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Believing information on social media has dangers, says Thai PM


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Believing information on social media has dangers, says Thai PM




BANGKOK, 13th February 2017 (NNT) – Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha has asked the public to be careful when consuming information on social media, saying that believing distorted information has negative consequences. 

Gen Prayut said he was sure that everyone must understand the power of social media by now and how it influences readers. Information travels very fast, he said, adding that a lie gets half way around the world in a matter of seconds before truth speaks up for itself. 

Once people have been misled by wrong information, it is extremely difficult to change their attitudes or perceptions of the issue; therefore, he said it is important that people exercise caution when browsing the internet and are better off consuming information from reliable sources. 

On a different note, Gen Prayut said the government is working to distribute wealth to rural provinces, with provincial governors leading the effort. The prime minister said he had instructed the governors to draft development plans and forward them to the central administration for approval. To draft an effective implementation plan, he said local officials must lend a helping hand to the governors given their understanding of the local people's needs.

-- nnt 2017-02-13
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He has a point... i have yet to believe almost everything i read on soial media when it is announced by him... it always seems that in his future announcements, his previous statements are forgotten. Social media may be rampant with misinformation and opinions. But not as much as the rampant misinformation governments state.

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Shows how small minded he is.  He has no faith in the ability of his fellow Thai's to decide for themselves what to believe.  From the good general, we would be lead to believe coups are good, Thailand really needs submarines, the wealthy who run country are nice people and the RTP is an amazing police force. 


Allow 100% foreign owned business in the rural areas.  See of that helps poor areas. 

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'Once people have been misled by wrong information, it is extremely difficult to change their attitudes or perceptions ....', the junta-head said.


All of the official version of 'Thai culture and history' is built on one monumental batch of 'wrong information', which has formed and forged attitudes and perceptions for generations past. Unfortunately, I don't see much evidence of a break-out from that perception deception, even though recent events have provided one huge chance to throw off the husk of the old and begin with something new. 


So he is right and his programming has worked: it is VERY difficult to 'change their attitudes or perceptions'. Job well done! 

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51 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

Shows how small minded he is.  He has no faith in the ability of his fellow Thai's to decide for themselves what to believe.

To be fair, with ghosts, amulets, fortune tellers, horoscopes, religion and the likes, I also have no faith in them. Though as unsocialising media is concerned, I have just as little faith for the west as well. Just look at the faux outrage etc on cherry picked news and fake news that's making it's rounds and people jumping right on it without much information about it thatturns out differently than the headline made it out to be (or the carefully crafted article for that matter).


He does make a point, as ironic as it may be coming from him.


13 minutes ago, thai3 said:

why not one example of how people have been misled,? there must be many according to him

Not sure if that would make any difference tbh, people have a hard on to be engrossed in their biases and/or disillusions. Just look at these "debates" we have in regards to global warming, religion, PC and free speech culture, race war and what have you. Facts don't matter if your mind won't change anyway.


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Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see. Social media is full of fake news so it pays to be skeptical about anything you read, but anything from the government/Junta/Police is likely to be spin/propaganda. Thais are controlled in what they think. I know that there are a lot of cynics in here but I have come to believe that a cynic is just an informed realist. 

Once I asked a lady working in my shop - how come you're happy all the time? Her reply? "I don't think".

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Dear Mr. Prayut: I agree with you...but you must also know that government informations can be lead into the wrong way and are manipulting people. Same social media can do and is doing!

So as long you not allow in your country a free press that is able to bring up the things after investigating and due to press regulations and social responsibility (not dictrated from the government).....you have to face the wrong informations toart a your people as there is no corretion or other way to get propper informations!!!!!!!!!

As you are studying press laws in other countries ( i hope beside north korean rules)

you better go head and start a new way of a free press in your country!


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"Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha has asked the public to be careful when consuming information on social media, saying that believing distorted information has negative consequences."


That is why I don't believe a word of this article or anything he says on social media. 

Edited by jaltsc
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1 hour ago, yellowboat said:

Shows how small minded he is.  He has no faith in the ability of his fellow Thai's to decide for themselves what to believe.  From the good general, we would be lead to believe coups are good, Thailand really needs submarines, the wealthy who run country are nice people and the RTP is an amazing police force. 


Allow 100% foreign owned business in the rural areas.  See of that helps poor areas. 

Sorry, forgot the little general's tirade against crafted beer.  Using the toilet expression probably scored him big points from the beer monopoly families. 

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Shows how small minded he is.  He has no faith in the ability of his fellow Thai's to decide for themselves what to believe.  From the good general, we would be lead to believe coups are good, Thailand really needs submarines, the wealthy who run country are nice people and the RTP is an amazing police force. 
Allow 100% foreign owned business in the rural areas.  See of that helps poor areas. 

The RTP are an amazing police force. They are just under funded and riddiculed by the RTA because of the political colors involved in each force. Have you seen your local bobby driving around on a honda wave moped and have you seen the brand new humvie turn up with soldiers in bright sparkling boots, uniform, webbing and kit. Leave the police out of it.
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