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The discussion here seems to be centred on the "immoral practices" for the western male, these are only a relatively small % of the overall prostitution industry in Thailand. The industry that is geared for the locals and the asians is larger in number and value than the the segment aimed at the falang. As a result it is doubtfull that the industry will be eliminated by the powers that be.

This is correct, and this the unregulated, and dangerous part of the equation. The Western-orientated "nightlife" scene is well documented and everyone knows the locations; but every Thai town and even village has some kind of brothel / massage / karaoke shops specifically catering to locals and truck drivers.

The girls here are virtually slaves and I would be surprised if they ever got checked for diseases.

Maybe if the NGO's; polititians; feminists and activists ever got their knickers in a twist about this, instead of the high-profile and easy marks of Patong; Pattaya; etc, then something might change for the better.

But don't hold your breath.... :o

Every law in Thailand is seemingly a gray area / bidding point to shovel cash into police pockets. :D

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Then on the way to 2nd Road we had to pass large poster photographs of men clutching their private parts.

It's high time prime real estate in downtown Pattaya was given over to other busnesses.

What was the poster advertising? Was it a national or international brand name? If so there is a fair chance it would also appear in other locations attracting the target population for the product.

Would it have been OK if ladies were clutching the men's private parts? :D

What other businesses would you suggest? How 'bout book shops? That'll really fill the 747s and stretch Suvarnabhumi to its limits. Or maybe coffee shops, there are never enough Starbucks around when you want a nice expensive brew. Or 7-11s, that's a boomtown industry.

No, best option is to leave them exactly as they are and turn them into museum exhibits depicting Pattaya life late 20th early 21st centuries. A kind of living museum where visitor participation is encouraged. :o

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Maybe if the NGO's; polititians; feminists and activists ever got their knickers in a twist about this, instead of the high-profile and easy marks of Patong; Pattaya; etc, then something might change for the better.

But don't hold your breath.... :o

These phoneys don't care anything about local women or children being enslaved and treated brutally by Asian men.

All they are worried about is making sure that Western men can't laid for a reasonable price anywhere on the planet. :D

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All prostitutes are not indentured servants. A good many see it as the only way to advance in today's world. Some countries(Holland) are better at dealing with this than others. Some countries have adopted laws to protect these people and some (Thailand) are in denial. Many families throughout the world are being supported by money generated in this trade. And yes it is the oldest profession. Going back through history, one can see that prostitutes would follow armies through campaigns that took them all over the world. Lipstick was created by prostitutes who wanted to simulate blood engorged labia, on their faces so as to garner more business. Make Up, prostitute innovation at it's best.

Prostitution can only be curtailed if these women find other means of financial support. It's all about money. Gov'ts can help, but they are too busy enforcing outdated laws. I was watching a documentary on this very subject, and most prostitutes said that many men visit us only to talk, and if their wives talked to them, they wouldn't visit us.

It's not all about sex, sometimes it's about talking to someone who is not too quick to judge you. I guess the same can be said about sex, if they were getting any at home, why would they visit prostitutes?

Gives you something to think about

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ISo what do you think would hapen to Thailand if it stoped tomorrow would tourism go down or up ?

As someone who travels far and wide I would say tourism would decline, why? Because all the so called "sex tourists" will simply go elsewhere like Cambodia and the Phillipines. I know guys who come here 4 times a year 2 weeks at a time who are well off, they pay 1,000 to 1,500 baht a night for a room and spend big in bars and night clubs and on the girls, money is no problem for them. These guys would go elsewhere to find this action if it wasn't here, that would have to have an impact on the economy.

The so called "normal tourists" will keep on coming the same as they do now, that will only increase with or without prostitution. When a "normal tourist" decides to come to Thailand prostitution is usually the last thing on their mind. There is so much to do in this country that it is of no consequence whether it's here or not. In my case it doesn't matter, I will be coming here for a long time yet with or without it, cheers. :D

I think not - at least while Mrs. Hun Sen is around.

I dont underdtand this comment regarding Mrs. Hun Sen :o

Prosititution is seen all over the place in Cambodia !

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In view of a recent post entitled "Service Girl Accuses German Of Not Paying" i want to ask what do you think would hapen if the police did there job and stoped all of the Prostitution in Thailand.

Is this in addition to doing their job stopping drug use, traffic violations, gambling, extortion, theft etc etc? :D

OK, it is a hypothetical question not to be taken seriously. :bah:

Firstly, you need to define prostitution.

If a man meets a woman and she agrees to sex but only in return for 1000 Baht, that is prostitution.

But if a man meets a woman and she agrees to sex for no financial gain except that the man makes a 1000Baht contribution to her taxi fare home in the morning and other sundry expenses, does that constitute prostitution? :D

In either case, should the police intervene, neither party is going to admit to an illegal act. They are in luuurve (at first sight) and it's up to the policeman to prove otherwise. Even if the police witness the man giving the woman money in the morning they will claim it is nothing more than a gift.

