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Thailand in world top 10 for long term tourism growth, WTTC reports


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Thailand in world top 10 for long term tourism growth, WTTC reports
By The Nation




BANGKOK: -- Thailand’s travel and tourism sector grew by nearly 11 per cent in 2016 and will be the world’s 10th fastest growing country over the next decade at 6.5 per cent per annum, a new report by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) shows.


Travel and tourism contributed Bt2.9 trillion to Thailand’s gross domestic product, which was 20.6 per cent of total GDP in 2016. Additionally the sector supported over 15 per cent of total employment, which was 5.7 million jobs.


The report further showed that visitor exports, which is money spent by foreign visitors in the country, grew by 13 per cent, generating Bt1.9 trillion, 19.2 per cent of total exports in 2016.


Investment in Thailand’s travel and tourism sector totalled Bt245.5 billion in 2016, accounting for 7.1 per cent of all investment in the country. This investment served not only to boost inbound figures, but Thailand’s outbound expenditure grew by 10.7 per cent, showing that Thailand is not only an attractive destination in itself but that its citizens are increasingly exploring internationally as well.


Over 2017, the sector’s total contribution to GDP is forecast to grow by 6.9 per cent and to rise by 6.5 per cent per year over the next decade to Bt5.9 trillion, which would represent nearly a third of the country’s GDP. 


Employment figures are expected to rise by 6.9 per cent in 2017 to 6.1 million jobs and rise by 4.6 per cent per year to 9.6 million jobs in 2027 (24.9 per cent of total). This means that 3.9 million new jobs are expected to be created by travel and tourism in Thailand over the next decade.


Visitor exports are estimated to grow by 10.3 per cent in 2017, and by 7.3 per cent per year, from 2017-2027, to Bt4.2 trillion in 2027, 29.7 per cent of total exports. These growth figures are far above the global average of 4.3 per cent. 


This means that Thailand will see a continued increase in visitors, the WTTC said, which is good for the country’s economy but also highlights the importance of having the right strategies in place to ensure infrastructure can cope with more visitors and ensure that the impact of tourism on communities, environments and heritage is managed sustainably.


David Scowsill, president and CEO of WTTC, said: “Thailand is one of the world’s top tourism destinations, and I am pleased to see that the country registered another year of strong travel and tourism sector growth. The Thai government recognises the importance of the sector and its investment is paying off. As the sector continues to grow, it is extremely important the government drives through its sustainability programme as outlined in its National Tourism Development Plan II [2017 to 2021], to ensure that it safeguards its natural and cultural assets.


“We are very much looking forward to seeing the strength of the Thai tourism sector at our 2017 Global Summit, held in Bangkok next month, April 26-27. The Ministry of Tourism and Sports and the Tourism Authority Thailand have done a wonderful job in bringing the summit to Thailand. This summit will address the most pressing issues in our sector. It will also showcase the strength of the country as a global tourism destination, and the beauty and warmth of the country’s people and culture.”


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/breakingnews/30309248

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-03-16
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I want to experience dual pricing and the traditional sport of paying bar fines, this could be for me! I am also into extreme sports and up for a bit of high speed bus journey with ravine jumping thrown in followed by race the driver to the safe house. Another traditional pass time is fly tipping, I would like to see this first hand as its almost died out where I live.

No doubt there will be WTTC reps to guide around and give me all the best tips.

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Going for quantity (Chinese and more Chinese ...) rather than quality ...and the PM saying how wonderful everything is and the people are happy ...

Asked by a friend in the UK should he visit ..I said stay with Greece and Spain ..a lot less to get there in time and money and with the current exchange probably cheaper ...and less risk ending up in a swimming pool face down !!

Edited by rmacee
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57 minutes ago, rmacee said:

Going for quantity (Chinese and more Chinese ...) rather than quality ...and the PM saying how wonderful everything is and the people are happy ...

