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Melania Trump settles defamation claim against blogger


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This lawsuit provides a glimpse into the grubby minds of the Trumps and their low class, opportunistic and venal exploitation of others.


A cause for defamation under US law does not hang on reputations loss. It hangs on the impact of alleged repetitional loss on future earnings. Ms. Trump claimed that the defamation caused a loss due to a 'one in a lifetime' opportunity i.e. the opportunity to profit from being FLOTUS.


"Richard Painter, who advised former President George W. Bush on ethics, said the language in the lawsuit shows Trump is engaging “in an unprecedented, clear breach of rules about using her government position for private gain. This is a very serious situation where she says she intends to make a lot of money. That ought to be repudiated by the White House or investigated by Congress.”



Ms. Trump may still be able to stir up the juices of jaded old men as the trophy of a vainglorious bag of wind and she may have once been a genuine person but she, her husband and most of her family are dross. They disgrace the offices which they hold. They draw from the public purse to promote their own vanity. Whatever sympathies we may have felt for Ms. Trump in our condolences at having to perform her wifely duties with that orange ogre have now dissipated in the wake of such blatant avarice.

Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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On 2/8/2017 at 1:46 AM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


In August 2016 a Slovenian Magazine named Suzy published an article claiming that she worked for an escort agency. The claim was repeated in the UK Daily Mail and by a blogger, Mr. Webster Griffin Tarpley. Ms. Trump sued the Dail Mail in a Maryland court for $150m. The text of the complaint is here https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3038385-MelaniaTrump.html. The suit was dismissed 5 days ago. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/melania-trump-daily-mail-lawsuit-escort-claim-first-lady-us-maryland-county-judge-dismiss-mailonline-a7560931.html


Melania Trump did not sue the Slovenian magazine. She did sue the blogger. I wonder at the timing of the settlement so soon after the dismissal of the Daily Mail suit. One suspects the settlement would have been something along the lines of "Sorry. Won't do it again, luv".


These are the facts. I realize that they do not count to the Alt Right in their attempt to define reality. You do not address the core of the case which is the alleged employment by Melanie Trump as a paid escort but only the issue that an individual blogger posted a claim by another source that this is the case. So let's take the assumption that Melania Trump worked Henas a paid escort as a given. The issue then becomes the ability of people to publish information. In which case, we see the intolerance of the Alt Right for freedom of speech. We see the selfish and self serving notion that having a few dollars in your pocket allows you to consider yourself superior to others and not subject to th rules. You may use your resources to play the system to your advantage.


No issue of fact has been decided by either the Maryland dismissal or the settlement involving Mr. Tarpley.


We then get the Alt Right's remedy. A bunch of juvenile name calling and a Taliban like call for the 'lesser people' to be frightened off. Well, Mr. Tarpley is not hiding behind a keyboard. He name is known. Your name, however is not. You allege that he will use bankruptcy laws to avoid financial penalties. Rather ironic when we are talking about the Trump family. But wait...to the rich <deleted> of the world, playing the system is a sign of strength so Trump's multiple bankruptcies become smart business strategy. I guess Mr. Tarpley's right to free speech does not rise to this level in the minds of the selfish, self satisfied, 'successful' people.


We are then provided with some alternative facts to justify the Taliban-style reprimand of Mr. Tarpley. Kill one to frighten ten thousand. Straight from the Genghis Khan school of governance I guess. I have researched the saying. Nobody claims that Emperor Qin said this. Some say it was Sun Tzu but it is not in any translation of 'The Art of War' that i have. Others say it was Confucius. https://books.google.co.th/books?id=T3bAfe2xIH0C&pg=PA144&lpg=PA144&dq=clutterbuck+kill+one+to+terrorise+thousands&source=bl&ots=zS5xFshB2m&sig=fjWn87ZFm6PXbnVKPtDOO240kxY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXg7nW-__RAhUKOY8KHRlxBJAQ6AEIGjAA#v=onepage&q=clutterbuck kill one to terrorise thousands&f=false


Henry Prunkun, from Charles Sturt University quotes Clutterbuck in his essay "The First Pillar of Terror – Kill One, Frighten Ten Thousand: a Critical Discussion of the Doctrinal Shift Associated with the ‘New Terrorism’ "

http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1350/pojo.2014.87.3.660. In fact he misattributes the quote to Sun Tzu. In any case, it was not who you said it was. Should I be surprised?


Is your fake outrage consistent with Virtue Signalling? Is your propagation of Alt Right PC an indication that you are a snowflake? You are outraged on behalf of Melanie Trump for no other reason than you blind devotion to her husband, who is not even your Leader - or perhaps it is lust driving you. In any case, the most unqualified unfit and unready person in the World to occupy the White House has no reason to expect that he or is family can manufacture their history and image with impunity just because of wealth and temporary political power. I hope keyboard warriors across the world continue to prod and pick and tease at any and all bits of information to expose this gigantic, woeful caricature that is now known as 45.

