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What type of school did you go to?


Private School or State School?   

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First school from 4 till 11, had to do an exam to decide what level of school came next ( 11 plus).
Guess I must have scraped through because went to Grammar school .
Started off well at Grammar school but got in with the wrong crowd and left with very few qualifications aged 15.

Did City & Guilds apprenticeship in mech engineering and worked in that field until retiring last year age 55.
Did alright for my self, travelled to 40+ countries and was based out of the uk for 20 years. Those years were invaluable and turned me into the person I am today, travel broadens the mind they say and I believe that to be true.

Obviously my early school years were important but i didn't start learning about life until age 15 and am still learning now !!

Sent from my iPhone with the usual amount of sincerity and sarcasm [emoji4]

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Strange but I attended a liberal private Catholic high school in Connecticut. Never had a nun or priest teach a class for four years. The few nuns at the school wore regular clothes and female students could wear short skirts and pants. 

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19 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

UK Gov school and in my time,  had the choice to do a 2 year course in many group subjects which took you school leaving age of 16 instead of 15.

My chosen course :- Woodwork, Metalwork, Technical Science practical & theory, Technical drawing, and Maths & English had to be applied to all the 2 year courses. 


Woodwork, Metalwork, Science experiments & many sports not taught in UK now just in case little Jimmy or Jane hurt themselves and the parents sue the school. :sick:


My main education was in the pub and over 15 years in the building industry where l was awarded a Fellowship working for a respected company. :thumbsup:


18 hours ago, seancbk said:


Private schools in the UK are called Public schools.


I went to a private school but it wasn't classed as a public school.


Both private and public schools are fee-paying and rely on donations, endowments, etc.


Most have charitable status and thus received fees are tax-exempt.


Public schools are those which have a long-established prescence, are vastly more expensive and have highly regarded reputation such as Eton, Harrow, Gourdonstone...and whose head is a member of the HHC .


Confusingly, private schools in the UK are also referred to as independent schools.


Didn't do me much good really, still had to go to the lower sixth at the local comprehensive to get my maths 'O' level.


Also, don't know why kwasaki's post included above.

Edited by grollies
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I went to top public school in the UK. Conditions were worse than a prison and I hated everything about it. I learned absolutely nothing. I dropped out at 17 and travelled around the continent where my education began. I learned to speak another four languages fluently, two of which landed me very good jobs. I consider my public school education. A complete waste of money and time.

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Won a scholarship to a private secondary school from primary school. Did well academically in secondary school. I really only started learning stuff of use in later life at the tertiary level.

The teachers were probably ( IMHO ) better in the private school. I did learn rich kids with limited intelligence and a sense of entitlement could be utter bastards.

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What relevance really is which type of school one went to


I went to one of the expensive UK ones, I was sexually abused, bullied, and hated it, I came out seriously damaged and went on to achieve very highly


I also did not complete your survey


I am also very dyslexic which I did not find out until I was 45 and think outside the box far more relevant


Many of the brightest entrepreneurs are also dyslectic


I was once at an interview for a big job at board level, and all of a sudden the interviewers attitude changed when he saw I went to the "right school", I was offered the job and turned it down due to his narrow minded attitude


My religion is also old established, just in case you would like to know

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7 minutes ago, al007 said:

What relevance really is which type of school one went to


I went to one of the expensive UK ones, I was sexually abused, bullied, and hated it, I came out seriously damaged and went on to achieve very highly


I also did not complete your survey


I am also very dyslexic which I did not find out until I was 45 and think outside the box far more relevant


Many of the brightest entrepreneurs are also dyslectic


I was once at an interview for a big job at board level, and all of a sudden the interviewers attitude changed when he saw I went to the "right school", I was offered the job and turned it down due to his narrow minded attitude


My religion is also old established, just in case you would like to know

Tell us about your religion...Just interested...?

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5 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

The school of hard knocks. As someone famous once said. Education is not the learning of facts but the training of minds to think



Then education is failing most people completely, as all signs indicate vast numbers of people out there cannot think.



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Just now, seancbk said:


Then education is failing most people completely, as all signs indicate vast numbers of people out there cannot think.



Would suggest we all have different gifts regarding what sinks into our gray cells, but for sure stuff does....

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29 minutes ago, transam said:

Tell us about your religion...Just interested...?

I try and say thank you God often, morning and evening, also rather like the serenity prayer


I hope that helps

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4 minutes ago, al007 said:

I try and say thank you God often, morning and evening, also rather like the serenity prayer


I hope that helps

Not really.........What do you say/think if things go wrong in your life...?

