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Macron would beat Le Pen in French presidential runoff - poll


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Macron would beat Le Pen in French presidential runoff - poll




Emmanuel Macron, head of the political movement En Marche !, or Onwards !, and candidate for the 2017 presidential election, attends a meeting focused on civil works in Paris, France, February 23, 2017. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann


(Reuters) - French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron would beat far-right leader Marine Le Pen in the second round of the French presidential election in May, according to an Odoxa/Dentsu-Consulting poll on Sunday.


The pollsters said Macron had been buoyed by the alliance announced this week with centrist politician Francois Bayrou, which has enabled him to move ahead of conservative candidate Francois Fillon.


The poll showed 39-year-old Macron, a former economy minister, would beat Le Pen in the runoff with 61 percent of the vote, versus 39 percent.


Le Pen, leader of the anti-immigrant and anti-European Union National Front, would lead in the first round of voting with 27 percent, followed by Macron with 25 percent and Fillon with 19 percent.


A National Front campaign rally in Nantes, western France, was marred by two days of violence as left-wing groups seeking to block the event clashed with police. Authorities said 13 gendarmes were injured during skirmishes on Saturday evening.


At the rally, Le Pen accused ex-banker Macron of being backed by banks and media groups, and said the justice system was being used to influence the outcome of the election.


Her chief of staff was put under formal investigation on Wednesday over alleged misuse of EU funds. Another associate was also placed under formal investigation in a separate probe over campaign financing on Saturday.


Le Pen promised to tighten immigration, push for a stronger role of the state in business, and introduce a seven-year non-renewable presidential mandate to replace the current five-year mandate.


Fillon, once seen as a the main challenger to Le Pen and favourite to become France's next president, has been hobbled by a scandal in which it is alleged he paid his wife and other family members for fake parliamentary jobs.


The poll put ruling Socialist party candidate Benoit Hamon in fourth place in the first round with 13 percent, and hard-left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon in fifth with 12 percent.


Hamon and Melenchon, who are in talks about a potential alliance, met on Friday evening, a source close to the Socialist candidate told Reuters on Sunday.


(Reporting by Bate Felix and Marine Pennetier; Editing by Ros Russell)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-02-27
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Macron is a con artist, he's worse then Sarkozy. the candidate of the wealthy elites and Bankesters, he was working for a well known banking family, seen his young age. He has neither personality nor any solid political experience, he s the perfect submissive puppet for his real banking masters. If the French don't Elect Le Pen this time. Expect France to plunge into real chaos leading to a balkanized civil war.

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43 minutes ago, heroKK said:

Macron is a con artist, he's worse then Sarkozy. the candidate of the wealthy elites and Bankesters, he was working for a well known banking family, seen his young age. He has neither personality nor any solid political experience, he s the perfect submissive puppet for his real banking masters. If the French don't Elect Le Pen this time. Expect France to plunge into real chaos leading to a balkanized civil war.

How would the election of Le Pen, who is hostile to the EU and outspokenly anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim, offer the promise of greater socio-economic stability either for France or Europe as a whole?

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11 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

How would the election of Le Pen, who is hostile to the EU and outspokenly anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim, offer the promise of greater socio-economic stability either for France or Europe as a whole?

Anyway the days of the EU and the Euro are outnumbered, it s simply a question of time before it will eventually collapse. This is not the prediction of the far-right but of a Pro-EU economist Patrick Artus for him the EURO does not function and it wont bring any prosperity or jobs except to Germany or Austria .However my own Candidate of choice would be Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, unfortunately he doesn't have any major public support, thus we need Le pen to break France free from the EU and then probably impeach her within a year and replace her with someone conservative like Fillon.


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1 hour ago, heroKK said:

Macron is a con artist, he's worse then Sarkozy. the candidate of the wealthy elites and Bankesters, he was working for a well known banking family, seen his young age. He has neither personality nor any solid political experience, he s the perfect submissive puppet for his real banking masters. If the French don't Elect Le Pen this time. Expect France to plunge into real chaos leading to a balkanized civil war.

