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Alcoholic drowns in the lavatory with his head in a bucket


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8 hours ago, optad said:

I agree. The headline and the picture just deprave individual's demise unnecessarily. It moves beyond being newsworthy to being disparaging. 


We have become by degree too adjusted to what is presented.

A little self censorship would be nice....TV...The photo is a tad, beyond the beyond....

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4 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

:cheesy:Sorry, i cant help it,died with his head in a bucket? why did he put his head in the bucket, in the first place? was there some moonshine in it? or was he trying to get his loa koa out that he had dropped in it? Even Ken Follet couldn't write this. Only in this country could this happen.Will it be a suicide? or a murder by drowning,by person or persons unknown.Christ, ive known some serous alkies in my time as a bar owner,but never expiring in this manner.

Amazing Thailand,and things to put on your bucket list.

Glad I never had the misfortune to enter your bar by mistake!

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Jane Dough

That was a rather acidic post.No, i have never bathed a corpse or have any wish to.Although i have had good friends die here,i said my goodbyes, and that was it. i dont dwell on death, as obviously you do, life goes on.When you are dead, you are dead. Its a miserable thing but it happens.As for your remark about knowing what happens, i have lost two parents,a sister,a brother and a wife, so i think i am pretty bloody well qualified to know what happens.The guy drowned in a bucket! not run over, not shot,not a car crash, he died in the most pathetic way possible.He was a stupid drunk that drowned in a house appliance for gods sake. Dont make a hero out of him.Truth be known, his family was probably glad to see him go.

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So am i,we would have got your pedigree after the first five minutes of you being there. Do your self a favour, go give your money to the 7/11's.I bet you are the type of guy who tries to get the girls phone numbers, rather than pay the bar fine.You've chosen the wrong guy to verbally fence with.I believe that the sally army meets at the William Boothe hotel on soi 6 every Friday, tambourines and soap boxes optional.Oh. and the dry cleaners called, and said your uniform will be ready on Thursday.:kiss01: mmmwaah

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I think he was not wearing any pants at all. You could just about see the buttocks on the blur picture.

I also think he was murdered. Someone got him drunk and then pushed his head in that big bucket till he died and left him there.

There is no way he could be doing that himself even if drunk.

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14 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

How exactly is the reporti poor or the headline disparaging?


He was an alcoholic, who died in the lavatory, by drowning after falling in the bucket. The headline states the facts.


Or are you a bit prissy- would you prefer, man passes away peacefully

 after final drink. 


Have you ever bathed the corpse of a young friend at a Thai temple?  Or come upon an accident scene? Try it, it might help realising what happens when death occurs.

Over the top much Jane...


I asked the question if the pic and headline was totally necessary.....


You want to know if my experiences with death and trauma are competent to do so. Not sharing but you are strange even for TV.

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On 2/21/2017 at 0:12 PM, rkidlad said:

Very unfortunate. Is the picture really necessary? Blurred or not, that's massively disrespectful in a country that talks a lot about honour and respect. 

Tell me what is respected in Thailand except face, ? He didn't even do that.

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On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 3:43 AM, starky said:

I know there is no dignity in death but fycks sake what a way to go.

Well. There is hardly any dignity in life either.... we are born to die. And drowning drunk is still better than burning alive in minivan. Peace.

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On 2017/2/21 at 6:19 PM, madusa said:

I think he was not wearing any pants at all. You could just about see the buttocks on the blur picture.

I also think he was murdered. Someone got him drunk and then pushed his head in that big bucket till he died and left him there.

There is no way he could be doing that himself even if drunk.

Yes, that's what happened, well, most likely that way. May be even sodomised him first, that's why he got no pants on, see?

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The report states "Amnuay Katip was dressed in shorts and t-shirt and had his head lodged in the bucket"


So the photos clearly shows a person with no pants which begs the question. Is the journalist blind? or were the pants removed after the fact and the photo taken? Neither option and several others I think of are out of the realms of possibility in Thailand.

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There were some speculations that you couldn't drown in a bucket, well apparently those people haven't seen piss drunk people enough.


We have a legendary old song in finland, which I will leave to you as in memorium for this poor soul;

A drop won't kill you

It all began when I got the last paycheck
Then I went to get a full load for the party
And there was no shying away for any reason at all
A bottle was passed around in a circle with disgusted faces
A drop won't kill you, and you won't drown in a bucketful
Since we have already started, let's just continue
A drop won't kill you, and you won't drown in a bucketful
Since we have already started, let's just continue
Life is boring if you don't party now and then
Who can stand being sober all the time
Let it go the same pace for a week in a row
All sorrow is flushed from inside us this way
A drop won't kill you, and you won't drown in a bucketful
Since we have already started, let's just continue
A drop won't kill you, and you won't drown in a bucketful
Since we have already started, let's just continue
We all are here only for a short while
It is absolutely useless to gather up money on Earth
Somebody else will drink it away someday anyway
Let's drink it all now and others shall drink their own
A drop won't kill you, and you won't drown in a bucketful
Since we have already started, let's just continue
A drop won't kill you, and you won't drown in a bucketful
Since we have already started, let's just continue
Let's just continue, let's just continue


RIP the debunker of this song.

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On 21/02/2017 at 4:52 PM, darksidedog said:

A needless and very sad death, brought to us by bad taste reporting.

I, along with I suspect most people posting, have on various occasions, been so unbelievably drunk that I have crashed out in some unusual places and poses, with little or no memory in the morning.

Yet some seem to think his demise a good opportunity for jokes in as poor taste as the photo.

Let he who is without sin, and in this case, never been blind drunk, throw the first stone.

I have been drunk enough to throw up a few times, but I have never been blotto! 

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On 2/21/2017 at 0:12 PM, rkidlad said:

Very unfortunate. Is the picture really necessary? Blurred or not, that's massively disrespectful in a country that talks a lot about honour and respect. 

There is face.

Thailand has oodles of face.

Too much, actually.

There is respect?

Thailand has a heaps of culturally ingrained respect because of the face thing.

And then there is honour.

Because of the face thing and combined respect thing, there is not much honour to be found.

Honour and face don't go together most of the time.


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RE "Amnuay Katip was dressed in shorts"


The shorts seems to have disappeared before the Photo was taken, is this a part of the investigation procedure or just a way to hide the brand...??...


Anyway - a sad situation....



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  • 3 weeks later...

If that was Finnish Prose or poetry or whatever.I am glad its Finish (ed) Shouldnt it have had some sort of rhyme or movement to it? You know like limericks.

"There was a young man from Dubhai,ta da tada tada, tada ta da tad da.Still i suppose the Fins like it.

Only kidding finish people.:thumbsup:

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