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Parents beware! Child snatch gangs on the loose in Northern Thailand


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4 hours ago, Falcon said:

It's a shame that you feel so little for the children of this world that you have to make a joke at their expense. For those of us who have children and even those that simply care about children and children's welfare, I'd suggest that you save your (less than) witty comments for something a lot less serious than child abduction.

Think i and you all understands what he talks about. The irony in kidnapping kids we all know how parent in Thailand just leave them but it will never change. The irony in all bus and minivans killing spree but we all know it will never change. I have some examples if you need. Perhaps it was a bad time to cite but we all feel sad for lost or kidnapped life's. The irony comes when we are angry at the situation. 

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Seriously....It would be so easy for the police to set up a sting operation and catch the Kidnappers red handed and then....... beat them senseless....... and then throw them in Jail and invite all the parents to come around and also lay a beating on the scumbags.

Then thrown them into prison and tell everyone they are child kidnappers and Kiddie Diddler's and they abuse children and what ever, so that they get beaten some more while in prison.

And that is just the beginning.



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It is not just the sex industry either, unfortunately there is a large Chinese black market, for organs of young children.

I hope that's not true it's unbearable to even think about it. Where did here this?

Actually now I think about it. I remember reading that Is one of the reasons why china execute so many prisoners and then they donate the organs.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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I'm  not a great supporter of the death penalty but this crime gets the nod everytime.What's it take for people to start to behave like humans not demons

The only Time I support the death penalty is for crimes like this. Causing pure misery for profit. I don't even support the death penalty for the actually pedophiles who I consider have a mental disorder. I do believe that they should be locked up for the rest of there lives unless they can be cured. But going around stealing children for profit was the worst crime I can think of. Until a few post ago when someone said they are selling the organs. That must be the worst crime I have ever herd of.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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I hope that's not true it's unbearable to even think about it. Where did here this?

Actually now I think about it. I remember reading that Is one of the reasons why china execute so many prisoners and then they donate the organs.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Harvest, more than 'donate'

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5 hours ago, Berkshire said:

So anytime a child gets kidnapped, it's because of lazy parents?  Are you some kind of stupid?

Once again my comments were derived from a THAI article and the general

LACK or proper parenting--go ahead keep "ganging up" on me..whatever

Im not talking about in OTHER countries or the problem as a whole--i wa

referring to THAI predators and lazy THAI parenting--but of course IM the

bad guy for simply commenting on the actions of others...relax a bit...:passifier:

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6 hours ago, Falcon said:

It's a shame that you feel so little for the children of this world that you have to make a joke at their expense. For those of us who have children and even those that simply care about children and children's welfare, I'd suggest that you save your (less than) witty comments for something a lot less serious than child abduction.

To respond to your "suggestion" of what i should and shouldnt do...

Where did the Trust me Im Thai saying coming from?.me or thais?

Id love to see some good examples of good parenting here-please

spend your time more uselfully and supply links we all can enjoy-meanwhile

i will watch kids sit around eating junk food waiting on a ride home as its

still getting dark--or kids racing mbikes--or ones beating innocent others...


The yogurt comment was from the article--the THAI men used it to decieve

others..again NOT my idea...just COMMENTING on lazy parenting skills



perhaps my comments are much too sensitive for your thin skin..are you thai?


OR as noted earlier in my defense as all u keyboard warriors attack me--why

not get out on the streets or go to gov office and DO something ABOUT it,

instead of moaning how awful it it..actions speak louder than words...:wai:

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Once again my comments were derived from a THAI article and the general
LACK or proper parenting--go ahead keep "ganging up" on me..whatever
Im not talking about in OTHER countries or the problem as a whole--i wa
referring to THAI predators and lazy THAI parenting--but of course IM the
bad guy for simply commenting on the actions of others...relax a bit...:passifier:

Go and tell the teacher you're being picked on, stop bloody whinging!

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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2 hours ago, sead said:

Think i and you all understands what he talks about. The irony in kidnapping kids we all know how parent in Thailand just leave them but it will never change. The irony in all bus and minivans killing spree but we all know it will never change. I have some examples if you need. Perhaps it was a bad time to cite but we all feel sad for lost or kidnapped life's. The irony comes when we are angry at the situation. 

