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Video: Impatient driver goes for gap that wasn't there and pays the penalty


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On 07/03/2017 at 9:31 AM, patyh said:


Ignoring the fact that the pick up was speeding and under taking.. And the taxi were to hit into him while merging.. The taxi would still be at fault. I do not think the law is meant to encourage driver to under take in the lane closest to incoming merging traffic, it simply provide a provision for driver to under take should it be required 

Unfortunately the common sense approach doesn't work with those that don't have any!

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On 3/7/2017 at 7:14 AM, animalmagic said:

I agree that the blue pickup was driving in an irresponsible manner, however the taxi driver did not appear to make any attempt to ensure the lane was clear before moving from his own lane to join the highway.  It is the responsibility of the driver joining the highway to ensure that they can do so safely and without endangering other vehicles travelling at higher speed than themselves.  From simple observation the taxi appears t simply pull into the next lane to the right as quickly as possible before the end of the feeder lane.

The taxi does appear to carry out that all too common practice of cutting across lanes when merging instead of matching speed with traffic in the near-side lane first. This is the way most local drivers behave when merging into traffic; they try and get into the 'fast lane' as soon as possible while accelerating hard. Even the driver of the car where the camera was installed (and the white car ahead of them) are aware of this as he/she pulls into the middle lane well ahead of the junction and despite there being no traffic in the near-side lane. No denying that the the blue pickup was engaging in 'under-taking' and  'shoot the gap' first by passing the camera car on the near-side and then aiming to pass the minivan again on the nearside when the taxi appears to move earlier than expected out of the filter lanes and 'closes the door'.


Not to worry, it was only a brand new (red plate) Weewo after all and the shockingly ugly blue one to boot.

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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

The taxi does appear to carry out that all too common practice of cutting across lanes when merging instead of matching speed with traffic in the near-side lane first. This is the way most local drivers behave when merging into traffic; they try and get into the 'fast lane' as soon as possible while accelerating hard. Even the driver of the car where the camera was installed (and the white car ahead of them) are aware of this as he/she pulls into the middle lane well ahead of the junction and despite there being no traffic in the near-side lane. No denying that the the blue pickup was engaging in 'under-taking' and  'shoot the gap' first by passing the camera car on the near-side and then aiming to pass the minivan again on the nearside when the taxi appears to move earlier than expected out of the filter lanes and 'closes the door'.


Not to worry, it was only a brand new (red plate) Weewo after all and the shockingly ugly blue one to boot.

That was posted before seeing the ahead-view taken from the highway camera. The taxi does seem to moving from the filter lane earlier than expected but doing frame-by-frame, just prior to the collision, the taxis rate of progression is steady with no sudden moves. However, the pickup suddenly moves towards the taxi probably thinking he can just squeeze through between the taxi and the minivan already ahead and in his lane. Unfortunately at that speed, clipping the front driver side of the taxi is enough to spin him. It is the same principal of using relative vehicle velocities and dynamics that come into play in the US Highway Patrol PIT maneuver. In this instance, the location of the incomplete exit ramp is a very unfortunate but spectacular coincidence!

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On 3/8/2017 at 0:42 AM, berybert said:

Are you aware of how dangerous it is to slow donw on a motorway slip lane ?

Once you have slowed down there is no chance to get back up to speed, Meaning you will be joining the road going so slow you are likely to get smashed up the rear. Also cars behind on the slip road have to slow meaning a total mess.

This is the reason the slip lane has priority on joining the main road.

When you change lanes, you must give way to any vehicle in the lane you are moving into. This rule applies even if your lane is ending and you have to cross a lane line.



and then there is this. Piority is common sense



Be sure to give way to traffic already on the motorway.


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33 minutes ago, Jimeo47 said:

When you change lanes, you must give way to any vehicle in the lane you are moving into. This rule applies even if your lane is ending and you have to cross a lane line.



and then there is this. Piority is common sense



Be sure to give way to traffic already on the motorway.


