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Age Gaps In Relationships


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When your old lady's menopause kicks in, you'll be wishing you were me.

I doubt anyone would wish they were you. Your an embarrassment.

You keep living the dream with your old professional. I pity you...come back in 10 years time and tell us how you feel. With a bit of luck you may by then have come to your senses by then.

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Here is a excerpt from an article regarding the sentencing of an American Marine who got 40 years jail time for raping a filipino girl.
It is true that many Filipino women think that marrying a white man will immediately improve their lives and give them the chance to escape from poverty and a life of misery in the Philippines. The sad fact is that too many white men take advantage of this and treat Filipino women shabbily, acting as if they are their virtual slaves both in bed and out. I think this all stems from a fetishization of race and color by both sides, with the white males having the upper hand.

He's lucky he wasn't hanged!

Note: Your quote said many Filipino women! It doesn't say all Filipino women. We still have middle class and upper class in my country. Not everybody is miserable and poor in my country! There are poor people of course, but some of them are not miserable at all! If we think about it the poor doesn't have to worry (much) because they have nothing to loose!

If you believe that being poor will make people miserable, then you definitely got problems. (Maybe, some poor people don't even have time to be miserable because they're working all the time!) Being rich doesn't make one happy! Happiness is a state of mind Fun2Fun.

While it is true that there are poor people in my country, most of them were born poor! There is nothing wrong with being poor! I've spent hours with fishermen and their families back home. To tell you the truth I find them more real, simple, warm, easier to please than the rich snobs who are pre-occupied trying too hard to keep up with the Jones or worrying about tomorrow.

Its not a dig at poor people.

Its not a statement that all people of the filipines are poor.

Its not a statement about all filipino women.

Its not a statement that all poor people are miserable.

But it does highlight why so many women from the poorer part of that region are looking for a western husband, and why they even can settle for a much older one.

Yes money/being rich does not guarantee hapiness , but boy does it make it much easier.......

Edited by Fun2Fun
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When your old lady's menopause kicks in, you'll be wishing you were me.

What's wrong with lady's getting menopause? Show some respect man! We do our fair share in a relationship.

There are ways to correct this problem! (eg. hormone replacement therapy.. or something. I don't know for sure but I'll find out three decades from now or so.)

Of course, menopausal women can still have sex. In fact, that's when women are suppose to get better or something like that.

Edited by GracelessFawn
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37 + 10 = 47

I hope you are not helping your child friend with her homework :o

You actually went to the trouble of high lighting those numbers in a quote?

Just to help another pedantic fool....add the word "nearing".

Have you run out of steam already old chap?

Well i would have thought to you that exact ages were important, after all if i miss quoted your girlfriend age by 3 years as you did with mine, then i could say she is 16 years old.

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As for your comment about Asian woman lacking the knowledge of how to stay healthy, that is just an obserd comment.

An "obserd" comment?

You must be kidding?

You've spent too much time with your older professional woman.

Most relationships between foreigners and Asians are with the poorer, uneducated class. You're telling me they have knowledge of "health education".....

Thats "obserd".

You're a young guy, haven't you got something better to do with your spare time?

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Its not a dig at poor people.

Its not a statement that all people of the filipines are poor.

Its not a statement about all filipino women.

Its not a statement that all poor people are miserable.

But it does highlight why so many women from the poorer part of that region are looking for a western husband, and why they even can settle for a much older one.

Yes money/being rich does not guarantee hapiness , but boy does it make it much easier.......

You could be right, or wrong. Until we thorougly examine different factors affecting your theory or get a fair amount of sample, it is wrong to assume, but this is a forum so people say what they want to say. (I do the same, btw.)

I don't think I can agree with your last line though.

Edited by GracelessFawn
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Well i would have thought to you that exact ages were important, after all if i miss quoted your girlfriend age by 3 years as you did with mine, then i could say she is 16 years old.

Ok, you want to start talking mathematics here.

3 years is 16 percent of the life of a 19 year old...or more importantly, at least 50% of her post pubescent life.

3 years is 6 percent of the life of a 47 year old...or 9 % of her post pubescnet life.

