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"Double" charging of foreign tourists is killing our business, say Krabi long tail boat operators


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30 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

"Thailand as a country should factor this into it's pricing."

may I ask you, who you think you are to tell an independent nation what it should and should not do?


"they are not even worth the Thai price. " cool! so what's a problem! just don't go there. seems like Thailand will servunve without having you as a visitor. lol

"Phi Phi Island were taking the park fees and pocketing it. Is that alright in your warped thinking?" if some government officials were pocketing something -it's an issue for Thai citizen, not for a foreigner. it's none of your business where your fee will go. you have a simple choice - pay and go or not pay and stay at home. deal  with it without whining that Thais owe you something.


I can say it due to funds coming from my and many other countries. They accept the funding, they should morally factor this into the pricing.


Since they stopped accepting a Thai driving licence as a way to pay Thai price, i don't go. I am not a visitor, i live here. Although that could be interpreted as a visitor by you. Try telling in to an immigrant of 12 years in the UK though!  


It is a issue for whom ever is having money stolen from them.


I don't whine about the Thai people owing me anything. But maybe one day a policy maker will read a thread like this and understand the issues.


You are of course welcome to keep paying 10 fold and think they respect you for it. Actually they think you are a fool, as indeed i do.

Edited by chrissables
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Personally, I always get annoyed when required to pay more... Why? Well, I have a work permit and pay taxes. Something most Thais dont do and never have done.


Besides that... the dual price system is only about skin colour and nothing else.


Good they finally realised it is bad for business. 



Edited by khunpa
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4 minutes ago, Arandora said:

I didn't say I did not agree with dual pricing in Thailand, merely that is us not racial discrimination. 

I agree that the current rates are too high for visitor families with children but it could be argued that on an income basis they are high for a local family with children. 

The perfect solution for visitors? Free to all. Now, who pays and how? 

Racism is discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity.

As they charge extra for all foreigners ie non-Thais then this is a form of racism/discrimination

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18 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

I dont negotiate anything because I get use to not shit where I live. That's why I don't encourage Thai police officers for taking bribes.


benefit for the country is more important for me than saving 200 baht by paying a bribe.


"after you are in that's when the fun (and the negotiations) start" oh yeah, you politely smile while asking to be let in the country and them take part in eroding the system by bribes. for your own small benefit. the system  which was made by people who kindly let you in.


That's why Thailand does not want people like you to be a citizen.

How would you know who Thailand wants as a citizen? Are you a Thai citizen?

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4 minutes ago, munchlet said:

When they start putting their cuddly Poo Yai in jail, I may reconsider my position, but if, I paid nothing here, nothing gets done here, if I pay what they ask, I will have empty pockets very quickly, when in Rome do as the Romans do. When they show an example and clean up their act at  the very top, then we will be able to talk about morality and country benefits.  Until then? Just look at the squirming about the Rolls Royce bribes, every one knows who S and G are, but no one wants to go after them.......another farce.

this is you, as many foreigners, are paying to bend the law  -  get a WP without Thai staff, get a pesion visa without real money in the  bank etc.

with  your money you are trying to get what you have no right for. with your money you corrupt the system. the system of people who allowed you in. who trusted you.

that's why Thailand does not need people like you. who think they can buy anything with their money.


"When they show an example and clean up their act at  the very top, then we will be able to talk about morality and country benefits.  "

oh, really?

"make me happy and may be I will  follow your laws" this is your justification for corrupting the life of people who treat you as a guest?


how pathetic.


no way. when you asked for visa you signed an obligation to follow the law of host country. and buy breaking this promise you cause harm to people who trusted you. who let you in.


some Thais break the law? it none of your business. follow your obligations.

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And it is Thai law, that foreign residents of Thailand, who have Thai government issued ID, can pay the same price as a Thai. However, I have tried this on many occasions, and the greedy, hungry, simple minded park officials will not accept this law, and will not let us in for the price stated in the law. This dual pricing would be ok, if it were double. But, to charge 400 baht to get into alot of these parks is pure piracy. Thievery. Grant theft. I will not visit parks that charge that much. 


Tourism is dropping here at an alarming rate. Especially Western tourism. Yet, these inane practices continue.


Little P. Moving Thailand backwards at an alarming pace. 

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Here is an example of how America does it's national parks for visitors. Please note that this pass is available to EVERYBODY. You can literally visit every park and national recreation area in the USA for $80. 


