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Sex fiend lured victims with promise of food supplements


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4 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

Except that he was fluid in Passa Thai --& didn't wear a wife beater singlet......:coffee1:


"Warrant A life sentence".....God I hope you never make it to a position of power.....This happens about 10 times a week to men--- the Lady/B or Girl just doesn't bother to hang around to give them a quick wipe or take a movie......

  AND?? So that is okay then???


People get murdered 10 times a week somewhere too, shall we just forget the whole thing??

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4 hours ago, amykat said:

and they could have died from a drug OD of some sort.

“ Could have ---Would have.----- Should have .


Oh lets execute him anyway----if it makes some moralist feel good…must be right.

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27 minutes ago, scorecard said:


I wonder about people who engage in such activities.


This guy has or is working on a graduate degree so I think we can assume he's not stupi.


So why does not not realize he will get caught? And the shame on his family etc?

Let me say it again ..He is a RAPIST. Rapists, rape people. Doesn't matter what their education is or if they will shame their family.  He is not someone with a "little problem" that just got out of hand.

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1 minute ago, oxo1947 said:

“ Could have ---Would have.----- Should have .


Oh lets execute him anyway----if it makes some moralist feel good…must be right.

 Are you kidding me?  You think it is okay to risk someone's life while raping them, without even having any consent for that? For taking the drugs, for the sex ..for any of it??


He didn't say "execute him" he said "give him a life sentence" and if you knew a damn thing about sex offenders you might know that they often don't change from any amount of therapy, punishment, or even aging out like other kind of offenders.


If you would like to test this with yourself  ..I might be able to help you, give me a call.

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4 hours ago, amykat said:

People get murdered 10 times a week somewhere

People get murdered 10 times a week somewhere-----what are you talking about..?


Look I really don't want to stop you, your on such a roll,--and as pointed out by one of the posters, people get their rocks off in different ways.


Could I just point out Mr Fire & Brimstone....that the corner stone of the justice system "is that when are caught you are punished for what you have done"

Not what you could have done.

Not what some religious nut says he may have done-

--not what someone with absolutely no psychological training says he is capable of doing---


I don't think 1,000 baht fine is enough.....but I do think the death sentence is just a little OTT.

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56 minutes ago, amykat said:

 So the women were not in danger according to you?? They were raped and filmed and that was spread around the internet, and they could have died from a drug OD of some sort.


And you think that punishment or therapy should be porn and sex toys at home ..you sound very informed ..do you work for a government agency by chance and make policies?

I mean to say they were not killed at one point by a Psycho person, with drugs they were definitely under danger and has been raped.


I mean to say, every human have a instinct. If a person with Sex Psycho mentality should be treated with right methods, i am not an expert, violent physical punishments cannot work. Otherwise he will invent more secret method to lure 100 more ladies and rape.

Edited by NextStationBangkok
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1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

Here we go again......the battle commences to see who can outdo the rest in the "vilest description stakes" of this person. What's the prize? The person who "wins" can have the satisfaction of thinking to himself...."I am more discusted than everybody else".

   Sometimes I think a bunch of kide are writing this stuff.

  Wise up, this type of thing has been going on since God was a baby.

U want us to praise him just like u doing?

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Wow...another romantic.  This time with a Masters Degree.


 It appears he didn't learn much in school.


In my opinion, he's dumber than a box of rocks.


He won't have to worry about a future job for a very long time. He may find himself on the receiving end in prison.


He would have more problems if he rapped my daughter.  Thankfully, I don't have one.


 My vasectomy and sperm count lab results were the best investments I ever made!  :partytime2:

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7 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

" Police said there was no insertion."


good to know.


kick him real hard three times in the balls.


next case.


Better off just remove them... and the bit in the middle... next case.

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4 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Here we go again......the battle commences to see who can outdo the rest in the "vilest description stakes" of this person. What's the prize? The person who "wins" can have the satisfaction of thinking to himself...."I am more discusted than everybody else".

   Sometimes I think a bunch of kide are writing this stuff.

  Wise up, this type of thing has been going on since God was a baby.

Don't you think your contempt and anger is better directed at the guy who drugged and molested young girls, rather than the people who think he's scum?

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Charged with public nuisance...



hidden cameras in a females toilet

distributing porn

Multiple counts of common assault by incapacitating women ( sometimes minors)

Mulitiple counts of sexually assaulting them whilst they were incapacitated

perhaps... only perhaps, raping them in some form, but not recording it

and only charged with being a public nuisance.... and some form of drugs charge


and that's just from the article.


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5 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Here we go again......the battle commences to see who can outdo the rest in the "vilest description stakes" of this person. What's the prize? The person who "wins" can have the satisfaction of thinking to himself...."I am more discusted than everybody else".

   Sometimes I think a bunch of kide are writing this stuff.

  Wise up, this type of thing has been going on since God was a baby.

So, it must be OK then?   

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

When the victims - aged between 15 and 35 - were asleep he would take out his penis and rub it over the victims' breasts, genitals and mouth until he ejaculated...there was no insertion...