Le Pen is very dangerous , and I am glad she will never be elected ; after the election ( or before ) she will have to go to  justice , she is as rotten as the others ; leaving Euro ? cost for France : 190 billions euros; retired at 60 years old ?  she is the only one in the world who proposes this

Euro and Europe have a great future, only a minority of people ( among them some Thaivisa members ) don't think like that  ( BTW, I am European and French )

Macron is in the center, young and modern and I'll vote for him

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20 minutes ago, Aforek said:

Le Pen is very dangerous , and I am glad she will never be elected ; after the election ( or before ) she will have to go to  justice , she is as rotten as the others ; leaving Euro ? cost for France : 190 billions euros; retired at 60 years old ?  she is the only one in the world who proposes this

Euro and Europe have a great future, only a minority of people ( among them some Thaivisa members ) don't think like that  ( BTW, I am European and French )

Macron is in the center, young and modern and I'll vote for him

Elections in France are rigged, otherwise how do you explain that FN and other parties are underrepresented in the house of representatives or National Assembly, it doesn't matter if French electorate vote for the EU or not !! because the salvation will comes from elsewhere Netherlands, Italy or even Greece.Even leftist economist in the like of François Lenglet are expecting the collapse to happen very soon. 



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2 hours ago, heroKK said:

Macron is a con artist, he's worse then Sarkozy. the candidate of the wealthy elites and Bankesters, he was working for a well known banking family, seen his young age. He has neither personality nor any solid political experience, he s the perfect submissive puppet for his real banking masters. If the French don't Elect Le Pen this time. Expect France to plunge into real chaos leading to a balkanized civil war.

So you would like to see Le Pen win? 


I am truly horrified at the rise of nationalism ( read facism ). I hope they do not get traction and sanity prevails. 


Look, I am anti Muslim, but I am damned if we're going to let them drive us back to the '30s. Surely we know better. Don't we?

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15 minutes ago, Grouse said:

So you would like to see Le Pen win? 


I am truly horrified at the rise of nationalism ( read facism ). I hope they do not get traction and sanity prevails. 


Look, I am anti Muslim, but I am damned if we're going to let them drive us back to the '30s. Surely we know better. Don't we?

I think you are the type of person who wants to sell France again to the banking elites and  to the monarchies of the Gulf, just like what corrupted Sarkozy did, especially with his disastrous war plan on Libya after embezzling 50 million from its leader, that would make al Capone family look like a piker . You said you are anti Muslim then let me tell that the Like of Macron will submit France to the will of Qatar.

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1 minute ago, heroKK said:

I think you are the type of person who wants to sell France again to the banking elites and  to the monarchy of the Gulf, just like what corrupted Sarkozy did, especially with his disastrous war plan on Libya after em,embezzling 50 million from its leader, that would make that would make al Capone family look like a piker . You said you are anti Muslim then let me tell that the Like of Macron will submit France to the like of Qatar.

I have always thought that la belle France was a highly civilised country though subject to being blown off course at times. I would certainly NOT like to see France take a facist route and doubt they will. I don't know enough about French banking to comment but you may well be correct. Is there no other choice?

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33 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I have always thought that la belle France was a highly civilised country though subject to being blown off course at times. I would certainly NOT like to see France take a facist route and doubt they will. I don't know enough about French banking to comment but you may well be correct. Is there no other choice?

I never consider France to be truly independent Democratic nation, it 's a pawn in the hands of those oligarchs whom we all know who they are. The oligarchs pushed out Fillon although he 's pro American. mutual cooperation with Russia annoyed them the most, especially the Qataris and the Saudis who have now very strong influence inside french politics, Prior to the revelation of Fillon's scandal it was reported that he refused to meet up with an influential Saudi Prince hence the explanation, and the fact that he's a stubborn French patriot who defends Christians and family values. The plan is to present Macron as no affiliated to any political party(neutral) as to gather support from both left and right electorate.

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” ― Voltaire, the fact that we cant even discuss freely over those elites on most social media or forums shows how true it is that those elites have very strong dominance over french politics.




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56 minutes ago, heroKK said:

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” ― Voltaire, the fact that we cant even discuss freely over those elites on most social media or forums shows how true it is that those elites have very strong dominance over french politics.




I say! A discussion of Voltaire on TV! Never thought I'd see that ?


