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Tourists blamed for pirate goods problems as ministry heeds PM's call


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Ohhhh.  Those pesky farangs again!   Nothing but trouble-makers and lawbreakers.  The lot of them.




You know.  I really feel sorry for the majority (I assume it's a majority - not really sure though...) of thais to whom xenophobic rants like this give a bad name.  I feel even sorrier for that segment of the population that is successfully manipulated by such an excruciatingly lame practice. 


Can you really imagine blaming foreigners for Thailand's cheap knockoff industry?!   RTP walk right by the vendor stands selling this stuff every single day, but it's tourists merely buying what they see on open offer on the public streets who are to blame...


Thailand, just close your borders to all foreigners and be done with it!  Kim Jong Un will be happy to have the company I'm sure.


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12 hours ago, ChesneyHawkes said:

Pretty sure it's Platinum and not Emporium you're talking about. Emporium is on Sukhumvit in Phrompong and Platinum is round the back of Central World.


If you're gonna slag a mall off, try and name the right one instead of slandering one that hasn't done anything wrong.

Absolutely correct. It is Platinum instead of Emporium. I always get their Malls mixed up. Mea culpa.  But the original intent of the message remains. They turn a blind eye to all the Malls (named and un-named) that sell all this stuff.

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To really address the problem, you have two basic issues, supply and demand.  Appears the Thais are really focusing on the demand side which will never work.   Pirated goods are a huge problem all around the world and to focus on just the demand side will never work.  Case in point is America's 'war on drugs'.  Billions have been spent on both the supply and demand side of this issue and yet you still have the real deal flooding in and poisoning American communities.  Wherever there is demand there is supply, and when someone devises a new scheme, demand is created.  It's a two headed monster that simply will not be impeded by focusing simply on the demand, or tourist, side in this case.

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I was in Petaling Street in KL when they raided the place many years, which at the time was the go-to place for fake DVD's and software. If you visit there now, there are no fake goods on offer, hitting the source is much more effective they blaming others, although for Thailand officials, this is a much easier solution.

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I admit , its all my fault , it all started when I bought that Sorry pocket radio 12 years ago ,  hey it looked like a popular Japanese radio , 


Thais do not do anything wrong , ummmm a Thai sold me that dodgy radio,,,,,,''


Why do these guys make fools of themselves all the time with such stupid public statements ?


I think they need a new Minister ,  in charge of telling officials to SHUT UP , ....


anyone want the address for all the bootleg Police badges and uniform shops over by the Palace ?

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OK, maybe SOME tourists come to Thailand for fake goods but compared to the thousands that come for a holiday it is nothing!

Tourists are not responsible for the fake goods market, the suppliers and vendors are.

- - - 

A family comes for a nice holiday in land of smiles, spends a few pleasant weeks here, being fined for feeding fish, fined for traffic violations as other Thai drivers whiz by on their uninsured badly serviced vehicles, assaulted, bag-snatched, necklace ripped off, dual-charged and overcharged, with mild to severe sun-burn from having their umbrellas and beach mats confiscated and being forced to have no sun-shade on the beaches and finally, after a fabulous holiday, they descend on the local markets and demand fake goods for presents to take home to their friends and families.

Oh, those bad, bad tourists, if they weren't in Thailand en-masse DEMANDING fake goods the nice people of Thailand would never dream or consider offering them. :shock1:

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12 hours ago, reenatinnakor said:


This was about 3 years ago when every muppet was riding the tube with Beats canned headphones... My mate had genuine ones for about 2k hkd, about 280 usd... I bought some for 30 usd, had the whole box, velvetty packaging and even the same instruction manuals it was that good a fake... I showed him and he listened to them and didn't notice the difference until I told him they were fake!




Let me try to explain some things to you because you clearly do not understand the difference between fake products, copied products, overrun products and copyright infringement.

A product such a pair of headphones can be copied because the components used are known and there are always cheaper versions of those components that can be used, from cheaper plastic, cheaper wires, cheaper magnets, cheaper foam etc etc.    What you end up with is a copy made cheaper and sold cheaper.    The audio quality may actually be the same, but it is still made cheaper and although they may sound the same, perhaps the plastic will degrade when left in the sun, perhaps the foam ear pads will fall apart after 6 months of use instead of several years, maybe the cheap solder holding the electrical parts will crack after a short time, maybe the wire will break because its not high quality.


The fact is there really is a difference between a cheap copy and a more expensive original, it may not be the audio quality that is different but the difference exists all the same.   

Some products like clothes it is very hard to detect any difference, the clothes may be made in the same factory as the real thing... in fact they may be the real thing, just not paid for the copyright holder.   
Typically a brand owner will specify the fabric, sewing quality (thread used) etc and tell a factory they want 1000 shirts.   If the factory makes 1200 shirts using the same fabric, pattern and thread they then have 200 identical shirts which they can sell as 'originals' but at a lower costs, because the factory does not have the huge international marketing costs associated with a brand.   The brand owner is inadvertently paying to promote these extra shirts.   