These are from Australia and the UK but if you want to press the issue you have conveniently omitted several other rules:


Also from the second (Telegraph (merging)) article:

The priority is common sense. The driver of a car joining from a slip road usually cannot see traffic on the carriageway as clearly as drivers on the carriageway can see him. Any crashes that occur are often the result of stupidity or bloody mindedness by drivers on the carriageway who refuse to give way to the vehicles joining. The first sentence of the very first Highway Code of 1930 reads: “Always be careful and considerate towards others. As a responsible citizen you have a duty to the community not to endanger or impede others in their lawful use of the King’s Highway.” These wise words need reinstating.


Also included in the thrid link (at bottom):


You should only overtake on the right of other cars, unless you’re crawling in a traffic jam!!

Keep to the speed limit

If we’re honest, many of us travel at around 80mph on the motorway. Some even go to 90mph or beyond. But anyone travelling over the 70mph speed limit is breaking the law. 

Leave a safe gap

Nobody wants to stuff their car into the back of another but still motorists drive too close to one another. Should the car in front need to brake suddenly, the tailgater will get an answer to that eternal question, “Do my airbags actually work?” The Highway Code’s advice is to always to keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front, and to increase the gap on wet or icy roads, or in fog. That means allowing yourself enough space to pull up safely if the car ahead suddenly slows down or stops.

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5 minutes ago, nauseus said:

These are from Australia and the UK but if you want to press the issue you have conveniently omitted several other rules:


Also from the second (Telegraph (merging)) article:

The priority is common sense. The driver of a car joining from a slip road usually cannot see traffic on the carriageway as clearly as drivers on the carriageway can see him. Any crashes that occur are often the result of stupidity or bloody mindedness by drivers on the carriageway who refuse to give way to the vehicles joining. The first sentence of the very first Highway Code of 1930 reads: “Always be careful and considerate towards others. As a responsible citizen you have a duty to the community not to endanger or impede others in their lawful use of the King’s Highway.” These wise words need reinstating.


Also included in the thrid link (at bottom):


You should only overtake on the right of other cars, unless you’re crawling in a traffic jam!!

Keep to the speed limit

If we’re honest, many of us travel at around 80mph on the motorway. Some even go to 90mph or beyond. But anyone travelling over the 70mph speed limit is breaking the law. 

Leave a safe gap

Nobody wants to stuff their car into the back of another but still motorists drive too close to one another. Should the car in front need to brake suddenly, the tailgater will get an answer to that eternal question, “Do my airbags actually work?” The Highway Code’s advice is to always to keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front, and to increase the gap on wet or icy roads, or in fog. That means allowing yourself enough space to pull up safely if the car ahead suddenly slows down or stops.

It's still in there... section 43 c,d,e and h (attached).... however, the first code seems to explain the "why" of it




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13 hours ago, stevenl said:

No. Undertaking is legal, weaving, speeding and talking on a mobile are not. Please refrain from posting nonsense.

sent using Tapatalk

So I will ask, since you say undertaking is legal in Thailand, you do it?

This is not nonsense, it is about the horrendous death toll on Thai roads every day. I take it VERY seriously.

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12 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

So I will ask, since you say undertaking is legal in Thailand, you do it?

This is not nonsense, it is about the horrendous death toll on Thai roads every day. I take it VERY seriously.

So... there I was.... out in traffic today, trying to merge into said traffic from a side road.


i stopped and waited for my moment... foot on brake ( automatic SUV), and then came a space, which I could see, by twisting my neck back at an awkward angle, and peering between the seat head rest and front door jam.


foot off the brake... rolling forward, as I swiveled or face front.... to find some freaking moron had decide do to undertake me whilst I wasn't merging!


jammed  brake on... lent on the horn... waste of electricity, right?


no problems, I'm not in at much of a hurry.... twist back around and waiting for a second opportunity... there it is, foot off brake, ready to accelerate as I swiveled forward... fork me... another moron undertaking me in the merge lane!


more wasted electricity on the horn.... stupid blank expressions from the thai drivers.... like... what's the farangs problem?


