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Tourists blamed for pirate goods problems as ministry heeds PM's call


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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Oh! This is too funny.

So the tourists are to blame for all the knock off goods? Thai people don't buy them, is that what he is trying to say?

I can really see your average taxi driver saying to his customer ,"Ooo! Don't go in there mister. Let me take you somewhere where you can pay ten times more!"

Especially given that all the "labels" are often made in Asia, so the knock off price is actually the fair one.

Thais make me laugh it is always the tourists fault who buy the goods. How about it the thais fault for making them and selling them you idots. You are the sex capital of the world so is it tourists fault for paying for sex or is it thais fault for selling sex. How many bars or massage are run by police. Are all the resturants and bars that are over the sea on walking street pattaya still there this can not be tourists fault for sure as we can not own land. Thais should stop sending their kids to recieve money for sex then sending it back home. Its all not tourists fault it is THAIS FAULT. Get it

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38 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Make Buffet look like an amateur.


And of course the rich never have to worry about buying fakes as they can easily afford the real McCoy, even with the hyped up tax.

I often wonder if the fakes and the real deal are run on the same production lines???

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Thailand needs stricter visa rules to keep out the dodgy tourists. First, Stop visa-exempt entries for all countries. Everyone should apply for a proper visa. 2nd, set the price for a tourist visa at 10 000 Baht or higher. This is to compensate the bad image of Thailand which are created by tourists. Every tourist have to pass a 1 week "how to behave in Thailand-training course" in an military camp. The costs for that, 20 000 Baht. I have more ideas, but this should help to keep out the most tourists.


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I read it as not blame the tourist. But its the typical wording used here.

It reads stop tourists from buying fake goods.

But how stupid this is . This will just cause more economic troubles and crack downs and well its just the whole thing sundeds,dvd,copy cat goods that helped thailand be such a destination in asia. But now with all the visa crack downs and crack down on the cracking downs. They are cracking down and cracking me up.

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4 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

Who come's to Thailand as part of a tour group? And why everyweek has the Tourism minister a new idea that she has to share with the nation?
A friend back in England kept telling us his great ideas and plans every week down the pub. We later found out he was smoking waki baki.
Is this the case here as well. Is the tourism minister on the 'green tea'?


Vast numbers of Chinese tourists come as part of tour groups.    

They are targeting the tour groups because they can reach a lot of people at once.   Trying to target individual tourists would be much harder.  


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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

Really??? Must be Wednesday today the day for wild and sill quotes. 

I think perhaps you should look again at my post "elgordo", I was quoting another poster (and you edited that post) not suggesting that they "kill all foreigners/expats and those that vote red".

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My wife got done selling fake brembo brake parts for motorcycles while working for a motorcycle parts shop. Bought from thais and made in thailand, china and taiwan and yes sold to farang BUT only because thais can buy all the parts on any street corner even cheaper than she could and will not be bothered so much. Seems like its thais pretending thais dont buy fake?

The police arrived in a van with a fake brembo gear knob. She was told she would never be bothered again but dont sell to farang.

On another note....

Can we get rid of the fake priminister?

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Apologies if this has been said before but I cannot read  the whole 6 pages of repetition.


If the goods are here and the tourists buy to take home, the answer is simple.


Wake up the customs officers who sit all day doing nothing and make them stop the goods coming here and stop the tourist taking the goods home.

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4 minutes ago, losername said:

Apologies if this has been said before but I cannot read  the whole 6 pages of repetition.


If the goods are here and the tourists buy to take home, the answer is simple.


Wake up the customs officers who sit all day doing nothing and make them stop the goods coming here and stop the tourist taking the goods home.

Think  you have miss a little bit out there.

Have a rethink,    what is the bit you missed out. :blink:


Ok i tell you what you missed .

Some of the goods are manufactured in Thailand.

Also it's imposable to monitor everyone's bag at the air port for fake goods.


Go arrest the sellers, they are very easy to find.



Edited by onemorechang
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I used to get annoyed when I read posts like this from obsequious idiots in government attempting to make, what they think are,  ' deep, meaningful statements ' to curry favour with the out of touch elites running the country or at least, those in power. I no longer do.


The nearest comparison I can draw to the statements that come from the Thai government officials and leadership; is the new US president Trump, who speaks first via the press or twitter without checking the facts, blames everyone else, and then goes into complete denial when confronted with facts to the contrary of what was said. He should be the next Thai president, he is made for the job and has all the right qualifications.


Next, if you visit any village or town in Thailand tourist or not, you will find stalls everywhere selling fake football shirts, Police and Army gear, fake jeans etc You can start at Jatuchak market or MBK in Bangkok and go right the way to  the border with Laos in the North, Malaysia in the South, the country is drowning in fake clothing. The Thais even manufacture fake jeans in ready made factories in Bang Kwang prison!


Why do foreigners buy fake gear? Because it's all made over here and they are sick of rip off prices that do not reflect the quality of the products, but are there to keep the likes of Wayne Rooney and co in Range Rovers and stupid salaries. Why do Thais buy copies? The average Thai salary, not the spoilt rich kids in Bangkok, does not permit their finances to afford originals!


I would not even trust the authenticity of Levis or Polo in branded stores in Thailand as the copies are graded, and good copies can easily pass for originals to everyone but the most skilled purchaser, and are sold as such!!!


