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Sessions asks 46 Obama-era U.S. attorneys to resign


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Sessions asks 46 Obama-era U.S. attorneys to resign

By Joel Schechtman and Mark Hosenball


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U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions in Washington, U.S., March 6, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has asked the remaining 46 chief federal prosecutors left over from the Obama administration to resign, including Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara who had been asked to stay on in November by then President-elect Donald Trump.

A Justice Department spokeswoman confirmed the resignation requests applied to Bharara. However, it was not immediately clear if all resignations would ultimately be accepted.

Bharara was unsure where he stood because he did not know if the person who contacted him was aware that Trump had asked him to remain in office, according a source familiar with the matter. Bharara's office handles some of the most critical business and criminal cases passing through the federal judicial system.

U.S. attorneys are political appointees, and the request from Trump's Justice Department is part of a routine process. Not every new administration replaces all U.S. attorneys at once.

Bharara met with Trump in Trump Tower on Nov. 30. Afterward, Bharara told reporters the two had a "good meeting" and he had agreed to stay on.

The Justice Department statement said: "Until the new U.S. attorneys are confirmed, the dedicated career prosecutors in our U.S. attorney’s offices will continue the great work of the department in investigating, prosecuting, and deterring the most violent offenders.”

Robert Capers, U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn, issued a statement saying he had been asked to resign. He said Bridget Rohde, the chief assistant U.S. attorney in that office, would take over his role in an acting capacity.

"It has been my greatest honour to serve my country, New York City and the people of this district for almost 14 years, with the last 17 months serving as United States Attorney," Capers said.

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-03-11
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12 minutes ago, sirmud63 said:

draining the swamp , from the deep end first. good on him .

Uh-huh. 2 months ago Trump had a meeting with Preet Bharara, who has been aggressively prosecuting financial crimes on Wall Street, was asked by Trump and Sessions about staying on.  Now he's out. Trump has appointed nothing but Wall Street aiders and abetters to every position that has anything to do with watching over the financial industries.  This move is right in keeping with that approach. It's just a matter of time before the next really bad crash occurs.

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             It's not only rude, to fire so many attorneys by telling them to clear their desks and be out within hours......  it also bolsters the known fact that Trump and his people are trying to enact cover-ups on many fronts.    Many, if not all of those attorneys were working on cases.  Now all their thousands of hours of taxpayer-paid work will be down the toilet.   

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8 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

Democrats do the same when the get elected POTUS,  turnabout is fair play and those attorneys knew it was coming since early November. That is just how the game is played.

Except that Sessions and Trump discussed with Bharara the possibility of staying on. And virtually every major appointee of Trump is, shall we say, very favorably disposed to letting Wall Street run wild again.

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43 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Uh-huh. 2 months ago Trump had a meeting with Preet Bharara, who has been aggressively prosecuting financial crimes on Wall Street, was asked by Trump and Sessions about staying on.  Now he's out. Trump has appointed nothing but Wall Street aiders and abetters to every position that has anything to do with watching over the financial industries.  This move is right in keeping with that approach. It's just a matter of time before the next really bad crash occurs.

It's always just a matter of time before crashes occur; that's how the term economic cycles came into being. Fear and greed are the two major determinants of what moves the herd in regards to investing momentum and money flows in and out of markets. It's not really the fault of one political party or another when it comes to major moves in economic cycles. For instance Glass Steagall was repealed during Clinton admin, but many other things had to happen for the build up of leverage and creation of complex derivatives (and many others) etc for the bubble to burst. Legislators have trouble keeping up and mitigation of swings is usually the best outcome, but large moves in economic cycles will always be there. . .

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Just now, Ramen087 said:

It's always just a matter of time before crashes occur; that's how the term economic cycles came into being. Fear and greed are the two major determinants of what moves the herd in regards to investing momentum and money flows in and out of markets. It's not really the fault of one political party or another when it comes to major moves in economic cycles. For instance Glass Steagall was repealed during Clinton admin, but many other things had to happen for the build up of leverage and creation of complex derivatives (and many others) etc for the bubble to burst. Legislators have trouble keeping up and mitigation of swings is usually the best outcome, but large moves in economic cycles will always be there. . .

