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When did you last go on a bender?

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When did you last go out on the razzle, be it a party, a lads night out, a wedding, what ever? Tell us all about it. Where did you go? What did you drink? Did anything funny happen? Did you get into trouble with the law? Did you wake up somewhere unexpected, etc. Tell us all about your last bender.

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My wifes brother's going to be a monk last day party. We drank Hong Tong whisky, beer chang and the missus and her friends were on Spy wine cooler. Big stage set up pounding out Luktoong country music. Dancers and singers live on stage. The whole neighbourhood was cordoned off. It actually went on for nearly a week. The relatives were in my house, must have been 30 to 40 of them sleeping in the front room, using my shower, etc. I drank to calm my nerves because it was like having a bunch of irish gypsies visit you. Anyways it was a great week on the booze and although I'd burnt off the lining on my stomach no regrets.

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My last 'bender' in Bangkok was a good one, spread over almost a week.


I'd had a few pals returning to Thailand for their first visit in a long time, just before I had to return to the UK to complete my latest studies. Their arrival offered me an excellent chance to bid a temporary farewell to Bangkok and environs (back in a few months for another  ten year slog :smile:) which had been home for the best part of twenty years, plus my pals wanted to go to all the old places we used to visit 'back in the day' and see what had changed, which of our old haunts had survived the ravages of time, who was still knocking round etc.

It was a blast for a few days, until they slowly found Bangkok's increased prices combined with the dismal exchange rates no longer offered them the 'bargains' they once did in the 'golden years' of the late 1990s-early 2000s so they slowly drifted off to pastures new which offered better value in their eyes.

That suited me very well, as it gave me a couple of nice, peaceful, nostalgic days on my own, drifting around my personal favourite places to bid farewell to some excellent people and places without having hangers on mithering to go to where the crumpet was, come seven, eight o'clock every night.....A very nice way to close that chapter of my life.

I'll probably do the same again soon, though in reverse (if you will) to open the next chapter.......can't wait.

Edited by Merylhighground
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My last bender was an accidental affair at Sanchun restaurant by the airport suvarnabhumi. 7 bottles of red wine a lot of sun dried beef between two of us. 

That was 9 months ago so I'm paying for that <REMOVED> bender for the rest of my life. 

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I had to retire from going wild. The last real bender I went on I woke up in Cambodia next to a lake, I was covered in mud and leaches. I was told I had been swimming in the lake and could not get out, a villager had pulled me out and left me to dry out.


Black panther stout is lovely but to strong for me now.

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My last "real" bender was in 2004. I was working in Tokyo and living in Roppongi. I had gotten to know a few of the club managers so one day we started drinking.


We all met up at 6pm. We had a core group of 5 guys with maybe 10 girls and guys coming and going. We bar hopped all night, drinking, dancing, karaoke and pool only leaving when the bars closed at 2pm. Sleep three hours, shower and start again. On the 6th night of this I showed up at the club we met in and found out the others had called in sick. 


That was a bender!

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15 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

Good advice.  If you're going to drink responsibly, you might as well not bother

I disagree, but I think it has to depend upon how you personally handle alcohol.  I like the social aspect of drinking with friends, but I do not like to get drunk. Far too many drunks are slobbery louts who are obnoxious, bellicose and sickening.  A happy drunk is not so bad, can even be a good time, but more people get obnoxious than happy. I do not drink at home alone, never have; yet I always have alcohol at the house in case someone comes over. When I go out to drink--which is three or four times a week--I am usually the last man standing; however, when I feel myself getting drunk, I get something to eat and/or change to a non-alcoholic drink for a while.  Now, I have been drunk on a few occasions--you know, can't remember what happened or acted a fool and ashamed of what you can remember.  I don't like people, including myself, who get like that, so I try not to.

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Never. I have some kind of internal limit switch. After a few beers or a couple of glasses of wine, I feel like I've had enough and don't need to drink anymore. Have been that way ever since my teens.

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14 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

My wifes brother's going to be a monk last day party. We drank Hong Tong whisky, beer chang and the missus and her friends were on Spy wine cooler. Big stage set up pounding out Luktoong country music. Dancers and singers live on stage. The whole neighbourhood was cordoned off. It actually went on for nearly a week. The relatives were in my house, must have been 30 to 40 of them sleeping in the front room, using my shower, etc. I drank to calm my nerves because it was like having a bunch of irish gypsies visit you. Anyways it was a great week on the booze and although I'd burnt off the lining on my stomach no regrets.

I think they call it a "leaving all your sins behind" party. A cleansing of sorts. 

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Always been a cheap date me. My first bender was on the Dock Road, Liverpool.


Joined my first ship, MV Myrmidon, first night out at the Atlantic Pub. Started on lager and apparently finished the night on Malibu & coke??


Don't remember getting back on board. Turned-to for first morning's work in my trainers. The Bosun asked where were my safety boots.


I had to admit that I'd got up in the night, stumbled to the wardrobe and spewed up into my brand new boots.


Never really been able to take my ale and hated getting drunk for the hangovers.

Edited by grollies
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8 hours ago, samsensam said:


haven't been drunk for over 25 years. enjoy a glass of wine with a good meal a couple of times a year.


it's a particularly pathetic sight seeing middle aged, and older, people drunk.

I think it is pathetic to see anybody drunk, there is no excuse for it.

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20 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

My last bender was an accidental affair at Sanchun restaurant by the airport suvarnabhumi. 7 bottles of red wine a lot of sun dried beef between two of us. 

That was 9 months ago so I'm paying for that <REMOVED> bender for the rest of my life. 

Why? Oh, I get it you've had a baby. Is that right?

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3 big bottles of Leo constitutes a bender for me these days. I have too much ale and I fall asleep. Back in the UK sleeping on trains or busses and missing my stop was my speciality. Oliver Reed I am not.

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