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Peoples Views On Breaking The Law


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Lets say your in your home country and you see some one breaking the law. Would you call police?

But in Thailand if someone/expat/tourist is breaking a law be it labour or Thai immigration, customs or policy set down by the Thai police its o.k as it is Thailand and we should mind our beewax and its of their choosing.

Examples of this would be over stays or working in Thailand with a improprer visa or the right to smoke or use a drug of your choice.

Then the same people scream blue murder if they are caught when most know what they are doing was illegal.

The reason I am asking is my friend who was escorted off by Thai immigration(working in the Thai school with wrong visa I guess) and is back in England according to his e-mail says it was not fair and he should have the right to work in Thailand visa or no visa. But would he say the same about an illegal working say in England?

Side bar...The immigration have gone back and sized all the papers and payroll information in his old home and I think now maybe the school is in trouble to(But not sure).

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Better to keep your nose clean and do things legaly.

Be prepared to accept the consequenses if your illegal activities turn pair shaped.

Too many either think they wont get caught, or are naive enough to believe that if everybody is doing it , it is ok to do it.

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If it's not actually harming anyone then as far as I am concerned it's OK..

And I have many friends in the UK some are even Thai working under the counter so to speak and I would never dream of saying anything to anyone.... everybody just wants a better life for themselves, sometimes the law is an ass and it gets in the way!

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yeah, there are a lot of laws and some of them pretty dumb,

but I mean it says a lot about society that some of these laws exist in the first place.

I mean, do I need a big brother telling me it is not okay to rape and murder somebody.. Pshh! please, that's engrained upon me. Where is the parental education?

There are moral values, socially acceptable moral values, and these I abide by. Sure they can be open to negotiation, but I don't need to negociate a lot of things.

<deleted>?! I mean, take for example, working on a beach resort. I did that in LOS years ago. I wasn't allowed for the old, "A job a thai can do... etc etc.."

But it ain't always like that is it? I was more capable, languages experience aside... Multi Cultural Knowledge - How to get on with anyone from anywhere.

As a result, place was succesful, we provided more employement ops for Kon thai, and so on and so forth.

Stealing from another. here's a good one for discussion:

There is something I could never condone, nor do.

Yet, I've nicked ashtrays from bars. I've had the odd sip from my jobs behind a bar from time to time (always minor "i deserve this" amounts, I justify. -??-)

But I'd never nick anything off any individual... :D

Yet my music and movie collection :o ...

Sometimes I'm not so clear yet I disobey the law, thinking it's harmless...

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The reason I am asking is my friend who was escorted off by Thai immigration(working in the Thai school with wrong visa I guess) and is back in England according to his e-mail says it was not fair and he should have the right to work in Thailand visa or no visa. But would he say the same about an illegal working say in England?

Where in the glossy brochures does it say that life is fair? He seems to have this attitude that if he disagrees with the rules/laws he can just ignore them with impunity. OK, I'll buy that. I assume he has no problem if I come round his house when he's out and relieve him of certain attractive commodities as I'm a professional burglar who disagrees with the laws regarding theft.

I have very little sympathy for people who flout the law and then whinge when they get caught and have to take the consequences. As the old saying goes "If you can't do the time don't do the crime". :o

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I have no reason to break the law and have always stayed legal here. I do know one guy who is a low life bum. He skipped from his home country and ran his credit cards to the max before he left. He had a friend of his steal his car, strip it then burn it for the insurance. He feels comfortable because he has a second passport. Would I like to see him get caught? Yes I would but it won't be me who turns him in.

I also know several guys on long overstay. If they want to take that chance it's up to them. I hope they don't get caught. Unlike the bum, they bother no one and have only a small pension to live off of. I do believe in minding my own business as long as no one is being hurt.

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There are a lot of laws that are stupid and senseless and deserve to be ignored; ones against voluntary sex after the age of consent is reached and against ganja (and I don't even like the stuff).

I wouldn't turm anyone in for anything that didn't directly harm someone else. Incarceration can easily turn into a death sentence and I don't want that karma on my head unless I am sure that someone deserves it. :o

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