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Video: Sickening violence as security guard kicked in the face


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6 minutes ago, chrisinth said:


Whereas in principle I would agree with you, but if armed, would it be responsible for the security guard to draw his weapon because someone was revving an engine? If the weapon wasn't drawn before the attack started, it really isn't an easy thing to do, no matter what you think. Also a big possibility of the weapon being taken off him and used against him judging by the type of attack that was inflicted on him.


As for him being a trained professional, that would be extremely unlikely (to the level of firearm proficient) that the residents would pay for the service and that his wages would match his accreditation.


I do fully agree that the attackers, especially the one doing the majority of the kicking and stamping, should be taken to the nearest tree................;) 


Totally true Chrisinth, but hey, the liberals of this world get to live in fantasy-land. Why can't I?


A retired RTMC (Thai Marine) with a licensed pistol and some training could have held the thugs at bay.


Hopefully he'd have never had to shoot anybody, just enforce the community rules without getting his head stomped in.


The poor security guard is probably getting, maybe, 300 baht a day, probably sleeps 90% of his shift & used to pick rice for a living.


Just a sad situation all around that there are mean, evil people out there, and that "Security Guards" are paid a pittance.


It's the same in the US. A security guard doesn't get paid squat.



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10 out of 10 to the security guard for telling the t***er to keep the noise down in the estate! Man deserves a medal! 


The retards need to be get their lives in grip - especially the two puppies in tow. 


Sincerely hope the guard makes a full recovery. 

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1 minute ago, djayz said:

10 out of 10 to the security guard for telling the t***er to keep the noise down in the estate! Man deserves a medal! 


The retards need to be get their lives in grip - especially the two puppies in tow. 


Sincerely hope the guard makes a full recovery. 

Well said.


I don't care what nor how rudely the guard might have said, whatever he said.






Reminds me of 30+ years ago in Florida & I saw this young lady I knew at a convenience store in the middle of nowhere, at night.


Some drunk guy had gotten into her car, uninvited & she saw me. Had a 12-pack of beer with him in the passenger's seat of her car.


As nicely as I could, I asked him to get out of her car (I was about 21-22 & a strapping young fella).


He came out D-R-U-N-K wanting to fight. I almost begged the guy to just leave it alone & we'll part ways.


He had a jacket on & started taking it off so he could fight better & guess?


Had both arms behind his back and I went into him, w/ just my fists.


After he gave up, I gentlemanly-like took his beer out of her car and left it next to him in the parking lot.


He was all bloodied up with his jacket still halfway off, moaning & groaning.


I should have took it home & drank it.



About 2 years later, I was a at a bonfire & keg party and met this pretty cool guy standing around the fire, and somehow we got on the subject of karma, so I told him the above story....Told him it was 100% TRUE!


He said "I know it's true. That was me you whooped up on that night".


My eyes got as big as pie plates.


He was cool though...said he deserved it & I did what I had to do.


I COULD have easily stomped his head, but I used minimal force, and we became friends.





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4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Complete <deleted>, the 3 of them.

This is complete and utter thuggery, and they deserve the maximum sentence possible.


Yes i agree. But this is thailand. Man doing kicking 10 years plus compensation if he have anything. Thais love 3 or 4 on to pne person. Small brains and ***** thainess again. Land of smile when youre kicking the siht out of somebody

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It again shows the overall morality of Thai youths especially when they act in 'groups'.
No respect for life whatsoever.

All three of them should be jailed and never released again.
I hope the security guard fully recovers.

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7 minutes ago, kcpattaya said:

It again shows the overall morality of Thai youths especially when they act in 'groups'.
No respect for life whatsoever.

All three of them should be jailed and never released again.
I hope the security guard fully recovers.

Very sad to see a human being being kicked like this. The last one still keep pounding on the neck, and the one who brought the plastic stool to hit on the head should be booked under section for attempted murder!


All i can say is law is weak in Thailand to prosecute anyone who don't value other human being's life.

Edited by NextStationBangkok
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4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Complete <deleted>, the 3 of them.