Work it out Einstein, the same variance in a 19 year old is only half a year.

If this doesn't make sense to you (it should as you are a professional), try the same calculation for a 3 year old girl.

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As for your comment about Asian woman lacking the knowledge of how to stay healthy, that is just an obserd comment.

An "obserd" comment?

You must be kidding?

You've spent too much time with your older professional woman.

Most relationships between foreigners and Asians are with the poorer, uneducated class. You're telling me they have knowledge of "health education".....

Thats "obserd".

You're a young guy, haven't you got something better to do with your spare time?

How many slim girls do you see in the west compared to Asia? I'd say they have a pretty good education, just look at chinese medicine as a prime example. You really are clutching at straws here.

Your comment IS obserd, and clearly you have no clue.

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What's wrong with lady's getting menopause? Show some respect man! We do our fair share in a relationship.

Nobody has shown any respect for anything in this thread....it's a war zone now.

...but I thought you were only 25 years old?

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Well i would have thought to you that exact ages were important, after all if i miss quoted your girlfriend age by 3 years as you did with mine, then i could say she is 16 years old.

Ok, you want to start talking mathematics here.

3 years is 16 percent of the life of a 19 year old...or more importantly, at least 50% of her post pubescent life.

3 years is 6 percent of the life of a 47 year old...or 9 % of her post pubescnet life.

Work it out Einstein, the same variance in a 19 year old is only half a year.

If this doesn't make sense to you (it should as you are a professional), try the same calculation for a 3 year old girl.

Yet again you miss quote my girlfriends age but this time by 10 years, if i miss quoted your girlfriends age by the same amount then i could say she was 9 years old.

Keep trying to keep track of the numbers old timer.

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What's wrong with lady's getting menopause? Show some respect man! We do our fair share in a relationship.

Nobody has shown any respect for anything in this thread....it's a war zone now.

...but I thought you were only 25 years old?

Yeah, I am 25 years old. That's why I said, 3 decades from now, I will get it as well!

Every women go through that process..................

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Your comment IS obserd, and clearly you have no clue.

Going by all the bs that you've presented so far on this thread, I wouldn't be surprised if you have NEVER been to Asia at all.

You're probably just sitting behind your keyboard dreaming about it.

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Well i would have thought to you that exact ages were important, after all if i miss quoted your girlfriend age by 3 years as you did with mine, then i could say she is 16 years old.

Ok, you want to start talking mathematics here.

3 years is 16 percent of the life of a 19 year old...or more importantly, at least 50% of her post pubescent life.

3 years is 6 percent of the life of a 47 year old...or 9 % of her post pubescnet life.

Work it out Einstein, the same variance in a 19 year old is only half a year.

If this doesn't make sense to you (it should as you are a professional), try the same calculation for a 3 year old girl.

When did he start talking about percentages? You just came up with that to look a bit smarter didn't ya :o

3 years is 9% of her post pubesent life huh.. so all women will die at 52. Where that figure came from is anyones guess.

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[quote name='tropo' post='1035775' date='2006-12-16

Yet again you miss quote my girlfriends age but this time by 10 years, if i miss quoted your girlfriends age by the same amount then i could say she was 9 years old.

Keep trying to keep track of the numbers old timer.

You need to keep up. This was my original comment: "Let's hear from you in another 10 years when she's 50"

Sure, I exaggerated her age in 10 years time from 47 up to 50. This is hyperbole used to make a point.

I should have written "nearing 50" to help the more pedantic members here.

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You could be right, or wrong. Until we thorougly examine different factors affecting your theory or get a fair amount of sample, it is wrong to assume, but this is a forum so people say what they want to say. (I do the same, btw.)

Not my theory, it was a quote from a news paper article.

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[quote name='tropo' post='1035775' date='2006-12-16

Yet again you miss quote my girlfriends age but this time by 10 years, if i miss quoted your girlfriends age by the same amount then i could say she was 9 years old.

Keep trying to keep track of the numbers old timer.