Not really, You fail to distinguish between crashes and the normal ups and downs of the business cycle. The last economic crash before 2008 occurred in 1929. Crashes happen because regulators look the other way or don't have the tools to make large financial institutions behave responsibly.


Even if Glass Steagall were in effect, it wouldn't have been applicable to shadow banks like Goldman Sachs. You remember Goldman Sachs?  The shadow bank that got a huge bailout? Trump has lots of appointees coming from there including Gary Cohn, the number 2 man at Goldman Sachs.)


But Dodd Frank did address the problems created by shadow banks and other large financial institutions. One way to tell that is by how vociferously these institutions oppose it. And now Trump wants to get rid of Dodd Frank and has appointed Wall Street yes men to keep on eye on Wall Street. Clearly, that's going to end well.

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11 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Not really, You fail to distinguish between crashes and the normal ups and downs of the business cycle. The last economic crash before 2008 occurred in 1929. Crashes happen because regulators look the other way or don't have the tools to make large financial institutions behave responsibly.


Even if Glass Steagall were in effect, it wouldn't have been applicable to shadow banks like Goldman Sachs. You remember Goldman Sachs?  The shadow bank that got a huge bailout? Trump has lots of appointees coming from there including Gary Cohn, the number 2 man at Goldman Sachs.)


But Dodd Frank did address the problems created by shadow banks and other large financial institutions. One way to tell that is by how vociferously these institutions oppose it. And now Trump wants to get rid of Dodd Frank and has appointed Wall Street yes men to keep on eye on Wall Street. Clearly, that's going to end well.

Goldman didn't need the money. They had to take it to help avoid a run on the banks who woúld have failed. Shadow banks?

Goldman would surely have preferred to remain strictly a partnership. They run their firm more like a partnership than any firm on The Street. Don't blame them.   

Crashes & bubbles are extreme ups and downs in the economic cycle. 

Pre-emptively placing the blame kn the sitting US President does nothing but feed into the 'by any means necessary' mantra of those who disliked Mr. Trump as soon as (or maybe even prior to) his campaign began. 

I prefer to trust the current US Gov'ts elected official on both sides of the aisle to review the changes are work towards the optimal result. If you want to sick with your clairvoyance which foresees a poor outcome, you're welcome to it. 

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I do not trust either the Republicans or Democrats to do the right thing when you have the wrog leader. Trmp loves wall Stret because they helped finance him and keep him rich. getting rid of regulation is what Wall Street wants so they can play loose and fast with their clients money. Without regulation- they are as bad as the boiler rooms that bilk investors.  Not one person was indicted or jailed from the 2008 meltdown and the financial industry has been fined billions for shady practices. When some of thes people are jailed for their manipulation and greed- then I will believe Governmen cares.

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49 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Goldman didn't need the money. They had to take it to help avoid a run on the banks who woúld have failed. Shadow banks?

Goldman would surely have preferred to remain strictly a partnership. They run their firm more like a partnership than any firm on The Street. Don't blame them.   

Crashes & bubbles are extreme ups and downs in the economic cycle. 

Pre-emptively placing the blame kn the sitting US President does nothing but feed into the 'by any means necessary' mantra of those who disliked Mr. Trump as soon as (or maybe even prior to) his campaign began. 

I prefer to trust the current US Gov'ts elected official on both sides of the aisle to review the changes are work towards the optimal result. If you want to sick with your clairvoyance which foresees a poor outcome, you're welcome to it. 


"I prefer to trust the current US Gov'ts elected official on both sides of the aisle to review the changes are work towards the optimal result."

Really? So instead of applying your mind to such matters, you just want to think happy thoughts?   The fact is that Dodd Franks is working. And now Trump and virtually all the major financial institutions on wall st. want to see it defanged.  Or do you believe that Wall Street is sincerely working for the welfare of all Americans and not just itself?  And the Republicans and Trump are working to enact their wishes for the benefit of everyone?. Apparently, you believe that what's good for Goldman Sachs is good for the USA.

