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In day of pro-Trump rallies, California march turns violent


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In day of pro-Trump rallies, California march turns violent

By Stephen Lam and Tim Branfalt


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Supporters of President Donald Trump gather for a "People 4 Trump" rally at Neshaminy State Park in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, U.S. March 4, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Makela


BERKELEY, Calif./LANSING, Mich. (Reuters) - Supporters at a Saturday rally in favor of President Donald Trump clashed with counter-protesters in the famously left-leaning city of Berkeley, California, in what appeared to be the only episode of violence around several pro-Trump events across the country.

At a park in Berkeley, across the bay from San Francisco, protesters from both sides struck their opponents over the head with wooden sticks. Trump supporters fired pepper spray at counter-protesters as police in riot gear stood at a distance.

Organizers of the so-called Spirit of America rallies in at least 28 of the country's 50 states had said they expected smaller turn-outs than the huge crowds of anti-Trump protesters that clogged the streets of Washington, D.C., and other cities the day after his inauguration on Jan. 20.

Their predictions appeared to be correct, as they were for similar rallies on Monday. In many towns and cities, the rallies did not draw more than a few hundred people, and some were at risk of being outnumbered by small groups of anti-Trump protesters that gathered to shout against the rallies.

In Berkeley, the total crowd of both supporters and detractors numbered 200 to 300 people, police spokesman Byron White said.

One person was hit on the head in the melee and another one had teeth knocked out, White said, adding that police made one arrest.

Video posted to social media soon after the fighting broke out showed men with American flags facing off against other men dressed in black.

The violence comes a month after mask-wearing protesters at the University of California, Berkeley, shut down a planned speech by a far-right speaker by lighting fires and smashing windows.

Most rallies appeared to take place without any disruption or violence, like one in in Lansing outside the Michigan State Capitol building on Saturday.

"People feel like they can't let their foot off the gas and we need to support our president," said Meshawn Maddock, one of the organizers of the rally which drew about 200 people.

"How can anyone be disappointed with bringing back jobs? And he promised he would secure our borders, and that's exactly what he's doing."

Brandon Blanchard, 24, among a small group of anti-Trump protesters, said he had come in support of immigrants, Muslims and transgender people, groups that have been negatively targeted by Trump's rhetoric and policies.

"I feel that every American that voted for Trump has been deceived. Any campaign promises have already been broken," Blanchard said.

More than 200 supporters of the Republican president rallied in downtown San Diego.

"After this, I think people will take the hint," said former U.S. Marine David Moore, 42, a participant in the rally. "It’s okay to voice support for the president and the country."

In the nation's capital, more than a hundred people gathered near the Washington Monument, a short walk from the White House, although the president himself was in Florida for the weekend.

"He does not hate Latinos, he does not hate Hispanics, he does not hate Mexicans," a woman who described herself as a Mexican-American supporter of Trump said, addressing the crowd from a small stage. "He's put his life at risk for us."

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-03-05
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2 minutes ago, jerojero said:

He's put his life at risk for us? What kind of deluded idiots believe that horse-sht!

The bone spur (What?, oh yeah, the "bone spur", the yellow one) in his ankle could kill him at any moment. :tongue:



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 He is putting his life in Jeopardy by becoming president. remember there have been 4 presidents shot and killed, and of course some nut shot President Reagan, so yes, he has put his life on the line by becoming President! I am sure his motives are not all altruistic, but like any other man or woman, their motives or reasons are many. Obama said he wanted to be a uniter ,not a divider, boy was that a bunch of crap words!

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Maybe California should go for independence.


They could then apply to join the EU and take the UKs place as America's gateway to Europe


The UK could then become the 50th state as most English have more in common with Trump's views than the EU.


The UK could then be America's fixed aircraft carrier off the coast of Europe.


Er, coffee I think ?

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Seems to me as an outsider non American, that anti Trump is made up of thugs,looters and criminals in general. When antiTrump people protest they riot ,loot and cause general violent behavior. When pro Trumps have a rally to show support anti Trump thugs show up and start violence. Perhaps anti Trump do not want a better America. Anti Trumps appear to lean towards violence and  criminal activity. Could that be representative of Democrat attitude?

  The more this unfolds the more it mirrors Thailand with how Democratics deal with things,all ever the world.Trump seems to be the Thaksin American style.