Up to four adults in a car.... children under 15 free...now compare that to 4 adults going to some trashed up waterfall for an hour at 400 Baht each. You can see from this that American parks are an absolute bargain compared to Thailand. 




"A pass is your ticket to more than 2,000 federal recreation sites. Each pass covers entrance fees at national parks and national wildlife refuges as well as standard amenity fees (day use fees) at national forests and grasslands, and at lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A pass covers entrance, standard amenity fees and day use fees for a driver and all passengers in a personal vehicle at per vehicle fee areas (or up to four adults at sites that charge per person). Children age 15 or under are admitted free."


Get the picture?


Edited to add... i just did a quick count of how many national parks there are in Thailand. There are around 120 of them. Some don't charge 400 Baht some are 200. So lets take the number of 300 Baht over all on average. 


For two adults to visit every park would cost 72,000 Baht. Quite the difference in price wouldn't you say?

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3 minutes ago, chrissables said:

How would you know who Thailand wants as a citizen? Are you a Thai citizen?

i know it from the law of Thailand which makes its extremely hard for a foreigner to get a citizenship. and from the statistic data for naturalization in Thailand.

even in Switzerland it's easier. by doing so Thailand says: "foreigners, we don't need you as citizen. why? ask yourself!"

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

And it is Thai law, that foreign residents of Thailand, who have Thai government issued ID, can pay the same price as a Thai. However, I have tried this on many occasions, and the greedy, hungry, simple minded park officials will not accept this law, and will not let us in for the price stated in the law. This dual pricing would be ok, if it were double. But, to charge 400 baht to get into alot of these parks is pure piracy. Thievery. Grant theft. I will not visit parks that charge that much. 


Tourism is dropping here at an alarming rate. Especially Western tourism. Yet, these inane practices continue.


Little P. Moving Thailand backwards at an alarming pace. 

"that foreign residents of Thailand, who have Thai government issued ID, "


you mean those with a pink "permanent residence" cards?

1) if yes, if they are breaking the law you have a full right to go to the court. or you are too lazy for that? then accept the price

2) if no - driving license, work permit are not an id which gives a foreigner rights of a citizen, dont lie to yourself.


" This dual pricing would be ok, if it were double" Thais decide what is ok and what is not. not you. deal with it.


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3 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

i know it from the law of Thailand which makes its extremely hard for a foreigner to get a citizenship. and from the statistic data for naturalization in Thailand.

even in Switzerland it's easier. by doing so Thailand says: "foreigners, we don't need you as citizen. why? ask yourself!"

I don't ask myself these things, i was just replying to your comment.

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4 hours ago, scubachild said:

 I know that is against our western sensibilities to pay more but a little bit more wouldn't be unreasonable   Let's not forget Thai people rarely have the chance to travel overseas as us westerners do. 

You seem to forget that many people in the "West" have to scrimp and save all year for their two weeks in the Thai sun!  Why should they be so heavily penalized simply for being a farang?


If LoSo Thais do the same and holiday on credit, like many Europeans and Americans do, they don't suffer this vastly inflated pricing in Europe or the 'States, as far as I am aware.


You can also see that, despite being "poor" most Thais still manage to get enough credit to buy new Hiluxes with which to happily go out and maim and slaughter!

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8 minutes ago, realenglish1 said:

I have said all along  that charging  tourists more was going to backfire and here is a PERFECT example of that


We are not stupid and will not pay these gouging prices I dont blame the tourists 

this practice is alive for 50 years. and the overwhelming majority is paying.

it will end up in that you will not see the natural park park. and others will.

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1 minute ago, saminoz said:

You seem to forget that many people in the "West" have to scrimp and save all year for their two weeks in the Thai sun!  Why should they be so heavily penalized simply for being a farang?


If LoSo Thais do the same and holiday on credit, like many Europeans and Americans do, they don't suffer this vastly inflated pricing in Europe or the 'States, as far as I am aware.


You can also see that, despite being "poor" most Thais still manage to get enough credit to buy new Hiluxes with which to happily go out and maim and slaughter!

"Why should they be so heavily penalized simply for being a farang?" because they are not Thai citizen.


