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TE has been losing money as a company. This is a fact that must be corrected for sure.

But you might want to think a little bit about how much the country has gained from the TE members.

TE could be seen as a fidelity program which aims at making its members spend their money in Thailand rather than other places.

I always say that "one TE member is worth much more than a lousy million" (By the way, I am one of those who think that the price should be raised).

Most of the people don't think further than the tip of their nose.

Without the card, I personaly would be in Mexico at this time. This is another story, but in the meantime I am spending money here and not there.

Because of the card, I already brought many millions into the country (apart from the one I gave to buy the card at the beginning of the program).

I spent quite an amount on a property, cars, luxury hotels in Bangkok, restaurants, etc...

I don't play golf and never go to the spa, but because of the card I now fly Thai Airways instead of foreign airlines.

Without overpaying them, I employ several persons since several years. I regularly buy local art, which helps sustain the art scene of my region.

Besides many other projects, I involve myself in important charity events, building the future of the disadvantaged children, trying to bring my knowledge in business to create successful micro-businesses for hill tribes youngsters and send the brightest to school in Europe.

All this because TE is a product that makes my life in Thailand very nice and easy.

This is why I say that everyone should look at the real value of a TE member, as well as hidden value of the TE program.

The benefit for the country is not only one million in exchange of a plastic card and a few discounts, it is much (much...) more than that.

It is a win-win situation where the members are happy (we are, no doubt about it) and the country benefits of their financial means.

The TE members are certainly far more educated than many of the frustrated people who make negative comments about the card here.

Each TE member has a different "value" for Thailand, but most certainly they are beneficial to this country.

When a foreign CEO of one of the biggest company in this country acquires the TE card, he is certainly to be considered less "idiot" or "cretin" than the guys who use these words on this forum.

I wish that the sour souls of this forum would be less narrow minded.

I agree that a TE card member can give a lot of value to the country but I can not see how the TE card can be the deciding factor in making anyone chose Thailand before any other country? :o

Obliviously you are not in need of any of the discounts offered. With your money there are many other ways to secure a visa and I can not see that the fast track immigration can be a decider in this matter; so how can the TE card bring in the people that gives value to Thailand?

I don't think the foreign CEO with a TE card is an idiot, most likely he did not pay for the card himself :D . If he did pay for it himself 1.5M Baht is pocket change for him anyway. The point is he is not doing business in Thailand because of the TE card he would have been here anyway.

The main beneficiaries are, like someone else pointed out, Korean and other Asian golfers.

Point is; TE members may benefit Thailand BUT TE itself do nothing to bring these people here, there are other reasons for this.

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Using an Amex Platinum Card (cost Baht 25,000.- per year) one gets free "companion" tickets in First Class on virtually every Airline - not just Thai which is all the TE Card offers.

not on virtually all airlines but on (presently 16 selected) airlines wich (i admit) cover nearly all flight needs.

the small catch remains that a FULL IATA FARE ticket has to be purchased which is considerably more expensive than the first class fares offered by travel agents.


BKK-FRA-BKK on LH First €UR 3,555 = THB 165,000 bought through AMEX Travel

same LH ticket bought through Travel Agency THB 118,000 (still considerable savings of THB 71,000).

As most people know, many Travel Agents in Thailand who will give very attractive deals on First Class (and Business Class) Fares – making them far less than the full rate, but I am attempting to compare “like with like”. I believe that TE Members must also pay the full rate for their “own” ticket in order to get the companion ticket “free”.

Perhaps a TE Member could correct me if I am wrong in this?



The website says full fare for the companion tickets. But there are also these benefits:

"You will receive a complimentary roundtrip upgrade on Thai Airways International Public Company Limited from Economy Class to the comfort of Royal Silk Class, or from Royal Silk Class to the luxury of Royal First Class"

"...access to all Star Alliance lounges worldwide, along with one guest..."

Lounge access runs several hundred dollars a year. A Royal Silk upgrade from economy saves over $3,000 for the route I take. Renewable visa, club access in Bangkok, free annual health exam at nice hospitals. Not sounding so bad to me. Had I signed up 3 years and 11 trips to Thailand ago, it would almost have paid for itself already.

The website says full fare for the companion tickets. But there are also these benefits:

"You will receive a complimentary roundtrip upgrade on Thai Airways International Public Company Limited from Economy Class to the comfort of Royal Silk Class, or from Royal Silk Class to the luxury of Royal First Class"

"...access to all Star Alliance lounges worldwide, along with one guest..."

Lounge access runs several hundred dollars a year. A Royal Silk upgrade from economy saves over $3,000 for the route I take. Renewable visa, club access in Bangkok, free annual health exam at nice hospitals. Not sounding so bad to me. Had I signed up 3 years and 11 trips to Thailand ago, it would almost have paid for itself already.

