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Iran vows "roaring missiles" if threatened, defies new sanctions


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Iran vows "roaring missiles" if threatened, defies new sanctions

By Bozorgmehr Sharafedin


DUBAI (Reuters) - A Revolutionary Guards commander said Iran would use its missiles if its security is under threat, as the elite force defied new U.S. sanctions on its missile programme by holding a military exercise on Saturday.

Tensions between Tehran and Washington have risen since a recent Iranian ballistic missile test which prompted U.S. President Donald Trump's administration to impose sanctions on individuals and entities linked to the Revolutionary Guards.

Trump's national security adviser Michael Flynn said the Washington was putting Iran on notice over its "destabilising activity", and Trump tweeted Tehran was "playing with fire"

"We are working day and night to protect Iran’s security," head of Revolutionary Guards' aerospace unit, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency.

"If we see smallest misstep from the enemies, our roaring missiles will fall on their heads," he added.

Despite the heated words, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Saturday he was not considering raising the number of U.S. forces in the Middle East to address Iran's "misbehavior", but warned that the world would not ignore Iranian activities.

Iran's Revolutionary Guards is holding the military exercise in Semnan province on Saturday to test missile and radar systems and to "showcase the power of Iran's revolution and to dismiss the sanctions," according to the force's website.

Dismissing Trump's comments that "nothing is off the table" in dealing with Tehran, the commander of Iran's ground forces said on Saturday that the Islamic Republic has been hearing such threats since its 1979 revolution.

"The defence capability and the offensive prowess of Iran's armed forces would make America or any other enemy regretful of any incursion," Ahmad Reza Pourdastan was quoted as saying by ISNA.


Iranian state news agencies reported that home-made missile systems, radars, command and control centres, and cyber warfare systems would be tested in Saturday's drill.

Iran has one of the Middle East's largest missile programmes and held a similar exercise in December to showcase its defence systems, including radars, anti-missile defence units, and short and medium-range missiles.

Tehran confirmed on Wednesday that it had test-fired a new ballistic missile, but said the test did not breach the Islamic Republic's nuclear agreement with world powers or a U.N. Security Council resolution endorsing the pact.

Iran has test-fired several ballistic missiles since the nuclear deal in 2015, but the latest test was the first since Trump entered the White House. Trump said during his election campaign that he would stop Iran's missile programme.

The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting on Tuesday and recommended the missile testing be studied at committee level. The new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, called the test "unacceptable".

The Security Council resolution was adopted to buttress the deal under which Iran curbed its nuclear activities to allay concerns they could be used to develop atomic bombs, in exchange for relief from economic sanctions.

The resolution urged Tehran to refrain from work on ballistic missiles designed to deliver nuclear weapons. Critics say the resolution's language does not make this obligatory.

Tehran says it has not carried out any work on missiles specifically designed to carry nuclear payloads.

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-02-05
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I'm not glad to agree with Iran, but a country has a right to arm and defend itself. Testing missiles is part of that process, particularly for larger (and threatened) countries like Iran. They're located in the middle of the most hate-filled paranoid region in the world.  


Trump is so easy to goad.  Iranians aren't stupid, and their leaders are more than willing to goad Trump into playing some of his cards.  Because Trump is such a proven dufus, he'll play cards badly and Iran will win the game of one-upmanship.   The losers will not only be Trump, but will also be the Iranian people and American servicepeople who will get put in the line of fire by Trump and Bannon.  


Trump is the loosest of cannons, and Bannon is a dangerous fool who is Trump's biggest influence.  only 3 weeks into the Trump presidency, and already countries worldwide are sharpening their swords.

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Trump was not the one to sign a crazy deal with Iran that they have already violated a number of times. Kudos to President Trump for challenging the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world on it's destabilizing activities. Better late than never.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Iran is not just another country who aim to arm themselves for defense

purposes, Iran has clearly nuclear ambitions and real plans to acquire

nuclear heads mounted on ICBM's, and that something that every head

of state in the world knows as Iran doesn't really trying very hard to hide

the fact that what ever the cost are, they want those nukes.....

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Putin managed a master stroke by supporting Trump at the White House and benefits from the amateurism of Trump which brings the USA into a very isolated international position especially since Trump attacked, as a priority,  US traditional historical allies : Europe, Mexico, Japan, Canada, Australia ...