ALAS--He gets IT--the IRONY!!!..maybe if i sat in front of my pc reading all the

horrid news thais do to each other id be on a barstool nightly or eating a bullet.

Takes a few taps on the keys to attack someone--takes courage to make CHANGE

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2 minutes ago, roo860 said:

Sorry mate not sure who youre talking to...im simply replying to my comments

    Dont recall asking for your opinion either--go take it to the corner pub :passifier:

2 minutes ago, roo860 said:

Go and tell the teacher you're being picked on, stop bloody whinging!

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app




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25 minutes ago, ChakaKhan said:

Once again my comments were derived from a THAI article and the general

LACK or proper parenting--go ahead keep "ganging up" on me..whatever

Im not talking about in OTHER countries or the problem as a whole--i wa

referring to THAI predators and lazy THAI parenting--but of course IM the

bad guy for simply commenting on the actions of others...relax a bit...:passifier:

Why don't you just admit that you're a rabid Thai-hater who has no idea what he's talking about?  Because that's how you're coming across.  No parent alive can keep their eyes on their kids 24/7.  But in your case, ignorance is bliss. 

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21 minutes ago, ChakaKhan said:

To respond to your "suggestion" of what i should and shouldnt do...

Where did the Trust me Im Thai saying coming from?.me or thais?

Id love to see some good examples of good parenting here-please

spend your time more uselfully and supply links we all can enjoy-meanwhile

i will watch kids sit around eating junk food waiting on a ride home as its

still getting dark--or kids racing mbikes--or ones beating innocent others...


The yogurt comment was from the article--the THAI men used it to decieve

others..again NOT my idea...just COMMENTING on lazy parenting skills



perhaps my comments are much too sensitive for your thin skin..are you thai?


OR as noted earlier in my defense as all u keyboard warriors attack me--why

not get out on the streets or go to gov office and DO something ABOUT it,

instead of moaning how awful it it..actions speak louder than words...:wai:


Can somebody please ban this poster, please.



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In Mae Champ a 30 km south of Pai  2 weeks ago a child was found cut open with no organs. People saw a suspicious van driving around .... In my opinion locals and  foreigners should follow up and take action immediately,  if people around you feel strange .... my guess is the police knows about that and nobody  would mind if you bring these mafia people in pieces to the police station.

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3 hours ago, AGLV0121 said:


Then what do you propose? Just curious to know

I have many ideas, but dying is an easy way out for these people. They need to suffer.

One good way would be to force feed them LSD and have a team of psychiatrists really make them understand and connect with what they have done. If they have anything that resembles a conscience this would be pure agony and they would be kept in a cell and dosed with different psychedelics and be forced to face what they have done every day for the rest of their lives.

If a conscience can't be found in these people, even through psychedelics, then it's time for the physical torture chamber. 

Edited by hobz
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2 hours ago, scorecard said:


Sex industry?

Yeah, you know, there's child porn being sold in the open in pattaya and god knows how big the underground scene is.. The police seems to be in on it too 


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2 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

    Dont recall asking for your opinion either--go take it to the corner pub :passifier:


I wasn't offended by your post , the joke just wasn't amusing so it backfired.

However your stream of further posts reek of self justification and childish hurt , grow up !

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12 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

1000 pardons for offending you..please make note of my screen name to avoid such further disappointments..also my apologies to the upstanding thai parents

that ive seen to be so vigilant in protecting thier kids  with a safe enviroment.


Live here long enough and see that any advice or actions i take will be looked

upon by slackjawed locals...so i add humor to my cynical and jaded views that the thais seem to encourage with the daily preventable non sense i witness here


Lastly i was commenting on the THAI article not on other news around the world

Given your obvious disdain for the Thais and your stated "cynical and jaded views", it sounds like you've been here way too long and it's time to go ... please.

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5 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

    Dont recall asking for your opinion either--go take it to the corner pub :passifier:


I gotta feeling you meet many people here in TV.com and in your daily life who are offended by you. If so, you should realize and admit to yourself that that many people can't all be wrong. In other words, it's actually you who is the bad guy.

Stop fooling yourself that you're so smart and everyone else is stupid and a fool. Again, it's you ... not them.