That is only true if you actually spent several hundred dollars in lounge access, upgraded all your 11 trips, had annual health exams and used the club in Bangkok during the last 3 years. If you have not actually done that you have saved 1M Baht compared to if you had bought the TE card :o


Gerry and others,

Ok. It was unfair of me to say you were stupid to buy it in some ways(I went overboard in my earlier post-and certainly even if I disagree with your choice, it doesn't make you stupid people either so please forgive), but seeing how visas work in Thailand, do you think it reasonable to believe that you truly have a "lifetime" visa to Thailand? Do you really trust the Thais to maintain the policies they make? Maybe when things change, they will grandfather you in and let you keep the lifetime visa without the other perks, but if they do close down TE, maybe they won't. In some ways, I could see them keeping you on even if they close the program because maybe they don't want to piss off some really rich people. However, if they totally shut it down, do you still think it was a good move?

They are already curtailing the benefits and going to raise the fee, and I think the only reason they don't close it is that it would be a huge loss of face for the people running it and the country(it would show that the rich don't consider Thailand one of their their primary destinations, and it would help give the lie to their "quality" tourist desires). I think anyone who jumps in after the current changes take place isn't being as smart as they think they are because the writing is on the wall(is that better?).

They wanted 1 million members and only got 2,000+. They say it is losing loads of money. Do you really think this was an intelligent policy by the Thai policymakers?


I have a Thai Elite Card.

I don’t work in Thailand but I like to live here.

For someone like myself, I have worked out that The Thai Elite membership will pay for itself with unhurried use in approximately 5 years.

Alternatively – over 5 years it is 16,666 Baht per month.

I play golf regularly and now also play on the better more expensive golf courses (Alpine, Navatanee) more regularly than that I otherwise would.

I now nip out for a convenient and very relaxing massage once or twice per week which is something I never did before – having the card has definitely improved my lifestyle.

Having the visa has definitely reduced my concern over visa issues.

A lovely new BMW 7 is an unnecessary but very pleasant addition to the frequent trips to the airport.

Fast track through the airport is no difference from normal business use anyway.

And on return, the fast track option has been removed, which means we cannot go into the lounge and wait for someone else to deal with our passport. This is due to security (and not Thai Elite service reduction) and because the camera system at immigration has or is going to be re-introduced. Instead of waiting in the lounge we just go through the diplomatic channel; this is still fast track in my book.

The buy one get one free Business class flights with TG is not really a bonus. The full fare flight is more expensive than 2 business class flights with the excellent quality middle eastern airlines (i.e. Emirates, Qatar etc).

The one free Upgrade to first from Business or to Business from Economy is nice though.

For one who has membership – I think the card is of great value.

And I’ve had no disappointments so far.

However, the one cloud that hangs over the Card is the risk that the Government may close the scheme.

In this case we are assured compensation not less than the 1MB we paid. This is Thailand so I wouldn’t hold my breath for any compensation. But after 5 years (if the scheme lasts) I’m ‘quids in’ so to speak. Will it fail? it could. Will I have a lifetime visa? quite unlikely. Will it be economically viable for me? Maybe and I’m willing to risk it.

Here is how I work it out…

4 Golf Games per Month (4x 3000 baht i.e. at Alpine or Navatanee)

4 Massage per month (4 x 2000 baht yes the best massage places charge this)

2 airport trx (2 x 2000 baht – BMW 7 series)

Total – 24,000 baht per month = 288,000 Baht per year.

As an example – subtracting the services I have used.

If it company fails in 3 years. I’ve paid 136,000 baht for a 5 years visa. That’s 27,200 baht per year or 2270 baht per month for a visa.

This is why I’m not particularly worried….

I’m not proud I have the card. I just saw it as frugally advantageous.

For those who don’t have a spare 1MB its unfortunate that you can’t ‘try it before you knock it’…

It is 1MB and its called an Elite card for a reason….lowering the price will increase numbers and lower the quality of service.

My only disappointment is that while on return into the Kingdom, waiting in the lounge (for my passport to be stamped and my luggage to be collected) a beer is not available with the refreshments offered.

Is there anyone out there who has the card who has been disappointed by any aspect ?

Using an Amex Platinum Card (cost Baht 25,000.- per year) one gets free "companion" tickets in First Class on virtually every Airline - not just Thai which is all the TE Card offers.

not on virtually all airlines but on (presently 16 selected) airlines wich (i admit) cover nearly all flight needs.

the small catch remains that a FULL IATA FARE ticket has to be purchased which is considerably more expensive than the first class fares offered by travel agents.


BKK-FRA-BKK on LH First €UR 3,555 = THB 165,000 bought through AMEX Travel

same LH ticket bought through Travel Agency THB 118,000 (still considerable savings of THB 71,000).

I agree, I have the Amex Black card and the companion tickets are not always on promotion and are always at the full fare, best buy at the moment is through the Thai office at Baht 166200 (First class)which is the fare I have to pay to get the free companion ticket through the TE card, full fare is considerably higher.

And don't forget you also get a small discount on all internal TG flights.

As to the fast tract as mentioned in another post I came through last week and my partner was cleared with me as he is on the same flight as myself, they will not clear your partner if on a different flight.



However, the one cloud that hangs over the Card is the risk that the Government may close the scheme.

