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Several Daft Visa Questions

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I have a Cambodian entry visa stamp in my passport from a visa run completed last week. You know the one, it is a sticker covering the surface area of one page!

If i'm correct the Visa is valid for three months?

Q: Can I re-enter Cambodia from the Aranyphratet Thai side with the 'old visa stamp' still intact in my passport?

moving on to other questions,

GF originates from Ubon Ratchitani. She has been getting at me to go there to visit her family. I will do, but i've funds only for a coach journey totaling twelve hours!

Q: Is it possible to complete a visa run from Ubon and what possible limitations might I encounter since the Laos region is lacking in resources, hopefully there is a border crossing nearby?

I'd like to do full-time teaching in Phnom Penh very soon,

Q: If i'm not granted a work permit from a teaching establishment in Phnom Penh i'd like to know (the flipside) if Thai immigration will grant me a five minute stay in the kingdom before re-entering back into Cambodia to stay hopefully another three months?

as far as consulates/ embassies go,

Q: From recent memory I believe before we reach the Aranyaphratet border we stop at a consulate, this is probably the Cambodian consulate, please anyone, in what capacity should I visit this building (bloody house) to make my trip to Cambodia easier?

Q: Is there any truth that the Cambodian consulate/ embassy will grant a One Year Visa for foreigners wishing to stay in Thailand for seventy five pound?

This as you note will be twenty five pounds cheaper than getting a One Year visa back in the UK?


Q: Is it possible to get a two month visa (60 day's familiar?) from Cambodia to continue a stay in Thailand with my newly acquired wealth at a future date?

Well Cheers. Thaimee. :o

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I've more information should it help you to answer my many questions, Cheers.

Could continue another back-2-back visa run as I just found several ATM slip's totaling 70,000 baht from 12-15th of March. So I have a UK visa card and also a Thai ATM card.

In addition i've a lawyer's document confirming sale of a house two years back and the sale completed while I was in the Kingdom and from there I was making regular ATM withdrawals!

So i've ATM receipts, two cards and One lawyers document which should suffice for another month, but I sense things might be tightened concerning back-2-back visa runs?

You never know. Thaimee.

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Answer to first question is no.........the tourist visa is valid for 3 months from time of issue during which time you can enter Cambodia any time up to the point of expiry......however it is only good for a single and you will be only granted a stay of 30 days in the Kingdom..........Your visa should have single entry on it near the bottom of the sticker.....mine has. :o

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thaiflyer1, thanks for the link. had been looking for hours but kept getting side lined to some other site on an abused word search. so thanks again.

as for the Laos border point,

Q: Any info on the nearest border point to Ubon Ratchitanni?


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