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Five dead, at least 40 injured in UK parliament 'terrorist' attack


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1 minute ago, nard said:

not trying to prove anything.but the picture typifies how muslim people in the U K choose not to integrate.as in playing with your smartphone rather than helping injured victims.

seeing you clearly have magical powers, can you tell me what is on her phone, which game she is playing?


If she was a non Muslim would you have interpreted that she was texting/calling for help?

have you seen all the articles and pictures of the sick people taking selfies, have you done a poll to establish the % of these people's religions?

oh and as you clearly know everything can you tell me the religion of the person taking the picture that your focusing on, who was also clearly not helping either?

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

Get real


There is nothing that can be done


Safety and freedom are a balance. We already have more CCTV coverage than any country in the world.


The risks to an individual are minuscule 


We don't need any draconian measures thank you.


Yes there is. But that would be divisive, would be against some of the principles previous generations fought and died to protect and would deprive many innocents of their rights.


But times have changed. Battles are no longer fought on fields between armies or countries. Terrorism is different and requires different responses. however unpalletable they may seem.

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8 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

several news reports mention him as attacker;




Hate preacher and Al Qaeda disciple Abu Izzadeen.

Incorrect. Why not wait until the police have publicly identified the killer.







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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


Yes there is. But that would be divisive, would be against some of the principles previous generations fought and died to protect and would deprive many innocents of their rights.


But times have changed. Battles are no longer fought on fields between armies or countries. Terrorism is different and requires different responses. however unpalletable they may seem.

So what measures would you put in place that would remove the risk of loan wolf attacks?


Now as is well known, I am anti Muslim. But I wouldn't advocate anything too drastic. I would ban halal meat, ban religeous dress in public, ban faith schools, ban Islamic architecture such as minerettes, limit family size to 2 kids by fiscal policy etc etc. Maybe this could initiate a net emigration?

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5 minutes ago, Grouse said:

So what measures would you put in place that would remove the risk of loan wolf attacks?


Now as is well known, I am anti Muslim. But I wouldn't advocate anything too drastic. I would ban halal meat, ban religeous dress in public, ban faith schools, ban Islamic architecture such as minerettes, limit family size to 2 kids by fiscal policy etc etc. Maybe this could initiate a net emigration?

Hmm, that doesn't sound too drastic! Actually it sounds like a (not very) minor occurrence that happened in a well known European country in the 1930's and early 40's!

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3 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

Start looking Kowpot------and in the unlikely event (no let me change that to impossible Event) that you find a religion like that let me know............:coffee1:



I know of no other religion that expressly tells someone to go out and kill someone because they are not of our faith. If you do. Please elaborate. 

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Wednesday's attack was near the location where, in 1979, Airey Neave, a Member of Parliament who was a close aide to Margaret Thatcher, was killed by a car-bomb claimed by the Irish National Liberation Army.




Unless those Irish National Liberation Army guys were Muslims, it seem that Islam doesn't hold an exclusive on despicable acts of terror.  How many millions of British Muslims ya figure didn't do anything despicable that day?  Probably around the same percentage of British Protestants who didn't do anything despicable (and news worthy).

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13 minutes ago, kowpot said:

I know of no other religion that expressly tells someone to go out and kill someone because they are not of our faith. If you do. Please elaborate. 

I know of no religion that expressly tells someone to go out and kill someone because they are not of our faith. If you do. Please elaborate

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17 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

Hmm, that doesn't sound too drastic! Actually it sounds like a (not very) minor occurrence that happened in a well known European country in the 1930's and early 40's!

Correct, nobody wants a war. Just be less welcoming than previously. What do you suggest?

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According to the 2011 census there are around 2,700,000 Muslims living in the UK. Unless I missed something dramatic there have been fewer than 100 people killed by Islamic terrorists in the UK since 2007 (including the tube bombs). For perspective, in 2007 alone there were 2,946 deaths on British roads. These terrorist attacks are tragedies, but clearly the vast majority of British Muslims are peaceful. I have Muslim friends and they are as appalled by these events as anyone else. When these people, these animals, attack like this they don't spare their fellow Muslims. They'll mow down Mohammed just as soon as John. This isn't a battle between Muslims and The West, it's a battle between extremists and everyone who disagrees with them. When you hold the vast majority of innocent British Muslims responsible for the actions of nutters and psychopaths you are on the side of the extremists. 

And let's not forget get that isis kill more Muslims then Westerners.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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38 minutes ago, Grouse said:

So what measures would you put in place that would remove the risk of loan wolf attacks?


Now as is well known, I am anti Muslim. But I wouldn't advocate anything too drastic. I would ban halal meat, ban religeous dress in public, ban faith schools, ban Islamic architecture such as minerettes, limit family size to 2 kids by fiscal policy etc etc. Maybe this could initiate a net emigration?


Very difficult to stop these type of attacks. There is only one common denominator - the religion of the attackers.


