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What Percent Of Phuket Population Are Cigarette Smokers ?


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Considering the total seaside Phuket  population, all races and residents + visitors. About what percent are cigarette smokes ?

 Im asking because as a non smoker Pattaya has a ridiculously high percent of smokers, I would guess about 80%.

Just about all Asian males smoke. Thai, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and increasing numbers of Thai girls are smoking now. Up to 30% from 10%

Not referring to bars that I can avoid but just the general environment: Foreigners (lowlife) smoking everywhere: 

Edited by morrobay
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Nationwide figures for Thai adults:  tobaccoatlas.org   2013  Men  37.4%  Women:  2.2%

                                                                 World Health Org.  2007  Men  41.7%  Women:  1.94%

- take them for whatever they may be worth

- I highly doubt if regional/local figures are surveyed or recorded

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Name slinging aside - I was in Patong last week and found myself sitting on the sea wall or by the pool, and i thought something along the lines of the poster.


i quit a few years back, I don't really know anyone who smokes, i don't see people smoking in the street, it's more of a social thing around here. But in Patong it was really noticeable how many people smoke, tuktuk drivers chain smoking as they drove, tourists walking along in the street, people smoking by the pool showing zero consideration for those around them.


Plenty of places in my area are strictly no smoking, not even in an outside area - if you want to smoke, you walk off down the street and people seem to accept it. It was strange to see ashtrays on tables in semi-outside restaurants or by the pool. Last week was like stepping back in time, like thinking about the times when you used to be able to smoke on the top deck of buses.

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Difficult to determine the percentage of Thai smokers here, as I hardly ever see Thais smoking in restaurants, temples and the beach. None of my Thai in-laws smoke.


On the other hand, there seems to be a tremendous number of foreign smokers - both western and asian. Smoking on the beach, walking on the roads, in restaurants, and of course in bars. As an American, I've gotten used to a predominately non-smoking environment, as the various state governments have been successful in weaning the population off of cigarettes via tobacco taxes and prohibitions of smoking in public areas. As another poster mentioned, being in Thailand is like stepping back in time regarding smoking.


While I support the right of smokers to carry on in outdoor areas, away from others, I've noticed that many of the European smokers have little to no regard for those around them. Case in point: our Valentine's dinner last night was completely ruined by the European customers at the two tables on either side of us lighting up as soon as they finished their meals, while we were just starting ours. The restaurant was crowded with the tables less than 50 cm apart, and I would have expected these people to have some common courtesy and decency to allow us to enjoy our meal without having everything taste like their cigarette smoke. We had to eat as fast as we could and leave before becoming nauseous. I've noticed in several restaurants where "no smoking" signs are clearly posted, many customers simply ignore them. It doesn't help when the staff brings them an ashtray as soon as they see a cigarette pack appear on the table, even though there's a no smoking sign within an arm's length. 

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4 hours ago, DrDave said:

Difficult to determine the percentage of Thai smokers here, as I hardly ever see Thais smoking in restaurants, temples and the beach. None of my Thai in-laws smoke.


On the other hand, there seems to be a tremendous number of foreign smokers - both western and asian. Smoking on the beach, walking on the roads, in restaurants, and of course in bars. As an American, I've gotten used to a predominately non-smoking environment, as the various state governments have been successful in weaning the population off of cigarettes via tobacco taxes and prohibitions of smoking in public areas. As another poster mentioned, being in Thailand is like stepping back in time regarding smoking.


While I support the right of smokers to carry on in outdoor areas, away from others, I've noticed that many of the European smokers have little to no regard for those around them. Case in point: our Valentine's dinner last night was completely ruined by the European customers at the two tables on either side of us lighting up as soon as they finished their meals, while we were just starting ours. The restaurant was crowded with the tables less than 50 cm apart, and I would have expected these people to have some common courtesy and decency to allow us to enjoy our meal without having everything taste like their cigarette smoke. We had to eat as fast as we could and leave before becoming nauseous. I've noticed in several restaurants where "no smoking" signs are clearly posted, many customers simply ignore them. It doesn't help when the staff brings them an ashtray as soon as they see a cigarette pack appear on the table, even though there's a no smoking sign within an arm's length. 

I think the European tourists were actually being a little kind. I see them light up before apps. Then after their apps and another before entree. Then after their entree. And of course before and after desert. How the hell do they survive the 11 hour flight here?  Oh I know. They buy cheaper tickets that stop two or three times on the way to BKK!!   Simply gross! 

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Well now this is a very interesting topic ! firstly I would like to say that I was brought up in Spain and the UK by parents that both smoked and I have to say not very pleasant ! I disliked the smell intensely so I do understand the reaction of none smokers really I do ! as a child I would become very car sick from the smell of nicotine and leather seats which was a real bind for traveling anywhere in the car as you can imagine ! now the only way I could stop being sick was to smoke a cigarette before any journey which did cure the problem at the time but of course I then became addicted from an early age up to this day in fact the only difference is I now smoke 40 a day and I admit my health has suffered over the years as well ! 