"they don't suffer this vastly inflated pricing in Europe or the 'States, as far as I am aware." instead of this they are suffering from  those 1% bikers scam, who come to their country from Europe and States. who parasite on Thai society. this is much worth than any "inflated prices"


"You can also see that, despite being "poor" most Thais still manage to get enough credit to buy new Hiluxes"

resentment is bad

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Just now, Linesy said:

Getting boring now, this thread has descended into a wind up. Although I am impressed by the stamina of one poster on here.

Not sure if I am more impressed with his stamina than sheer level of ignorance. lol Surely he is trolling it would be hard to believe any mere mortal could be that stupid.

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9 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

i know it from the law of Thailand which makes its extremely hard for a foreigner to get a citizenship. and from the statistic data for naturalization in Thailand.

even in Switzerland it's easier. by doing so Thailand says: "foreigners, we don't need you as citizen. why? ask yourself!"

Actually it is not extremely hard. If it was I would not have got citizenship. Plenty of people are gaining citizenship. Now, as a Thai citizen I say double, triple, quadruple or more pricing is wrong. And the Thais who I work with also believe it wrong. They were very embarrassed and voiced objections, when on an office trip I had to pay more than them to get into a national park. This obviously does not happen anymore, but unlike them, I now have to flash my ID card because I am Caucasian and am not believed by park officials when I say I am a Thai citizen.       

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Just now, GarryP said:

Actually it is not extremely hard. If it was I would not have got citizenship. Plenty of people are gaining citizenship. Now, as a Thai citizen I say double, triple, quadruple or more pricing is wrong. And the Thais who I work with also believe it wrong. They were very embarrassed and voiced objections, when on an office trip I had to pay more than them to get into a national park. This obviously does not happen anymore, but unlike them, I now have to flash my ID card because I am Caucasian and am not believed by park officials when I say I am a Thai citizen.       

"Now, as a Thai citizen I say double, triple, quadruple or more pricing is wrong. And the Thais who I work with also believe it wrong"

even if you are a Thai citizen now - you are not the majority.

"I now have to flash my ID card because I am Caucasian and am not believed by park officials when I say I am a Thai citizen.   " it's a right of government officials to check your id when ever they wish.

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3 hours ago, straylight said:

Should start charging Thais accordingly for Disneyland etc.


Very good point!  If Thais had to pay ten times the normal fees for rides in Disneyland, their tourists would simply stop coming!


What is it about these greedy morons that they can't understand this?

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Not sure if I am more impressed with his stamina than sheer level of ignorance. lol Surely he is trolling it would be hard to believe any mere mortal could be that stupid.

If we all stop posting he might start arguing with himself, must be lunchtime soon anyway-
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2 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

Not sure if I am more impressed with his stamina than sheer level of ignorance. lol Surely he is trolling it would be hard to believe any mere mortal could be that stupid.

people like you always call those who say something you don't like "ignorant" "biased" "retarded" "fascist", "racist" etc instead of refuting their arguments.


leftists simple can't accept that somebody can disagree with them.


if you ask them : "if multiculturalism is so good, why European nations are superseded by foreigners? Is it good or not?"

they will answer - you are racist! shut up!

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People do, and always will, keep coming to Thailand because except for the occasional scam its still cheaper than most countries,especially food.


We are just about to have a holiday back home in Oz.


From the Sydney Airport to Cental Railway Staion ,about an 18 min trip the cost is 460 baht each.Of course its been privatised and try buying a small bottle of water for less than 100 baht.Most water companies are now owned by Coca Cola ,what a surprise.


The average tourist, unless they have been to Thailand before, would not have a clue about the scams eg boats ,jet skis,national parks etc its a learning curve.



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3 minutes ago, nickmondo said:

i think we should contact all businesses working in tourism in England to charge Thais double, or more...........

see how they like it

its bloody ridiculous, and i never, ever pay more than a thai


ok. do it! do something instead of whining that Thailand does not deliver you what you think you deserve.

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1 minute ago, nickmondo said:

i think we should contact all businesses working in tourism in England to charge Thais double, or more...........

see how they like it

its bloody ridiculous, and i never, ever pay more than a thai



No it's not ridiculous - I don't accept the comments one poster here, but this is the other extreme - I will pay more, just not 10-20x more and it would be nice to see that your money is going somewhere other than someone's pocket.



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4 hours ago, scubachild said:

 I know that is against our western sensibilities to pay more but a little bit more wouldn't be unreasonable   Let's not forget Thai people rarely have the chance to travel overseas as us westerners do. 

Thai's travel problems are not ours....That's not the issue here...

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