You need to keep up. This was my original comment: "Let's hear from you in another 10 years when she's 50"

Sure, I exaggerated her age in 10 years time from 47 up to 50. This is hyperbole used to make a point.

I should have written "nearing 50" to help the more pedantic members here.

If this is the case then surely you would have to add 10 years to your girlfriends age before working out your percentages.

Keep trying, you might get something correct soon.

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When did he start talking about percentages? You just came up with that to look a bit smarter didn't ya :o

3 years is 9% of her post pubesent life huh.. so all women will die at 52. Where that figure came from is anyones guess.

Chuckie, you are obviously mathematically challenged.

Average age of pubery = 13

47 - 13 = 34 years of post pubescent life

3 years divided by 34 x 100 = 8.8235 % (rounded to 9%)

You should stop posting and take a nap or maybe go and watch some Chuck Norris movies.

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[quote name='tropo' post='1035775' date='2006-12-16

Yet again you miss quote my girlfriends age but this time by 10 years, if i miss quoted your girlfriends age by the same amount then i could say she was 9 years old.

Keep trying to keep track of the numbers old timer.

You need to keep up. This was my original comment: "Let's hear from you in another 10 years when she's 50"

Sure, I exaggerated her age in 10 years time from 47 up to 50. This is hyperbole used to make a point.

I should have written "nearing 50" to help the more pedantic members here.

If this is the case then surely you would have to add 10 years to your girlfriends age before working out your percentages.

Keep trying, you might get something correct soon.

I'm still trying to figure out how he knows when people will die, which you would need to know to figure out a % for post-pubscent life.

Oh I see... until her current age.. so not her total post-pubescent life then huh?

Edit.. in which case your still wrong as puberty doesn't end at 13, it starts.

Edited by Chuck_Norris
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Yeah, I am 25 years old. That's why I said, 3 decades from now, I will get it as well!

You'll never find out what it's like with an old fart if you spend your Saturday nights talking with them on an internet forum - go out and get wasted and have some fun.

Edited by Neeranam
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Does anyone need a beer or a glass of whisky?

Back to the topic.......

I think that a 19 year old dating/having a relationship with a 13 year old is very very wrong. Pedophilia is pedophilia. It is very sickening!

Pedophilia is pedophilia, yes.

A 19 year old DATING a 13 year old is not pedophilia.

A 19 year old srewing a 13 year old is not a pedophile unless the girl is pre-pubescent (ie. a child).

Once again for a lot of people that don't understand what pedophilia is:

Pedophilia, paedophilia or pædophilia is the paraphilia of being sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to prepubescent or peripubescent children. People with this attraction are called pedophiles.

Another definition:



The act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children.

What is a child?

child (chld)

n. pl. chil·dren (chldrn)

1. A person between birth and puberty.


a. An unborn infant; a fetus.

b. An infant; a baby.

What is puberty?

pu·ber·ty (pybr-t)


The stage of adolescence in which an individual becomes physiologically capable of sexual reproduction.

What is peripubescent?

Children and young adolescents near the average age of puberty are sometimes referred to as peripubescent in medical literature.

Edited by tropo
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[quote name='tropo' post='1035775' date='2006-12-16

Yet again you miss quote my girlfriends age but this time by 10 years, if i miss quoted your girlfriends age by the same amount then i could say she was 9 years old.

Keep trying to keep track of the numbers old timer.

You need to keep up. This was my original comment: "Let's hear from you in another 10 years when she's 50"

Sure, I exaggerated her age in 10 years time from 47 up to 50. This is hyperbole used to make a point.

I should have written "nearing 50" to help the more pedantic members here.

If this is the case then surely you would have to add 10 years to your girlfriends age before working out your percentages.

Keep trying, you might get something correct soon.

I'm still trying to figure out how he knows when people will die, which you would need to know to figure out a % for post-pubscent life.

Oh I see... until her current age.. so not her total post-pubescent life then huh?

Edit.. in which case your still wrong as puberty doesn't end at 13, it starts.

Chuckie, please, you're making a fool out of yourself.

POST means after.

PRE means before.

POST-PUBESCENT is the life after puberty, not before.