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24 minutes ago, al007 said:

What relevance really is which type of school one went to


I went to one of the expensive UK ones, I was sexually abused, bullied, and hated it, I came out seriously damaged and went on to achieve very highly


I also did not complete your survey


I am also very dyslexic which I did not find out until I was 45 and think outside the box far more relevant


Many of the brightest entrepreneurs are also dyslectic


I was once at an interview for a big job at board level, and all of a sudden the interviewers attitude changed when he saw I went to the "right school", I was offered the job and turned it down due to his narrow minded attitude


My religion is also old established, just in case you would like to know


I too went to one of the expensive UK schools (founded in 1614).   I too was bullied (mostly because I hated sports), I wasn't sexually abused though.

The bullying stopped in the 6th form when I was given the chance to trial for the school shooting team and discovered I could hit a target from a long way out, every time.  That very soon translated into me getting First Colours as Captain of the Shooting Team, and suddenly being elevated to demi God status within the school hierarchy.   Life from then on was great.

I found classes and learning boring as the other students were so slow at understanding even basic concepts.   So I stopped taking part in lessons, stopped doing assignments and did zero work for exams, despite that I did well in all my exams anyway.  

So for a long time I also hated Boarding school, but looking back on it I realise it made me who I am and I would send my kids there (if I have any).

I didn't bother going onto university, despite having offers to study Hotel Management at Les Roche in Switzerland and also offers to study Computer studies in the UK (I really didn't know what I wanted to do at 17).

Despite not going to Uni, I went on to achieve more than most people will ever manage and have had a fabulous life so far. 

I'm now building a new enterprise in Thailand that I hope to grow to around 1000 employees within 4 years.  

Re: You turning down a job because of the interviewers attitude.  Principals like that are all well and good, but you should always look after number 1.  If you can gain an advantage, take it.    

I worked at Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong because my father know someone, who knew someone.   Of course if I hadn't been able to do the job I wouldn't have been offered it, but the connection got me to the interview.

Don't care about your religion, or anyone else's.   I'm 100% atheist and cannot understand why any rational person would be otherwise.


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5 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Just an ordinary secondary school, was a bit of a rebel, only interested in getting home and over the park to play football.

Never done any homework, had no interest in the future at that time, but always had a talent for playing musical instruments, could play a tune on the piano at five years old, and was a musician all my adult life, and sometimes did other jobs as long as there was no or very little manual work involved.


I wish I was more musically inclined.  I wanted to learn to play the trumpet, but instead got given a French horn.   There is nothing cool or sexy about the damn French horn so I gave up on my dream of being a white Miles Davis.



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1 minute ago, transam said:

Not really.........What do you say/think if things go wrong in your life...?

OK not really trying to be unhelpful, when something goes wrong, normally react with " S   H  *  T", take a step back then say thats life now how do I get out of the hole, and lets try to see we do nothing to make the situation worse


I am not really very religious I was brought up C of E


Afterwards I try to learn from my mistakes and see what I did wrong and contributed to the problem

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8 hours ago, transam said:

Technical school for boy's.....Drat, no girls.......:stoner:


Mine was also all boys, luckily there was an all girls school up the road which my younger sister attended and I was allowed to go there to see her.   In the 5 years I visited the girls school I probably saw her only half the time.


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1 minute ago, seancbk said:


Mine was also all boys, luckily there was an all girls school up the road which my younger sister attended and I was allowed to go there to see her.   In the 5 years I visited the girls school I probably saw her only half the time.


Fond memories....:smile:

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10 minutes ago, seancbk said:

I too went to one of the expensive UK schools (founded in 1614).   I too was bullied (mostly because I hated sports), I wasn't sexually abused though.

I worked at Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong because my father know someone, who knew someone.   Of course if I hadn't been able to do the job I wouldn't have been offered it, but the connection got me to the interview.

Google says my School was founded in 1556, does that mean it was more established !! !!!    !!!!

School motto God Grant Grace

Yes I escaped at 17

Still later became FCA with PW&co


Thank you GS i have over the last eight weeks done very well on the shares, only held them for this period


The greatest thing school taught me was survival from an early age, I still am a bit of a loner and do not suffer fools gladly


No need to say why do I follow TV then, because if you pick and choose some very valuable advice especially in the medical bit



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1 minute ago, al007 said:

Google says my School was founded in 1556, does that mean it was more established !! !!!    !!!!

School motto God Grant Grace

Yes I escaped at 17

Still later became FCA with PW&co


Thank you GS i have over the last eight weeks done very well on the shares, only held them for this period


The greatest thing school taught me was survival from an early age, I still am a bit of a loner and do not suffer fools gladly


No need to say why do I follow TV then, because if you pick and choose some very valuable advice especially in the medical bit



Are you saying money is your "god"...?

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