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Australia's 'extreme' summer a sign of things to come - researchers


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Malaria , dengue well on the way for Brisbane and Sydney but there's no stopping the deniers: Trump's environmental head opening his stupid big mouth today. They will make our grandchildren pay$20 to save 5 cents today. So pathetic.

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2 hours ago, RickBradford said:

I think Trump is a realist. He knows that neither China or India are going to hobble their economies through onerous schemes to reduce CO2 emissions, so he's darned if he's going to disadvantage America in that way, either.

With the US, China and India (and Russia, as it happens) continuing on their normal industrial path, that's the ball game for cutting CO2 emissions globally.

What that means for the global climate, we'll have to see. Not very much, is my guess.

We agree that China and India should not be given a pass.   Same for Indonesia, Nigeria, Philippines and other severely polluting countries.  

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23 hours ago, RickBradford said:

You should have read Tim Flannery's blog instead.


He is the guy who said in 2007 that it would never rain properly again in eastern Australia, thus causing governments to build billions of dollars worth of desalination plants. Those are expensively mothballed now as eastern Australia has seen regular flooding rains which have filled the dams.


He is also the person who warned about catastrophic sea level rise, while buying 2 luxury properties at the water's edge.


Oh, and he is also the person who set up this independent crowd-funded Climate Council whose report is cited in the OP.  He's the poster boy for fake news on Australian climate matters.


He's simply trolling for more funds, but people are getting tired of him.

Interested in the real science, not crackpots :) 

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On 3/9/2017 at 11:08 AM, darksidedog said:

The coastal regions of Australia are normally cooler than inland. 120 Fahrenheit can be found in the outback.

I lived in Sydney for 7 years. It was uncommon for the needle to go over 100.

True but to most Queenslanders Sydney has always been a part of New Zealand anyway.:cheesy:

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