This is complete and utter thuggery, and they deserve the maximum sentence possible.


i saw this it sickened me,carried out by savages,the maximum should be THE ROPE.

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

someone needs to put this on social media, facebook and the likes.

These scum need to be shown for all to see ...... 

yeh i bet their parents will be proud they brought into this world sons of the DEVIL,

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50 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

Any reasonable person would conclude that there was an intent to kill. The behaviour is maniacal. Well deserving of the key being tossed. 


Prbkk, In 4 years you have contributed almost close to 5000 posts, and liked more than 14,000 times, Wonderful member! :signthaivisa:


Well liked thoughts, Keep going ! :post-4641-1156694572:


I am bit jealous. :sleepy:

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We, "might" hear about this once, maybe twice more,, then it will all be forgotten,, as in, What ever happened to the 3 Son's of policemen, that hacked the Thai bread seller to death?.... Again,, nada after about 3 reports on the news,,, Again, Thai, "men" in action, when in a group, How brave they are.,, 5555

Edited by Adeeos
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4 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Horrible! This type of carry-on happens often, the mindset still very much in the animal kingdom among male groups. They will likely get a slap on the wrist and a small fine - maybe no apology if relations of a somebody. Steal a toffee bar from 7 or try to sue someone of a wrongdoing thus defaming them, then lookout. I would happily see the death penalty for this sort of REAL crime.


But they did not feed the fishes.
Feeding fishes is a far more greater offense that kicking someone on the head with the intention to kill.

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2 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

Reminds me of the Hua Hin elderly couple and son beating. People just walk on by or stand back and watch. No one steps in to help.

The story of the good Samaritan is obviously not told in Thai schools. I wonder if there is a Buddhist story that is similar to that told to children?

Why is the culture of this country to turn the other head? Ignore the crys for help of the injured or victims of crime. Who teaches this culture? Don't get involved, don't help, not my problem.

Is it karma? The victim deserves it as they must have done something wrong in the past. Anyone know?

Not all Thais are like this and do come to the aid of those being attacked or those injured but for the many years I have been here I haven't seen that happen very often.

I guess this is not just Thailand either but an Asian culture thing. Oh well, survival of the fitest or should I say the one with the biggest gang.

Its not a Thai thing.... it's a human thing... this sort of stuff happens all the time in Europe and America too... no one coming to help as they are too afraid to get involved.



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Why are crimes like picking mushrooms feeding fish and talking about someone dealt so harshly here. But killing and maiming is often dealt with a small fine and a wai. Seriously <deleted> up judicial system. 

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3 minutes ago, inzman said:

Why are crimes like picking mushrooms feeding fish and talking about someone dealt so harshly here. But killing and maiming is often dealt with a small fine and a wai. Seriously <deleted> up judicial system. 

Can get away with any rage (KT B2 convicted ???) run over a cop, do most anything you want if you can grease the right pockets.


The cops HATE when you video them, but probably LOVE CCTV when they can use it to shake some money loose, which is what will happen here.

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2 hours ago, jaywalker said:


I recall 30+ years ago when I was a teenager, a pretty good friend got into a fight, that he had started...(I wasn't there, but I knew the guy...And he wasn't very big - just MEAN).


No meth or marijuana, just a few beers.


He managed to knock some guy on the ground, ran off, and came running at him I punched him in the jaw, which broke the guy's jaw.


"I recall 30+ years ago when I was a teenager, a pretty good friend got into a fight, that he had started...I wasn't there..."


"...I punched him in the jaw, which broke the guy's jaw."


Even though you weren't there you were able to punch the assailant?  How does that work, then?

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

He never stopped kicking the head of the guard while he was knockout.


I hope he gets the death punishment, he deserves it the coward.

Time to make an example , Death penalty would be a good punishment for 1 and life sentences for the other 2.

Maybe then this cowardly attacks with uncontrolled anger will stop. 

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1 hour ago, Saltwater said:

Anyone catch the guy at 1:22 on the right who comes out in-front of the taxi with a meat cleaver? Wonder what neighborhood this actually is... is he threatening the attackers or more security guards???

He's one of the attackers!

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