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German tourist plunges eight stories from Phuket hotel roof


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7 hours ago, nakhonandy said:

I'd hardly call a broken arm a serious injury after falling from that height. 


Lucky man thanks to the noodle shop parachute 



7 hours ago, nakhonandy said:

I'd hardly call a broken arm a serious injury after falling from that height. 


Lucky man thanks to the noodle shop parachute 


Looks like a broken leg as well. No doubt at his age and his weight his pelvis is no doubt shattered as well.  Most people die falling 8 stories, but the roof helped break his fall.  He may still have life threatening problems from striking the floor.

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6 hours ago, natway09 said:

Looks like he has had a few noodles in his day.

The noodle shop staff & any customers would have been surprised to say the least.

Look, flying Farang 

The shop owners will be relieved that he survived, because who else is going to pay for damages?

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9 hours ago, fruitman said:

Didn't they ask him what happened and why he was on the roof??


I bet we never hear from this again unfortunately.


But i agree that the balconyrailings in Thailand are too low for tall westerners...that's VERY dangerous.

They say he jumped from the roof.What was he doing on the roof.OH and by the way,the roof has not got balcony rails so why keep bringing those up?

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44 minutes ago, khunpa said:

Reason why I always ask for a lower level room, when I book a hotel room. For some strange reason us Farangs seem to be into hotel and condo basejumping....

you would have thought by now someone would have seen this as what it really is

maybe some do not have the education and brains to understand what going on

every other day


Just another day in the Land of Misery



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11 hours ago, webfact said:

PHUKET: Police are investigating a German tourist falling eight stories from the roof of the small hotel where he was staying in Patong yesterday evening (Feb 20), sustaining serious injuries as he slammed into a noodle stall below.



You should see the noodle stall.

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On ‎21‎/‎2‎/‎2560 at 1:06 PM, DoctorG said:

If he is awake he should be able to say "pushed" or "fell".


he may have to be careful what he says if he was pushed, if he jumped he will need some serious counselling , we might never hear the full story.

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On ‎21‎.‎02‎.‎2017 at 10:21 AM, the guest said:

He thought he'd just drop in and have a bowl.


On ‎21‎.‎02‎.‎2017 at 8:37 AM, Mickmouse1 said:

Why everyone assuming he was pushed??? "They" did not ask him how he fell because of ?

Yes..Yes Yes to save someone embarrassment. ...he will look stupid if he says I fell because I was Drunk...

Or he was .....huh??????

Maybe ask his girlfriend and her GIK who now celebrate on the crime scene (balcony)...??...;)

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