And Gary Cohn was the guy the mortgage division of Goldman Sachs reported to. The division that got fined 550 million dollars.

"Betting Against – Both JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs worked with hedge funds to bet against the toxic mortgages after the crash had started. They made money by selling short on the financial catastrophe they had created. JP Morgan was fined $296.9 million and Goldman Sachs was fined $550 million for actions"


As for Goldman not needing the bailout:


And, of course, they lied about the 2.9 billion of AIG bailout money it kept:




And if you want a good way to see how awful and corrupt these people are, you could read The Big Short by Michael Lewis. Or watch the movie version. It gets the facts on these machinations right.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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18 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I do not trust either the Republicans or Democrats to do the right thing when you have the wrog leader. Trmp loves wall Stret because they helped finance him and keep him rich. getting rid of regulation is what Wall Street wants so they can play loose and fast with their clients money. Without regulation- they are as bad as the boiler rooms that bilk investors.  Not one person was indicted or jailed from the 2008 meltdown and the financial industry has been fined billions for shady practices. When some of thes people are jailed for their manipulation and greed- then I will believe Governmen cares.

Actually, I think one or two lower level people were convicted.

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


"I prefer to trust the current US Gov'ts elected official on both sides of the aisle to review the changes are work towards the optimal result."

Really? So instead of applying your mind to such matters, you just want to think happy thoughts?   The fact is that Dodd Franks is working. And now Trump and virtually all the major financial institutions on wall st. want to see it defanged.  Or do you believe that Wall Street is sincerely working for the welfare of all Americans and not just itself?  And the Republicans and Trump are working to enact their wishes for the benefit of everyone?. Apparently, you believe that what's good for Goldman Sachs is good for the USA.

And Gary Cohn was the guy the mortgage division of Goldman Sachs reported to. The division that got fined 550 million dollars.

"Betting Against – Both JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs worked with hedge funds to bet against the toxic mortgages after the crash had started. They made money by selling short on the financial catastrophe they had created. JP Morgan was fined $296.9 million and Goldman Sachs was fined $550 million for actions"


As for Goldman not needing the bailout:


And, of course, they lied about the 2.9 billion of AIG bailout money it kept:



bailouts? make that LOANS that were repaid with interest.  gs was way too smart to turn it down and avoid currying favor with the government... they spun off their best proprietary trading people and invested in the hedge funds created by them... they only became a bank holding company after the repeal because that change made sense but only AFTER the repeal, not BEFORE the repeal.  why does government on the DEM and REPUB side osf the aisle solicit GS employees past and present... those people know their stuff better than just about anyone on The Street, that's why...


fines? you make the cash, you pay the corporate taxes, and you deal with the rest later, like every other business in the world


please stop using keywords on google to locate links in order to justify your anti-Trump bias....

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1 minute ago, Ramen087 said:

bailouts? make that LOANS that were repaid with interest.  gs was way too smart to turn it down and avoid currying favor with the government... they spun off their best proprietary trading people and invested in the hedge funds created by them... they only became a bank holding company after the repeal because that change made sense but only AFTER the repeal, not BEFORE the repeal.  why does government on the DEM and REPUB side osf the aisle solicit GS employees past and present... those people know their stuff better than just about anyone on The Street, that's why...


fines? you make the cash, you pay the corporate taxes, and you deal with the rest later, like every other business in the world


please stop using keywords on google to locate links in order to justify your anti-Trump bias....

In the case of CDOs there was a huge amount of evidence that massive fraud was committed. Which is why Goldman Sachs got fined 550 million dollars.

And no one with any sense would doubt that Goldman hires intellectually formidable people.  The best that money can buy.  What's that got to do with their ethics?

And your criticism of me for citing links is bizarre.  It's called marshalling evidence.  I guess now that fake news websites are off limits you're at a loss for find some to support your contentions.

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12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

In the case of CDOs there was a huge amount of evidence that massive fraud was committed. Which is why Goldman Sachs got fined 550 million dollars.