In this case we are assured compensation not less than the 1MB we paid. This is Thailand so I wouldn’t hold my breath for any compensation. But after 5 years (if the scheme lasts) I’m ‘quids in’ so to speak.

So they came out and said they would pay back all, if things went sour at the beginning of the program? So maybe you do have a little hope for something back, but not holding your breath is sensible. How many years in are you?

Ah you edited it while I was posting- so you are 3 years in?

The buy one get one free Business class flights with TG is not really a bonus. The full fare flight is more expensive than 2 business class flights with the excellent quality middle eastern airlines (i.e. Emirates, Qatar etc).

The one free Upgrade to first from Business or to Business from Economy is nice though


Ahh, ok so then the free ticket is not such a deal because you must pay full fare to get it. Is it one free upgrade per year, or per flight? You can easily build up those upgrades by flying frequently on Thai. For me, I would get one roughly every 2 flights back to the US. If you normally fly business, they would even come quicker.

Sorry to hear you have to go without a beer while waiting for your luggage like us plebs :o

The best massage places charge 2,000. Do you get anything special with that?

Is there anyone out there who has the card who has been disappointed by any aspect ?

Not here. Been extremely happy with it so far.

The funniest thing about the discussion of TE on the myriad threads here on the subject was a few months ago, when it was erroneously reported in the press that the price was going to be dropped from a million baht to something around 50,000. The cries changed from, "it's unfair that somebody should be able to buy a visa" to, "ooh, I'll have one at that price"... :o

It may last, it may go. Hopefully none of us that bought one have forgotten the adage about putting in more money to an LDC than they're prepared to walk away from.


I edited my post above to make things a little clearer.

I've been a member since May.

As far as I am aware – the one free upgrade is part of the TG Gold card service – and thus is available every 2 years for as long as the gold card lasts.

The one free with one full fare business (on the same flight) is only a good deal if two people were going to be on the same out and inbound flight and were going to fly business TG anyway. Its available every flight.

I have a quote from an e-mail regarding program cancellation

“Many prospective members had asked me about Thailand Elite program cancellation. If such case happens, the Thai government will reimburse not less than 1 million baht to all members”

I’d only believe that after it happened.


“The best massage places charge 2,000. Do you get anything special with that?”

No.. If you like a Warm flavoured tea and some fruit – that’s your happy ending.

From what I gather, any ideas of that nature would be deemed as highly inappropriate.

I was even told a story by one of the TE team that a Japanese fellow has been banned from using his TE card at Spa’s for requesting that they only massaged his bottom cheeks !

I am one of those recently joined TE members. The reason for joining was the payback will be after 5/6 flights on TG First Class which I take about 4/5 times a year from the UK, it means my partner now travels :D:D free. Plus we get the fast track services etc and the life time visa. It has certainly worked for me.




Can we assume it was very recently that you joined as you were just last month considering a retirement visa later this year. I hope for your sake, the Elite card program lasts long enough for you to recoup your costs from the companion travel benefit....and if the Card does last, I also hope that the companion travel benefit lasts too, as they seem to be chipping away at the benefits.

For example, the fast track service you mention for your partner was cancelled as of July 1st. (Post #63 of this thread)....

as for the "lifetime visa"..... at your age of 49, you are very likely to be looking at a lot more "lifetime" than the program will....

as for "It has certainly worked for me".... it's just been a month you've had it... give it some more time and let us know how things are in a year.

This is indeed the funniest post by you for a long time, not only has it been proven over the last month by the TAT that The Elite Card is here to stay and very much in the TAT long term plans, you still think that people would read your posts after you got it so wrong on this subject

Why dont you do something constructive with your time and admit defeat, that you got it totally wrong and change the title to its true present meaning.

The Elite Card does NOT face closure


One quick point I would like to make.

Any reduction in benefits only effects new members, established members need not worry.

The exception to this is the Fast track on return. This is a security issue which means people must accompany their passports at the immigration desk (although they can go through the faster diplomatic channel).

Gerry and others,

Ok. It was unfair of me to say you were stupid to buy it in some ways(I went overboard in my earlier post-and certainly even if I disagree with your choice, it doesn't make you stupid people either so please forgive), but seeing how visas work in Thailand, do you think it reasonable to believe that you truly have a "lifetime" visa to Thailand? Do you really trust the Thais to maintain the policies they make? Maybe when things change, they will grandfather you in and let you keep the lifetime visa without the other perks, but if they do close down TE, maybe they won't. In some ways, I could see them keeping you on even if they close the program because maybe they don't want to piss off some really rich people. However, if they totally shut it down, do you still think it was a good move?

They are already curtailing the benefits and going to raise the fee, and I think the only reason they don't close it is that it would be a huge loss of face for the people running it and the country(it would show that the rich don't consider Thailand one of their their primary destinations, and it would help give the lie to their "quality" tourist desires). I think anyone who jumps in after the current changes take place isn't being as smart as they think they are because the writing is on the wall(is that better?).

They wanted 1 million members and only got 2,000+. They say it is losing loads of money. Do you really think this was an intelligent policy by the Thai policymakers?

