ingredients have not increased. A large egg 5 baht, a large banana 10 baht at the most. In fact they sold a banana to a local flower seller for just that as I stood there.

They said because everyone else had increased to 50 baht. 

I said no...40 baht and they agreed.

Hardly any customers these days, so they increase the price, effectively annoying the customers they have left.


Yeah, but ... didn't i just read (again) that the numbers are even better than TATs forecasting ..?!

Wait, i think that was for 2016 - must have changed quickly in the 4 weeks since then ... 

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"...Community tourism strategy drafted to disperse tourists..."


Despite their own "impressive" statistics already telling them that tourist are concentrated in certain areas, "...with little dispersion away from popular sites...", the ministry believes it knows better (than the tourists) what they want.


Amazing Thailand !!!



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6 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

Headline tomorrow:
Thai government to build mega go go complexes in in every Thai city.

Convenient for the girls too.

But not for their mothers, then they can't say their daughters work in the 711 anymore.

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16 hours ago, webfact said:

Latest data has shown that over 32 million people made their way to Thailand in 2016, above the Ministry of Tourism’s annual target.


Still not as many as tomorrow's latest data will show.......:coffee1:


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Thailand may be the only country that has more tourists than inbound airline seats. Then again, they count internal traffic by Thai citizens as tourism so that...nah, still not enough. Okay, they must be counting pax that fly through Thai airspace as tourism statistics. There you go, all of the above and you're in the ball park.

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A few days ago, actual (not forecast) tourist numbers and their spending were announced for the first quarter of 2017, being 9.3 million and 49 billion bahts respectively, if I remember correctly.  Now they announce the supposedly correct (adjusted) figures for 2016, one month after the event.  I assumed that the guy making the first announcement had written his report for the first quarter of this year intended for publication in April but inadvertently published it a little early.  At the same time, they announced the figures for the Chinese New Year period from January 28th through to Feb 5th as 800000 visitors.


It is amazing how they know all the statistics in advance, although I expect this explains why they always meet (or beat) their own targets. It sure makes them look good but how are we supposed to believe ANY of their statistics?

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So if Thailand has worked out Tourists are good for the country Why are they scamming and murdering so many so often?


Go down the road and you are treated fine come here and you are being treated like an idiot


Talking to Thais I know who fled the nest and now located around the world many say even they will never return as its all a big rip off these days


The golden egg has cranked, Cambodia and Vietnam are much better options now, sorry to say


32mill not in 2015 or 2016 most of the places I saw where down in visitor easy to get a hotel room and big discount


haggled on everything got what I wanted to pay very easy, that is why crime is exploding across the country


jobs aint 2 a penny any more


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9 hours ago, Thian said:

But not for their mothers, then they can't say their daughters work in the 711 anymore.

Can do, open Mega gogo complex in every town and rename them all 7/11 :)


Or make a back room with go go girls in all 7/11, Beer sales would explode :giggle:

Edited by CantSpell
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No problem, at least when it comes to Thai tourists. All the government needs do is invoke Article 44 and a list of "must visit" boring places nobody else would be seen dead in and the sheeple will flock there like lambs.

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They need to "lure" tourists to "disperse" them.

Take them on magical mystery tours,let them play the Beatles music and they can all have a great sing song,maybe karaoke with flashing lights,that should keep the driver awake
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The Thai way of increasing prices when there is low demand should work. :)
Yesterday in Pattaya I enquired about the price of an egg and banana roti from a street stall. I was quoted a price of 120 baht! I double checked and it was confirmed that the price was 120 baht. 
Decided to walk the extra few hundred metres to the place that I usually patronise.
Enquired of the price. That had leapt from 40 baht to 50 baht. 
I asked why 50 baht, as I am sure that the price of the ingredients have not increased. A large egg 5 baht, a large banana 10 baht at the most. In fact they sold a banana to a local flower seller for just that as I stood there.
They said because everyone else had increased to 50 baht. 
I said no...40 baht and they agreed.
Hardly any customers these days, so they increase the price, effectively annoying the customers they have left.

Do you ask Apple or Samsung why their phones only cost around $300 to manufacture but charge customers close to $800?
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