i had to swerve left, to reduce the space between my vehicle and the ditch, to prevent anyone else sneaking past ( other than bikes... they can thread past anything), what else could I do?


until the RTP start to enforce traffic laws.... the carnage will continue, wether by idiots who speed.... or idiots who merge without thought for others... a think that at least a merging accident, wouldn't have killed me ( unless the idiots in command of other vehicles are armed, I suppose)


i figured it best to go home... slowly... and drink more vodka... because the reckless stupidity that is thai roads/driving was overwhelming..... (tens years, if that's relevant)... all more apparent by this accident

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11 minutes ago, farcanell said:

So... there I was.... out in traffic today, trying to merge into said traffic from a side road.


i stopped and waited for my moment... foot on brake ( automatic SUV), and then came a space, which I could see, by twisting my neck back at an awkward angle, and peering between the seat head rest and front door jam.


foot off the brake... rolling forward, as I swiveled or face front.... to find some freaking moron had decide do to undertake me whilst I wasn't merging!


jammed  brake on... lent on the horn... waste of electricity, right?


no problems, I'm not in at much of a hurry.... twist back around and waiting for a second opportunity... there it is, foot off brake, ready to accelerate as I swiveled forward... fork me... another moron undertaking me in the merge lane!


more wasted electricity on the horn.... stupid blank expressions from the thai drivers.... like... what's the farangs problem?


i had to swerve left, to reduce the space between my vehicle and the ditch, to prevent anyone else sneaking past ( other than bikes... they can thread past anything), what else could I do?


until the RTP start to enforce traffic laws.... the carnage will continue, wether by idiots who speed.... or idiots who merge without thought for others... a think that at least a merging accident, wouldn't have killed me ( unless the idiots in command of other vehicles are armed, I suppose)


i figured it best to go home... slowly... and drink more vodka... because the reckless stupidity that is thai roads/driving was overwhelming..... (tens years, if that's relevant)... all more apparent by this accident

I agree with your sentiments, and a good story, one that happens every minute of the day in Thailand. Maybe "stevenl" is the person you should send it to though?

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I agree with your sentiments, and a good story, one that happens every minute of the day in Thailand. Maybe "stevenl" is the person you should send it to though?

Don't like Thai road rules, complain to RTP. Referring to me won't help.

And yes, I undertake regularly.

sent using Tapatalk

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2 hours ago, stevenl said:

Don't like Thai road rules, complain to RTP. Referring to me won't help.

And yes, I undertake regularly.

sent using Tapatalk

Agreed... referring to you won't help


your like the RTP.... referring to them won't help..


guys... drive defensibly... forget about looking at your Rolex.... stay safe, cause there's all sorts of morons out there, traveling at stupid speeds, with no regards to your safety.. bugger theirs... look to yourself

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On 7.3.2017 at 1:14 AM, animalmagic said:

I agree that the blue pickup was driving in an irresponsible manner, however the taxi driver did not appear to make any attempt to ensure the lane was clear before moving from his own lane to join the highway.  It is the responsibility of the driver joining the highway to ensure that they can do so safely and without endangering other vehicles travelling at higher speed than themselves.  From simple observation the taxi appears t simply pull into the next lane to the right as quickly as possible before the end of the feeder lane.

complete nonsense, the cracy blue car overtook every other car on the WRONG side, the taxi driver could not expect that.


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This accident is not remarkable bearing in mind the lamentably low standard of driving acceptable in Thailand.
All the vehicles ahead had reduced the three lane carriageway to two lanes. The pickup was going too fast for the conditions, overtakiing on the inside, (probably only legal in 'lane driving' conditions) continueing to overtake when conditions changed. The taxi should have checked for cars in the lane he intended to join and merged without impeding anybody and had every right to assume that traffic would give him way to merge.
So everybody is responsible for the accident in some way, but when the "law of the jungle applies" as it does here, the best and safest single rule to apply is that overtaking vehicles are always held responsible for this sort of accident.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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