But I personally hate hypocrites more than the smell of smoke ! for example our American cousins yes they have made major reforms as to ban smoking from advertising and sports events and films and public areas etc ! but they were majorly responsible for attracting a whole generation to start smoking and get addicted to tobacco from early movie stars and top Tv stars looking and acting cool smoking on screen and off ! then there was the advertising shoved down evenness throught so youngsters would take up the habit Philip Morris and the Marlborough cowboy for example ! ironically the cowboy in the add died from cancer very sad but true ! so I think they above everyone else should be careful about throwing stones while living in a glass house quite honestly as they are the biggest hypocrites of all.

As for the rest of the none smoking fraternity I have a few things I want to say to all of you if you don't like the smell of smoke why do you persist on going to places where you will encounter smokers then complain about it go somewhere else stop bothering other people who enjoy a smoke ! after all we pay more taxes than you do which make your lives very comfortable.I don't like to smoke near swimming pools or near children or on the beach personally and I hate smoking in confined cabins as well nasty ! but what bothers me more is if a bar or a pub allows smoking don't bother people just go outside and breath fresh car fumes and chemicals and leave us alone with our dirty smelly habits for gods sake grow up and stop being biggots live and let live ! my message to all smokers use an ashtray and be tidy please its not bio degradable fag buts its nasty for everyone to see and dirty have a nice day all you none smokers.

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12 hours ago, Ian Maxwell said:

Well now this is a very interesting topic ! firstly I would like to say that I was brought up in Spain and the UK by parents that both smoked and I have to say not very pleasant ! I disliked the smell intensely so I do understand the reaction of none smokers really I do ! as a child I would become very car sick from the smell of nicotine and leather seats which was a real bind for traveling anywhere in the car as you can imagine ! now the only way I could stop being sick was to smoke a cigarette before any journey which did cure the problem at the time but of course I then became addicted from an early age up to this day in fact the only difference is I now smoke 40 a day and I admit my health has suffered over the years as well ! 

But I personally hate hypocrites more than the smell of smoke ! for example our American cousins yes they have made major reforms as to ban smoking from advertising and sports events and films and public areas etc ! but they were majorly responsible for attracting a whole generation to start smoking and get addicted to tobacco from early movie stars and top Tv stars looking and acting cool smoking on screen and off ! then there was the advertising shoved down evenness throught so youngsters would take up the habit Philip Morris and the Marlborough cowboy for example ! ironically the cowboy in the add died from cancer very sad but true ! so I think they above everyone else should be careful about throwing stones while living in a glass house quite honestly as they are the biggest hypocrites of all.

As for the rest of the none smoking fraternity I have a few things I want to say to all of you if you don't like the smell of smoke why do you persist on going to places where you will encounter smokers then complain about it go somewhere else stop bothering other people who enjoy a smoke ! after all we pay more taxes than you do which make your lives very comfortable.I don't like to smoke near swimming pools or near children or on the beach personally and I hate smoking in confined cabins as well nasty ! but what bothers me more is if a bar or a pub allows smoking don't bother people just go outside and breath fresh car fumes and chemicals and leave us alone with our dirty smelly habits for gods sake grow up and stop being biggots live and let live ! my message to all smokers use an ashtray and be tidy please its not bio degradable fag buts its nasty for everyone to see and dirty have a nice day all you none smokers.

Interesting story, and some good points. I agree, smokers should be responsible, and non smokers should stop being cry babies.

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So a responsible smoker doesent smoke in posted areas .Ok fine but the subject originally is about the second hand/sidestream smoke in the general environment as some above have correctly  replied to above.  Ie : The problem is that smoke  diffuses from smoking areas into nonsmoking areas. Like I said above I can avoid bars and restaurants where there is smoking. But was just commenting on the high percent of cigarette smokers in Pattaya which pollutes the beach areas as well as the sidewalks and store entrances  where they lie around in these  smokers ghettos all day smoking. Was going to drop this subject but yesterday morning my Thai girlfriend and I were walking down steps to Tops supermarket at Second rd side of Central Festival Pattaya Beach. Half way down steps was this Scandanavian looking foreigner smoking. So i pointed to the no smoking signs and said there is no smoking here, he just gives blank look. So once in the store I got the mgr to step outside and pointed to the smoker. That got his attention (smoker). 

By the way it sure is obvious who the smokers are here: Instead of giving an objective reply they have to make negative comments. Ask me if i care.

Edited by morrobay
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Its a lot easier to give up drinking than give up smoking

Any long time smoker will tell you if they are trying to give it up its when they are drinking booze its the hardest to do and they crave a smoke the most

Basically you need to be able to stop drinking booze to stop smoking permanently which some people are incapable of doing

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