Probably the only way these so-called "Thai men" can have sex. Either this or paying a prostitute OR buying and paying a wife for life! Looooooooooosers!

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3 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

People get murdered 10 times a week somewhere-----what are you talking about..?


Look I really don't want to stop you, your on such a roll,--and as pointed out by one of the posters, people get their rocks off in different ways.


Could I just point out Mr Fire & Brimstone....that the corner stone of the justice system "is that when are caught you are punished for what you have done"

Not what you could have done.

Not what some religious nut says he may have done-

--not what someone with absolutely no psychological training says he is capable of doing---


I don't think 1,000 baht fine is enough.....but I do think the death sentence is just a little OTT.

I am talking about ...you said .."this happens  about 1O times a week here to men" as if who gives a damn!!


Next, your idea about getting punished for what you have done..great!  There is a difference between murder and attempted murder. I am not calling what he did by drugging people murder. I am calling it "taking a risk with a person's life that may kill them, that they did not consent to, with illegal drugs, for purposes of committing a serious crime against them."  


For example, drunk driving, why is it illegal? If you drive home and nothing bad happens?  No harm no foul according to your argument.  We will only bust those people who are drunk and actually cause some harm?  We want to keep the harm from happening so we make drunk driving illegal.  That is public policy.  We want to keep people from dying due to getting drugged so we don't want to only penalize the people who gamble with our lives and actually lose!!


I don't know what your other comments are doing here, religious nuts and so forth, have no meaning to me in this context.  You also keep confusing the death sentence and life sentence  ..these two things are not the same.  Only you ever spoke of a death sentence.

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21 minutes ago, Italian guy said:

Probably the only way these so-called "Thai men" can have sex. Either this or paying a prostitute OR buying and paying a wife for life! Looooooooooosers!

While I appreciate that I think you are angry about this, I must say that this is NOT a Thai thing!


I have experience with this EXACT kind of case, and with professional men in the US. Men who are good looking, who have money, who are successful, who are married and can get SEX any time they want. Who also do get sex often as they want. This is not about sex per se.


This is why I am telling you all that this is a RAPE thing, nothing more and nothing less.

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7 hours ago, jvs said:

Check your definition of rape.


It would depend on the country, I guess it is not in Thailand and as we learned recently neither is sticking a coat hanger up a black boys bottom in America, but in some countries both of these crimes are very much rape, in Sweden for instance any forced sexual activity is deemed as rape, hence their off the charts rape stats.

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OMG, there is so much wrong with everything you just said!! 


1) The man is 38.


2) Who said he was watching porn and this caused his actions? You?  Did Asia know nothing of sex until the internet came along? Do children in other countries not share porn and things they find in magazines and on the internet with what we can assume should be the same consequences?


3) Has porn ever been shown to be the cause of rape?


4) Who has determined that Western Societies are "sick"? Would that be you again?


5) Taxes on "farang tourists and expats in Thailand" to provide medical help and counseling for Thai youth ...great idea!   I think you should be the first to step up and donate everything you own!!  Please come up with a plan how to manage this program, what help you will provide, how much it will cost, how much each of us will pay, how much will go for corruption and waste, and finally please outline what the exact benefits will be!!  Thank you very much.


Edited by Rimmer
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1 hour ago, catman20 said:

its all ok until you get caught, if there were no laws most men would be at it right and left.

Time to go a Viking.... or maybe crusading... ah... the good old days. 


When the old blokes wrote "all men are created equal", they didn't mention women for a reason.

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Let's see - you're Catholic, right? Exposure to the "evils" of porn is the same as being exposed to the flu, you "come down" with deviant behavior which isn't your fault?  The "devil" or evil spirits enter and possess you? "Pornography" is not a problem. The problem rests solely with the individual. Murderers do not commit murder because they saw it on TV. Racists do not commit hate crimes because they saw it on TV. The issue has been explored by experts in psychology for decades. The history of sexual predators has been thoroughly studied.The viewing of pornography, defined as the viewing of explicit sexual acts, is within the range of normal sexuality and natural curiosity about the very thing that creates us and perpetrates our species. Being aroused by viewing pornography is no different from being aroused by your partner.  Millions of decent people with healthy sexual relationships watch it including a substantial population of women. And there is NO doubt you have watched it, and probably still do. EVERYBODY does it, same as masturbation. And they are unlikely to admit it or talk about it, like masturbation, so that statistics are hard to come by because it's a personal thing, and because of the attitudes judgments and hypocrisy of others like you. The psychological roots of sexually deviant behavior have nothing to do with pornography. Such behavior stems solely from the person's own preexisting mental problems. That they may view pornography  is something that occurs parallel to the behavior, and is not a cause and effect. Posting "trophy" videos of rape victims online is an entirely different thing. Pedophilia has nothing to do with ordinary pornography which depicts normal sexuality. In the case of pedophiles the possession and viewing of videos of minors is a crime in and of itself because pedophiles are watching a deviant sexual criminal act of the sexual abuse of children.   Your problem is you're twisted up in your own sexual hypocrisy, or you are barren of actual healthy sexual experience, possible mentally unbalanced as well as ignorant. You're probably projecting your own guilt onto external scenarios. The real "evil"  in the world, besides sexual predation,  includes  the corruption of obscene amounts of wealth and money, and the bloody wars and genocide perpetrated by despots and warlords, who often commit rape without any source of porn. . Instead of just making up your own fiction on the subject, or listening to clueless idiots rant and rave on the subject, why don't you actually study and learn something about it? 