But OK, ignoring the complications, we have defined prostitution. :D

Assemble the storm troopers and perform a mass raid on Pattaya. Close down the beer bars, gogo bars, karaoke joints, massage parlours, night clubs, discos, escort services etc etc. Sweep the streets clean of any potential hookers and patrol them 24/7.

Job done? No, many of my colleagues have been propositioned in restaurants, department stores, hotels and even Don Muang duty free shop. On top of that sweeping the hookers off the streets is going to p1ss off a hel_l of a lot of female tourists and normal living Thai women who inevitably get caught up as well.

Could always do as in Viet Nam where it is illegal for a man and woman to be together in a bedroom after 10pm unless they are legally married. That works very well as anyone who has been to Vung Tau will tell you, not.

No, as much as the moral majority brigade stamp their feet and throw hissy fits the world's oldest profession will continue to ply it's trade.

Unless someone wants to turn Thailand into another North Korea ahere tourists are escorted around like flocks of sheep and allowed only to meet selected, party member, citizens :bah: or Saudi Arabia :D

yeah saudi arabia has no prostitution! :o

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Prostitution happens everywhere!

I don't think it is necessarily bad. Some unfortunate ladies are prostitutes for a number of reasons, mostly sad and sob, but non-the-less true experiences.

To tell you the truth, I feel sorry for those ladies. Most of them are not only victims of poverty, but they are constantly scorned and looked-down by the better-than-thou members of society.

Whether you believe it or not, the only sex that some guys find nowadays is one they pay for. (Not everybody is perfect after all, and it cannot be denied that for most people appearance and personality count. [somehow when coupling] )

There are physically challenge guys or ladies out there that need sex (from time to time/here and there/most of the time/all the time/etc) just like everybody else.

I love u GF. :o

Thanks a lot meemiathai.


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Then on the way to 2nd Road we had to pass large poster photographs of men clutching their private parts.

It's high time prime real estate in downtown Pattaya was given over to other busnesses.

What was the poster advertising? Was it a national or international brand name? If so there is a fair chance it would also appear in other locations attracting the target population for the product.

Would it have been OK if ladies were clutching the men's private parts? :D

What other businesses would you suggest? How 'bout book shops? That'll really fill the 747s and stretch Suvarnabhumi to its limits. Or maybe coffee shops, there are never enough Starbucks around when you want a nice expensive brew. Or 7-11s, that's a boomtown industry.

No, best option is to leave them exactly as they are and turn them into museum exhibits depicting Pattaya life late 20th early 21st centuries. A kind of living museum where visitor participation is encouraged. :o

PhilHarries, what a guy, you are the only one who has ever thought and said what I have thought for a long time. :D I couldn't have said it better. If there is any chance of you coming to Pattaya I would love to buy you a beer a have long chat about it, we'd laugh our heads off at some of the goings on around here then we'd go off and have a good time and get pissed. Cheers mate. :D

Edited by bmanly
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In view of a recent post entitled "Service Girl Accuses German Of Not Paying" i want to ask what do you think would hapen if the police did there job and stoped all of the Prostitution in Thailand. What would hapen considering the amounts of money it generates for a lot of people but on the other hand it being detrimental to those concerned and Thailand as a whole and all the other negative things that go with it crime ect. So what do you think would hapen to Thailand if it stoped tomorrow would tourism go down or up ? would thai pepole be beter of or worse of ? what would all the prostitutes do ?. I know there is more to Thailand than Prostitution but to say it is illegal in places like pattaya its like a major industry. This is only a hypothetical question because i can not see it ending any time soon unless the new government does something to affect the standrad of living in Thailand. So dont take it to seriously please :o

It should be legalized & regulated. End of story.

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Laws are a set of rules which a society consider a reasonable way for that society to function. Prostitution is in demand in every country in the world. The demand exists not through force, but by a need form a part of that society, for what ever reason, to fulfill a need which will not go away.

As you can't stop it. As people need it. Legalize it, keep it as clean as possible by enacting reasonable laws and let those who prey on the unfortunates who now have to hide what they do on pain of arrest, be the ones to suffer.

Anything that makes people feel better can't be controlled by social sanctions or punitive laws.

People will take drugs, have sex, jump out of airplanes, do stuff that makes them feel good.

Never was a religion or an idea or a law that could or would or did change that.

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well boys im going to give you the drill,

there aint nothing wrong with prostitution as the girls are providing a service to the dudes and as long as the said dude cough's up with the green backs its all good.

the thing is there are some real gumbies out there that fall in love and blow the whole gig to the <deleted> house. :D

just do the dirty, pay the lady her money and then bolt down the rubbity dub dub for a nice pint and its all good punters. :D

not my game but everyone to there own gig i say. :D

cheers punting friends. :o

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well boys im going to give you the drill,

there aint nothing wrong with prostitution as the girls are providing a service to the dudes and as long as the said dude cough's up with the green backs its all good.

the thing is there are some real gumbies out there that fall in love and blow the whole gig to the <deleted> house. :D

just do the dirty, pay the lady her money and then bolt down the rubbity dub dub for a nice pint and its all good punters. :D

not my game but everyone to there own gig i say. :D

cheers punting friends. :o

Sorry Terry Mate thats Grey Backs..Mate,, Thai Govt tell the World there are no Prostitutes in Thailand, Hush your mouth and hang your head in shame..

