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Cb Radio ( Remember That ? )


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I will refrain from the old breaker 19 for a copy and all that jargon but driving home this afternoon my mind wonderd to a time when I had a CB radio in my truck, I started remembering some good times, those days seem far away now but has CB radio died ? Has anyone ever seen a CB radio here in Thailand ? just for the record is it still alive and kicking in the states ?

Sure its been taken over by the mobile phone and other things but CB radio was alive, a compleatly diferent experiance to the boring telephone.

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Do not believe in the days when it was popular it was ever legal here in Thailand as military controlled airwaves very tightly until recently. There is personal walkie-talkie type equipment for sale here now and believe they may use the old CB freqs. Until fairly recently even radio controlled cars/planes were a military by invitation only pastime.

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Have not seen any CBs. I have a German friend that has a 100 Watt shortwave transceiver in his Vios here in Thailand so he can talk pretty much anywhere. Changing his antenna he can use the FM mode also. He is liscensed here to use it but not a trivial thing to get. I believe he imported one of his transceivers and bought the mobile (car) one here. Took him a long time to get the registration.

As for CBs, used to have one back home and enjoyed when the truckers would announce 'Smokey's ahead'. :o

In case you may have forgotten the terminology > CB Slang

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I was thinking about this while driving back to Bangkok a week or so ago and I saw a car with some 144.??? mghz frequency on the back of his car.

I think that the written work in forums like this has replaced the good old CB. From Australia, talking to someone on "Side-Band" from more than 30km away was a real treat, and was transient on sunspot activity.

In the north of Sydney, we had a casual "Radio Club" and would all rush home from school to all talk on the CB. The Channel allocation was different with 11 as the AM call Channel, 9 as the Emergency and 8 as the "Truckers" channel. I can't remember what the Side-Band call channel was, it was in the low 30's.

The big thing back 30 years ago was to make your own midifications to your equipment so you had "Extra Channels", and we all studied the diagrams for the 02 and 02a PLL circuits. Those who some how got a "Linear" were really cool. Once I got one I realised how much gear the things cooked.

I had boxes of broken exuipment from failed experiments.

I sort of miss it.

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