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Teacher had husband assassinated over affair with young woman - she paid 150,000 baht for the hit


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1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

The taking of different life wasn't my point. What I was wondering about was this: was the physical abuse so bad the woman felt she was acting in self-defense?  This has been a successfully used defense strategy in jury trials in the case of repeated physical abuse of one partner by another.

I think the self defence strategy would only work if she was being beaten at the time and did it herself, not plausible if you have arranged hitmen!

Edited by animalmagic
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My guess is he is a wife beater and a wandering d**k....


feel bad for her b/c she felt she didn't have any options which obviously not the case...emotion got the best of her...


more troubling to me is the wife beating bullying to cover up his wrong and how easy other people can eliminate others for a few bucks...just no moral conscience


plus, why so little down? Minimum  50% down...but what? No trust among criminals? Off they go w/o carrying out the hit? More immoral behavior....


where are the safety nets in LOS? Dog eat dog society...

Edited by cardinalblue
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2 hours ago, Artisi said:

Good point, otherwise it would have been better to hit the girl friend,  and probably less chance of being identified. 

Intellectual vacuum again. Not your reply but the woman involved. U still don't get why i stay clear from them? But of course will not agree with me and but but but...



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33 minutes ago, jayboy said:


What point are you trying to make here? Yes violence can be found everywhere but it's no exaggeration to point out that Thailand is one of those countries where violent instincts run close to the surface.



FACE. Anger builds up and then explodes. Immature way of dealing with emotions touted as supreme Thainess by the good leader. Serfs eating their pride 24/7, the pee is always right just because he is older or born in higher/richer caste. 

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1 hour ago, realenglish1 said:

This is battered wife's syndrome .  In the west we treat this differently than the Thais would

Unfortunately.   It is still murder and that in no way excuses it.

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3 hours ago, djayz said:

Ah! True love... how bitter sweet it can be sometimes. 

She caved in to the police, what a way to get a discount, Dech will change his story when they bring the other suspect in, because he will confess and finger Dech to get a lighter sentence.

Wonder if the teacher will still get her school pension in the Hilton ???

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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

WOW talk about true loves irrationality. She should have approached this in a calmer manner and called for tenders. She would have had a lot of bahts leftover to take a honeymoon for one. 

Yep, and now she also managed to teach all her children or students how to solve a problem in a very effective and absolute way.

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3 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

life in Thailand is so cheap. Why not leaving him. Life is precious. Some Thais behave like animals. Always using violence for every problem they encounter.

And in a 'non confrontational society':wacko:.


TL was once my Shangri La, now it's as big a basket case as PI. I've lived in both, but fortunately I don't any longer.

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"he wife said that she had paid 17,000 baht up front and was due to pay the rest on completion of the crime. But she was arrested before she could pay."


Surprising they accepted such a small deposit but defaulting on payments to  hitmen is a rather dangerous practice.  She will probably be murdered herself while awaiting trial or inside.  


She has removed a problem in her life by destroying her own life.  It would have been more sensible to just go and live with her sister or something but these people don't think in logical thought patterns.  

Edited by Dogmatix
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such type of crimes will keep going on, here in Thailand or anywhere else in the world as long as no applying equal sentences to such crimes, who killed with plan in mind to kill, should be killed with out any dodging ways, in some states in the US, they are applying the justice fairly in this regard,

whoever will defend on human rights, to ban excretion,, bla bla bla, why these criminals did not respect the right of life of their victims? they should be directed to the hell, so that everyone planning to assassinate someone else, will think many times before doing so, this is the right justice to such type of crime,

done as you would like done by.

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...we have no proof of infidelity...or beatings....


..but a confession to conspiracy to murder.....


...don't you think that any and all criminals would say anything when caught...???


...and anyway...is there any justification for contracting a murder....???


...anything to do with insurance or pension...or not wanting to split the assets....???


...come on.....



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3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Its unusual that the "mastermind" (not really) that paid for

the hit ,gets caught before the actual hitmen,

regards Worgeordie

Not in Thailand, they almost always go and question the spouse in the first instance.


Because it's almost always either a love triangle or a business dispute, innit.

Edited by Chicog
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4 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

life in Thailand is so cheap. Why not leaving him. Life is precious. Some Thais behave like animals. Always using violence for every problem they encounter.

The spouse is commonly the first suspect in any murder, even in the West; it doesn't have to be Thailand.

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3 hours ago, optad said:

This sentence underlines not just the moral vacuum in Thailand...

Yes, this sort of thing only happens in Thailand, doesn't it, a country so lacking in morals?  I don't suppose there could be a moral vacuum in your country?

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1 hour ago, harrry said:

Unfortunately.   It is still murder and that in no way excuses it.

Its also what she says... the beating. And thais are always honest. 555. A mature way to deal with beating and cheating is: DIVORCE. no excuses. So many thais have no control over their emotions. Lie lie lie smile smile smile until ultraviolence steps in and it OFTEN does.

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