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NACC suspends inquiry into Prayut's nephew


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6 hours ago, Reigntax said:


Statute of limitations is a fundamental principle of any justice system. As the state/ government/prosecution has all available resources and power to investigate any crime, the onus is on them to prove a crime was committed and the defendant is innocent until proven.


Proceedural fairness would not exist should a defendant be charged with a crime of corruption decades after the event where documents probably no longer exist, witnesses recollection of events was no longer accurate and the justice system failed to persue the case within a reasonable timeframe.


Its easy to sit back in a chair and state do this, dont allow that, make this happen but you need to consider the consequences of your suggestion and the burden administering and enforcing justice where liability never ends, possibly even after death without being able to defend any charge.

Sure, I agree at least partly what your saying that it puts an extra burden on the government. However here in Thailand corruption is a major problem so I believe it is worth it. 


Your 2 points are well taken but now the statute of limitations is misused and many get away with it. This is not only caused by the defendants but also organisations like the NACC work far to slow and the justice system is real slow in Thailand. I have had a friend with some court cases and it was amazing how slow it went. I am used to courts and how slow it goes given my profession but its worse here. 


Your point about when its too long ago that the documents no longer exists.. that would also mean no corruption can be proven.


Anyway your points are more then fair, but how it is now just does not work.


And yes its always easy to judge and tell how things should change doing it for real is different. 

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1 hour ago, halloween said:

There was never a problem prosecuting red shirt cases under the last government. No cases, no problem. The fact that these scum are being prosecuted is a definite improvement IMHO.

The junta leader, he's my hero, his brother is a gift of integrity to the nation, his sister in-law is the most amazing selfless woman in the country, and his nephew is as honest and pure white snow, he has 99.3%  support of the country, everyone say's he the best man for the job and a hero of anti corruption , and the land of smiles will live happily ever after,,,   OK OK, fairy tail is over now.

Why do you think he will not let an independent investigation into any of his family???

As soon as some people on TVF see the name Shinawatra, they are all over it like a fat kid on a cup cake, but if it their dear leader/or any of his family/friends/cohorts are in a story that is showing them up for what they are, you all go silent, missing in action, and totaly predictable,   eg; Shinawatra, guilty no matter what, guilty...!    Chan-o-cha, smear campaign, unfair, red-shirt Issan buffaloes. 

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5 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

Only caretaker PM. Are you trying to suggest the coup was legal and justified. Are you trying to suggest the government wasn't in fact the legitimate government of Thailand ? They actually were and the stepping down would happen after a new government was formed via mandatory elections.


By the way, since you are nitpicking, Yingluck wasn't the acting care taker PM at the time of the coup, she was already gone.


Anyone believing this bloke is actually going to be investigated must also believe in Santa Claus..


Some posters on here, even after being in Thailand for 10 years, display a lack of knowledge about how things are handled in Thailand for decades. This laddy is one of the good guys is all you need to know..

I don't lack the knowledge.. I just dont see things the way you see them period. 


This bloke is being investigated, (i am not speculating about the outcome but an investigation is being done). 


Do I believe he will be convicted.. no I don't.. do I believe he should be convicted.. yes I do. But given the track record of the NACC even cases against the "bad guys" as you call them don't go far. I think its fair to say the NACC has a problem. 

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In the real world, old laws apply until new are in place, under this Junta however, they make new laws to suit them and cases have to be put on hold until the new (probably more flexible) laws are in place.


This article is not to discredit the junta, they did discredit them self !  



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13 hours ago, robblok said:

YL Stepped down after street protest was caretaker PM for a while  and later replaced was never removed by a coup period. 


Maybe the confusion is because you keep mentioning the word coup. The word itself define as violent illegal seizure of power from a government. So if there was no government, why need a coup. 

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4 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Maybe the confusion is because you keep mentioning the word coup. The word itself define as violent illegal seizure of power from a government. So if there was no government, why need a coup. 

Even the coup makers confirm it was a coup. The whole world says it was a coup. From China to Istanbul.  robblok is the only human being on the planet that says by his definition there was no coup. 

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8 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

The junta leader, he's my hero, his brother is a gift of integrity to the nation, his sister in-law is the most amazing selfless woman in the country, and his nephew is as honest and pure white snow, he has 99.3%  support of the country, everyone say's he the best man for the job and a hero of anti corruption , and the land of smiles will live happily ever after,,,   OK OK, fairy tail is over now.

Why do you think he will not let an independent investigation into any of his family???

As soon as some people on TVF see the name Shinawatra, they are all over it like a fat kid on a cup cake, but if it their dear leader/or any of his family/friends/cohorts are in a story that is showing them up for what they are, you all go silent, missing in action, and totaly predictable,   eg; Shinawatra, guilty no matter what, guilty...!    Chan-o-cha, smear campaign, unfair, red-shirt Issan buffaloes. 

