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Israel moves to mute mosques' call to prayer over loudspeakers


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2 minutes ago, Galactus said:

then you are a partial engineer and scientists therefore partial atheist?

you know science, you cannot be partial in it. bc facts are objective and 2 + 2 is 4 everywhere in this universe (apart from parallel ones)

Everything is relative


I'm not a partial engineer but I could be accused of being a semi - conductor!

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2 minutes ago, Galactus said:

thanks for your information but no need:) i know a lot about muslim most probably a lot more than you do.

look, the name of the prayer calling people to pray is called 'Azan' and it is a prayer.

moreover, they also broadcast prayers from inside the mosque with loudspeakers on certain holy days and sometime when someone is dead.

Are you referring to the Adhan ?

Which comes from the word Adhina?

Which means "To hear , listen , to be informed about"

It really isnt a prayer , its just informing people they need to pray .

BTW , a Muslim is a person who follows Islam .

So, you think you know more about Islam, than I do, rather than knowing more about "Muslim"

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

Are you referring to the Adhan ?

Which comes from the word Adhina?

Which means "To hear , listen , to be informed about"

It really isnt a prayer , its just informing people they need to pray .

BTW , a Muslim is a person who follows Islam .

So, you think you know more about Islam, than I do, rather than knowing more about "Muslim"

adhan and azan or azaan or ezan, all are same. just it is called different from region to region!



definitely know more about Islam or muslim people then you do although dont believe even a single word of it.

but i know. better you know by yourself than gettign some brainwashing by others, no?




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1 minute ago, Galactus said:

adhan and azan or azaan or ezan, all are same. just it is called different from region to region!



definitely know more about Islam or muslim people then you do although dont believe even a single word of it.

but i know. better you know by yourself than gettign some brainwashing by others, no?




Fair enough , just a different pronunciation of the aame word.

But they all mean the same thing and none of them means a prayer.

As you stated incorrectly that a call to prayer (or Azan ) is an actual prayer, when it isnt, you are in no position to claim that you are knowledgeable about "muslim"


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13 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Fair enough , just a different pronunciation of the aame word.

But they all mean the same thing and none of them means a prayer.

As you stated incorrectly that a call to prayer (or Azan ) is an actual prayer, when it isnt, you are in no position to claim that you are knowledgeable about "muslim"


so what? is this 'who knows best abut Muslim' quiz show or something? lets stick to the topic.

it is a prayer or recital or a song whatever you want to call it. but it does not change the fact that, Israel is oppressing muslims there so they can pack up and go.

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1 minute ago, Galactus said:

so what? is this 'who knows best abut Muslim' quiz show or something? lets stick to the topic.

it is a prayer or recital or a song whatever you want to call it. but it does not change the fact that, Israel is oppressing muslims there so they can pack up and go.

Look, get real .

No one is being oppressed (if anyone is actually being oppressed, its the people who get woken up at 5 AM) , no one is getting stopped from praying and no one is packing up and going .

   This is about noise at anti-social hours .

Numerous countries have unsocial anti-noise rules.

In numerous Countries , you will get in trouble if you go around shouting at 5 AM in the morning .

  People are just using this instance to attack Israel

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14 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Look, get real .

No one is being oppressed (if anyone is actually being oppressed, its the people who get woken up at 5 AM) , no one is getting stopped from praying and no one is packing up and going .

   This is about noise at anti-social hours .

Numerous countries have unsocial anti-noise rules.

In numerous Countries , you will get in trouble if you go around shouting at 5 AM in the morning .

  People are just using this instance to attack Israel

nope. it is a clear oppression. 

and that is why mostly ultra nationalists or ultra orthodox jews (apart from some clever ones) were behind this law including bigot Bibi.


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1 minute ago, Galactus said:

nope. it is a clear oppression. 

and that is why mostly ultra nationalists or ultra orthodox jews (apart from some clever ones) were behind this law including bigot Bibi.


  The laws in my own Country stop me from starting work or making any noise before 8 AM , 

    If I were to open my window at 4.45 AM and use a loud speaking shouting "Come on all you postman and other people who start work early, its time to get up and go to work" every morning .

    Someone , most people would complain and I'd get stopped from doing it .

What give any Religious group the right to disturb the peace at 4.45 AM every morning ?

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5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

  The laws in my own Country stop me from starting work or making any noise before 8 AM , 

    If I were to open my window at 4.45 AM and use a loud speaking shouting "Come on all you postman and other people who start work early, its time to get up and go to work" every morning .

    Someone , most people would complain and I'd get stopped from doing it .

What give any Religious group the right to disturb the peace at 4.45 AM every morning ?

no religious groups and time of the day is not important. so things need to be banned for all. not only for muslim.

otherwise, you leave a sense of unfairness on people and more f ing muslim terrorists bomb around or send rockets to israel.