I enjoy reading postings by non-American socialists like yourself.


You obviously get your news from some Alt-Left website, because you don't even know that "snowflakes" are the paid protesters whining in the US right now.

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10 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

This lawsuit provides a glimpse into the grubby minds of the Trumps and their low class, opportunistic and venal exploitation of others.


A cause for defamation under US law does not hang on reputations loss. It hangs on the impact of alleged repetitional loss on future earnings. Ms. Trump claimed that the defamation caused a loss due to a 'one in a lifetime' opportunity i.e. the opportunity to profit from being FLOTUS.


"Richard Painter, who advised former President George W. Bush on ethics, said the language in the lawsuit shows Trump is engaging “in an unprecedented, clear breach of rules about using her government position for private gain. This is a very serious situation where she says she intends to make a lot of money. That ought to be repudiated by the White House or investigated by Congress.”



Ms. Trump may still be able to stir up the juices of jaded old men as the trophy of a vainglorious bag of wind and she may have once been a genuine person but she, her husband and most of her family are dross. They disgrace the offices which they hold. They draw from the public purse to promote their own vanity. Whatever sympathies we may have felt for Ms. Trump in our condolences at having to perform her wifely duties with that orange ogre have now dissipated in the wake of such blatant avarice.


3 minutes ago, LPCustom69 said:

I enjoy reading postings by non-American socialists like yourself.


You obviously get your news from some Alt-Left website, because you don't even know that "snowflakes" are the paid protesters whining in the US right now.

All you've got to answer this well-reasoned and fact based post is name calling and ridiculous allegations about paid protesters that have repeatedly been proven false.

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Being called an escort could enhance her brand - having a fug film become publicly available did wonders for Paris Hilton (released as "One Night in Paris") and Kim Kardashian.


She is very likely an illegal immigrant - evidence thus far has demonstrated that she was illegally working in the US while on a tourist visa.

Trump claimed he'd make her immigration papers public, but he/she never will.

Edited by JimmyJ
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On 2/8/2017 at 1:31 PM, F4UCorsair said:

So some loser hiding behind a keyboard can say whatever he chooses with Impunity?


If jerks like him  aren't challenged they see It as weakness and continue their Idiotic behaviour.  Others may even learn something from It.....as Emperor Qing said, "Kill one...frighten a thousand!"


Actually, your man Trump has an extensive record of doing just that. But in his case, the lawsuits he brought were groundless and dismissed. But he didn't care. in fact, he openly boasted of using the law as a way to ruin his opponents.

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13 minutes ago, LPCustom69 said:

I enjoy reading postings by non-American socialists like yourself.


You obviously get your news from some Alt-Left website, because you don't even know that "snowflakes" are the paid protesters whining in the US right now.


Yes. I watch CNN. That's the only station that TRUE provides apart from BBC News.


I am not a socialist but since a certain type of unlettered American thinks the the term is an insult, then please don't let that stop you. I am not a socialist because it is no longer the 20thC and western liberal democracies are now post-industrial. But of course, you don't want the words that you believe are insults to be scrutinized too closely do you. I would love to have a real debate about this given the prominence of Bernie Sanders and the exchange of ideas that will be needed to reform the Democratic Party. But you are clearly not equipped for such a discussion. No biggie. We all have limitations. Some more than others.


Alt Left does not exist. You lot have to exercise your brains and come up with some other trendy trope. We got Alt Right first to use against people like you. Don't be a copy cat.


Snowflake was a term used by WWII Concentration Camp guards to refer to incinerated inmates as their ashes looked like snowflakes. You may continue to use the term to refer to millenials protesting the election of an incompetence egotist but personally, if find it abhorrent and people using the term repugnant.


Accusing protesters of being paid is a very sly insinuation that boogey-man George Soros is hanging around. He's getting old now. Who will you use then to whip up the slavering frenzy?


I have lived, worked and paid taxes in America in my career and have strong connections with and interest in what is going on. Your attempt to respond to my view of the allegations of Ms. Trump being a paid escort doesn't actually say anything about the allegation, her response, the complaint filed in the Maryland court which I linked to in a previous post or the views of Mr. Painter that were quoted. Instead, you post 2 sentences that contain at least five anti-leftist memes that are superficial, brainless and actually have no factual or credible basis.


I always say that I don't mind posters making a post about me. Talking about me is one of my favorite pastimes. Please continue until your posts get deleted. I am sure you can come up with a witty Alt Right PC proof comeback even though you have used most of them in your pithy, predictable and pathetic response above..

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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, your man Trump has an extensive record of doing just that. But in his case, the lawsuits he brought were groundless and dismissed. But he didn't care. in fact, he openly boasted of using the law as a way to ruin his opponents.

"Your man Trump"???


What an absurd contention.

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