Trump bans US access to Iran - OK - Iran responds by recalling that it exists and showing its muscles ..( while just at the same time North Korea resumes its nuclear  tests,  fightings intensifie in eastern Ukraine)

How many real attacks against the West has Shiite Iran been the instigator for décades?

- Israelis will advance Hezbollah, Israel has been pushing for years to proxy war against Iran

How many attacks are Saudi Arabia and its Sunni Wahhabi henchmen the instigators?

- Saudis are the hostages of the monster they created to access and maintain themselves in power,


Sunnis and Shiites hate each other, Iran and Arabia fight for egemony in the region,


Trump has constantly mooted his desire to "get along" with Putin ..Will Russia  let down its Iranian ally who fights ISIS in Syria and Irak ?



Edited by Opl
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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Trump was not the one to sign a crazy deal with Iran that they have already violated a number of times. Kudos to President Trump for challenging the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world on it's destabilizing activities. Better late than never.

100% correct.  Iran, along with Saudi Arabia, are the #1 reasons for instability in the Middle East.

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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

I'm not glad to agree with Iran, but a country has a right to arm and defend itself. Testing missiles is part of that process, particularly for larger (and threatened) countries like Iran. They're located in the middle of the most hate-filled paranoid region in the world.  


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Islamic Republic has been hearing such threats since its 1979 revolution.


Maybe time to try different tactics.


IMHO most Iranians do not want to live under Islamic fundamentalism. They need a solution. 


Threatening Iran just assists the Mullahs retain power.

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now it's not just a fairy tale... even if it is one that Donald J. Trump personally believes. 

Trump will be in office for at least 4 years.

the Baby Boomers, numbering 80 million, are beginning to push Medicaid and Medicare expenses straight up. just $1,000 in any entitlement is one trillion US dollars as a new expense item..... totally unaccrued as a liability over all these past decades.... since basically Ronald Reagan was in office.... per year going forward.....for several decades [ 80,000,000 * 1,000 * 12 months ]... meaning no assets or even stock holdings to sell. just a notebook file kept in a filing cabinet somewhere in the old Treasury Building. literally.

Boehner and Obama reached an agreement..... in 2015... to put off the self imposed Debt Limit until March 2017. unless Trump all but guts Medicare and Medicaid.... and he won't.... the sequestration was just a taste test. 80 million boomers, in 2017, is different this time. the more something cooks over a long time.... real estate prices always only go up.... Ronald Reagan proved that (double) deficits don't matter..... ****this**** time isn't different.....

it ****is**** different. and everyone who needs to know... knows.

it works okay domestically... and it's fake.... just like Kim Jung Un.  now it is Iran and China that isn't just talking out of their hat... it's the USA that is full of shit.

I love the Philippines.... Duterte didn't wait for whoever to get elected in the USA.  it didn't matter.  what's disconcerting is that a knucklehead from Davao can see the writing... but so many Trump believers don't or they do know and are grasping for Magic Thinking to rescue them. 


and certainly in Persia they are plenty smart enough to know it as well as anyone from Davao.


Edited by maewang99
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6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Trump was not the one to sign a crazy deal with Iran that they have already violated a number of times. Kudos to President Trump for challenging the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world on it's destabilizing activities. Better late than never.

       You're partially right: It was the US and European experts who signed the agreement. People with knowledge and wisdom who actually read things - the opposite of Trump and Bannon.


        P.S. The biggest terrorist country on the planet is N.Korea, followed by China.  Which country keeps threatening to launch nuke strikes against the US?  Yup, N.Korea.  Which country takes other countries territories (Tibet and Phil' islands) and militarizes them?  Yup, China.  

Iran doesn't do any of those things, not even remotely, unless you count watching US war ships as they cruise within 10 miles of their coastline.


           And how would Trump improve on the deal that western powers took years to hammer out with Iranian leaders?  Would he trash the deal altogether?  ....and then stand back as Iran cranked up their U enrichment programs?  P.S.S.  Iran doesn't react well to bullying trash talk.  Take my word on it.  


         Trump can bully two Latino chefs in his kitchen (Trump is suing them for several million dollars for quitting their jobs), but he won't have much luck trying to bully unfriendly foreign powers.


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3 hours ago, Thechook said:

Iran might find itself being smacked by the U.S

Like Poland was smacked by the Germans in 1939?


or perhaps like Tibet was smacked by China in the 1950's.


