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Uncontrolled burning in the north


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All the talk, the fines, the jail time: HOT AIR ! The hills were on fire all around our area last night! This morning the air quality is appalling ! They burn the jungle to promote the development of some wild herbs and mushroms, that they will later pick and sell on the side of the road.




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For the last 3 nights the mountains near my home have been burning... first time I have seen that since moving here 4 years ago... quite scary scene at night, seeing the size of the fires.


A agree, all the sings and fines are just hot hair.  Farmers here are just openly burning stuff day and night, even the monks at the village temple enjoy a good fire several nights a week... made up of piled up leaves and the remains of 100 year old trees they keep cutting down to make way for more temple buildings. 


I used to wonder whey there was so little wildlife up on the mountains... I could go walking up there and not even hear s single bird.  No I know its impossible for anything to survive up there as it will get burn up... the only think left is rocky eroded soil and the hardy teak trees. 

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There is nothing and no one who can stop the burning, the royal projects have tried. Where I live they have been burning the sugar fields for the last 10 weeks, soon it will be time for the rice fields.


Last year our neighbour set fire to his sugar field the fire got out of hand and spread burning 16 of our rubber tree's, in his drunken state he burnt his legs and arms. 


The Thai mindset is everything can be improved if you set fire to it.

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It happens every year,and every year the Government says it is

going to take steps to stop the burning,and every year NOTHING

happens,it's a serious threat to health,must be terrible for anyone

suffering from breathing problems, but get caught feeding fish,

you go to jail,with fines up to 100,000 THB,or year in jail, make

peoples lives a  misery ,no problem, it seems,

regards worgeordie

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53 minutes ago, zappalot said:

Really sad. That is also the result of low education of the Thai citizens. So nothing will change within the next 20 years for sure...

What the he'll has education got to do with burning sugar?. We don't burn our sugar crop we sell it in situ to the sugar company. They employ a gang of sugar cutters to harvest it. The night before cutting starts they go into field and burn the sugar. Makes it a dam site easier to cut. Plus it makes our job easier as it burns the weeds away thus we get healthy shoots comming up very quickly. So just maybe there is method in what people see as madness

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24 minutes ago, Gonefortea said:

What the he'll has education got to do with burning sugar?. We don't burn our sugar crop we sell it in situ to the sugar company. They employ a gang of sugar cutters to harvest it. The night before cutting starts they go into field and burn the sugar. Makes it a dam site easier to cut. Plus it makes our job easier as it burns the weeds away thus we get healthy shoots comming up very quickly. So just maybe there is method in what people see as madness

Its a lazy way of farming which has been outlawed in more civilized countries.

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Do you all really believe in the mushroom story? Well, if you talk with real forest people or environmentalists, it's pure fantasy. They may burn to promote the growth of mushrooms, but it does not work. Point number 2: The Government itself is causing some of the worse and most toxic fires. If you look at the hundreds of kilometres of verges that are burnt at this time of the year and you'll get my drift. Over at Mae Tha in the Chiang Mai region I cycled past about 10km of burnt verges some of which spread well into the adjoining jungle. This burning saves them clearing the mountains of rubbish that Thais seem to think is ok to dump by the bag-load along the edge of the road. The local governments are under an obligation to keep the areas clean, so they simply burn it all. And as the plastic is burnt at low temperatures what happens? Well they fill the air with poisonous toxins. Clever eh? But the sting in the tail is that all the posters about "No burning" that the SAME government workers erected got burnt too! What fun! Now how about the Northern Thai Sports Authority who decided to build an incinerator in the 700-year sports complex, Chiang Mai. Now the mountains of rubbish, including polystyrene and plastic, can all be happily burnt. Yes! Burnt at low temperatures using wood as a fuel and without, to the best of my knowledge, any scrubbers in the stack. Clever eh? So the kids in the local school can breathe in this noxious and dangerous air all the year around. Wow! They no longer have to wait for the burning season!!!! And the people using the sports facilities? Same thing. Nice dirty air for all. Now that's what I call intelligent thinking. "Have you tried telling them?" I was aked. "Yes", I said "Have you ever tried talking to a brick wall?"

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12 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Why authorities do not video tape each burned land plot?then contact the owner and prosecute them.

Lol what get a neighbour to film another neighbour. That's the onlyway they could film every bit of burnt land. Then guess what will happen 

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1 minute ago, Destiny1990 said:

Its very simple to spot all burned land plots..drones observations etcetc..

Yes, you don't even need that.  Just appoint one of the local police or government people to drive their car around all day and post a sign on all the plots of burnt land / rice fields, etc telling the owner they have to pay a fine.... and if they don't turn up to pay the fine will increase and prison time.


If they did this the large scale burning would soon stop after a couple of years when the farmers realized that the threat of a fine is actually going to be carried out.  Now all they see is nice big posters.... which they totally ignore, knowing they will never get fined or punished by anyone for burning. 

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13 minutes ago, Gonefortea said:

Well sorry to say we're not in one of those countries. Thank god

You might feel differently in a few years when your children are suffering from bad asthma and you or people in your family have chronic lung infection or cancer.  You have to live in dirty polluted air and smell the toxins each time you breath.... just for the sake of lazy farmers or landowners breaking the law at the expense of everyone else.


