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Trump decides to skip White House press dinner


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         Trump admitted he cheated hundreds of people out of hundreds of thousands of dollars when he paid $25 million in restitutions for his shyster U. in December 2016.


          He has over 3000 lawsuits pending - most are suing for promised wages and/or contracts which were never paid/honored.  Trump is less honorable than Bernie Madoff.  At least Madoff admitted his transgressions.


          Ivanna declared in court testimony that Trump raped her violently, including pulling out her hair.   Last time I checked, rape qualifies as harm.


              More than one woman has testified in court documents that Trump raped her when she was 13, and there are witnesses.   When she tried to file papers in NYC, Trump fans harassed her so much, she had to withdraw.  There was another 13 yr old allegedly raped at that time, and she's been missing since then.  Her name was Maria.   Last time I checked, rape and murder constitute harm.





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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

so the answer to whether he's done anything illegal so far is NO.


But he has irritated some of you. Ok,  keep moaning about it for the next 8 years.

Nobody questioned that and you know it ! You claimed his high security expenses were because Hillary supporters were threatening him and that is untrue. The reasons for his huge expenses have been explained to you but you refuse to accept it and are now just obfuscating the issue and  being disingenuous. Typical.

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11 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

so the answer to whether he's done anything illegal so far is NO.


But he has irritated some of you. Ok,  keep moaning about it for the next 8 years.

No, the answer is we don't know. And one of the reasons we don't know is that Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

Anyway, your conclusion is ridiculous because we wouldn't know if Trump had done anything criminal until a jury or judge concluded that he had. Are you even remotely familiar with the concept of "due process". Something that the "lock her up" crowd hadn't a clue about.

That said, a very strong case could be made that he violated the emoluments portion of the constitution. Especially in regards to China's granting Trump the trademark rights to his name.  

Edited by ilostmypassword
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4 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

 The reasons for his huge expenses have been explained to you but you refuse to accept it and are now just obfuscating the issue and  being disingenuous. Typical.

So according to you, Mr Trump just needs to stay at home…..lolllllll.

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

No, the answer is we don't know. And one of the reasons we don't know is that Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

Anyway, your conclusion is ridiculous because we wouldn't know if Trump had done anything criminal until a jury or judge concluded that he had. Are you even remotely familiar with the concept of "due process". Something that the "lock her up" crowd hadn't a clue about.

That said, a very strong case could be made that he violated the emoluments portion of the constitution. Especially in regards to the granting to Trump of the trademark rights to his name.  

Come back when you got something that will stick.

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5 hours ago, maewang99 said:

Trump is a good man on some things.

fake news.

of course it is! 

example.  we have not seen Noam Chomsky on TV or cable since he was on The Firing Line in the 1960's.  and he is still as beloved and healthy in his 90's today, this very day.  but you have to stick with Youtube, or order something from Amazon, to hear the real take on the "news". 

on this, Trump is 1000% correcto mundo.

You consider the news to be fake because the television news programs don't cover what you want them to cover?  No news program can cover everything that everyone wants to watch.  However the fact that you can still find the niche "news" that appeals to you is evidence that, for now, there is still a real free press.


Fake news is the intentional publication of false information.  Trump reporting that millions of people illegally voted for Hillary Clinton is fake news.  Nobody has given examples of CNN, Washington Post, BBC, etc reporting fake news.

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Come back when you got something that will stick.

Many of us are looking forward to that. The FBI is still investigating the Trump campaign's links to Russia, and Trump's businesses are in a grey area of legality in benefiting from his position as president.  I'm sure it won't be long before the charges will be filed.

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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Many of us are looking forward to that. The FBI is still investigating the Trump campaign's links to Russia, and Trump's businesses are in a grey area of legality in benefiting from his position as president.  I'm sure it won't be long before the charges will be filed.

Come back when you've got something in black and white…grey doesn't quite cut it.

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14 hours ago, Mises said:

I am not a supporter of Trump, I am not from the USA, I have no skin in this game. I am just an observer.


The TV and press are enemies of Trump. They are opposed to him and his presidency. They have shown that there is no trace of neutrality in the media. Why should he give the media the time of day?


Trump does not need the media anyway, he has no need to give time to his enemies who will merely paint him in the worst possible light. His Twitter account is more important, he has 25 million followers. His Twitter account is growing rapidly, in mid-January, it was 20 million people. Trump is going to by-pass the media.


Maybe Trump and his advisers are not so dumb as some people think.

You from Russia ?

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20 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Come back when you've got something in black and white…grey doesn't quite cut it.

You have very low standards for acceptable behavior of a US President.  Some of us expect more--competence, honesty, transparency, stuff like that.

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

You have very low standards for acceptable behavior of a US President.  Some of us expect more--competence, honesty, transparency, stuff like that.


50 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Hahahaha….is that why you back hillary?

Well she doesn't lie nearly as often as Trump, she is far more transparent about her finances than Trump, and in terms of competence it's simple; she's qualified to be president and he isn't.  So yes, I backed Hillary, she was by far the better candidate.  The majority of voters agreed.

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On 2/26/2017 at 2:03 PM, pegman said:

Well he skipped out on doing his duty during the Vietnam War era because of sore feet so he has stayed a consistent coward.

Yea... big tough guy (NOT). He's a coward and draft dodger. His father was also a draft dodger. He's a PUNK. He doesn't mind putting his hand on women though does he? What a scumbag. 

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On 2/26/2017 at 9:37 AM, simple1 said:

Trump is eviscerating US traditions - should resign or at the very least fire Bannon.