You want to stop them - remove all Muslims.


Sounds harsh and very anti HR correct. But look at how Muslim countries treat non believers. Do as your told or else.


Practically very difficult but that is the only way to stop it. Why should European countries, US, Aussie accept a religion that is foreign to them and some of whose members are attacking and murdering their own citizens?

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What are you trying to prove with this picture?

I wonder how many non Muslims people hurried past the scene, why trying to get home safety why texting there loved ones to say they are safe. I bet if you stood there for about 10 mins maybe 50. But someone decided to post that pic know wonder so many musslims are being radicalised.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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My condolences to the deceased and the injured. There is no place in civil society for the actions that occur in many countries around the World especially in the name of religion.


I know of no religion that condones killing in the name of religion or as a way to spread a particular religion and that includes Islam. There is nothing in the Koran that states infidels should be killed nor in the Bible; the Jewish Scriptures or the teachings of Buddha.

Islam is now under attack because a group of radicals who are misinterpreting the Koran and its teachings are terrorising the World and one reason they are getting away with it is that Governments are allowing some of  it to exist. Any institution such as mosques; churches etc that espouse terrorism or violence should immediately be closed and the preachers jailed or deported if not citizens of the country they are in.  

So called no go zones in which radicals control access and harass citizens need to be heavily policed and arrests made.

Any citizen or permanent resident who goes abroad and fights for a terrorist group and then returns should be deported if a non citizen or arrested and tried in court if a citizen.

There is plenty that can be done to stop this scourge without banning people because of their religion because the majority of Muslims are actually quite peaceful.


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maybe that the lady in the head scarf doesnt seem bothered.. pathetic really. Shock, a woman on the phone means she doesnt care???, what about all the idiots taking selfies and the actual pictures the OP is referring to?

Good point like the person taking the pic to stick on Facebook or whatever, who was hanging around and Geting in the way of the authorities, Was doing anything to help the poor lady. At least the Muslim lady was trying to get out of the area quickly which is probably what the police was saying to do. She was probably terrified.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Muslims in the UK and Europe are being exposed to the warped Saudi theology of Wahhabi/Deobandi, which is nothing more than medieval clerical opinion and that message it is fed to worshippers every Friday in mosques across the UK and Europe.


Prior to the early eighties, Muslims lived peacefully in the UK and Europe. Then with the spread of this warped theology, sponsored by millions of dollars of Saudi oil money and with the cooperation of the political elite, the demand for power from Islamists has grown.

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22 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

My condolences to the deceased and the injured. There is no place in civil society for the actions that occur in many countries around the World especially in the name of religion.


I know of no religion that condones killing in the name of religion or as a way to spread a particular religion and that includes Islam. There is nothing in the Koran that states infidels should be killed nor in the Bible; the Jewish Scriptures or the teachings of Buddha.

Islam is now under attack because a group of radicals who are misinterpreting the Koran and its teachings are terrorising the World and one reason they are getting away with it is that Governments are allowing some of  it to exist. Any institution such as mosques; churches etc that espouse terrorism or violence should immediately be closed and the preachers jailed or deported if not citizens of the country they are in.  

So called no go zones in which radicals control access and harass citizens need to be heavily policed and arrests made.

Any citizen or permanent resident who goes abroad and fights for a terrorist group and then returns should be deported if a non citizen or arrested and tried in court if a citizen.

There is plenty that can be done to stop this scourge without banning people because of their religion because the majority of Muslims are actually quite peaceful.



Then I think you may need to learn about this:


Taqiyya has also been politically legitimised, particularly among Twelver Shias, in order to maintain unity among Muslims and fraternity among the Shia clerics.

Yarden Mariuma writes: "Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie.


The technical meaning of the term taqiyya is derived from the Quranic reference to religious dissimulation in Sura 3:28:

"Let not the believers take the unbelievers for protectors rather than believers; and whoever does this, he shall have nothing of (the guardianship of) Allah,
but you should guard yourselves against them, guarding carefully (illā an tattaqū minhum tuqāt)."
Thus it is acceptable to Muslims to lie in order to further the spread of Islam.
So if you are living in a non Muslim country, it's OK to lie and let your hosts protect you until you have gained a sufficient foothold and then you show your true colours......

However, I have nothing to say about the Crusades............

Maybe we are getting back what we dished out?


So to the Bible....

How about Deuteronomy 17:

Deuteronomy 17

If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant; 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 17:4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel; 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

Or Deuteronomy 13:

6 If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. 9 You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 11 Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and no one among you will do such an evil thing again.

12 If you hear it said about one of the towns the Lord your God is giving you to live in 13 that troublemakers have arisen among you and have led the people of their town astray, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods you have not known), 14 then you must inquire, probe and investigate it thoroughly. And if it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done among you, 15 you must certainly put to the sword all who live in that town. You must destroy it completely, both its people and its livestock. 16 You are to gather all the plunder of the town into the middle of the public square and completely burn the town and all its plunder as a whole burnt offering to the Lord your God. That town is to remain a ruin forever, never to be rebuilt.