Asked by a friend in the UK should he visit ..I said stay with Greece and Spain ..a lot less to get there in time and money and with the current exchange probably cheaper ...and less risk ending up in a swimming pool face down !!

Plus much more to see on the beaches (mono-kini's), more to do/see in cities, they have good meat/wine/beers, high chance you meet other farangs who speak your languages (instead of chinese), more safe, police speaks english, no atm-cheating, no farang 10foulded prices, safe boats/buses/roads....


actually it's a nobrainer...We are also going to Spain soon.

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20.6 per cent of total GDP and still they treat farangs and tourists like Sh>>. V and C are a much better bet with a one price for all and triple the amount of English speakers to make the tourists feel welcome plus the death rate very very low.


Figures provided by the Government Ho Ho Ho, you mean the corruption squad don't you.

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3 hours ago, rmacee said:

Going for quantity (Chinese and more Chinese ...) rather than quality ...and the PM saying how wonderful everything is and the people are happy ...

Asked by a friend in the UK should he visit ..I said stay with Greece and Spain ..a lot less to get there in time and money and with the current exchange probably cheaper ...and less risk ending up in a swimming pool face down !!

You should have told him to go to V and C and you could have popped over to meet him, but I guess if you did that, then maybe you will moved very soon

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3 hours ago, louse1953 said:

The baby boomers are coming.

They are big spenders for sure spending their children's inheritance. Hard to believe the housing numbers being bandied about as the boomers are dumping their McMansions for smaller digs. The millenniums on the other hand will be reduced to watching Travelogs on TV in the parents basement providing the parents have not sold. 

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4 hours ago, fruitman said:

Plus much more to see on the beaches (mono-kini's), more to do/see in cities, they have good meat/wine/beers, high chance you meet other farangs who speak your languages (instead of chinese), more safe, police speaks english, no atm-cheating, no farang 10foulded prices, safe boats/buses/roads....


actually it's a nobrainer...We are also going to Spain soon.

And I hope you and all the other whingers stay there in Spain. For me, I can proudly and loudly say that I am staying here. It is a beautiful country with beautiful people. (with the exception of the constant whingers and it will be an even better place when you all hightail it out of here) 

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11 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

And I hope you and all the other whingers stay there in Spain. For me, I can proudly and loudly say that I am staying here. It is a beautiful country with beautiful people. (with the exception of the constant whingers and it will be an even better place when you all hightail it out of here) 

Wow, and you call others whingers?  Did you get out of the wrong side of the bed today?

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I think the projected figures are hogwash but if tourism ever did account for 30% of GDP , then Thailand would be in an extremely precarious position.

Any number of reasons could lead to a serious downtown in tourism , Thailand thinks its attractiveness is eternal , but so did Spain and to its cost it was wrong.

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Thai bashers coming out in force as usual. When something good is written or happens in Thailand. They just won't accept it. Or perhaps it Is because their own countries economies are not doing so well.

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19 hours ago, madmitch said:

Figures provided by the Government. Projections probably also provided by the Government. Nuff said.

The eye only sees what the mind is prepared to understand


I really do not mean to be impolite madmitch---but if you are going to post silly things like this, then......... oh anyway


They state on the 3rd line of headline where these figures come from --

" a new report by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) shows.

now if you had taken the time to tap into Google---instead of  this really quite silly post all about the usual Thai Hater thing---its a conspiracy etc.  You would have found that the organisation that is predicting this is a world wide one, but with its main office in the same place as you come from.


The Harlequin Building 65 Southwark Street London SE1 0HR United Kingdom.

I promised myself I wasn't going to get into these sort of debates again...because I have posted so many links to The Main Credit Card Companies--- the main airline figures --The main travel agents (because people do book way ahead) time and again. I have never seen 1 link from a Thai hater pointing to any of the projected figures being false--not 1. So Mitch...brake a leg mate---post a link which at least sheds some doubt ...but do remember these figures , like the Credit card ones--(and the one your complaining about) don't come from Thailand's government.