How about eating some humble pie!!

that would be fair, right

i mean you guys have tried your hardest to oppinionate this subject with your hilarious victor meldrew posts(old whinging negative gits)

Try as you may to pick holes in everything you hark on about, but heres the thing

The Elite Card is here to stay

How about eating some humble pie!!

that would be fair, right

i mean you guys have tried your hardest to oppinionate this subject with your hilarious victor meldrew posts(old whinging negative gits)

Try as you may to pick holes in everything you hark on about, but heres the thing

The Elite Card is here to stay

Sorry,I'm not making the pie and not ready to eat thank you, and I think we are well away from believing that this card will stay. If what the papers say is true, I think it is the prelude to some change. The fact that they were projecting 1,000,000 members as the goal and got only 2,000+ means that this project has fallen flat on it's face. To think otherwise doesn't seem sensible.

Ok, maybe you like your card and think it is worth it, but that doesn't mean that it will stay in existence.

As far as I am aware – the one free upgrade is part of the TG Gold card service – and thus is available every 2 years for as long as the gold card lasts.

The one free with one full fare business (on the same flight) is only a good deal if two people were going to be on the same out and inbound flight and were going to fly business TG anyway. Its available every flight.

Really? So the upgrade they give is the normal perk that you usually get with Royal Orchid Plus Gold service. I would have expected more.

“The best massage places charge 2,000. Do you get anything special with that?”

No.. If you like a Warm flavoured tea and some fruit – that’s your happy ending.

From what I gather, any ideas of that nature would be deemed as highly inappropriate.

I was even told a story by one of the TE team that a Japanese fellow has been banned from using his TE card at Spa’s for requesting that they only massaged his bottom cheeks !

Pretty funny, but not so surprising with the Japenese. 2,000 baht for a straight massage-must be a pretty ritzy place.

How about eating some humble pie!!

that would be fair, right

i mean you guys have tried your hardest to oppinionate this subject with your hilarious victor meldrew posts(old whinging negative gits)

Try as you may to pick holes in everything you hark on about, but heres the thing

The Elite Card is here to stay

Sorry,I'm not making the pie and not ready to eat thank you, and I think we are well away from believing that this card will stay. If what the papers say is true, I think it is the prelude to some change. The fact that they were projecting 1,000,000 members as the goal and got only 2,000+ means that this project has fallen flat on it's face. To think otherwise doesn't seem sensible.

Ok, maybe you like your card and think it is worth it, but that doesn't mean that it will stay in existence.

Oh Dear!!

You really believe your own hype on your opinions when you got it so horribly wrong

You will have to admit defeat and certainly eat the humble pie

The present government has never predicted so many members to join, but to state the figure at 500 a year.

Guys like you were predicting the demise of this card 12 months ago,6 months ago, 3 months ago and yet no body listened and why nobody listened is very much evident now on how the TAT sees this programme in the future of tourism in thailand

As for believing the propaganda #$%# written in the bangkok post earlier this year, force feeding the anals of this population a load of rubbish on this subject, then i have to say the bangkok post is very much lucky that in thailand press complaints and slander with misinformation written is hardly ever taken to a court of law, as it is painstaking slow

So the real information has crept through the media to show that this programme has never faced closure, but faced a new managemnt struture for the long term goals of attracting high income earners to thailand.

and yet you refuse to say, you got it wrong on this subject

The Elite Card has not faced closure and is very much here to stay

enjoy your pie


Well, if the present government only wants 500 per year, certainly it has more moderate desires than the last one and a goal that might be achievable. Certainly to have only 2,000+ at this point I believe that has been moving along at a slower place previously. When was it officially unveiled?

What opinions did I get so horribly wrong before? Please tell me as I just posted on this subject yesterday for the first time. Or is it that I was wrong last night and am still wrong today? You must be referring to someone else's posts. Please if you must disagree with me and whinge about, do it on something I have posted and not someone else. Ok?

We shall see if it lasts or not.

Well, if the present government only wants 500 per year, certainly it has more moderate desires than the last one and a goal that might be achievable. Certainly to have only 2,000+ at this point I believe that has been moving along at a slower place previously. When was it officially unveiled?

What opinions did I get so horribly wrong before? Please tell me as I just posted on this subject yesterday for the first time. Or is it that I was wrong last night and am still wrong today? You must be referring to someone else's posts. Please if you must disagree with me and whinge about, do it on something I have posted and not someone else. Ok?

We shall see if it lasts or not.

My turn to eat humble pie!!