Would you now rather have fresh, clean and clean air to breath? 

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20 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

You might feel differently in a few years when your children are suffering from bad asthma and you or people in your family have chronic lung infection or cancer.  You have to live in dirty polluted air and smell the toxins each time you breath.... just for the sake of lazy farmers or landowners breaking the law at the expense of everyone else.


Would you now rather have fresh, clean and clean air to breath? 

To tell you the truth I don't care as we're we are we are not bothered with burning, a case of I'm alright jack. Simple solution is move.

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1 hour ago, Gonefortea said:

What the he'll has education got to do with burning sugar?. We don't burn our sugar crop we sell it in situ to the sugar company. They employ a gang of sugar cutters to harvest it. The night before cutting starts they go into field and burn the sugar. Makes it a dam site easier to cut. Plus it makes our job easier as it burns the weeds away thus we get healthy shoots comming up very quickly. So just maybe there is method in what people see as madness

Glad someone said it. Also gets rid of the snakes scorpions and other critters hiding in the cane makes it safer for the cutters. Been done for generations cant see the method changing anytime soon burning plastic rubber and all that other nasty shit I have a problem with but when you live in the jungle with zero waste management services I guess you have no choice.

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1 hour ago, Gonefortea said:

What the he'll has education got to do with burning sugar?. We don't burn our sugar crop we sell it in situ to the sugar company. They employ a gang of sugar cutters to harvest it. The night before cutting starts they go into field and burn the sugar. Makes it a dam site easier to cut. Plus it makes our job easier as it burns the weeds away thus we get healthy shoots comming up very quickly. So just maybe there is method in what people see as madness

Have to researched the environmental issues of large scale crop burning. It might make it easier to do this and that but it depletes the soil in many ways. Here are some reasons to do it;

 " Farmers burn their fields to remove plants that are already growing and to help the plants that are about to come up. These burns are often called “prescribed burns” because they are used to improve the health of the field. The ash after provides good loose soil as well as natural compost in a super huge amount"

However, to achieve good soil after burning;

"after burning crops put lots of earthworms in the soul this helps aerate the land and crops will grow lot bigger and healthier.
And leave the field alone for 65 days before planting, and also you should trade of on different fruits or veg's it helps the land keep the right amount of minerals."


"The nutrients that are released after burning are usually washed away or leached by rain, or eroded by wind. Soil declines in productivity after burning because its nutrients are depleted. Because of this, the ancient farmers who practiced slash and burn had to leave the many years.  It’s true that burning kills pests and disease-causing organisms in the soil. But it kills the beneficial and important organisms too. This reduces the biological activity in the soil."


From what I checked when I lived in a Sugar Cane farming area Thai farmers neither prepare the crop before before burning or take steps afterwards to avert soil damage...why? Because it would cost just as much as an alternative method. Certain parts of India also have the same problem.

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32 minutes ago, Gonefortea said:

To tell you the truth I don't care as we're we are we are not bothered with burning, a case of I'm alright jack. Simple solution is move.

If you don't care about this topic.... then why on earth would you post comments on it? 


Simple solution is not to more... how do you know what options are open to me?  I have to wait to sell my house, find a new home, job, etc.  So how is that simple? 



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1 hour ago, starky said:

Glad someone said it. Also gets rid of the snakes scorpions and other critters hiding in the cane makes it safer for the cutters. Been done for generations cant see the method changing anytime soon burning plastic rubber and all that other nasty shit I have a problem with but when you live in the jungle with zero waste management services I guess you have no choice.

snakes  scorpions and other critters.................sheeesh no wonder Thailand is devoid of wildlife, those things all have a role  to play, I  suppose they also pour  tons  of chemicals onto the land making it nicely  toxic etc burnt  sugar cane is cheaper than unburnt and the land is  not as fertile after  burning............never mind throw  some  more chemicals on eh

Edited by kannot
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7 hours ago, mick220675 said:

There is nothing and no one who can stop the burning, the royal projects have tried. Where I live they have been burning the sugar fields for the last 10 weeks, soon it will be time for the rice fields.


Last year our neighbour set fire to his sugar field the fire got out of hand and spread burning 16 of our rubber tree's, in his drunken state he burnt his legs and arms. 


The Thai mindset is everything can be improved if you set fire to it.

To have a mindset one requires in the first place a mind, to have a mind one requires a brain. Go figure.

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2 hours ago, Gonefortea said:

What the he'll has education got to do with burning sugar?. We don't burn our sugar crop we sell it in situ to the sugar company. They employ a gang of sugar cutters to harvest it. The night before cutting starts they go into field and burn the sugar. Makes it a dam site easier to cut. Plus it makes our job easier as it burns the weeds away thus we get healthy shoots comming up very quickly. So just maybe there is method in what people see as madness

No trade offs in life I guess. Its all about survival of the fittest a circle that I am fast falling behind. I guess its off with the old in with the new the thinning of the species with a little propaganda thrown in for good measure. 

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