Regards buying in Patpong, Pattaya and Phuket, these are the cheapest quality and worst copies available because the BIB demand the stall rental ' tea money ' and something has to suffer and so it's quality and price passed on to the gullible foreigner. If foreigners want copies, avoid these places, cut out the middle man and buy at Jatuchak in Bangkok or Poipet on the Cambodian border.


The foreigners are usually the victims not the perpetrators. Most products in Thailand in the aforementioned tourist areas f Thailand are to be found cheaper and better quality back home and that INCLUDES the copies!

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This lot have a serious problem no Education No Brains No Future


Blame anyone but themselves


Tourists are mad even thinking of a holiday here as always the scapegoat


Fake Fake Fake, yes that is what they get from their new best friends


Next new idea please for the hub


Scared Sh>>tless of even their own shadow

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18 minutes ago, onemorechang said:

Think  you have miss a little bit out there.

Have a rethink,    what is the bit you missed out. :blink:


Ok i tell you what you missed .

Some of the goods are manufactured in Thailand.

Also it's imposable to monitor everyone's bag at the air port for fake goods.


Go arrest the sellers, they are very easy to find.



Yes.  I certainly do not present my case as the whole solution.  Firstly, it would be a lot easier to catch tourists going home with hooky goods.  They already have checks for other purposes and the exiting passengers are channelled.  Proof that sellers can easily avoid the authorities is everywhere to be seen.  We will have to disagree on this one.


As for goods made in Thailand, catch them before they leave the factory.  There are fewer factories than sellers and they are a lot less mobile.

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5 hours ago, DNPBC0 said:

Why not simply 'get tough' on the retailers selling these goods?

I believe thats what the deaf/dumb/blind man controlling the country was told by foreign governments, he's just decided to blame anyone but Thai's for the problem. If he were to crack down on the fake sellers, he would have an uprising, because lets face it....they are too numerous and vocal to stop, and its the Thai way, can't upset the apple cart.

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Yes...blame the tourists!...And ask entrance fees to the national parks 10 X higher than for Thai...Blaim the tourists too that they allow the police to rip-off those tourists...Many tourists will not visit Thailand anymore...Let's go to friendly and honest places across the border!  And don't forget to blaim the expats too who take care of entire Thai families and giving the (Thai) children the chance to study...and building nice houses in Isaan so that the locals have a far better life...When the tourists and expats leave...Thailand will go back in time for more than 100 years...


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I could hardly contain myself! This my friends is typical 'Asian Mentality' NEVER EVER TAKE RESPONSIBILITY - BLAME BLAME BLAME. Are they kidding? If there were no fake goods the Tourists wouldn't buy them.


I can guarantee you can ask any local on the street anywhere  who is wearing a western brand and ask them if its real. 99% of the time it will be fake. So it's okay for us to buy them but not Tourists.  Phew!!! what hope have the youth got in this country when the leaders are like this?

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6 hours ago, ezflip said:

Sure...turn a blind eye to all the Thais that invade Emporium Mall on petchaburi road, or the stalls across the street, or the little unnamed mall a few meters away, or...


Let's blame the tourist. So much easier.

Pretty sure it's Platinum and not Emporium you're talking about. Emporium is on Sukhumvit in Phrompong and Platinum is round the back of Central World.


If you're gonna slag a mall off, try and name the right one instead of slandering one that hasn't done anything wrong.

Edited by ChesneyHawkes
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14 minutes ago, janpharma said:

Yes...blame the tourists!...And ask entrance fees to the national parks 10 X higher than for Thai...Blaim the tourists too that they allow the police to rip-off those tourists...Many tourists will not visit Thailand anymore...Let's go to friendly and honest places across the border!  And don't forget to blaim the expats too who take care of entire Thai families and giving the (Thai) children the chance to study...and building nice houses in Isaan so that the locals have a far better life...When the tourists and expats leave...Thailand will go back in time for more than 100 years...


Well the karma of one Thai saying something dumb has been offset by dozens of foreigners saying equally dumb shit in this thread. All is good in the world.

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<deleted>  time and time  again blame someone else not your own kind 

We the tourist or  expat don't supply fake  goods  I don't see many farang  stall owners  do you ??


Why don't they go down to the local dock yard and talk to customs  there the ones  letting in most of the fake goods anyway ( Don't do that we make to  much money from that !! )

The thing here is the powers that be believe if they say  something and   have a press conferance all is good situation   solved ?

Thailand is cutting its own  throat 


As we the tourist buy  what's on offer  we don't go  and produce  Do  we ??


Look around you  all the  good things are disappearing  in Thailand it's same same  

So what to do ??? I know let's go to a shopping mall and look at the same shit day after day sounds like fun !!! Or maybe we can stare out in  night sky and see another condo been built in the distance  

We don't need night markets  food stalls or  keep the classic Thai Baans just do and believe what a few powerful companies and people  here tell  you it must be true right ???


My head hurts when I read these things  as it's just a joke that the people in these positions don't have a clue!!


Opps  I forgot  they must be smart   they went to the best university and we all  know how important  that is !!!

If these people  weren't in positions they are in now  they be running a stall in patpong as they have the brain capacity  of a peanut 

Now it time for me to jump of my balcony yep they will say it's suicide 555


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