Actually i love to laugh at negative posters who whinge

something that if you are new to this subject, then i must apologise

The Problem with all this misinformation has been mostly from the bangkok post business section. Its reporting on certain articles has been atrocious to say the least with lies, sensationalism and propaganda #$%#. I have read articles recently where the printed material has been cut and pasted directly from the stock exchange press release website, given a sensationlist heading and bkk post journalist name at the bottom of the article. In western countries, this kind of journalism will have the paper fined and sued for libel, but in thailand they get away with it.

the only article which has been printed which comes to printing factual information on the elite programme without any sensationlist twist by using articles from the previous 3 years has been the last article in the nation newspaper, which was printed a few days prior to the bkk article. it just printed how the TAT sees the programme over the long term in thai tourism. Apart from that one article, most of the last 6,7, even 8 articles i have read have been completely wrong using old material and twisting the real facts

the number of 1 mil members was headline feeding frenzy for the multitude of journalists and negative people, waiting at any opportunity to shoot the programme down, this was 4 years ago. That headline will always be connected with this programme, something te members have had to get used to.

the new gov. has since set a ceiling of 20000 members, which an annual acceptance of 500 a year, this is after a lecturer at chula uni, spent the last 6 months looking at ways to improve the programme from the management structure, to its marketing and services to members to best allign the programme for the years ahead.

the TAT has all along provided the correct info on this programme , but yet its in the hands of thai media on how much of the information they would like to print and in what shape they want to influence an article, something for which the bangkok post business section has become the worst offender.

unless any one of the rather infamous negative posters on this subject have been part of the cns gov,or TAT ,or Elite programme or were part of the 6 months report into improving the programme, then surely their comments amount to just useless carbage which always gives me a good laugh as they get it wrong so many times



Thank you for the apology, and dealing with me on an individual basis rather than as one of the amorphous blob of people you may have disagreed with in the past, which is how it felt before. Graciously accepted.

I've seen some of your posts before and have noticed the pleasure you take in poking fun at people you think are whinging. If you do so with me, please just make sure it is with something I've said/whinged about :o . I'm by no means perfect and think that I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong. I was kind of surprised when you took issue with a post of mine when I was backtracking and apologizing for some more extreme statements I had made rather than whacking me on one of my earlier posts from last night.

You present some interesting information which I have not read previously. They certainly have set more modest goals here than the previous administration and made some effort to figure out what was wrong in the past; Thaksin was always prone to hyperbole and rushing into to his projects pell mell.

It will be interesting to see if they can make it work. I'm skeptical. I guess we will have to wait a couple of years to see the result if TAT really is in it for the long haul as your post seems to show.

I'm not sure if I feel any more confident of what TAT says to be true than I would with what the Nation or BKK Post may say. I guess you are confident that they have a good track record on this subject.

Certainly what you say of the things which the BKK Post has done seems to be endemic of much writing in Thailand, especially when you look at the vast quantity of plagiarism which goes on among university students. I'm curious as to why you would say that the BKK Post is attacking TE? What is their interest in discrediting the program?


Thank you for the apology, and dealing with me on an individual basis rather than as one of the amorphous blob of people you may have disagreed with in the past, which is how it felt before. Graciously accepted.

I've seen some of your posts before and have noticed the pleasure you take in poking fun at people you think are whinging. If you do so with me, please just make sure it is with something I've said/whinged about :o . I'm by no means perfect and think that I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong. I was kind of surprised when you took issue with a post of mine when I was backtracking and apologizing for some more extreme statements I had made rather than whacking me on one of my earlier posts from last night.

You present some interesting information which I have not read previously. They certainly have set more modest goals here than the previous administration and made some effort to figure out what was wrong in the past; Thaksin was always prone to hyperbole and rushing into to his projects pell mell.

It will be interesting to see if they can make it work. I'm skeptical. I guess we will have to wait a couple of years to see the result if TAT really is in it for the long haul as your post seems to show.

I'm not sure if I feel any more confident of what TAT says to be true than I would with what the Nation or BKK Post may say. I guess you are confident that they have a good track record on this subject.

Certainly what you say of the things which the BKK Post has done seems to be endemic of much writing in Thailand, especially when you look at the vast quantity of plagiarism which goes on among university students. I'm curious as to why you would say that the BKK Post is attacking TE? What is their interest in discrediting the program?

Yes we will all have to see over the years how long this programme will go on for, as no one can guarantee anything in life except for 2 things, death and taxes.

i am sure every month we will have people state, its all going to end, and they will be back every month with the same ludicruis tooth sayer techniques.

The fact is, 2,5 10 years no body can forsee

As for the Bangkok Post, it seems this year that the business section has decided to attract more readers through sensationalism on many articles with using fictional projections and lies and old stories amalgamated into the present form to create articles to fill the pages, Elite has been one, but over the last 3 months, i have read complete and utter @#$# articles on companies like iec, thl, live and some complete mis-information on rules and regulations imposed by the sec of the stock exchange and even information on the bot which was written as the present but in reality was data which was 8 months old. Overall the standard of the business section has deteriotated in both of the english language papers, but especially in my view the bangkok post.

I am one of those recently joined TE members. The reason for joining was the payback will be after 5/6 flights on TG First Class which I take about 4/5 times a year from the UK, it means my partner now travels :D:D free. Plus we get the fast track services etc and the life time visa. It has certainly worked for me.




Can we assume it was very recently that you joined as you were just last month considering a retirement visa later this year. I hope for your sake, the Elite card program lasts long enough for you to recoup your costs from the companion travel benefit....and if the Card does last, I also hope that the companion travel benefit lasts too, as they seem to be chipping away at the benefits.