And no one with any sense would doubt that Goldman hires intellectually formidable people.  The best that money can buy.  What's that got to do with their ethics?

And your criticism of me for citing links is bizarre.  It's called marshalling evidence.  I guess now that fake news websites are off limits you're at a loss for find some to support your contentions.

It's time for you to grow up and recognize, as I have previously stated, that it is what might be construed as legal that management approves, not what is ethical.  

I assure you legal counsel reviewed the actions and in house counsel or higher manager on the finance side said 'do it'.

If the action was taken without approval an employee has gone rogue; sometimes that includes a manager who puts pressure on his/her subordinates. 

If you can make money on an idea legally, you do it. You are incredibly naive to think otherwise. 


gathering evidence? c'mon man.... they're are a zillion stories on the net to back just about any point of view... 


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14 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

It's time for you to grow up and recognize, as I have previously stated, that it is what might be construed as legal that management approves, not what is ethical.  

I assure you legal counsel reviewed the actions and in house counsel or higher manager on the finance side said 'do it'.

If the action was taken without approval an employee has gone rogue; sometimes that includes a manager who puts pressure on his/her subordinates. 

If you can make money on an idea legally, you do it. You are incredibly naive to think otherwise. 


gathering evidence? c'mon man.... they're are a zillion stories on the net to back just about any point of view... 


I'm being naïve?  So that's the way you think the world works?  That there's one standard of justice for everyone? Rich or poor?

ANd what makes your accusation of naiveté even more ludicrous is that you are the party who wrote, "I prefer to trust the current US Gov'ts elected official on both sides of the aisle to review the changes are work towards the optimal result."

And as for sources on the net. I use real news sources done by serious researchers and journalists.  Not dubious posts that originally began in Macedonia.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

             It's not only rude, to fire so many attorneys by telling them to clear their desks and be out within hours......  it also bolsters the known fact that Trump and his people are trying to enact cover-ups on many fronts.    Many, if not all of those attorneys were working on cases.  Now all their thousands of hours of taxpayer-paid work will be down the toilet.   


Obviously you didn't bother to read the story and instead opted to spew your hate-filled rant instead.


I'll put it here for you again, READ IT: "The Justice Department statement said: "Until the new U.S. attorneys are confirmed, the dedicated career prosecutors in our U.S. attorney’s offices will continue the great work of the department in investigating, prosecuting, and deterring the most violent offenders.”


This is a normal occurrence in every change of President when the opposite party takes over. No one is being asked to "clear their desks and be out within hours" !  

You wouldn't happen to work at CNN or BBC by chance would you?  Stick to the facts.

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27 minutes ago, sstuff3 said:


Obviously you didn't bother to read the story and instead opted to spew your hate-filled rant instead.


I'll put it here for you again, READ IT: "The Justice Department statement said: "Until the new U.S. attorneys are confirmed, the dedicated career prosecutors in our U.S. attorney’s offices will continue the great work of the department in investigating, prosecuting, and deterring the most violent offenders.”


This is a normal occurrence in every change of President when the opposite party takes over. No one is being asked to "clear their desks and be out within hours" !  

You wouldn't happen to work at CNN or BBC by chance would you?  Stick to the facts.

actually, they are being asked to submit their resignations immediately. "The dedicated career prosecutors" cited by the justice department are underlings, not the chief prosecutors. Now, to be fair to Trump, it may well be that some resignation will be refused.

The fate of Preet Bharara, who has been very aggressive in prosecuting Wall St. malefactors, will be particularly interesting to witness. He was asked by Trump and Sessions to stay on. So if they have truly reversed their postion...well I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Given the large number of Wall Street insiders in the Trump administration, I can't see how he would let Bharara stay on.

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The facts are that the wealthy 1% are getting even wealthier off the backs of the other 99%. That is why Bernie Sanders and even Hillary clinton supported a revised tax code that redistributes wealth away from the Wealthy back to the middle class and poor.

