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Not gonna beat around the bush . I am addicted to prescription pills , 3 types at moment .  I am also prone to acute burst dipsomania though this has become less of a problem these days . Outwardly I don't appear to unhealthy but I am taking roughly a dozen xanax , dozen Tramadol , and a dozen Ritalin everyday have been doing for several weeks . My last few withdrawals sessions basically have been absolute helll , 6 days without sleeping , agonizing headaches and once I had a seizure and my partner had to roll me on to my side . Now I don't want nor do I have the funds to go to rehab , just simply need  as supervised detox . Do you know any hospitals , aside from the mental hospital that would accept me as a inpatient for a few days and how much this would cost ? Any advice would be appreciated not Chiang Mai  Lam too expensive . 


Regards John B 


I feel a great deal of sympathy for you my friend. Coming off an addiction no matter what it is can be hellush. I am afraid I cannot help other than to suggest a gradual reduction in your intake. It might be easier than going cold turkey. 


You have already passed the biggest hurdle in admitting to yourself that there is a problem. With the help of your partner a gradual reduction might be the cheapest and possibly the most successful answer. 


I am am not a doctor so this is just a thought.


good luck to you my friend and know you are not alone!



Ideally, you need to see an addiction specialist physician to take you off these meds. Aditionally, you can check out benzobuddies.org. The site can be very helpful and thorough in putting you in touch with the right resources and knowledge base. Generally speaking, you cannot detox / succesfully discontinue from benzodiazepines in a few days. You are risking seizures and numerous other side-effects a mile long. In most patients it is easier to  slowly taper any other medications first, and leave benzodiazepines for last. You need expert help. Dont go without it.


Consult Dr. Surinporn Likhitsathian at Sripat


I also suggest you attend Narcotics Anonymous, which is free  and has many meetings in Chiang Mai http://www.na-thailand.org/meetings.html

The dynamics differ a bit from meeting to meeting according to who attends so if one doesn't suit you, try another until you find one that does


I find that people with addictions tend to be exclusively focused on getting detoxed but this is only the first step and if it is all you do, odds are you will get re-addicted.  The causes of the addiction need also to be addressed. Often substance abuse results from a misguided attempt at self-medication, so staying under the care of a good psychiatrist is important - you may genuinely need to be on something to deal with what is often an  underlying mood disorder, though obviously not the drugs and doses you now take. In addition there are behavioral aspects and lifestyle aspects and this is where a self-help group like NN can help.



Tramadol is an opioid and head aches are one of the side effects just from prescribed doses. Your taking a dozen/day? What mg.strength is each tab or capsule?


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And get the taper schedules and the help of those going through this . The only way out is through with a taper or you will keep ( reinstating ) which means going back on these drugs . The xanax is the dangerous taper and if done too fast can cause a grand maul seizure that is life-threatening . Taper no cold turkey [emoji120]

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