**Personal opinion--I do expect the tourism to drop some---I mean with the Euro/Pound..etc people will have to cut back a certain extent, some-things got to give.....or maybe we will just have lots more Americans coming....so maybe the projections from London are wrong, but keep believing its a conspiracy Mitch, your end up wearing tin foil in that inspectors hat mate.



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26 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:



The eye only sees what the mind is prepared to understand



I really do not mean to be impolite madmitch---but if you are going to post silly things like this, then......... oh anyway


They state on the 3rd line of headline where these figures come from --

" a new report by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) shows.

now if you had taken the time to tap into Google---instead of  this really quite silly post all about the usual Thai Hater thing---its a conspiracy etc.  You would have found that the organisation that is predicting this is a world wide one, but with its main office in the same place as you come from.


The Harlequin Building 65 Southwark Street London SE1 0HR United Kingdom.

I promised myself I wasn't going to get into these sort of debates again...because I have posted so many links to The Main Credit Card Companies--- the main airline figures --The main travel agents (because people do book way ahead) time and again. I have never seen 1 link from a Thai hater pointing to any of the projected figures being false--not 1. So Mitch...brake a leg mate---post a link which at least sheds some doubt ...but do remember these figures , like the Credit card ones--(and the one your complaining about) don't come from Thailand's government.


**Personal opinion--I do expect the tourism to drop some---I mean with the Euro/Pound..etc people will have to cut back a certain extent, some-things got to give.....or maybe we will just have lots more Americans coming....so maybe the projections from London are wrong, but keep believing its a conspiracy Mitch, your end up wearing tin foil in that inspectors hat mate.



If you look at some of my other posts on this subject you'll see that I'm one of those that doesn't disbelieve the tourism arrival figures, though I have reservations about how tourism spending is calculated well as who is deemed to be a tourist. 


I am familiar with the organisation and am even more familiar with its location, Southwark Street being an old haunt of mine!


Thai hating and conspiracy theories really aren't my style but perhaps facetious and sarcastic comments are!


So leave my inspector's hat alone!

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4 hours ago, madmitch said:

Thai hating and conspiracy theories really aren't my style but perhaps facetious and sarcastic comments are!

Fair enough Mitch..............thanks for the come back..............:coffee1:

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So many rubbish and negative posters. The politics of Thailand do not affect you nor should it concern you. If you actually do live here or have visited here (and I doubt that some of the posters ever have) then you should know to keep your snouts out of another country's affairs. If I visited UK or US as a guest, I would never consider condemning another countries politics whilst I was a guest there. I live in Thailand and nothing that happens in politics concerns me, I still live a great trouble free life in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Or you could move to Spain. lol 

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I just spent 2.5 months in Thailand, and my complaint is that I could

not get a 90 day visa, instead I had to get my way across the city of Bangkok to

their oversized, immigration office that is near the Don Muang airport. Then I had to

go to the basement, photocopy my passport, and visa, and get a passport sized picture taken

and pay 1900 more baht for the extension. A nice stressful day in my vacation. I enjoyed the

inflated baht currency, and the double pricing for farangs. One thing I found is the

friendliness of the Thai people still exists. I spent a few days in the north in Nong Khai,

a nice, friendly small city, where rooms were still 500 baht per night and the price of 

meals were still pretty cheap. In Jomtien, I found pretty cheap priced rooms close to

the ocean, and again meals were reasonably priced. Hua Hin still needs to improve the conditions

of a lot of its roads and streets, and Bangkok has the best prices on most goods in the

country, you just got to know where to shop.


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On Friday, March 17, 2017 at 7:22 AM, gamini said:

Thai bashers coming out in force as usual. When something good is written or happens in Thailand. They just won't accept it. Or perhaps it Is because their own countries economies are not doing so well.

This may confuse you but a disproportunately high tourist % of GDP does not indicate a healthy economy.

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