There is no difference at all in between a 'real' shirt and an 'overrun' shirt in this case.... the only difference is the price you will pay depending where you buy from.    But it is theft of the brands property plain and simple.

So you have no issue buying copied headphones that sound ok to you, but are just not made to a high standard, knowing that you are cheating the brand owner out of money and at the same time encouraging theft and illegal activity.    You have no issue with buying a shirt that is 70% cheaper knowing that you are again taking from the legitimate owner of the brand and encouraging illegal activity.

But what happens when you need a drug to alleviate pain or perhaps save your life, and the drug is fake?     Because it is just as easy to make fake drugs as it is to make fake headphones and extra shirts in a factory.

You see by buying into the fake stuff you are encouraging people to try making fakes of everything.

What happens when the fake car part the garage fitted because it was cheaper, suddenly fails or breaks causing your car to have a serious accident, killing your family?     Just as easy to make fake car parts as fake headphones.

You just want to think that you've somehow got one over on rich people, you got headphones that you think looked and sounded the same, you paid less and you stopped the brand and their multimillionaire bosses from ripping you off.    Well done, except you didn't.    You got an inferior product with no warranty, you are wearing a copy of the brand but you are still walking around promoting it (aren't you smart).   


I'll say it again because it's the thing that gets to me the most, just because you may not be rich is no reason to think its right to rip off people that are.  

Wanting to rip off rich people just because they are rich and you don't like it makes you a very very sad individual.

If you don't want to put money into the pockets of the companies you think are too rich, why not buy products from smaller companies.  Although economic lesson for you, those companies will start to also get rich and I guess one day you'll think they are making too much also.


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The Thai economy is propped up by the scams, corruption, black money, money laundering,fake goods,and selfish Thais. Take all this  away and it will collapse. Eluding to fighting corruption is all smoke and mirrors. Thailand needs to keep on greasing the wheels to survive.

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1 hour ago, khounteen said:

Yes, tourists are the cause of the fake goods and the bar girls. No tourists = no fake goods, no bar girls, no short time hotels and no accidents, thailand would be a better place, everyone would still be riding around in elephants.



       My heart almost stood still and  I'm really happy that elephants belong to the herbivores.


Being in an elephant wouldn't be a pleasurable ride. 


          But you're so right. Without tourists this country wouldn't be as developed as it is now. 

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This is really how they think - fake goods problem is the fault of the people buying the goods, not the fault of the people selling the goods. 


My wife has told me many times that the Thailand sex trade is the fault of Farang, because they come here looking for that.  Pointing out that neighbouring countries do not have a similar problem just results in the inevitable "logic overload" Thai tantrum.   

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10 minutes ago, moojar said:

This is really how they think - fake goods problem is the fault of the people buying the goods, not the fault of the people selling the goods. 


My wife has told me many times that the Thailand sex trade is the fault of Farang, because they come here looking for that.  Pointing out that neighbouring countries do not have a similar problem just results in the inevitable "logic overload" Thai tantrum.   


 Please read this article for your wife.



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15 hours ago, reenatinnakor said:


This was about 3 years ago when every muppet was riding the tube with Beats canned headphones... My mate had genuine ones for about 2k hkd, about 280 usd... I bought some for 30 usd, had the whole box, velvetty packaging and even the same instruction manuals it was that good a fake... I showed him and he listened to them and didn't notice the difference until I told him they were fake!

Sent from my LG-H990 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


Were they fakes, our the genuine article sold as fake at the right  price? No different than "home brand" sold at your local supermarket in competition with the named brand. 

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42 minutes ago, moojar said:

This is really how they think - fake goods problem is the fault of the people buying the goods, not the fault of the people selling the goods. 


My wife has told me many times that the Thailand sex trade is the fault of Farang, because they come here looking for that.  Pointing out that neighbouring countries do not have a similar problem just results in the inevitable "logic overload" Thai tantrum.   

Did you point out that research shows that Thai's themselves are the major clientele in the Thai sex industry. 

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erect large signs in english, russian, mandarin etc language warning tourists will be prosecuted for buying fake goods, put these signs EVERYWHERE especially where all these sellers have set up shop. That would start a huge turd storm, then see what happens.

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People who run Thailand are on a roll, showing off their stupidity every single day. This is yet another 'oh, no, we Thai people no do like this' bullshit.


Every beginning of the month, a 'vendor' takes up one of my office's conference room, puts on the table the latest Hollywood movies and series and for the next hour or so, the whole office's employees will flock to that room picking up the latest titles. If you gave a list to the vendor, he will even try to get you some classic titles! There are no tourists in my office. Similarly, another vendor on the sidewalk in front of my office building gets his business mainly from Thai office workers in the vicinity.


Additionally, do the idiotic authorities know how many of the city's girls are wearing fake Gucci brooches and earrings and lugging around fake Gucci and LV bags, in their quest to look oh-so-hiso?


But no, it's the fault of tourists.

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