For example, the fast track service you mention for your partner was cancelled as of July 1st. (Post #63 of this thread)....

as for the "lifetime visa"..... at your age of 49, you are very likely to be looking at a lot more "lifetime" than the program will....

as for "It has certainly worked for me".... it's just been a month you've had it... give it some more time and let us know how things are in a year.

This is indeed the funniest post by you for a long time, not only has it been proven over the last month by the TAT that The Elite Card is here to stay and very much in the TAT long term plans

Do you have any information or articles regarding these long-term plans? Say, for example, what is their goal in 5 years time?... what features will they have? It seems like what I read about discusses what they plan to do in a few months time.

you still think that people would read your posts after you got it so wrong on this subject

What do I have wrong? I quote the articles that appear on their own website curtailing benefits and what is written in the local newspapers....

Why dont you do something constructive with your time and admit defeat, that you got it totally wrong and change the title to its true present meaning.

The Elite Card does NOT face closure

With so few things certain in life.... you sure do have a lot of faith in a program started by a deposed ruler and under a lot of scrutiny by the government that threw him out... a program that is losing lots of taxpayers money and has for every year running since it's implementation ... was poorly thought out from the very beginning with it's constantly changing details (eg. land ownership) .... has been subject to scandal after scandal (eg unpaid CNN advertising)... has seen the leaders of the company running the program changed more frequently than an infant's diaper.....

etc. etc.

How about eating some humble pie!!

that would be fair, right

i mean you guys have tried your hardest to oppinionate this subject with your hilarious victor meldrew posts(old whinging negative gits)

Try as you may to pick holes in everything you hark on about, but heres the thing

The Elite Card is here to stay

Sorry,I'm not making the pie and not ready to eat thank you, and I think we are well away from believing that this card will stay. If what the papers say is true, I think it is the prelude to some change. The fact that they were projecting 1,000,000 members as the goal and got only 2,000+ means that this project has fallen flat on it's face. To think otherwise doesn't seem sensible.

Ok, maybe you like your card and think it is worth it, but that doesn't mean that it will stay in existence.

Hampstead has never said he actually has the card himself.... :o


PM me S JOHN with any questions you may have for me, and i will be happy to answer them, i would be very happy to answer your question on whether i have an elite card

i will await your pm

ah yes you have still to change the title of this thread for which you started to the Elite Card DOES not face closure as this reflects the true present nature of this programme

I am one of those recently joined TE members. The reason for joining was the payback will be after 5/6 flights on TG First Class which I take about 4/5 times a year from the UK, it means my partner now travels :D:D free. Plus we get the fast track services etc and the life time visa. It has certainly worked for me.




Can we assume it was very recently that you joined as you were just last month considering a retirement visa later this year. I hope for your sake, the Elite card program lasts long enough for you to recoup your costs from the companion travel benefit....and if the Card does last, I also hope that the companion travel benefit lasts too, as they seem to be chipping away at the benefits.

For example, the fast track service you mention for your partner was cancelled as of July 1st. (Post #63 of this thread)....

as for the "lifetime visa"..... at your age of 49, you are very likely to be looking at a lot more "lifetime" than the program will....

as for "It has certainly worked for me".... it's just been a month you've had it... give it some more time and let us know how things are in a year.

This is indeed the funniest post by you for a long time, not only has it been proven over the last month by the TAT that The Elite Card is here to stay and very much in the TAT long term plans

Do you have any information or articles regarding these long-term plans? Say, for example, what is their goal in 5 years time?... what features will they have? It seems like what I read about discusses what they plan to do in a few months time.

you still think that people would read your posts after you got it so wrong on this subject

What do I have wrong? I quote the articles that appear on their own website curtailing benefits and what is written in the local newspapers....

Why dont you do something constructive with your time and admit defeat, that you got it totally wrong and change the title to its true present meaning.

The Elite Card does NOT face closure

With so few things certain in life.... you sure do have a lot of faith in a program started by a deposed ruler and under a lot of scrutiny by the government that threw him out... a program that is losing lots of taxpayers money and has for every year running since it's implementation ... was poorly thought out from the very beginning with it's constantly changing details (eg. land ownership) .... has been subject to scandal after scandal (eg unpaid CNN advertising)... has seen the leaders of the company running the program changed more frequently than an infant's diaper.....

etc. etc.

We have already been over how badly the mis-information on this subject has been presented especially over the last 6 months through more often or not the bangkok post

If you only read news articles then the last article on this subject in the nation states many answers by TAT board members who are also on the board of TE on where they see the programme developing over the coming years after all TAT wholly owns TE.

Well if you mean that there have been 1001 different TAT chiefs in the last 4 years comparing the diaper analogy, then surely you must be mistaken, the TAT chief has been ever present since the government was formed last year.

