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Phuket Poll: Does Patong need later closing times for bars and nightclubs?

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Just now, oldsailor35 said:

And now you want to control the place .  mmmmm!

Nope! Not at all. Just have a strong standing that midnight and 01.00 is enough late for all that wants to party.
How can you say that I want to control? I am speaking my opinion, and you are telling me to go to bed. That looks like you are a control freak.

The second about control, is that I am not controlling anything. The government has a time set for closing, and the bar and nightclub owners wants to make that longer.
There is the fight and the two parts in need of control. This is only a forum where people voice their opinion.

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3 hours ago, Get Real said:

Nope! They should close at the same time as other places. Far enough to party from 17-00. No need to have the early morning drunks with a childish mind or a violent behaviour.

Seems that your mind is a bit childish. Let the adults make the decisions. 

2 hours ago, Deli said:

24/7 on 365 days, that's it. Look at Vegas, no problem.

Vegas has no problem because they have a real police force, not a bunch of lazy, crooked clowns.

Just now, Jonathan Swift said:

Seems that your mind is a bit childish. Let the adults make the decisions. 

That´s what they do. Since was I in control of the descision? Or maybe you believe that you are the superior adult in this conversation.

3 hours ago, yellowboat said:

5pm to Midnight ?  Are you joking ?  Would not go out until 11pm most nights. 


Always wondered why the rest of the world seems to have no trouble handling these sorts of matters, where as Thailand makes it a big deal.  3am -4am is pretty standard around the world.  2am for the more stodgier places.    They also seem better at dealing with childish, violent behavior.



I have always said Patong should be classified as a "Special Economic Zone" and allowed to sell alcohol on Buddha Days and Election Days.  This should also be extended to closing times.


They could trial the later closing times and then assess whether there was an increase in antisocial behavior and/or crime.  They could then make local laws based on that assessment.  


Many establishments may also decide to close earlier than the legal closing time due to it not being profitable for them to remain open so late.    




What it really comes to is.. 12.. 2.. 4.. etc.. Doesnt matter what matters is that there is a debate and decision, and then that is implemented as law. That law is applied, clearly and consistently country wide. 


It cant be one law in one town, one law in a different town.. One law for the guy whose related to the police chief, one law for the other guy.. And a constant system of police being paid to not enforce the laws. 


Consider the issues. Decide a law. Apply it everywhere. 

Just now, Revolutionary said:


Seems like you have not got all the facts. Already in Australia due to the violence in the streets at 3.00 a.m. / 4.00 a.m. Cities are already introducing lockout bans and revised closing hours. As I am not familiar with other countries/ cities around the world I cannot comment.

1 minute ago, NamKangMan said:

I have always said Patong should be classified as a "Special Economic Zone" and allowed to sell alcohol on Buddha Days and Election Days.  This should also be extended to closing times.   

It already is.. Which is why 1am instead of midnight is applied. 


The law for everywhere outside of special entertainment zones is 12 mdnight. 

4 hours ago, schlog said:

Best would be no closing times like in the 90s.

Its all about the money so your comment makes sense. There will be no opposition to this except by people affected by the noise that want a bit of sanity in their lives which is a rare thing today and which does not really matter to profit motivated enterprises. 

4 hours ago, Get Real said:

Nope! They should close at the same time as other places. Far enough to party from 17-00. No need to have the early morning drunks with a childish mind or a violent behaviour.

In my experience the earlier closing times result in more bad behavior, when people are kicked out onto the streets just when they were getting started they become frustrated that their entertainment has been taken from them and then they turn to finding another source of entertainment, fighting.  We used to have 11pm closing times in the UK, that meant people drank quickly in order to achieve getting drunk before last orders, then everyone was kicked out at the same time, having gotten drunk as quickly as possible, and the mayhem began, every weekend the same, brawls in towns across the country, then we had the insight to look at other countries in Europe where they did not have our violence problem, they all had the same difference, later or no enforced closing times, we did the same and the violence was reduced.

7 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:

What it really comes to is.. 12.. 2.. 4.. etc.. Doesnt matter what matters is that there is a debate and decision, and then that is implemented as law. That law is applied, clearly and consistently country wide. 


It cant be one law in one town, one law in a different town.. One law for the guy whose related to the police chief, one law for the other guy.. And a constant system of police being paid to not enforce the laws. 


Consider the issues. Decide a law. Apply it everywhere. 


Why can't it be one law in one town and a different one in a different town?  So many countries allow local areas to set their own licensing regulations, why not Thailand?

4 hours ago, jlwilliamsjr18 said:

Why NOT...all party zones should be 24 and 7.  After all this is what Thailand is all about, now. OH, one more...malls too, 24 and 7. 

A nighthawk lurks among us. I can just see malls open all night. Lots of extra costs and no sales to cover them. At my advanced age I need lots of sleep and time to be typing on TV. Its cheaper than shopping anyways. I am a poor shopper I know what I want and in and out faaassst. 


Really do agree that an Entertainment area like Bangla Road should be able to run until at least 4am. I can't think of any Private Homes or even Guest Houses close enough to be affected by noise. You could simply bring in a regulation to cut noise levels after 1am ...

51 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

In my experience the earlier closing times result in more bad behavior, when people are kicked out onto the streets just when they were getting started they become frustrated that their entertainment has been taken from them and then they turn to finding another source of entertainment, fighting.  We used to have 11pm closing times in the UK, that meant people drank quickly in order to achieve getting drunk before last orders, then everyone was kicked out at the same time, having gotten drunk as quickly as possible, and the mayhem began, every weekend the same, brawls in towns across the country, then we had the insight to look at other countries in Europe where they did not have our violence problem, they all had the same difference, later or no enforced closing times, we did the same and the violence was reduced.