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It should be legalized & regulated. End of story.

Legalized sounds good, but regulation?

I used to live in a Buddhist monastery. Sex was regulated. As if. How are you going to regulate sex?

Mandate sexual tests. Try to get a piece of the pie with taxes.

Or, educate people about diseases, and make oral HIV tests cheaply available. Tax is a difficult discussion. If a community agrees on what it wants to spend on, tax works wonders, and is needed. But governments are people too, and pork barrel politics taxes people for the war in Iraq, and other ways to misplace money. I'm not confident in tax. I'm more confident in charities.

Edited by jamman
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well boys im going to give you the drill,

there aint nothing wrong with prostitution as the girls are providing a service to the dudes and as long as the said dude cough's up with the green backs its all good.

the thing is there are some real gumbies out there that fall in love and blow the whole gig to the <deleted> house. :D

just do the dirty, pay the lady her money and then bolt down the rubbity dub dub for a nice pint and its all good punters. :D

not my game but everyone to there own gig i say. :D

cheers punting friends. :o

Sorry Terry Mate thats Grey Backs..Mate,, Thai Govt tell the World there are no Prostitutes in Thailand, Hush your mouth and hang your head in shame..

sorry mate,

and i'll be more careful next time. :D

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well boys im going to give you the drill,

there aint nothing wrong with prostitution as the girls are providing a service to the dudes and as long as the said dude cough's up with the green backs its all good.

the thing is there are some real gumbies out there that fall in love and blow the whole gig to the <deleted> house. :D

just do the dirty, pay the lady her money and then bolt down the rubbity dub dub for a nice pint and its all good punters. :bah:

not my game but everyone to there own gig i say. :bah:

cheers punting friends. :D

Sorry Terry Mate thats Grey Backs..Mate,, Thai Govt tell the World there are no Prostitutes in Thailand, Hush your mouth and hang your head in shame..

sorry mate,

and i'll be more careful next time. :o

Thats a good boy now go put a fire out somewhere..even if you have to start it yourself.. :o:D:D

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In view of a recent post entitled "Service Girl Accuses German Of Not Paying" i want to ask what do you think would hapen if the police did there job and stoped all of the Prostitution in Thailand. What would hapen considering the amounts of money it generates for a lot of people but on the other hand it being detrimental to those concerned and Thailand as a whole and all the other negative things that go with it crime ect. So what do you think would hapen to Thailand if it stoped tomorrow would tourism go down or up ? would thai pepole be beter of or worse of ? what would all the prostitutes do ?. I know there is more to Thailand than Prostitution but to say it is illegal in places like pattaya its like a major industry. This is only a hypothetical question because i can not see it ending any time soon unless the new government does something to affect the standrad of living in Thailand. So dont take it to seriously please :o

To all the Prostitutes/ hookers/ bar girls of the world, Keep up the good work, esp Thai girls (the best).

Have a great xmas and a prosperous new year, and I hope to catch up with a lot more of ya all next year !

Once married , "Never again" girls I love ya all ! as its the season of goodwill, xmas greetings to all !

Oh by the way , I allways pay, but allways negoiate !

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I wouldn't hold my breath for any long-term...you know Erco or one of his clones is waiting in the wings.

erco? who is he?

I just did a search on him and read his fabulous posts.

wow. things were wild and free in the good old days eh ? :o

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Some statistics....

Visiting prostitutes does seem quite a strong tradition among the Thai people in Thailand.

In a survey of "Never married men in Northern Thailand" in 1993 (from report in the journal 'Demography' Vol 30 (3),:

----34% of single university students had ever had heterosexual sex. Of these, 82% had at least once visited a prostitute,

----80% of single department store workers had ever had heterosexual sex. Of these, 74% had at least once visited a prostitute,

----90% of single soldiers had ever had heterosexual sex. Of these, a whopping 97% had at least once visited a prostitute,

----86% of single construction workers had ever had heterosexual sex. Of these, an equally whopping 98% had at least once visited a prostitute.

This suggests that using prostitution is quite ingrained in Thailand, and that visiting prostitutes is pretty much the norm for " blue collar" Thai male workers in particular.

Edited by RonanTheBarbarian
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move it out to the boonies.

It's high time prime real estate in downtown Pattaya was given over to other busnesses.

You keep on beating this dead horse, and even the worms and have given up and moved on.

Pattaya is a world famous sex resort that makes millions and millions of dollars and will remain so. Nothing that you do is ever going to change that. :o

Who knows, it might get cleaned up and turn into a giant night market like Pat Pong has.

Pale shadow of its former self...

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