Your wife, when she reaches the age of 47 in 10 years from now will have lived approximately 34 years of POST-pubescent life. She may well have reached puberty at age 14, 12, 11...it's approximate, ok?

Edited by tropo
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[quote name='tropo' post='1035775' date='2006-12-16

Yet again you miss quote my girlfriends age but this time by 10 years, if i miss quoted your girlfriends age by the same amount then i could say she was 9 years old.

Keep trying to keep track of the numbers old timer.

You need to keep up. This was my original comment: "Let's hear from you in another 10 years when she's 50"

Sure, I exaggerated her age in 10 years time from 47 up to 50. This is hyperbole used to make a point.

I should have written "nearing 50" to help the more pedantic members here.

If this is the case then surely you would have to add 10 years to your girlfriends age before working out your percentages.

Keep trying, you might get something correct soon.

I'm still trying to figure out how he knows when people will die, which you would need to know to figure out a % for post-pubscent life.

Oh I see... until her current age.. so not her total post-pubescent life then huh?

Edit.. in which case your still wrong as puberty doesn't end at 13, it starts.

Chuckie, please, you're making a fool out of yourself.

POST means after pubery,

PRE means before.

POST-PUBESCENT is the life after puberty, not before.

Exactly... I'm happy you finally got it.

No doubt your now confused, I'll make it nice and simple so you can understand.

You don't calculate post-pubescent life from the age of 13, because puberty has not finished (ie not "post).

Puberty finishes at many different ages for everyone, from about 18-25, in saying that, without knowing the exact age the women in question finished puberty, you cannot do this calculation.

Gold star for effort.

Edited by Chuck_Norris
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Yeah, I am 25 years old. That's why I said, 3 decades from now, I will get it as well!

You'll never find out what it's like with an old fart if you spend your Saturday nights talking with them on an internet forum - go out and get wasted and have some fun.

Hahahhaaa. Thanks for the advice, but I am not looking coz I'm already taken.

Besides, I've been swimming for 2-3 hours/day all week (including tonight) and I will be doing it again tomorrow afternoon! I'm preparing for Bali.

Naturally, I am very very exhausted!

(Kindly check thread entitled Drowned to Life under Farang Pub and Entertainment Forum.) I am just me; I party like crazy, drink like a fish from time to time, frequent discos with my circle of girl friends, visit new restaurants with my friends, etc.

Edited by GracelessFawn
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Your using dictionary terms, well done!

A 13 yr old girl is a child regardless of what the dictionary states!

Its disgusting! sort your head out pal!!


You just don't get it do you.

What is a pedophile or not is not open to your pseudo moralistic determination.

It has to be defined.

We'd be in trouble if the laws were determined by die-hard bigots such as you.

What is a bigot?

big·ot (bgt)


One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

Another definition:


A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own

That about sums you up.

It's people like you that burnt witches many centuries ago.

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Does anyone need a beer or a glass of whisky?

Back to the topic.......

I think that a 19 year old dating/having a relationship with a 13 year old is very very wrong. Pedophilia is pedophilia. It is very sickening!

Pedophilia is pedophilia, yes.

A 19 year old DATING a 13 year old is not pedophilia.

A 19 year old srewing a 13 year old is not a pedophile unless the girl is pre-pubescent (ie. a child).

Once again for a lot of people that don't understand what pedophilia is:

Pedophilia, paedophilia or pædophilia is the paraphilia of being sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to prepubescent or peripubescent children. People with this attraction are called pedophiles.

Another definition:



The act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children.

What is a child?

child (chld)

n. pl. chil·dren (chldrn)

1. A person between birth and puberty.


a. An unborn infant; a fetus.

b. An infant; a baby.

What is puberty?

pu·ber·ty (pybr-t)


The stage of adolescence in which an individual becomes physiologically capable of sexual reproduction.

What is peripubescent?

Children and young adolescents near the average age of puberty are sometimes referred to as peripubescent in medical literature.

I suggest you look up Children and Young Persons Act.

That gives you the definition of children according to the Law, not according to your warped mind, where you can convince yourself that you are not doing anything wrong. PR#CK

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