The big banks; Wall Street and their so called 'money products'; Big Pharma; Big Insurance have stolen money from the average American for so long they actually have people convinced that is the way business is done.

The facts and the truth are that America is run by exploitative and materialistic capitalists who believe 'greed is good' and now they have the greediest of all as theie President. A man who has used the bankruptcy laws 4 times to avoid paying things like severance to his workers and payment to contractors; a man whose so called Trump University was a scam in which he settled for $25 million so he wouldn't lose in court; and even using the eminent domain laws to evict elderly people so he could build a parking lot for his casino which eventually went broke.

Then throw in CEO's who are 'given' absurd salaries in the millions where the lowest worked is getting minimum wage while the company loses market share and eventually dissolves or is stripped bare in a corporate takeover.

During the 2008 corporate meltdown- banks foreclosed  illegally on so many that they were forced to  compensate people who lost their homes. They should have been sent to jail for fraud.  

I don;t have to search the Internet to prove any of this. It is common knowledge amongst even the perpetrators themselves that they were 'laughing all the way to the bank' while millions of Americans were going broke and the financial products industry using tax dollars to stay afloat.

The executives from these industries and huge wealthy corporations now form part of Trump's cabinet and are supported by a Congress that will continue to make the wealthy super wealthy while more American go broke and die  because they refuse to consider even healthcare a human right.

None of this avarice can be defended as it is not only ethically wrong- it is downright immoral.

Edited by Thaidream
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The facts are that the wealthy 1% are getting even wealthier off the backs of the other 99%. That is why Bernie Sanders and even Hillary clinton supported a revised tax code that redistributes wealth away from the Wealthy back to the middle class and poor. The big banks; Wall Street and their so called 'money products'; Big Pharma; Big Insurance have stolen money from the average American for so long they actually have people convinced that is the way business is done. The facts and the truth are that America is run by exploitative and materialistic capitalists who believe 'greed is good' and now they have the greediest of all as theie President. A man who has used the bankruptcy laws 4 times to avoid paying things like severance to his workers and payment to contractors; a man whose so called Trump University was a scam in which he settled for $25 million so he wouldn't lose in court; and even using the eminent domain laws to evict elderly people so he could build a parking lot for his casino which eventually went broke.

Then throw in CEO's who are 'given' absurd salaries in the millions where the lowest worked is getting minimum wage while the company loses market share and eventually dissolves or is stripped bare in a corporate takeover.

During the 2008 corporate meltdown- banks foreclosed  illegally on so many that they were forced to  compensate people who lost their homes. They should have been sent to jail for fraud.  

I don;t have to search the Internet to prove any of this. It is common knowledge amongst even the perpetrators themselves that they were 'laughing all the way to the bank' while millions of Americans were going broke and the financial products industry using tax dollars to stay afloat.

The executives from these industries and huge wealthy corporations now form part of Trump's cabinet and are supported by a Congress that will continue to make the wealthy super wealthy while more American go broke and die  because they refuse to consider even healthcare a human right.

None of this avarice can be defended as it is not only ethically wrong- it is downright immoral.

Want to live in a Socialist country where the wealth of those who worked hard to earn it is "redistributed", go ahead, there are 1,000's of flights out of the US daily.

America was built on Capitalism and it should remain that way. Those who work hard have the opportunity to rise to the top. That's the "American Dream" and many people, including legal immigrants, have benefited. Don't like it? There are other places in the world you can go that may suit your beliefs.

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actually, they are being asked to submit their resignations immediately. "The dedicated career prosecutors" cited by the justice department are underlings, not the chief prosecutors. Now, to be fair to Trump, it may well be that some resignation will be refused.
The fate of Preet Bharara, who has been very aggressive in prosecuting Wall St. malefactors, will be particularly interesting to witness. He was asked by Trump and Sessions to stay on. So if they have truly reversed their postion...well I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Given the large number of Wall Street insiders in the Trump administration, I can't see how he would let Bharara stay on.