Smacking is not a good way to do business in the early 21st century.  Trump should stick with things he's familiar with doing, like grabbing pussy and not paying his workers.

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3 hours ago, Thechook said:

Iran might find itself being smacked by the U.S

wait a cottonpickenminute, I thought Trump was going to just focus on at-home issues.  Remember his 'America-First' speech?  I think Trump has contradicted himself on every issue he's take a stand (taken two or three different stands).  Some of Trump's many contradictions: 

>>>  punish women who seek abortions. Not punish women who seek abortions

>>>  being a Democrat. Being a Republican

>>>  Donating to HRC's earlier campaigns. Later; chanting "lock her up." Later still; not wanting to lock her up.

>>>  Putting down everyone who is involved with Goldman Sachs. Later; Picking 5 GS execs to be cabinet heads, and another one to be his top Security Advisor (Bannon).

>>>  Being a pussy grabber. Saying, "no one has more respect for woman than I do."

>>>  Comparing the CIA to Nazis.  A few days later; "No one has more respect for the CIA than I do."

>>>  Saying "Bomb the hell out of ISIS". Saying he won't be a war president. Now threatening Iran with military action.

>>>  Saying it's a Ban on Muslims.  2 days later his press sec. says it's not a ban. 

>>>  saying the election would be rigged against him. then winning, but still saying it's rigged in favor of HRC, but no one can find any proof.

>>> Acting as if he's anti-Washington insider.  Later, picking scores of Washington insiders.

>>>  5 year campaign to convince rednecks that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim.  Then changing his mind.

>>>  Drain the swamp.  Unfortunately for Americans, the creatures that appeared in the drained swamp are who Trump is appointing to important positions.


Just as bad as Trump and Bannon being harmful for the US, is the fact that so many Americans so thoroughly duped into voting for such a fatally flawed person.  I think stupid is too nice an adjective for those who voted for Trump.  More accurately, they're in favor of the demise of the US, thought they're too stupid now to realize it.  Some of them are realizing it as we speak, but Trump will always have at least some die-hard followers, similar to how Hitler had some followers during his last hours in the Berlin bunker.



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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Trump was not the one to sign a crazy deal with Iran that they have already violated a number of times. Kudos to President Trump for challenging the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world on it's destabilizing activities. Better late than never.

I think you can give up using that cliche now.

Saudi Arabia has clearly far outstripped them.

By far the majority of terrorist attacks in recent years have come from the Sunni side of the street.





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8 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

I'm not glad to agree with Iran, but a country has a right to arm and defend itself. Testing missiles is part of that process, particularly for larger (and threatened) countries like Iran. They're located in the middle of the most hate-filled paranoid region in the world.  


Trump is so easy to goad.  Iranians aren't stupid, and their leaders are more than willing to goad Trump into playing some of his cards.  Because Trump is such a proven dufus, he'll play cards badly and Iran will win the game of one-upmanship.   The losers will not only be Trump, but will also be the Iranian people and American servicepeople who will get put in the line of fire by Trump and Bannon.  


Trump is the loosest of cannons, and Bannon is a dangerous fool who is Trump's biggest influence.  only 3 weeks into the Trump presidency, and already countries worldwide are sharpening their swords.

 "They are located in the middle of the most hate-filled paranoid region in the world" ? Hang on, aren,t THEY the most hate filled paranoid people of all time ? They should have been dealt with severely when they took over 100 hostages from the U.S. Embassy, an act of total diplomatic vandalism.

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36 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

 "They are located in the middle of the most hate-filled paranoid region in the world" ? Hang on, aren,t THEY the most hate filled paranoid people of all time ? They should have been dealt with severely when they took over 100 hostages from the U.S. Embassy, an act of total diplomatic vandalism.

I don't supposed decades of being imprisoned and tortured by a puppet dictator installed and supported by the US government had anything to do with their anger.

But I don't see you saying that might have been a tad unfair. What's all that about?


Edited by Chicog
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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Trump was not the one to sign a crazy deal with Iran that they have already violated a number of times. Kudos to President Trump for challenging the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world on it's destabilizing activities. Better late than never.

Hope they find you to retaliate. 

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4 hours ago, Chicog said:

I think you can give up using that cliche now.

Saudi Arabia has clearly far outstripped them.

By far the majority of terrorist attacks in recent years have come from the Sunni side of the street.





That's a great line!

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