As we all live in the present, then your comments are still entranched in the past, and are very much with the old government. This new Government is the one confirming the future of this programme.

if you have any questions, then its best you write to the TAT Chief and ask why they are backing this programme for the future years

No one can ever guarantee anything and i am sure every month, we will have the same rounds of trusted comments by those against this programme and those for the programme

PM me S JOHN with any questions you may have for me, and i will be happy to answer them, i would be very happy to answer your question on whether i have an elite card

i will await your pm

ah yes you have still to change the title of this thread for which you started to the Elite Card DOES not face closure as this reflects the true present nature of this programme

Actually I don't have any question on whether you have an elite card or not... I was just pointing out to vermin on arrival's post that you have never stated whether you actually own one yourself when he was inferring that you did.

The title of the thread is Elite Card Could Face Closure... everything I've seen seems to suggest that possibility is still very much present.

I am one of those recently joined TE members. The reason for joining was the payback will be after 5/6 flights on TG First Class which I take about 4/5 times a year from the UK, it means my partner now travels :D:D free. Plus we get the fast track services etc and the life time visa. It has certainly worked for me.




Can we assume it was very recently that you joined as you were just last month considering a retirement visa later this year. I hope for your sake, the Elite card program lasts long enough for you to recoup your costs from the companion travel benefit....and if the Card does last, I also hope that the companion travel benefit lasts too, as they seem to be chipping away at the benefits.

For example, the fast track service you mention for your partner was cancelled as of July 1st. (Post #63 of this thread)....

as for the "lifetime visa"..... at your age of 49, you are very likely to be looking at a lot more "lifetime" than the program will....

as for "It has certainly worked for me".... it's just been a month you've had it... give it some more time and let us know how things are in a year.

This is indeed the funniest post by you for a long time, not only has it been proven over the last month by the TAT that The Elite Card is here to stay and very much in the TAT long term plans

Do you have any information or articles regarding these long-term plans? Say, for example, what is their goal in 5 years time?... what features will they have? It seems like what I read about discusses what they plan to do in a few months time.

you still think that people would read your posts after you got it so wrong on this subject

What do I have wrong? I quote the articles that appear on their own website curtailing benefits and what is written in the local newspapers....

Why dont you do something constructive with your time and admit defeat, that you got it totally wrong and change the title to its true present meaning.

The Elite Card does NOT face closure

With so few things certain in life.... you sure do have a lot of faith in a program started by a deposed ruler and under a lot of scrutiny by the government that threw him out... a program that is losing lots of taxpayers money and has for every year running since it's implementation ... was poorly thought out from the very beginning with it's constantly changing details (eg. land ownership) .... has been subject to scandal after scandal (eg unpaid CNN advertising)... has seen the leaders of the company running the program changed more frequently than an infant's diaper.....

etc. etc.

We have already been over how badly the mis-information on this subject has been presented especially over the last 6 months through more often or not the bangkok post

If you only read news articles then the last article on this subject in the nation states many answers by TAT board members who are also on the board of TE on where they see the programme developing over the coming years after all TAT wholly owns TE.

Well if you mean that there have been 1001 different TAT chiefs in the last 4 years comparing the diaper analogy, then surely you must be mistaken, the TAT chief has been ever present since the government was formed last year.

No, I mean the TPC bosses that run the program... How many have there been in 4 years?? Bunches...

As we all live in the present, then your comments are still entranched in the past, and are very much with the old government. This new Government is the one confirming the future of this programme.

Any links to that as one of the previous Thai Elite card threads here was on how much they were scrutinizing the program and seeing what changes should be made or if as the OP of this indicates... scrap the whole deal. I've not seen reports where they unequivocally state their support for the long-term survival of this program.

if you have any questions, then its best you write to the TAT Chief and ask why they are backing this programme for the future years

If it was just up to the TAT, that might be a worthwhile project... but as he's not, perhaps it'd best be saved for the new PM in December.

No one can ever guarantee anything and i am sure every month, we will have the same rounds of trusted comments by those against this programme and those for the programme

yep... that's true... it explains why we are up to number sixty-four, I believe, on Thai Elite card threads on thaivisa... [search engine results]

TE has been losing money as a company. This is a fact that must be corrected for sure.

But you might want to think a little bit about how much the country has gained from the TE members.

TE could be seen as a fidelity program which aims at making its members spend their money in Thailand rather than other places.

I always say that "one TE member is worth much more than a lousy million" (By the way, I am one of those who think that the price should be raised).

Most of the people don't think further than the tip of their nose.

Without the card, I personaly would be in Mexico at this time. This is another story, but in the meantime I am spending money here and not there.

Because of the card, I already brought many millions into the country (apart from the one I gave to buy the card at the beginning of the program).

I spent quite an amount on a property, cars, luxury hotels in Bangkok, restaurants, etc...

I don't play golf and never go to the spa, but because of the card I now fly Thai Airways instead of foreign airlines.

Without overpaying them, I employ several persons since several years. I regularly buy local art, which helps sustain the art scene of my region.

Besides many other projects, I involve myself in important charity events, building the future of the disadvantaged children, trying to bring my knowledge in business to create successful micro-businesses for hill tribes youngsters and send the brightest to school in Europe.

All this because TE is a product that makes my life in Thailand very nice and easy.

This is why I say that everyone should look at the real value of a TE member, as well as hidden value of the TE program.

