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What more does govt want from my family? Thaksin’s son asks


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42 minutes ago, ramrod711 said:

I suppose that when you talk about human rights you have granted immunity to your hero for his "war on drugs" that summarily executed 3,000 so called drug dealers. Also his order to stack muslims in trucks in 40 degree weather causing the deaths of 90 of them. Oh yes Thaksin is a wonderful man. I really enjoyed watching him changing the tax laws days before the sale of Shincorp, and yes I was here to see it.

And I was here before the Shin era when the previous incompetent generals bled the country dry so that nothing was left for " a rainy day"  .  That rainy day came during the Asian financial crisis and Thailand had to go cap in hand to the IMF.   I am sure you  are aware but during  the Shins tenure that followed, Thaksin with his economic prudence repaid the IMF significantly sooner than what was require and out the economy on the road to recovery

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56 minutes ago, GarryP said:

I don't know about him intentionally trying to improve the lot of the average citizen, but he certainly gave them a voice. He made the people upcountry realize that their vote did mean something, that they did have value/worth. And now that this cat is out of the bag, it is not going back in, much to the chagrin of the current powers that be.


The authorities want rid of him and his cohorts, because, as you say, he is too popular for their liking. However, I can't help feeling that all these attacks on him, his family (no matter how deserving), and members of his circle, are actually playing into his hands. As long as only those on Thaksin's side of the fence are being condemned, when everyone knows the Junta (which includes businessmen/women with their fingers in the Juntas' pocket) is equally or more crooked (police on the payroll, massive houses on small salaries, winning bids despite no experience, selective investigation regarding Rolls Royce, etc.) it will be seen as unfair and purely vindictive. Leading to increasing disaffection with the current regime.       

he did improved the livelihood of the average citizens whether his policies were viewed as populist or not. Life and businesses certainly improved alot. I am operating a small business myself and most people i talk to miss the good old prosperous days of Thaksin era. 


And the other side that thought that what the reds missed were the 500 or 1000 baht handouts are simply ignorant.

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An off topic commenting on moderation has been removed.  The topic is not about what is the factual term for when the military assumes power in a coup.  The topic is about "What more does govt want from my family? Thaksin’s son asks."  Please stay on topic. 


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I believe Prayuth has an extreme hatred of the Shins and the whole thing including the coup has all been a personal vendetta by prayuth.  What Prayuth doesn't understand is that if he completely destroys everything Shin then he destroys himself.  He needs the boogey man to survive and hold onto the trough.


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14 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

If there was an election tomorrow and his name was on the ballot paper he would win hands down, he will be back.


I firmly believe this, so don't bother with your counter arguments cos I ain't listening. 

All it would take for Thaksin's re-entry would be a public statement from Rama X. This is unlikely to happen.

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