I hope both of them land up in jail. But if Bannon was not there to dictate policy to this dimwitted, popular vote looser he'd be lost b/c he doesn't have an original thought in his head. He is mentally ill and maybe instead of jail he can live in a padded cell. 

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12 hours ago, heybruce said:

You consider the news to be fake because the television news programs don't cover what you want them to cover?  No news program can cover everything that everyone wants to watch.  However the fact that you can still find the niche "news" that appeals to you is evidence that, for now, there is still a real free press.


Fake news is the intentional publication of false information.  Trump reporting that millions of people illegally voted for Hillary Clinton is fake news.  Nobody has given examples of CNN, Washington Post, BBC, etc reporting fake news.

So say the brain washed. The corporate media are scum. The United States have been controlled by an establishment for a long time because of the complete control  of the press by big business. Where was the press in questioning WMD? Big business make big money from war and the media coverage of the Iraq War lead up reflected that. The sheep in the USA are very much like Thais in that respect. The decline of the middle income working class was one of their greatest achievements. A continual message wall of anti union, pro business did the trick. Who in the press ever bring up working class anymore? Big business converted all those well paid union jobs to Walmart wages and the backlash is Trump. Too funny!

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12 hours ago, heybruce said:

You consider the news to be fake because the television news programs don't cover what you want them to cover?  No news program can cover everything that everyone wants to watch.  However the fact that you can still find the niche "news" that appeals to you is evidence that, for now, there is still a real free press.


Fake news is the intentional publication of false information.  Trump reporting that millions of people illegally voted for Hillary Clinton is fake news.  Nobody has given examples of CNN, Washington Post, BBC, etc reporting fake news.


3 minutes ago, pegman said:

So say the brain washed. The corporate media are scum. The United States have been controlled by an establishment for a long time because of the complete control  of the press by big business. Where was the press in questioning WMD? Big business make big money from war and the media coverage of the Iraq War lead up reflected that. The sheep in the USA are very much like Thais in that respect. The decline of the middle income working class was one of their greatest achievements. A continual message wall of anti union, pro business did the trick. Who in the press ever bring up working class anymore? Big business converted all those well paid union jobs to Walmart wages and the backlash is Trump. Too funny!

So your answer to my question is yes, you consider news to be fake because the news organizations don't report what you want them to report.  You also have an evidence-free conspiracy theory to go along with your views, and call all who disagree brain-washed.


Sorry, I won't waste time arguing with a conspiracy theorist.   I know from experience you will reject all evidence and rationality.

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43 minutes ago, heybruce said:


So your answer to my question is yes, you consider news to be fake because the news organizations don't report what you want them to report.  You also have an evidence-free conspiracy theory to go along with your views, and call all who disagree brain-washed.


Sorry, I won't waste time arguing with a conspiracy theorist.   I know from experience you will reject all evidence and rationality.

Too bad because I was going to get into their pro religion slant next which has resulted in the most creationists per cap in the world.

Edited by pegman
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1 hour ago, pegman said:

So say the brain washed. The corporate media are scum. The United States have been controlled by an establishment for a long time because of the complete control  of the press by big business. Where was the press in questioning WMD? Big business make big money from war and the media coverage of the Iraq War lead up reflected that. The sheep in the USA are very much like Thais in that respect. The decline of the middle income working class was one of their greatest achievements. A continual message wall of anti union, pro business did the trick. Who in the press ever bring up working class anymore? Big business converted all those well paid union jobs to Walmart wages and the backlash is Trump. Too funny!

The press was at a distinct disadvantage in reporting on the WMD.   The press does have to verify it's sources as much as possible and it does.   It's very difficult to get sources in a country like Iraq under Saddam.   


Trump is just plain afraid to show up.


The Press Association Dinner is a way of bringing closer relations between the WH and the Press; it's not unlike an office party.   It's pretty clear that Trump does not wish to have a reasonable relationship with the press.   I suspect this is for good reasons.   He doesn't expect to be a reasonable President.   


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Will Trump's war on the media actually work?


The strategy is called inoculation and the logic is simple: If you disparage the media, any narrative that flows from the press will be "fruit of the poisonous tree," or, in the lingo of the day, "fake news."



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18 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Come back when you've got something in black and white…grey doesn't quite cut it.

            In response to investigations: Trump is doing everything one would expect of a dictator who is hiding illegal activity.  In Stalinistic style, Trump is hammering the press corps, sowing misinformation, and hammering all the entities which should be investigating. 


17 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Hahahaha….is that why you back hillary?

         In every way, even at her worst (using a private email server, oh, boo hoo hoo) HRC is miles above The Divider.  Trump isn't worthy to wash her bidet.  I wouldn't hire Trump to walk my dogs around the block.  He'd probably turn the corner and sell them to a Bannon-look-alike for $1 apiece, and come back and tell me they ran away.

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5 hours ago, Credo said:

The press was at a distinct disadvantage in reporting on the WMD.   The press does have to verify it's sources as much as possible and it does.   It's very difficult to get sources in a country like Iraq under Saddam.   


Trump is just plain afraid to show up.


The Press Association Dinner is a way of bringing closer relations between the WH and the Press; it's not unlike an office party.   It's pretty clear that Trump does not wish to have a reasonable relationship with the press.   I suspect this is for good reasons.   He doesn't expect to be a reasonable President.   


Huh? The IAEA UN weapons inspectors said no evidence of them! Most other countries believed them including mine. Your press ridiculed us. Why? Because war requires big taxpayer money spent on weapons. Ike's point still stands. You have a very sick society and you more than deserve Trump. Just remember when you have 2 big business political parties it's heads they win and tails you lose. Everytime! Corporate media will even make you think you have scratch in the game.

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