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While it's true that this kind of tragedy happens everywhere in the world, it certainly happens here in developing countries more than other places...it is an epidemic in the Philippines,  About 1% of the general population in the UK and USA, male and female, are pedophiles (it may be higher but the stigma and stiff legal penalties keep some people in check)...the prevalence is much higher in other parts of the world, due to accepted cultural norms (e.g., sex with children as young as 9 is pretty common in subSaharan Africa)...it's an empirical fact that Thailand has higher rates of rape, forced incest, and prostitution, and I would assume pedophilia, since the penalties for crimes against normal people and children are pathetic...the supply of children for internet shows, videos, photos, and depravity  that occupies the darkweb disproportionately comes from SE Asia...and there DOES appear to be a lack of parenting and regard for children in this region of the world...anyone who disputes that is simply being stupid...


I hope the police are sincere in their efforts...there always seems to be a tradeoff between protecting the public and lining their pockets...find these people and follow the money...I'm sure we would be amazed where the trail leads...not only in Thailand, but elsewhere.

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There is probably more instances of parental/guardian abuse/neglect than kidnapping in this country and the government does little to nothing about that.


Kids riding motorcycles while underage. Who gives them the key?


Kids on motorcycles without helmets being driven by helmeted parent/guardian.


Kids locked up and forgotten in school bus.


etc etc.


Child abuse is rampant in this country and most of it is done by the parent/guardian. Fix that first and you might stand a chance at fixing abuse by others.


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17 hours ago, hobz said:

People that victimize children are probably the worst,, death penalty is too mild for them. 

But a start in the right direction, 1 down how many would think twice before trying to abduct a child if they knew it would be an instant death sentence, I cannot believe that politicians around the world stop the death penalty because I hear, "no one has the right to kill someone else" well if it fits the crime, kill them, no doubt there will be ocassional stuff ups, but the numbers game should prevail whipping the scum from this earth, think about it, in wars how many innocent people are killed, and these politicians are worried about making an ocassional mistake, <deleted> ! 

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16 hours ago, ThaiWai said:

Its a news alert to watch your kids? Whats next? Reminders to eat during the day?

Of course not. Nobody forgets to eat, and if forgotten for a few hours, no harm is done.


News alerts like this help remind everyone  to be alert.  While you're out at the back of your house, and your child is playing in front, some devil may appear out of nowhere in the blink of a moment and steal your child.  They remind all of us that these devils exist.  Here.  Now.  One cannot be alerted often enough about this.


Understand the difference?

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17 hours ago, ThaiWai said:

Its a news alert to watch your kids? Whats next? Reminders to eat during the day?

I suspect you do not have kids. If you did you would appreciate being notified of such a trend. Parents cannot watch the kids 24 hours a day. Not only is it impossible, but if a parent did, that kid would grow up to be pretty messed up. Good parents gradually give their kids more space as they grow up, otherwise, how do they become independent people? 


I let my kids play alone in our yard. I know there is some risk, but overall I think it is safe. There is some risk to everything. I let them swim, even though there is some risk. I let them use a pencil, even though one of them could poke their eye with it. But if someone told me that two kids in my neighborhood had recently been attacked in their yard, I may not let them play out there for a while. 

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12 hours ago, hobz said:

They need to suffer.


We have to keep our humanity intact, so yes the society pays for them to stay in jail and (sic) 'pay their debt to the society'


It keeps prison guards, social workers, judges. lawyers, psychologists and therapists busy, and feeds them. And that;s a bunch of people.

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4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

But a start in the right direction, 1 down how many would think twice before trying to abduct a child if they knew it would be an instant death sentence, I cannot believe that politicians around the world stop the death penalty because I hear, "no one has the right to kill someone else" well if it fits the crime, kill them, no doubt there will be ocassional stuff ups, but the numbers game should prevail whipping the scum from this earth, think about it, in wars how many innocent people are killed, and these politicians are worried about making an ocassional mistake, <deleted> ! 

The main problem with death penalty is that it cannot be reversed and there's always innocent people found guilty of crimes.

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23 hours ago, scorecard said:


Stupid comment to a serious heartbreaking subject.


Happens in all countries, perpetrators are from all walks of life and backgrounds, wherever.

you.re over reacting. I understood what he was meaning and it wasn,t offensive.

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