"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities"

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8 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I say! A discussion of Voltaire on TV! Never thought I'd see that ?


So we're all idiot savant?

Do you seriously believes that someone as young as Macron could lead France out of the turbulence ?  France is a tough country to govern and he's absolutely not competent for the job, he''ll be worse then Hollande or Sarkozy,  he's pro establishment and he was even the economy minister under the current administration, what goals did he achieved ? why they were no economic growth or jobs under his mandate ? I consider those who votes for Macron to have negative IQs.:smile:

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1 minute ago, heroKK said:

Do you seriously believes that someone as young as Macron could lead France out of the turbulence ?  France is a tough country to govern and he's absolutely not competent for the job, he''ll be worse then Hollande or Sarkozy,  he's pro establishment and he was even the economy minister under the current administration, what goals did he achieved ? why they were no economic growth or jobs under his mandate ? I consider those who votes for Macron to have negative IQs.:smile:

I'm sure you are correct


BUT, the FN route is not the way forward IMHO


Another thing, I reckon the shorter working week is "a good thing" when you consider the growth of automation, robotics and AI. You agree?

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6 hours ago, Aforek said:

Le Pen is very dangerous , and I am glad she will never be elected ; after the election ( or before ) she will have to go to  justice , she is as rotten as the others ; leaving Euro ? cost for France : 190 billions euros; retired at 60 years old ?  she is the only one in the world who proposes this

Euro and Europe have a great future, only a minority of people ( among them some Thaivisa members ) don't think like that  ( BTW, I am European and French )

Macron is in the center, young and modern and I'll vote for him


Macron is pretty, so he should get the (quite large) gay vote....

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4 hours ago, heroKK said:

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” ― Voltaire, the fact that we cant even discuss freely over those elites on most social media or forums shows how true it is that those elites have very strong dominance over french politics.






Voltaire would probably have approved Lenin's much more pithy observation on the same lines.  Lenin asked his famous question "Kto Ktom" [ who whom] or [supply your own verb] who is screwing whom, who calls the shots in any society.  Answer that question and you know what has to be done to change the society (for better or worse).

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5 hours ago, Grouse said:

I'm sure you are correct


BUT, the FN route is not the way forward IMHO


Another thing, I reckon the shorter working week is "a good thing" when you consider the growth of automation, robotics and AI. You agree?

The woes of the EU started when they accepted to admit Eastern European countries in 2007, I predicted with accuracy that the admission of Bulgaria and Romania will bring down the EU sooner or later, they were not ready for any full membership. The crimes waves that e-European brought plus the heavy burden on social services contributed to the increase of populism votes and xenophobia.  Viewing the stats of the Swiss police (only European police force that publishes stats based on nationality) will comprehends the issue, had Europe stayed on its core 15 members. BREXIT probably wont happen. The elites thought they could construct a messy tower of babel, and to add insult to injury, they were even considering to give Turkey a full membership.


The French will vote for LE Pen, as a protest vote against all those failed policies by incompetent politicians who developed high ego and thought they had carte blanche to do whatever they wish without any repercussions, remember how Sarkozy bypassed the rejection of the 2005 European Constitution referendum via the treaty of Lisbon.





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14 hours ago, Grouse said:

Look, I am anti Muslim, but I am damned if we're going to let them drive us back to the '30s. Surely we know better. Don't we?

I will agree with you on this Grouse but it is the very people (the EU) that has created this and caused the state we are in. Sadly it looks like they do not want to change. It is a shame, its taking the right of politics to go against this. In the UK as an example, labour want more integration with Muslims.  Tell me how exactly other than right wing and not all far right going to erode this from Europe?

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9 hours ago, bartender100 said:

The polls said David Cameron would never lose, he did, the bookies had him odds on to win, he did not, early shocks to the EU bureaucracy will be in France and Holland, then they might start to listen

Where do you get your fake news from? The polls were extremely close right up to the day of voting.

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6 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Where do you get your fake news from? The polls were extremely close right up to the day of voting.

Quick search got me this


http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/eu-referendum-brexit-breaking-odds-8182872  remain was 1/10 on, meaning bet 10 to get one back


The polls showing a big gap to remain on the eve of voting


 Nothing fake about my post at all

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