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Foreign thieves are robbing us blind, complains Thai shop owner


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1 hour ago, TKDfella said:

I just wonder how many times they steal from tourist by over charging foreigners? I mean, it's a nationwide sport isn't it!

I know. How many times do we see in the news, or these postings,

when Thais rip off foreigners?. 
What gets me more are the Thais that would post this on Thai forums,

and make a big deal out of it, but would never post, or say anything

bad if a Thai screws over a foreigner. 
Not to mention, are these women's goods even legal?

Are they fake? More than likely.

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8 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Yer... plot being lost a bit


stand a German ( Eastern European) alongside a Brit, an American an Australian and a white South African, and who could really be sure which was which?

Easy answer to that riddle. The German would have dark 1/4 socks on with open strap sandels, the American would have a cigar and a camera slung around their neck. The Australian with the corks hanging off his hat and South African with a brown army bush hat on, would be having a frosty around an open fire, laughing their heads off.

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7 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

In Thailand, the law courts see theft as a very serious offence, often meting out sentences to guilty parties, far more severe than somebody taking another person's life.

If a thief gets caught here and prosecuted, if it is done during the hours of darkness, as opposed to during daylight hours, the sentence is so much more severe ! 

It's a serious offense only if it's a foreigner. 
Thais rip off foreigners every day,and nothing is done about it. 
And I know when it's like this situation, where it's a foreigner, it's on every Thai forum/page, and complaining about foreigners. 
If someone posts about being ripped off by a Thai, you will never see any Thai commenting saying this is bad, will never see it posted on any Thai forum, or newspaper. 
Double standards abound

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4 minutes ago, Moonmoon said:

U can be sure if a foreigner commits a crime in thailand he or she will be caught and prosecuted in record time if possible but if some high so thai does the same, u can start counting the sand on the beach krabi b4 they will ever see any justice.

Yes, if a foreigner commits even the smallest crime, it would be front page of every Thai paper, on all Thai forums, and they would get the maximum sentence. 
I wouldn't say just hi so Thais.
If any Thai rips off a foreigner,nothing is done

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4 hours ago, Chicken George said:

She is doing something about it or have you not noticed the CCT footage? 

Uh, did you completely miss the point of what the commenter was saying?
His point is the shopkeeper's living is from foreigners. 
She wouldn't have a business otherwise.
So she needs to get off her high horse making it out like all foreigners,and nothing is done. 
For one, this is now probably posted on every Thai forum,and Thai newspaper. 
As little a crime as it is, Thai cops would make a huge thing out of it. 
The other point, and lie of this shopkeeper is saying this happens all the time from foreigners stealing.
If that were so, there is no doubt she would've posted every single time it happened. 

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3 hours ago, moe666 said:

Got to love you guys the shop owner is being ripped off and most of the posts here seem to think it is ok or make some nonsense excuse like Thais do it to. Geez you people are a piece of work

Actually ,you're the piece of work.

Another apologist. 

People are commenting about the double standards, and hypocrisy 

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Thailand has both good & bad visitors (and farang). Being a low-cost destination Thailand - and our neighbors - attract a fair number of low-budget types searching for cheap (and possibly free) shopping / extras. These are farang types who would find Singapore or Seoul or Tokyo out of their reach. So yes its a mixed bag...many good farang and quite a number of bad farang arrive here. Take nobody at face value is the best way to run a business. 

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Reading TV I'm so often reminded of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. In this particular thread we have the devotees of the Queen of Hearts whose most famous saying was "Off with their heads". For them perhaps a paraphrase of the Second Noble Truth is apposite - If you're unhappy with the way humans behave, you're in denial about the realities of human life

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1 hour ago, woyzeck said:

It's a serious offense only if it's a foreigner. 
Thais rip off foreigners every day,and nothing is done about it. 
And I know when it's like this situation, where it's a foreigner, it's on every Thai forum/page, and complaining about foreigners. 
If someone posts about being ripped off by a Thai, you will never see any Thai commenting saying this is bad, will never see it posted on any Thai forum, or newspaper. 
Double standards abound

I think the Thai girl I know, who got a 12 YEAR jail sentence for repeat shoplifting, will disagree with your opinion on theft in Thailand. 

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On 2017/2/11 at 7:56 PM, Wilsonandson said:

A few days! You're having a laugh. A British women who stole 1 bottle of shampoo from boots in Pattaya is doing 2 years in prison. Eating fish head soup and losing all her teeth due to malnutrition.

Is this true? Can you paste on this website original source of news?

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Netdao Wiwatratsamee 
"I am the shopkeeper who owns the clothes shop on Aonang Beach front in Krabi"

Tourism Award 2017 your nomination has been accepted Netdao.

Now which is your shop this one or this one. Hmm so many clothes shops on Aonang Beach in Krabi. Maybe I should just boycott them all.

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I have not seen she did put her "larceny" in an umbrella it must be a regular...

I hate shoplifters, long time ago among other things I owned a perfumery, a shop solding most of the famous brand,

 the problems with shoplifters (shopliftress:smile:)was pure madness.

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56 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

What I fail to understand is why, with the evidence so clear, tho owner of the shop did not beat the living daylights out of the thief. Amazing !


1 hour ago, Wilsonandson said:

Found some photos of the shop.


Well still lot of items left for her to sell in the next decade.Hope she is not to much traumatized about these awfull  farang who stole one single item.or like she said robbed her blind.

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13 hours ago, djayz said:

How hard up do you have to be to steal clothing worth a few hundred Baht? 

Money to fly half way around the world but then be on such a tight budget that you can't afford to buy yourself anything.

The video reminds me of another video posted here sometime during the last 12 months. A young pair of caucasian girls who were sitting at the counter in a bar/restaurant. One of them was recorded taking food off of customers's plates. 

Cheap, cheap, cheap...


If you're dealing with kleptomaniacs, it has nothing to do with need or money... it's an urge.


I'm not saying she is one, but she could be.

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