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10 minutes ago, Jonathan Swift said:

Let's see - you're Catholic, right? Exposure to the "evils" of porn is the same as being exposed to the flu, you "come down" with deviant behavior which isn't your fault?  The "devil" or evil spirits enter and possess you? "Pornography" is not a problem. The problem rests solely with the individual. Murderers do not commit murder because they saw it on TV. Racists do not commit hate crimes because they saw it on TV. The issue has been explored by experts in psychology for decades. The history of sexual predators has been thoroughly studied.The viewing of pornography, defined as the viewing of explicit sexual acts, is within the range of normal sexuality and natural curiosity about the very thing that creates us and perpetrates our species. Being aroused by viewing pornography is no different from being aroused by your partner.  Millions of decent people with healthy sexual relationships watch it including a substantial population of women. And there is NO doubt you have watched it, and probably still do. EVERYBODY does it, same as masturbation. And they are unlikely to admit it or talk about it, like masturbation, so that statistics are hard to come by because it's a personal thing, and because of the attitudes judgments and hypocrisy of others like you. The psychological roots of sexually deviant behavior have nothing to do with pornography. Such behavior stems solely from the person's own preexisting mental problems. That they may view pornography  is something that occurs parallel to the behavior, and is not a cause and effect. Posting "trophy" videos of rape victims online is an entirely different thing. Pedophilia has nothing to do with ordinary pornography which depicts normal sexuality. In the case of pedophiles the possession and viewing of videos of minors is a crime in and of itself because pedophiles are watching a deviant sexual criminal act of the sexual abuse of children.   Your problem is you're twisted up in your own sexual hypocrisy, or you are barren of actual healthy sexual experience, possible mentally unbalanced as well as ignorant. You're probably projecting your own guilt onto external scenarios. The real "evil"  in the world, besides sexual predation,  includes  the corruption of obscene amounts of wealth and money, and the bloody wars and genocide perpetrated by despots and warlords, who often commit rape without any source of porn. . Instead of just making up your own fiction on the subject, or listening to clueless idiots rant and rave on the subject, why don't you actually study and learn something about it? 

Hear, hear. Nicely written.

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21 minutes ago, Jonathan Swift said:

Let's see - you're Catholic, right? Exposure to the "evils" of porn is the same as being exposed to the flu, you "come down" with deviant behavior which isn't your fault?  The "devil" or evil spirits enter and possess you? "Pornography" is not a problem. The problem rests solely with the individual. Murderers do not commit murder because they saw it on TV. Racists do not commit hate crimes because they saw it on TV. The issue has been explored by experts in psychology for decades. The history of sexual predators has been thoroughly studied.The viewing of pornography, defined as the viewing of explicit sexual acts, is within the range of normal sexuality and natural curiosity about the very thing that creates us and perpetrates our species. Being aroused by viewing pornography is no different from being aroused by your partner.  Millions of decent people with healthy sexual relationships watch it including a substantial population of women. And there is NO doubt you have watched it, and probably still do. EVERYBODY does it, same as masturbation. And they are unlikely to admit it or talk about it, like masturbation, so that statistics are hard to come by because it's a personal thing, and because of the attitudes judgments and hypocrisy of others like you. The psychological roots of sexually deviant behavior have nothing to do with pornography. Such behavior stems solely from the person's own preexisting mental problems. That they may view pornography  is something that occurs parallel to the behavior, and is not a cause and effect. Posting "trophy" videos of rape victims online is an entirely different thing. Pedophilia has nothing to do with ordinary pornography which depicts normal sexuality. In the case of pedophiles the possession and viewing of videos of minors is a crime in and of itself because pedophiles are watching a deviant sexual criminal act of the sexual abuse of children.   Your problem is you're twisted up in your own sexual hypocrisy, or you are barren of actual healthy sexual experience, possible mentally unbalanced as well as ignorant. You're probably projecting your own guilt onto external scenarios. The real "evil"  in the world, besides sexual predation,  includes  the corruption of obscene amounts of wealth and money, and the bloody wars and genocide perpetrated by despots and warlords, who often commit rape without any source of porn. . Instead of just making up your own fiction on the subject, or listening to clueless idiots rant and rave on the subject, why don't you actually study and learn something about it? 

Lol... as mikosan says... nicely written.


Although i think masters and Johnson may have seized upon a todger pulling study, at some point

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