Or Numbers 31, where God commands the Israelites to attack Midian and kill all the men, all the married women and all the male children but to keep the virgin females as the spoils of war and distribute them among the soldiers. The reason offered for that barbarism? Two Midianite women had allegedly “tempted” two Israelite men to worship other gods.



So to the Quran:


The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

Look them up if you like.


IMHO all religions are dangerous and should be banned.

They exist to control the people and allow a good easy life for the chiefs in the religion and their hangers on.......

The worst kind of MAFIA!!!!!!




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8 minutes ago, laislica said:


Then I think you may need to learn about this:


Taqiyya has also been politically legitimised, particularly among Twelver Shias, in order to maintain unity among Muslims and fraternity among the Shia clerics.

Yarden Mariuma writes: "Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie.


The technical meaning of the term taqiyya is derived from the Quranic reference to religious dissimulation in Sura 3:28:

"Let not the believers take the unbelievers for protectors rather than believers; and whoever does this, he shall have nothing of (the guardianship of) Allah,
but you should guard yourselves against them, guarding carefully (illā an tattaqū minhum tuqāt)."
Thus it is acceptable to Muslims to lie in order to further the spread of Islam.
So if you are living in a non Muslim country, it's OK to lie and let your hosts protect you until you have gained a sufficient foothold and then you show your true colours......

However, I have nothing to say about the Crusades............

Maybe we are getting back what we dished out?





After this attack, so-called "Moderate" Muslims will say that "there will always be extremists", but they feed on the same rulebook, the Quran as the extremists and they are well aware of the horrors being perpetrated by their violent co-religionists

Edited by stander
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8 minutes ago, juice777 said:

Good point like the person taking the pic to stick on Facebook or whatever, who was hanging around and Geting in the way of the authorities, Was doing anything to help the poor lady. At least the Muslim lady was trying to get out of the area quickly which is probably what the police was saying to do. She was probably terrified.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

We've no idea what was going through the Moslem woman's head, but personal experience tells me that way too many often want to get close and 'gawp' - even when its obvious that this is far from beneficial for the injured person :sad:.


If they're already receiving assistance and you have few/zero first aid skills - keep clear rather than allowing horrified fascination 'draw' you in to have a look....

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15 minutes ago, Kevbo said:

So you don't believe this to be an emotive subject ? Anyone with access to UK news will know what religion (ideology) the perpetrator was. Decent people venting their anger is natural, leave the political correctness to the BBC 

This will be the only time I do you the courtesy of responding in the public forum on this matter.   Here is the rule:


10) Do not discuss moderation publicly in the open forum; this includes individual actions, and specific or general policies and issues. You may send a PM to a moderator to discuss individual actions or email support (at) thaivisa.com to discuss moderation policy.  You will not block contact with moderators or administrators. Doing so will result in suspension.


Of course it is emotional.   There is no attempt to hide any factual information, however, members are required to follow All the rules when posting.  


Please stay on topic.  


Edit:   An off-topic post has been removed.   This is not about the Armenian genocide in Turkey.  

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5 hours ago, joeboy123 said:

We are still to find a religion of peace, honestly what did we expect when we have bombed their countries back to the stone age. RIP to all the innocent lives including 1 million plus Iraqis and Syrians.

We have not bombed their countries back to the stone age, the war in middle east have been going on for at least 1400 years, Muslims don't  only hate us infidels, they hate and kill each other as well.

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5 minutes ago, Chip Allen said:

Another victory for the "Religion of peace".

No, normal Muslim folk living in the UK will be well pissed off...The bird on the phone perhaps knows the ramifications of her visible religion...

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4 hours ago, dcpo said:

According to the 2011 census there are around 2,700,000 Muslims living in the UK. Unless I missed something dramatic there have been fewer than 100 people killed by Islamic terrorists in the UK since 2007 (including the tube bombs). For perspective, in 2007 alone there were 2,946 deaths on British roads. These terrorist attacks are tragedies, but clearly the vast majority of British Muslims are peaceful. I have Muslim friends and they are as appalled by these events as anyone else. When these people, these animals, attack like this they don't spare their fellow Muslims. They'll mow down Mohammed just as soon as John. This isn't a battle between Muslims and The West, it's a battle between extremists and everyone who disagrees with them. When you hold the vast majority of innocent British Muslims responsible for the actions of nutters and psychopaths you are on the side of the extremists. 

So why don't we hear your Muslim "friends" come out and condemn this kind of atrocity ? The silence is deafening

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1 minute ago, alocacoc said:

Muslims loved to join the march against Trump. But they never march against Islamic terror.

Exactly, they reject our religion and culture and trying to impose its own on us.

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