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9 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

Seems to me as an outsider non American, that anti Trump is made up of thugs,looters and criminals in general. When antiTrump people protest they riot ,loot and cause general violent behavior. When pro Trumps have a rally to show support anti Trump thugs show up and start violence. Perhaps anti Trump do not want a better America. Anti Trumps appear to lean towards violence and  criminal activity. Could that be representative of Democrat attitude?

  The more this unfolds the more it mirrors Thailand with how Democratics deal with things,all ever the world.Trump seems to be the Thaksin American style.

Not at all.  The Trump supporters seem to be dwindling in numbers.  Those against him are hardly thugs, looters and criminals.  Both sides have these elements, but they are not the majority.  Luckily!


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They've convinced themselves (and/or been convinced) their will has been rejected and ignored, and their voices no longer matter.  And so there's little left in their tool box except to break things to get attention.  Like an infant in a hi-chair.  Can't talk yet so the only way to let Mum know they aren't happy is to throw food on the floor and have a tantrum.


To be fair, this role is traded from time to time, depending on elections and majorities.  It's not just a Democrat thing.

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When I was a young man, I worked for the Democratic party in Chicago...we were actually instructed on how to disrupt political rallies of Republicans...and how to register individuals incapable of voting (e.g., delusional people in nursing homes, senile folks, illegals, etc.), and watched my fellow Dems try to intimidate Whites/Republicans going to vote.  We were instructed how to skew polling results, and on and on. More than once, the Dems even went out into communities pretending to be Republicans...putting posters and bumper stickers on private property.  The thinking was that people would get angry with Republicans for trespassing and damaging property.  There activities were practiced nationwide. I know this because some of the people who assisted in these activities were from the DNC.  I changed political parties because of these activities, and often volunteered for the Libertarian and Republican parties. Over 30 years, I never observed any of the practices that were openly advocated by the Dems. 


So when I see reports of violence, racism, and sexism at Trump or Tea Party rallies, I'm always skeptical...anyone can be brought to violence if they are provoked enough...and decades ago the Dems had such provocation as an actual and active strategy to "prove" that Republicans were racist...if there is violence at a political rally, you really should use caution before deciding who is really responsible. Just sayin'

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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

Seems to me as an outsider non American, that anti Trump is made up of thugs,looters and criminals in general. When antiTrump people protest they riot ,loot and cause general violent behavior. When pro Trumps have a rally to show support anti Trump thugs show up and start violence. Perhaps anti Trump do not want a better America. Anti Trumps appear to lean towards violence and  criminal activity. Could that be representative of Democrat attitude?

  The more this unfolds the more it mirrors Thailand with how Democratics deal with things,all ever the world.Trump seems to be the Thaksin American style.

If that is your interpretation of the news you have been very selective at best.

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18 minutes ago, hdkane said:

When I was a young man, I worked for the Democratic party in Chicago...we were actually instructed on how to disrupt political rallies of Republicans...and how to register individuals incapable of voting (e.g., delusional people in nursing homes, senile folks, illegals, etc.), and watched my fellow Dems try to intimidate Whites/Republicans going to vote.  We were instructed how to skew polling results, and on and on. More than once, the Dems even went out into communities pretending to be Republicans...putting posters and bumper stickers on private property.  The thinking was that people would get angry with Republicans for trespassing and damaging property.  There activities were practiced nationwide. I know this because some of the people who assisted in these activities were from the DNC.  I changed political parties because of these activities, and often volunteered for the Libertarian and Republican parties. Over 30 years, I never observed any of the practices that were openly advocated by the Dems. 


So when I see reports of violence, racism, and sexism at Trump or Tea Party rallies, I'm always skeptical...anyone can be brought to violence if they are provoked enough...and decades ago the Dems had such provocation as an actual and active strategy to "prove" that Republicans were racist...if there is violence at a political rally, you really should use caution before deciding who is really responsible. Just sayin'

Hmm, when you were young the Dems were the white, racist party.

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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

Seems to me as an outsider non American, that anti Trump is made up of thugs,looters and criminals in general. When antiTrump people protest they riot ,loot and cause general violent behavior. When pro Trumps have a rally to show support anti Trump thugs show up and start violence. Perhaps anti Trump do not want a better America. Anti Trumps appear to lean towards violence and  criminal activity. Could that be representative of Democrat attitude?

  The more this unfolds the more it mirrors Thailand with how Democratics deal with things,all ever the world.Trump seems to be the Thaksin American style.