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4 minutes ago, Galactus said:

no religious groups. so things need to be banned for all. not only for muslim.

otherwise, you leave a sense of unfairness on people and more f ing muslim terrorists bomb around or send rockets to israel.


Which other Religious groups disturb the peace at 4 45 AM every morning  and needs to be banned from doing so ?




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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Which other Religious groups disturb the peace at 4 45 AM every morning  and needs to be banned from doing so ?




Druids!   they blow them damn horns at sunrise and disturb the cows and sheep

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7 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Which other Religious groups disturb the peace at 4 45 AM every morning  and needs to be banned from doing so ?




that is the point, no other religion!

law is from 23.00 to 07:00 and no other religions do anything between those times of the day but only Muslim somehow!

is this a coincidence?

why they dont ban all religious activities, prayers and whatever 24 hours a day for every religion? law needs to be arranged this way.

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1 minute ago, Galactus said:

that is the point, no other religion but law is from 23.00 to 07:00 and no other religions do anything between those times of the day but only Muslim somehow!

is this a coincidence?

why they dont ban all religious activities, prayers and whatever 24 hours a day for every religion? law needs to be arranged this way.

You are not too coherent .

You are hard to follow .

In post 103 you stated that the noise ban should be for everyone, not just Muslims 

I asked you who else should be banned and you said "no one" Ehhhh !!!!!!

You  post doesnt logically follow from one post to the next post and changing 

You seem to be making it up as you go along and changing stance 

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On 9.3.2017 at 2:27 AM, sanemax said:

They should get alarm clocks with the calls to prayer as a bell.  If everyone gets one, there would be no need to the Mosques to call everyone

I bet there's an app for this somewhere.


As for the claims of racism, I'd rather say it's the opposite: No special treatment for a specific religion. Even if it's a minority (although Muslims vastly outnumber Jews if you look at the ME as a whole, so the whole "minority" thing in a tiny country surrounded by Muslim-majority states is a bit weird), they shouldn't be allowed to spread noise pollution.

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9 hours ago, weejun said:

I bet there's an app for this somewhere.


As for the claims of racism, I'd rather say it's the opposite: No special treatment for a specific religion. Even if it's a minority (although Muslims vastly outnumber Jews if you look at the ME as a whole, so the whole "minority" thing in a tiny country surrounded by Muslim-majority states is a bit weird), they shouldn't be allowed to spread noise pollution.

Maybe you don't realize that it is fanatical Jewish settlers who invaded and still illegally occupy East Jerusalem since 1967 with the help of the Israeli army of course, against all international law.


And now these interlopers, a minority,  want to cheekily dictate to other religions who have been in the predominantly E. Jerusalem for millenia. At least they might ask the majority Muslims who outnumber them and always have (it's their land that's been invaded) what they actually want to hear in the morning, or for the fanatical Jews who sponsored this bill to get back where they came from in West Jerusalem and Israel proper.


This is racist and political, not simply a noise pollution problem as though this were a suburb of London or New York. It's historic sacred Jerusalem


It's like someone crashes your party, then wants to dictate what music is played because they have some hoods protecting them.


It's like someone who knowingly builds a house next to an airport, then complains about the noise.

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16 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Maybe you don't realize that it is fanatical Jewish settlers who invaded and still illegally occupy East Jerusalem since 1967 with the help of the Israeli army of course, against all international law.


   It was Jordan who invaded Israel in 1967 , Jordan had "occupied" East Jerusalem and the West bank prior to 1967 .Israel fought back against the invasions and Jordanian army fled back to Jordan proper, leaving the Israeli Army in control of East Jerusalem and the west bank .

   Jordan has since stated it doesnt want the area back , so, Israel can keep it

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9 hours ago, weejun said:

I bet there's an app for this somewhere.


As for the claims of racism, I'd rather say it's the opposite: No special treatment for a specific religion. Even if it's a minority (although Muslims vastly outnumber Jews if you look at the ME as a whole, so the whole "minority" thing in a tiny country surrounded by Muslim-majority states is a bit weird), they shouldn't be allowed to spread noise pollution.

Sorry, looking at the ME as a whole makes no sense. You  might as well look at the whole world as a whole.