Submit resignations immediately does not equal "clear your desks and leave immediately"
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I am not Socialist and I understand well what Capitalism is all about. However, American does not have Capitalism- it has materialistic capitalism in which the wealthy control every aspect of a person's life simply because the laws have been subverted to allow the wealthy to exploit the other 99% of America so the wealthy can continue to enjoy a lifestyle that will never be available to the rest of America.

The American dream died a long time ago and it was killed by the greed of Big business and the wealthy The big manufacturers and well paid jobs moved abroad so the wealthy could continue to make more and more by paying less and less. They were replaced by call centers which pay minimum wage and let the big banks and other industries make even more money. They even send these jobs in some cases overseas.

Go ahead and bust your ass for 50 years and see if you are going to get a pension which most companies have eliminated or get your rightful social security for which you are paying each paycheck. The Trump Administration wants to raise the retirement age and lower the benefits.  Even Medicare is under attack-

Now let's look at getting a University degree- you can get one and even borrow the money through the government but guess what the government uses private banks who then make you an indentured servant for 20 years to get the money paid back while real wages continue to decline.

On Healthcare- every industrialized country in the World to include all of Europe; Canada; Japan and even Thailand provides government healthcare guaranteed to their citizens. Only The US does not provide it because that would cause big insurance and big pharma to lose profits.

The simple fact is that those who work hard no longer can rise to the top and that is why so many Americans are completely fed up  with what is happening. If you believe Donald Trump and his wealthy minions are going to change anything for the better- you may want to ask Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny what they think.

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I am finding it more increasingly difficult to be either shocked or to comment on here anymore. We have what seems a majority of intelligent people that can see the writing on the wall and what President Bannon is actually doing here and then there are the 'Trump' supporters who would defend Trumps right to shoot a mother and baby in a shopping mall because he 'wanted to'. The US is completely divided and the amount of idiocy displayed in supporting the birth of this 'Ineptocracy', is mind blowing. The biggest threat to the USA in the last 50 years is not the Rissians, or ISIS or Al Qaida it is Trump and Bannon and they are being given free reign to dismantle the bits of machinery that make the US work. You are all totally frakked. In the future, however bleak it turns out to be remember these days when you were WARNED. The US have invented time travel! Most of us go through life doing three steps forward and two steps back, but the US took a great leap forward and is then stepping  400 years back.

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Donald Trump reminds me of a television pitchman that as a kid growing up in America we would see saying " Have I got a deal for you" and it all sounded good, that is, until you started to find out who was behind the 'deal' and what the actually details were. Then we realized we were being lied to; fooled and there was no deal for us but the deal was for the pitchman and his cronies.

Instead of Trump working on the economy and bringing jobs he is intent on deporting people who have no criminal history and spending billions on a border wall that will not stop illegal immigration but will piss off Mexico, America's 3rd largest trading partner. 

He knows he can't deliver on jobs and infrastructure so he is trying to divert the American public using  fear and abrasive rhetoric.

Like one of the posters said; you have been warned over and over again. Trump is a huckster who will sell you a dream to nowhere.

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I am finding it more increasingly difficult to be either shocked or to comment on here anymore. We have what seems a majority of intelligent people that can see the writing on the wall and what President Bannon is actually doing here and then there are the 'Trump' supporters who would defend Trumps right to shoot a mother and baby in a shopping mall because he 'wanted to'. The US is completely divided and the amount of idiocy displayed in supporting the birth of this 'Ineptocracy', is mind blowing. The biggest threat to the USA in the last 50 years is not the Rissians, or ISIS or Al Qaida it is Trump and Bannon and they are being given free reign to dismantle the bits of machinery that make the US work. You are all totally frakked. In the future, however bleak it turns out to be remember these days when you were WARNED. The US have invented time travel! Most of us go through life doing three steps forward and two steps back, but the US took a great leap forward and is then stepping  400 years back.

Wrong! The biggest threat to America is divisive people such as yourself, who resort to calling anyone who disagrees with them idiots, bigots, racist, and a whole slew of other derogatory names. That's where the decisiveness started. Trump won the election, get over it. No one cried this long when Obama was re-elected in 2012.
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