Well said. Whenever there's a peaceful march by the right, the anarcos ALWAYS try to disrupt it by violent methods. They're becoming a real threat to democracy and something is going to have to be done about them. The sooner the better.


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5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

And some say Trump is not the cause of divisions in the US now.  Right....

And some even say Obama wasn't when he was president.  This is just a continuation of the whining & carping that's been going on since last November.  'Certainly nothing surprising in the socialist republik of kalifornia.  Trump shouldn't (and probably doesn't) waste his time worrying about the wingnut goings-on in that place. 

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51 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Hmm, when you were young the Dems were the white, racist party.

I worked for them in the early 80s...my job of record was for the street department in Chicago...I and others were paid by the city of Chicago...but we never went to the facility or did work for the street department...we paid union dues and everything...we would meet at the Democrat offices and be given jobs to suit the Democratic party...the only thing we ever did that resembled actual work for the street department was to cut the lawns of houses belonging to Democrats...quite a few people who retired and drew pensions never did any work for the city, only the Democratic party...


As for being racist, I've seen exponentially more racism directed at Whites than Blacks...and Blacks/Hispanics were always the culprits...against Whites and Asians particularly...I am convinced that the this reality is simply not reported...but anyone nonBlack who has taken a walk in a Black neighborhood can probably recount an act of racism directed toward them...especially White and Asian women...and on the job racism by Blacks is truly amazing...as a professor, I observed and documented Blacks receiving preferential treatment that would be considered pervasive and institutional...degrees awarded to people who could not read above the 6th grade level...doctorates awarded to people who openly plagerized dissertations...promotions that were clearly unwarranted...i've been in administrative meetings at universities where we had to draw up a list of people who would be presented to visitors (e.g., accreditation reviewers)  to represent Black faculty...the list was basically "professors" who could speak coherent sentences...because many Black faculty were just too stupid to hold a conversation...


people like to cling to the notion of a "good ol' boy network" in government and education and business, but it really doesn't exist now...for the past 50 years or so, if you are Black and Hispanic, you are treated with kid gloves and coddled...the only place I ever worked that was truly colorblind was the military...and that environment was pretty insensitive to women at the time (again, mostly harassment from Black male soldiers to female soldiers and Black females to White/Asian soldiers)...racism is a strawman that closed minded people have constructed to feel morally superior or for actual monetary gain...That was my subjective impression...and over the course of a couple of decades, actual empirical research has actually substantiated those impressions...

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12 minutes ago, hdkane said:

I worked for them in the early 80s...my job of record was for the street department in Chicago...I and others were paid by the city of Chicago...but we never went to the facility or did work for the street department...we paid union dues and everything...we would meet at the Democrat offices and be given jobs to suit the Democratic party...the only thing we ever did that resembled actual work for the street department was to cut the lawns of houses belonging to Democrats...quite a few people who retired and drew pensions never did any work for the city, only the Democratic party...


As for being racist, I've seen exponentially more racism directed at Whites than Blacks...and Blacks/Hispanics were always the culprits...against Whites and Asians particularly...I am convinced that the this reality is simply not reported...but anyone nonBlack who has taken a walk in a Black neighborhood can probably recount an act of racism directed toward them...especially White and Asian women...and on the job racism by Blacks is truly amazing...as a professor, I observed and documented Blacks receiving preferential treatment that would be considered pervasive and institutional...degrees awarded to people who could not read above the 6th grade level...doctorates awarded to people who openly plagerized dissertations...promotions that were clearly unwarranted...i've been in administrative meetings at universities where we had to draw up a list of people who would be presented to visitors (e.g., accreditation reviewers)  to represent Black faculty...the list was basically "professors" who could speak coherent sentences...because many Black faculty were just too stupid to hold a conversation...


people like to cling to the notion of a "good ol' boy network" in government and education and business, but it really doesn't exist now...for the past 50 years or so, if you are Black and Hispanic, you are treated with kid gloves and coddled...the only place I ever worked that was truly colorblind was the military...and that environment was pretty insensitive to women at the time (again, mostly harassment from Black male soldiers to female soldiers and Black females to White/Asian soldiers)...racism is a strawman that closed minded people have constructed to feel morally superior or for actual monetary gain...That was my subjective impression...and over the course of a couple of decades, actual empirical research has actually substantiated those impressions...

You come across as an old, white racist. A typical Trump supporter.

