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I'd like to explore the idea of forming an Oldies Music Club towards motivating some BKK establishments to play better music over their house systems.

I've been in Thailand 11 years now. I like most things and I'm still very happy to be here. But one thing I often dislike is the "music" that plays in many establishments. Granted, I realize I'm much more sensitive about this than most people are. It's probably because I've been a musician all my life, and I've spent a lot of time transcribing music from recordings, so my hearing is highly critical.

I recently started a another thread trying to find a pool/billiards hall in BKK with decent music, because I can't stand the stuff that's playing in most places. While I'm doubtful I'll find a place with good music, I was encouraged to hear from a couple other members that they feel the same way I do. So, I'd like to find more people who feel the same way and maybe we could get some pool bars or other places to play the kind of music we like, at least sometimes.

To be clear, the kind we *don't* like goes by many names: techno, electronic, house, rap, hip-hop, contemporary R&B, most Thai pop, etc. It includes stuff with a constant thumping bass drum, auto-tune vocals.... 
On the other hand, there are many kinds of *acceptable* music, like classic Western radio music: rock, blues, folk, country, jazz.... Music with melody, harmony, dynamics; intelligible lyrics; drums much lower in the mix. You could say older (pre '90s) music is mostly OK. (There are few modern artists with acceptable songs, with a couple exceptions.)

It would be easy to download a collection of decent songs onto a thumb drive, ipod, CD, etc. Club owners might agree to play the music we provide if they knew several people would play pool, buy drinks, food, etc. I think it would also be possible to make a mix that even the younger clientele would find acceptable.

So, please let me know (by PM) if you'd be interested in adding your name to the list of folks interested in this. I'd also be happy to hear any *positive* comments or ideas. (For anyone tempted to write, 'If you don't like it here, go home,' re-read Paragraph 2.)
Thanks, DP


sorry but for me its pre 80s... the drop in 'quality music' for me  coincided with mass digital recording  .... I'd definitely be a customer at a bar that played good 50s, 60s & 70s music  .... I'm currently just a holidayer a few times per year but will be moving to Thailand in October this year  


I visit a few times a year..., when in Bkk I enjoy going out, having a drink and feed, maybe play pool, meet and chat..., a place such as is proposed would be most welcome by myself and I suspect many others.
I'm currently in town at the moment and have lately been having a couple of early 'frosties' at Cheap Charlie's. I've always enjoyed a drink and a chat there with familiar faces and random strangers alike. That randomness of old school musical choices, unprepossessing location...., sharing a beer and a chat with strangers - I think it's a similar model to what the OP proposes. It seems pretty obvious that regardless of what some naysayers may choose to say about CC's(I blame Lonely Planet for letting the cat out etc)..., it is definitely a 'business model' that would be well received if transplanted somewhere else. I would definitely be into such a place !

8 hours ago, Fireyfish said:

sorry but for me its pre 80s... the drop in 'quality music' for me  coincided with mass digital recording  .... I'd definitely be a customer at a bar that played good 50s, 60s & 70s music  .... I'm currently just a holidayer a few times per year but will be moving to Thailand in October this year  

I had second thoughts about saying "pre-'90s." ;-) Certainly the decades you list are about the best. (I even like lots before that, though. I can handle Hall & Oates and some other stuff from the '80s, but it does start to get dicey. 

2 hours ago, Sandy Freckle said:

I visit a few times a year..., when in Bkk I enjoy going out, having a drink and feed, maybe play pool, meet and chat..., a place such as is proposed would be most welcome by myself and I suspect many others.
I'm currently in town at the moment and have lately been having a couple of early 'frosties' at Cheap Charlie's. I've always enjoyed a drink and a chat there with familiar faces and random strangers alike. That randomness of old school musical choices, unprepossessing location...., sharing a beer and a chat with strangers - I think it's a similar model to what the OP proposes. It seems pretty obvious that regardless of what some naysayers may choose to say about CC's(I blame Lonely Planet for letting the cat out etc)..., it is definitely a 'business model' that would be well received if transplanted somewhere else. I would definitely be into such a place !

I've walked by CC's a million times but, not being much of a drinker (usually just one in the evening), have never stopped there. Now I hear it's closing, like all the other businesses on that block. I never knew they had good (old) music there. Oh well. I hope whoever runs it finds another place to go.


..., good music can very much be a subjective thing...., and, I'm not generally a big drinker myself..., but icy cold beer just seems to fit perfectly with the humidity and my liking for quite spicy food. 

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