The benefit for the country is not only one million in exchange of a plastic card and a few discounts, it is much (much...) more than that.

It is a win-win situation where the members are happy (we are, no doubt about it) and the country benefits of their financial means.

The TE members are certainly far more educated than many of the frustrated people who make negative comments about the card here.

Each TE member has a different "value" for Thailand, but most certainly they are beneficial to this country.

When a foreign CEO of one of the biggest company in this country acquires the TE card, he is certainly to be considered less "idiot" or "cretin" than the guys who use these words on this forum.

I wish that the sour souls of this forum would be less narrow minded.

I agree that a TE card member can give a lot of value to the country but I can not see how the TE card can be the deciding factor in making anyone chose Thailand before any other country? :o

Obliviously you are not in need of any of the discounts offered. With your money there are many other ways to secure a visa and I can not see that the fast track immigration can be a decider in this matter; so how can the TE card bring in the people that gives value to Thailand?

I don't think the foreign CEO with a TE card is an idiot, most likely he did not pay for the card himself :D . If he did pay for it himself 1.5M Baht is pocket change for him anyway. The point is he is not doing business in Thailand because of the TE card he would have been here anyway.

The main beneficiaries are, like someone else pointed out, Korean and other Asian golfers.

Point is; TE members may benefit Thailand BUT TE itself do nothing to bring these people here, there are other reasons for this.

To answer your points...

TE was not a deciding factor in making me chose Thailand, and probably also not for the other members.

However, it was a deciding factor in making me STAY in Thailand. This is why I said it should be considered as a sort of fidelity program.

The people like me do not like to rely on "ways to secure a visa". It bores me a lot to zig zag like most people do to stay in Thailand.

TE is the ideal product for someone like me, who likes to eliminate all the little troubles wherever possible, even at a price

I wouldn't go as far as to marry a Thai girl though. That would be certainly more expensive than the TE card :D .

While I could have done it, I chose not to setup one of those fake companies, be a fake employee in one of my friends' companies, make these countless visa runs or anything like that.

TE is the perfect solution for a trouble free stay for those who don't want to work, are too young for the retiree visa, and have the financial means to buy the service.

By convincing me to stay, Thailand keeps my value instead of losing it.

The CEO I know bought a card for his wife to make her life easy and to eliminate all visa headaches at the same time. It is indeed pocket money for him, as well as for all the other members I guess... He is indeed doing business in Thailand anyway, but will move to China soon. He wants to keep his family in Thailand...

With the TE product, Thailand keeps his value instead of losing it.

TE might not do much to bring wealthy people to Thailand, but it does a lot to bring them back over and over... retaining their value.

Of course, TE could not only retain the value of the members, but also create more value by having an efficient management. But this is another subject.

I most probably will be gone from Thailand before the TE program has a chance to be canceled (if it ever happens).

In the meantime, the country has much more to gain from me, by keeping the program running, than I have to lose if the program disapears.

I wish the program all the success and I am sure that more and more people will recognize the benefit of being a TE member.

I also wish that the Thais themselves will finally see where is the real value of the TE members.

That value is certainly not to be found only in the card fee.

PM me S JOHN with any questions you may have for me, and i will be happy to answer them, i would be very happy to answer your question on whether i have an elite card

i will await your pm

ah yes you have still to change the title of this thread for which you started to the Elite Card DOES not face closure as this reflects the true present nature of this programme

Actually I don't have any question on whether you have an elite card or not... I was just pointing out to vermin on arrival's post that you have never stated whether you actually own one yourself when he was inferring that you did.

The title of the thread is Elite Card Could Face Closure... everything I've seen seems to suggest that possibility is still very much present.

Good for Vermin, maybe he is correct, you never know s john unless you use the pm function to me




surley all of these questions can be answered by yourself, as you seem to be on a one man mission to provide biased oppinions on this subject.

wouldnt it be best for you to learn more on this subject and request a private audience with the TAT chief, so you can then provide all of us on this forum with up to date and present information on the future of this programme, if you cannot provide any such present information, then what was the point of your thread.


I don't think I have any more interest in this issue more so than any number of other issues, but I see it as a colossal bust initiated by Thaksin and a waste of taxpayer's money. I was initially very interested in the card myself to pursue a land purchase... but that dried up very quickly.


I just did a search based on 'elite' in the thread title and came up with 59 related to the Thai Elite Card.... I've started 2 of them, including this one.


You and anyone else is free to post comments from any source they feel noteworthy to the discussion... that's how a forum works.

surley all of these questions can be answered by yourself, as you seem to be on a one man mission to provide biased oppinions on this subject.

:o:D across the 59 threads there are likely to have been hundreds of posters expressing their opinions on this subject... you might want to have a look at some of them and decide what the consensus is...

wouldnt it be best for you to learn more on this subject and request a private audience with the TAT chief, so you can then provide all of us on this forum with up to date and present information on the future of this programme, if you cannot provide any such present information, then what was the point of your thread.

:D :D uhmm...

perhaps it's too late in the evening for you....

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