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1 hour ago, tallthai1016 said:

If you can't see what's happening to America with this white racist B.S. constantly spouted,  please do something like join the military, read the constitution or anything else that will get you off your fat ass and quit whining.  Donald Trump IS the president of the USA and nothing about your constant name calling and whining can change that.


Have a semi-good day.



Impeachment will change it

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54 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I agree. Respect the OFFICE of the president. It's a very nice office in a very nice old house.

Sorry, can't respect trump. He's a disgusting human being.

Just his actions of being the leader of the RACIST birther movement for several years was enough for me to see what he is, a horrible man, but he has done so much more than that. The man's a nutjob -- read his twitter. The world is in danger having a nutjob like that as president. Many patriotic Americans of all political stripes get that.

Nearly half the voters in the USA are not racist. Racism is not what got DJT elected, inaction, ineptitude in Washington DC, and a desire to change the status quo is what got him to the White House.

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1 minute ago, Ahab said:

Nearly half the voters in the USA are not racist. Racism is not what got DJT elected, inaction, ineptitude in Washington DC, and a desire to change the status quo is what got him to the White House.

I don't agree. Without the racist tones of the trump campaign he would have never been elected. That's not the same thing as saying all trump supporters are racist. Nobody said that. But all trump supporters were able to rationalize supporting a campaign with strong white nationalist racist messages. 

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I don't agree. Without the racist tones of the trump campaign he would have never been elected. That's not the same thing as saying all trump supporters are racist. Nobody said that. But all trump supporters were able to rationalize supporting a campaign with strong white nationalist racist messages. 

We definitely disagree on this. Where are the racist overtones? Unless you are referring to issues with some Muslims or illegal immigration neither of which are racist. I searched Breitbart for articles supporting white nationalism after the accusations were first raised, couldn't find any such support anywhere on the website.


The problem with accusing everyone of being racist is that after a while most people tune it out. Hell, when Mitt Romney ran he was made out to be a racist and worse. When in fact he was likely one of the most decent people to run for President in quite a while.

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We definitely disagree on this. Where are the racist overtones? Unless you are referring to issues with some Muslims or illegal immigration neither of which are racist. I searched Breitbart for articles supporting white nationalism after the accusations were first raised, couldn't find any such support anywhere on the website.
The problem with accusing everyone of being racist is that after a while most people tune it out. Hell, when Mitt Romney ran he was made out to be a racist and worse. When in fact he was likely one of the most decent people to run for President in quite a while.

There was no racism in the campaign.

Libs like JT just use that as an excuse for losing.

So they say 'tones of racism'. After all if there was ACTUAL racism, they'd quote it ad nauseum.

In the abscence of actual racism, they fall back on 'tones' of racism - whatever that means.

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It's worth noting the crowds supporting trump are much, much SMALLER than the massive street protests AGAINST trump, such as the Women's March which was perhaps the largest protest street turnout (nationally) in American history. 


A few hundred pro trump supporters? PATHETIC. 

Edited by Jingthing
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23 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I didn't accuse all trump supporters of being racist so please stop blatantly distorting what I said.

If you can't see the white nationalist tones in the trump campaign and now administration, I really can't help you.

Fair point but what where the "white nationalist tones" to which you refer? I missed them in the campaign, the current administration, and anywhere on the Breitbart website. I obviously need some help, one example of Trump racism might be go a long way in supporting your position?

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's worth noting the crowds supporting trump are much, much SMALLER than the massive street protests AGAINST trump, such as the Women's March which was perhaps the largest protest street turnout (nationally) in American history. 


A few hundred pro trump supporters? PATHETIC. 

Too bad those same sized crowds did not turn out when it mattered on Election Day. That is what is truely pathetic about these anti-Trump protest.  That and the violence, vandalism, and destruction of other people's property.

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7 minutes ago, Ahab said:

Fair point but what where the "white nationalist tones" to which you refer? I missed them in the campaign, the current administration, and anywhere on the Breitbart website. I obviously need some help, one example of Trump racism might be go a long way in supporting your position?

This is too big a topic. There is massive evidence. Do more research yourself. I refuse to be your google bot.



A few neoreactionaries aside, racism and sexism are defining elements of the alt-right movement; it could not exist in its own form without them.

Alt-righters tend to oppose mass immigration on the grounds that Latin Americans and Muslims dilute the excellence of white culture. They support what they call "white identity politics" — the idea that white Americans should organize and stick up for their own interests because minority groups do the same thing. They blame "globalists" in both the liberal and conservative elite for selling out white America through free trade and open borders.




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