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10 minutes ago, sanemax said:

 It was Jordan who invaded Israel in 1967 , Jordan had "occupied" East Jerusalem and the West bank prior to 1967

you mean a preemptive strike by Israel starting the 1967 war means "Jordan invaded Israel"? :cheesy:


In the period leading up to June 1967, tensions became dangerously heightened. In reaction to the mobilisation of Egyptian forces along the Israeli border in the Sinai Peninsula, Israel launched a series of preemptive airstrikes against Egyptian airfields.


are you sane Max? :giggle:

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23 minutes ago, Naam said:

you mean a preemptive strike by Israel starting the 1967 war means "Jordan invaded Israel"? :cheesy:

are you sane Max? :giggle:

  The link that your provided refers to Israels war with Egypt and Gaza and Sinai desert, which is a different Country  , area and location to Jordan , East Jerusalem and the West Bank area

   Although the two wars in different in locations were part of the same conflict

We are talking about Israel. West bank, East Jerusalem and Jordan , we are not talking about Israel. Egypt and Sinal

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29 minutes ago, Naam said:

you mean a preemptive strike by Israel starting the 1967 war means "Jordan invaded Israel"? :cheesy:

are you sane Max? :giggle:

Are you on topic, Naam?:coffee1:



Israel moves to mute mosques' call to prayer over loudspeakers
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1 hour ago, sanemax said:
sanemax said:

 It was Jordan who invaded Israel in 1967


We are talking about Israel. West bank, East Jerusalem and Jordan , we are not talking about Israel. Egypt and Sinal

we are talking about the same 1967 war you referred to when Israel occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem.


The Israeli-occupied territories are the territories occupied by Israel during the Six-Day War of 1967. Originally, those territories included the Syrian Golan Heights, the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula and Egyptian-occupied Gaza Strip and Jordanian-occupied West Bank.



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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Are you on topic, Naam?:coffee1:


Israel moves to mute mosques' call to prayer over loudspeakers

last time i visited Jerusalem i saw mosques and heard prayer calls enhanced by speakers. and yes, i am on topic.

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14 minutes ago, Naam said:

we are talking about the same 1967 war you referred to when Israel occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem.


Yes same war , as I said , just different locations and different Countries in the war and irrelevant to my point and also this topic

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:


   It was Jordan who invaded Israel in 1967 , Jordan had "occupied" East Jerusalem and the West bank prior to 1967 .Israel fought back against the invasions and Jordanian army fled back to Jordan proper, leaving the Israeli Army in control of East Jerusalem and the west bank .

   Jordan has since stated it doesnt want the area back , so, Israel can keep it

>>.. so, Israel can keep it

....Err..I don't think that's how civilized nations behave in the 21st century. There are such things as the Geneva Convention to which Israel is a signatory to prevent your international law of the jungle.


Wouldn't it be rather nice to ask the majority resident Palestinian population whom they would like to rule them rather than illegally transfer 1,000s of fanatical Jews to try to take over their neighborhoods and impose their minority religion on East Jerusalem.


Wouldn't it be rather nice to actually ask the resident majority Palestinian population (and not the minority occupying recently illegally imposed fanatical Zionists) what choice of singing they would like first thing in the morning.

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14 minutes ago, Naam said:

last time i visited Jerusalem i saw mosques and heard prayer calls enhanced by speakers. and yes, i am on topic.

No, he meant that your post about Israel fighting with Egypt was not on topic to this thread .

  Whether youve heard prayer calls in Jerusalem or not doesnt make the Israeli-Egypt war in 1967 "on topic"

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10 minutes ago, dexterm said:

>>.. so, Israel can keep it

....Err..I don't think that's how civilized nations behave in the 21st century. There are such things as the Geneva Convention to which Israel is a signatory to prevent your international law of the jungle.


Wouldn't it be rather nice to ask the majority resident Palestinian population whom they would like to rule them rather than illegally transfer 1,000s of fanatical Jews to try to take over their neighborhoods and impose their minority religion on East Jerusalem.


Wouldn't it be rather nice to actually ask the resident majority Palestinian population (and not the minority occupying recently illegally imposed fanatical Zionists) what choice of singing they would like first thing in the morning.


  The Palestinians have no rights to the land, they have never ruled it and they have never been a Country .

   Before the Israelis , the Jordanians were there , before them, the British were there and before the British, the Turks were there and thats going back 400 years

   It was never a Palestinian Country and the Palestinians rejected statehood, a Country, in 1947

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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:


  The Palestinians have no rights to the land, they have never ruled it and they have never been a Country .

   Before the Israelis , the Jordanians were there , before them, the British were there and before the British, the Turks were there and thats going back 400 years

   It was never a Palestinian Country and the Palestinians rejected statehood, a Country, in 1947

Oh no... not those old pseudo history deflections.

Now you are completely off topic.. goodbye.

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  The Palestinians have no rights to the land, they have never ruled it and they have never been a Country .

   Before the Israelis , the Jordanians were there , before them, the British were there and before the British, the Turks were there and thats going back 400 years

   It was never a Palestinian Country and the Palestinians rejected statehood, a Country, in 1947

Your last posts are not correct concerning historical facts.

Answering those posts is rather off topic. I will reply to your posts with historical facts and figures if you open a separate thread of the Israel conquest wars.

I was almost hesitant to tell that you're trolling.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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