Nothing is taken away from anybody. You come to a country and have to go by the rules that exist. If you live here, you also must be aware of that rules sometime changes in whatever country you are living in. It´s just my opinion that it´s enough with midnight. Irritated and angry about that, doesn´t matter. Taking to violence och a drunken uncontrolled state because of that is just showing a lack of intelligence.

3 hours ago, jobwolf said:

just for Bangla might work but all other places need to close. Until now everybody is still doing what they want, especially Hotels with rooftop pools go full power until the sun comes up.

Hotels and other off-the-road out-of-the-way venues have long been the refuge of all night party-ers. I used to choose my hotels by the quality, or lack there-in, of their after-hours accommodation. Loved the rooftop bars and pools and the in-house bars and clubs, some great times. 

7 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Nothing is taken away from anybody. You come to a country and have to go by the rules that exist. If you live here, you also must be aware of that rules sometime changes in whatever country you are living in. It´s just my opinion that it´s enough with midnight. Irritated and angry about that, doesn´t matter. Taking to violence och a drunken uncontrolled state because of that is just showing a lack of intelligence.

You fail to see the point, the point being that violence is a real problem and stating the obvious does nothing to change anything, we need real solutions not just labeling of violent people as being thick, that doesn't help at all, obviously.

5 hours ago, yellowboat said:

5pm to Midnight ?  Are you joking ?  Would not go out until 11pm most nights. 


Always wondered why the rest of the world seems to have no trouble handling these sorts of matters, where as Thailand makes it a big deal.  3am -4am is pretty standard around the world.  2am for the more stodgier places.    They also seem better at dealing with childish, violent behavior.

"They also seem better at dealing with childish, violent behavior."


Most countries have police forces that actually work

1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:


Why can't it be one law in one town and a different one in a different town?  So many countries allow local areas to set their own licensing regulations, why not Thailand?

Considering TAT's profit above all else mentality this dog could hunt. 

3 hours ago, louse1953 said:

Wrong.That is what Patong is all about.Lets put the party zone next to your house and see what you think.

Normally it is the other way around. People live at places, where party zones already have been and then they complain. Just move again.


By the way: closing Bangla while leaving Paradise open is the real way! (You selfish f******.)


Seriously ...... is business hours a real theme when a country needs military governance to control their citizens. Perhaps an enclosure is a better solution.

35 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

You fail to see the point, the point being that violence is a real problem and stating the obvious does nothing to change anything, we need real solutions not just labeling of violent people as being thick, that doesn't help at all, obviously.

IMO stating the pure facts only hurt the ones that deserves it. I see the point and I know that violence is a real problem. I also know that this is a forum, and stating an obvious fact and an opinion is what you can do here.
The third thing I know is that stating the obvious always is the start to create a bigger opinion and an interest for a specific subject, which in return can lead to a discussion about possible solutions and a possibility to implement the solutions in the real environment.


Actually there is also a small possibility that a person hearing about his or hers lack of intelligence from enough many people can lead to a change. Although it´s not in many cases as you stated before.

22 minutes ago, Get Real said:

IMO stating the pure facts only hurt the ones that deserves it. I see the point and I know that violence is a real problem. I also know that this is a forum, and stating an obvious fact and an opinion is what you can do here.
The third thing I know is that stating the obvious always is the start to create a bigger opinion and an interest for a specific subject, which in return can lead to a discussion about possible solutions and a possibility to implement the solutions in the real environment.


Actually there is also a small possibility that a person hearing about his or hers lack of intelligence from enough many people can lead to a change. Although it´s not in many cases as you stated before.

OK, so you hope others will come up with solutions having already dismissed one solution without reason other than you thinking 12pm is enough, are you going to be welcoming to other proposed solutions or similarly dismissive?

4 hours ago, Damaz6052 said:

A 4am close would mean less tea money be extracted. The majority of business wouldn't be breaking the law and should be making enough money by then. I think Phuket needs Bangla Rd and it would be a shame if it disappears. 

Its already on the cards, as it happened in Kings Cross, Sydney years ago, I think they call it a "clean up" and as others have stated these bars are usually licensed to open till midnight, the reason they are allowed to stay open till 3.00am - 4.00am is so they can pay their tea money all the way to the top,. Like I said before, why not allow the clubs and bars to stay open till 4.00am, just serving coffee, tea and light refreshments for all to sober up, while the ones previously extracting tea money get a middle finger, but can't see that happening, oy 555

13 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

OK, so you hope others will come up with solutions having already dismissed one solution without reason other than you thinking 12pm is enough, are you going to be welcoming to other proposed solutions or similarly dismissive?

There is no meaning to continue any discussion with you in a topic as always. I can just refer you to my first post in this thread, and all the positive feedback in the way of likes. You seem to always be the one that needs to continue a conversation that leads nowhere. Enough siad from my side. Keep up the good work!

5 hours ago, warrenview said:

the police here in Australia say nothing good happens after 1 am !    ...I think they are right on the money !


In my 50 years living in Australia, I can't remember anything good happening there....ever! :jap:

4 hours ago, oldsailor35 said:

Yes its a no brainer. Night time entertainment is the lifeblood of this area, young people on holiday do not go out until very late evening, so 3am - 4am is a sensible closing time.  p.s. I am not a teenager, i am in my 80's so would not use it myself, but young people  will and do.

Based on what? 5% of the tourists. Don't see many Chinese at these hrs. The only way the Junta will allow longer opening hrs is if a number of bars can make a business case for it. I'm sure the numbers decline significantly after 2am anyway. 

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