The funny thing is, nobody has ever claimed the junta are whiter than snow. But those of a certain leaning refuse to admit that THEIR side is guilty of anything, even when the evidence is plentiful. Its always politically motivated and biased, as if wearing a red shirt is a licence to steal.

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This is Thailand, There was no Coup there is no Corruption in or around the Junta, Shinawatra and co + reds are the bad people, we are all very lucky the PM and his mates took over. Suthep was a hero, The country is now on the mend and in within 20 years Thai language will rule the world.


Now You know the truth


Don't know about you but I am now off looking for this Whiter than snow stuff as I find that interesting?

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7 minutes ago, halloween said:

The funny thing is, nobody has ever claimed the junta are whiter than snow. But those of a certain leaning refuse to admit that THEIR side is guilty of anything, even when the evidence is plentiful. Its always politically motivated and biased, as if wearing a red shirt is a licence to steal.

Now now Halloween. No one claimed that the Shins and their cohort are whiter than snow too. Neither do they have a licence to steal too. In fact they got the worse of the stick starting from Thaksin charged and convicted and living in exile. Yingluck charged and served a executive demand order and his cabinet ministers convicted and will soon have their assets seized. The list goes on. While on the other side we have NACC dropping murder case of Ahbisit and Suthep, Suthep Sor Por Kor corruption land case has not been heard and PAD cases court postponement numerous times. I am not even bother to talk about the green shirt corruption and their licence to steal. The scale on political motivated justice is pretty much loop sided.  

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Will be difficult to blame Thaksin now tho :)


Ohhh wait we cannot pursue right now, we  have to change the law.. so that everything will be acceptable by next week..


Then we won't need to pusue anymore after we changed the law as per the plan of Dec 30.. All clear!! :cheesy:

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21 hours ago, halloween said:

The funny thing is, nobody has ever claimed the junta are whiter than snow. But those of a certain leaning refuse to admit that THEIR side is guilty of anything, even when the evidence is plentiful. Its always politically motivated and biased, as if wearing a red shirt is a licence to steal.

The funny thing is being facetious is lost on some people.

I'm more than happy when politicians/gov't staff/police/military/etc are exposed for criminal/corrupt behavior.

The issue for all is if there is (factual evidence irrefutable) rather than accusation, manufactured evidence, retro-legislation, hearsay, etc which some could say has happened in the past.

Would you like to have a wild guess as to the out come of the investigation (now suspended) regarding the PM's nephew and then the Thaksin's son's ongoing investigation that has now been taken up by another group the DIS ( I think?) 

Do some people here think there is selective justice, bias? Yes.

Did you think there would be a different out come to the statues in the park investigation?

Did you think there would be a different out come to the Mark and Suthep charges related to the deaths during the protests?

Did you think there would be any independent transparent investigation and out come to the junta leaders brother putting military budget in his own bank account? 

And finally do you think you could take a wild guess at the out come of Yingluk's request to stop the gov't taking her asset's before the court ruling? court case? 

My guess is you would agree with most if not all I have said in this post,,,   so what's your problem?


Edited by aussieinthailand
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On 16/02/2017 at 4:35 PM, aussieinthailand said:

The funny thing is being facetious is lost on some people.

I'm more than happy when politicians/gov't staff/police/military/etc are exposed for criminal/corrupt behavior.

The issue for all is if there is (factual evidence irrefutable) rather than accusation, manufactured evidence, retro-legislation, hearsay, etc which some could say has happened in the past.

Would you like to have a wild guess as to the out come of the investigation (now suspended) regarding the PM's nephew and then the Thaksin's son's ongoing investigation that has now been taken up by another group the DIS ( I think?) 

Do some people here think there is selective justice, bias? Yes.

Did you think there would be a different out come to the statues in the park investigation?

Did you think there would be a different out come to the Mark and Suthep charges related to the deaths during the protests?

Did you think there would be any independent transparent investigation and out come to the junta leaders brother putting military budget in his own bank account? 

And finally do you think you could take a wild guess at the out come of Yingluk's request to stop the gov't taking her asset's before the court ruling? court case? 

My guess is you would agree with most if not all I have said in this post,,,   so what's your problem?


When you come out strongly in favour of hard evidence rather than hearsay and accusations, you might stop to consider the cases you are putting forward as examples, lest you are considered just another red-eyed hypocrite.

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3 hours ago, halloween said:

When you come out strongly in favour of hard evidence rather than hearsay and accusations, you might stop to consider the cases you are putting forward as examples, lest you are considered just another red-eyed hypocrite.

And not a single question I asked did you answer, standard MO.   Underwhelming.

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On Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 0:46 PM, robblok said:

the whole statute of limitations on corruption should be removed for all corruption. 

Until there is political will to tackle high level corruption , and despite all the noise made there isn't at the moment , nothing will change.

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4 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

Until there is political will to tackle high level corruption , and despite all the noise made there isn't at the moment , nothing will change.

There is not.. and I doubt there will ever be.. Its just too profitable. 

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