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Video: Impatient driver goes for gap that wasn't there and pays the penalty


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14 minutes ago, sumrit said:

The blue pickup driver did nothing illegal, he had right of way. It was the taxi driver that made the illegal manouvre and caused the accident

Nothing illegal, technically (unless he was speeding). But any sane driver would've anticipated what the taxi was about to do - merge, but I agree the taxi is not blameless, as he should've used his mirrors more, observed the pick-up's speed, and acted accordingly.

Edited by Wiggy
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1 minute ago, Wiggy said:

Nothing illegal, technically. But any sane driver would've anticipated what the taxi was about to do - merge, but I agree the taxi is not blameless, as he should've used his mirrors more, observed the pick-up's speed, and acted accordingly.

I agree and commented in an earlier post the pickup drivers mistake was lack of awareness in not anticipating the illegal move by the taxi driver. But by the same token the taxi drivers mistake was also lack of awareness in not confirming that the lane was clear before entering it. The pickup driver was already on the main highway and in that lane so had right of way. The taxi driver should have adjusted his speed to allow the pickup to pass first. The illegal move WAS by the taxi driver, not the pickup driver.

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1 minute ago, AlQaholic said:

A typical example (both the Taxi and the pickup) of "stupid on the road" that creates all the daily accidents here in Thailand, I see it everyday. 

As an "AlQaholicwe must question your ability to see straight though :biggrin: :thumbsup:

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6 minutes ago, sumrit said:

I agree and commented in an earlier post the pickup drivers mistake was lack of awareness in not anticipating the illegal move by the taxi driver. But by the same token the taxi drivers mistake was also lack of awareness in not confirming that the lane was clear before entering it. The pickup driver was already on the main highway and in that lane so had right of way. The taxi driver should have adjusted his speed to allow the pickup to pass first. The illegal move WAS by the taxi driver, not the pickup driver.

The first illegal move was made by the pickup - it's called speeding!

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12 minutes ago, nauseus said:

The first illegal move was made by the pickup - it's called speeding!

He was going faster than others around but it's impossible to say whether he was breaking the speed limit. I will say again it is AN ILLEGAL MANOUVRE to change lanes without ensuring the lane you want to move into is clear. By law the taxi driver must give way.

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1 hour ago, Saraphee said:

The taxi seems not to have noticed the approaching danger either. Of course all taxis are invincible as we well know.

Push comes to shove, I would put the blame on the taxi, being in the merging lane doesn't give you the right to force your way into the traffic flow. But sure the pick-up is not entirely blameless.

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46 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Sadly yes, two incidents in as many days have made we consider whether I should give up the motorcycle. Coincidentally both vehicles sporting Bangkok plates here in Pattaya. Nothing but impatience, aggression and lack of consideration.

Wise up you stupid stupid people.

If outside Bangkok just buy a car. It's safer than a bike. If in Bangkok just use public transport and rent a car when needed. I've known and heard of many expats and tourists dying in motorcycle accidents but only a few in cars. It still not risk free of course but it gives you more of a chance...

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4 hours ago, AlexRich said:

Incredible footage ... the guy in the blue truck was diving too fast and not only endangered himself but other people. Luckily, the other drivers did not pay a price for his recklessness and stupidity. 

Wrong, the taxi was at fault, changed lanes in front of the pick-up. 

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12 minutes ago, sumrit said:

He was going faster than others around but it's impossible to say whether he was breaking the speed limit. I will say again it is AN ILLEGAL MANOUVRE to change lanes without ensuring the lane you want to move into is clear. By law the taxi driver must give way.


Thank you for emphatically restating that.


Just to help everyone further can you please quote the section of the Land Traffic Act that quotes that because I could not find it.

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1 hour ago, sumrit said:

It's not just 'give way to the right' whe you want to change lanes and enter a different lane you must also ensure it's safe to do so. The taxi driver clearly didn't.

The blue pick may have been driving faster than other vehicles around him but undertaking IS a legal manouvre on a three lane carriageway in Thailand so wasn't breaking any laws. We have no idea of telling whether he was breaking the speed limit but, assuming he wasn't, he was continually driving in the same lane so has priority over vehicles wanting to enter that lane. His mistake was lack of awareness in not anticipating the illegal move by the taxi driver.

What exactly is the rule on undertaking please?

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Just now, Jip99 said:


Thank you for emphatically restating that.


Just to help everyone further can you please quote the section of the Land Traffic Act that quotes that because I could not find it.

I haven't looked at the land traffic act for a long time but when I went to renew my Thai driving licence a couple of years ago we all had to watch a video of the 'rules of the road' a 'awareness' on the road. There was a section dedicated to the correct procedure on changing lanes and joining a major road from a filter lane. Watch the video instead of falling asleep next time you renew your Thai licence. :thumbsup::smile:


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Just now, wgdanson said:

What exactly is the rule on undertaking please?

Again this is covered in the video you watch while renewing your Thai licence. When driving on a dual carriageway which contains three or more lanes in each direction, after confirming it is safe to make the manouvre, you can pass a slower vehicle in front of you that's driving in a middle lane on either side. ie: overtake and undertake.

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

Flying pigs, now flying pickups.

Just another day on Thai roads.

Many drivers here do not know how, and have never been shown to read the road.

Most drivers here ( my wife included ) only see what is directly in front of them, they never look a few vehicles in front to see gauge what is/will happen.

this doesn't just applies to the crazy thai driving. their whole life (generalizing of course, not all are the same, but a majority, have a look at their driving) is about living for the moment and who cares what will happen tomorrow. a nice way to live but very short sighted, the same as their driving, never looking ahead to see what is happening down the road

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1 minute ago, sumrit said:

Again this is covered in the video you watch while renewing your Thai licence. When driving on a dual carriageway which contains three or more lanes in each direction, after confirming it is safe to make the manouvre, you can pass a slower vehicle in front of you that's driving in a middle lane on either side. ie: overtake and undertake.

Thanks mate. I had a 1 year licence and renewed it for 5 in Pattaya. Never seen any video.

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9 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

Thanks mate. I had a 1 year licence and renewed it for 5 in Pattaya. Never seen any video.

Must have been too busy when you got your 5 year licence you will next time....................unless they're too busy again :biggrin:. That's where I saw it, but my mate said their TV was faulty when he went there.


Several years ago (probably more than ten) I seem to remember that there was a 'Thai Highway Code', I think pinned somewhere on Thai Visa but is appears to have been removed. It was a very basic Highway code but I know undertaking rule was in there.

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We do not know for sure if the driver was speeding or not.. But from the video, we can be sure that the taxi has to bear all, if not most, of the blame.. He's filtering into a lane without making sure it is safe to do so. 


The pickup has the right of way. Even if he's speeding, he still has the right of way. Speeding is a separate issue.. Thailand insurer and police would only look at what happened during the accident not before. 


First hand experience. 

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1 hour ago, animalmagic said:

I agree that the blue pickup was driving in an irresponsible manner, however the taxi driver did not appear to make any attempt to ensure the lane was clear before moving from his own lane to join the highway.  It is the responsibility of the driver joining the highway to ensure that they can do so safely and without endangering other vehicles travelling at higher speed than themselves.  From simple observation the taxi appears t simply pull into the next lane to the right as quickly as possible before the end of the feeder lane.

Overtaking from the left hand lane is unsafe and illegal in many countries. The blue pickup was wrong on several counts. 

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