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Five dead, at least 40 injured in UK parliament 'terrorist' attack


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It's always the innocents, the average citizens just trying to live their lives who are the targets of these savages, never the scumbag leaders who invite them into our countries. They lead their lives behind walls, fences, and gates with armed security and have no worries about being the next victims.

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16 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


I posted a detailed comment on that video, broadcast by Channel 4 in 2011, the last time it was posted here.


I wont do so again, you can search back for it if you like; but in it I did show the problems in that particular school, measures that had been taken against those problems and that, sadly, all is still not well with it.


The measures taken included Dispatches Mosque teacher jailed

Was that school typical? I don't know;  but it is not just Muslim schools which teach intolerance.


The PM must crack down on madrassas, but it’s not just Muslim schools that breed intolerance


Intolerance of others with different beliefs; teaching children to hate others because they have a different faith, ethnicity or sexuality is evil and must be stopped; wherever it occurs.


Again, shut all faith schools and do it now. That's the first sanction.

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3 hours ago, transam said:

It is a religion offshoot with guns............Anyone with guns is military....

Obviously we're talking about two different things then,

i'm referring to what this thread is about,  and what Andrew Niel was referring to

which is terrorists attacking the British public on UK soil.


So far as i know, 7/7, Lee Rigby and Westminster, none have used 

guns to carry out there killings.

Edited by sotsira
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7 minutes ago, thai3 said:

Hate teaching is very common in Islamic faith Schools, has to be really as they teach Islamic values.!

 As shown above; hate teaching is very common in Jewish schools as well, and even occurs in Christian schools.


I guess it's an Abrahamic religion thing; as all three religions are such and so have the same root teachings.

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7 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 As shown above; hate teaching is very common in Jewish schools as well, and even occurs in Christian schools.


I guess it's an Abrahamic religion thing; as all three religions are such and so have the same root teachings.

OK so you hate Jews x 2 . :laugh:

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13 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:
26 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Intolerance of others with different beliefs; teaching children to hate others because they have a different faith, ethnicity or sexuality is evil and must be stopped; wherever it occurs.

Well you should tell the sharia law muslins followers that before you lose your head, and l mean literally.


That a minority Muslims do not agree, and use violence against those who disagree with their perverted form of Islam, whether those people be other Muslims or non Muslims, is very true.


It is that small minority who are the problem; not the vast majority of Muslims who want to get on with their lives in peace with their neighbours.


Haters and the intolerant are everywhere; Thai Visa is full of them, as posts in this and many other topics show.

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Just now, Kwasaki said:
9 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 As shown above; hate teaching is very common in Jewish schools as well, and even occurs in Christian schools.


I guess it's an Abrahamic religion thing; as all three religions are such and so have the same root teachings.

OK so you hate Jews x 2 . :laugh:


I hate no one based upon their political or religious beliefs. It is you and others who regularly express such hate here.


Merely pointing out a simple fact; one you obviously don't care for.

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I have read somewhere that the guy who shot the terrorist dead just happened to be there by chance because he had been accompanying a politician of whom he was a bodyguard. Has this been confirmed  ?  If yes, we owe it to good luck that he wasn't able to get into the building!  Also I think it is madness that a policeman based at the Parliament does his job unarmed. I mean the slain cop Keith Palmer of course.

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15 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 As shown above; hate teaching is very common in Jewish schools as well, and even occurs in Christian schools.


I guess it's an Abrahamic religion thing; as all three religions are such and so have the same root teachings.

I don't believe that hate teaching is as widespread as you suggest. If it were, and if this was the origin of the problem, then presumably we would see as many Jewish and Christian fundamentalist terrorists, committing atrocities.

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4 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


That a minority Muslims do not agree, and use violence against those who disagree with their perverted form of Islam, whether those people be other Muslims or non Muslims, is very true.


It is that small minority who are the problem; not the vast majority of Muslims who want to get on with their lives in peace with their neighbours.


Haters and the intolerant are everywhere; Thai Visa is full of them, as posts in this and many other topics show.

But their perverted form of Islam all originates from the same books, can you tell me that the qu'ran is not fundamently flawed to say the least. It preaches hate at the kaffir, it preaches all the world should be Islam. When I went to school we had religious education and at the end of our schooling we had the right to decide wether to follow such scriptures or not, I chose not to. Islam appears not to have such an option, you don't follow you die, what does Mohammid say about this?

And with ISIS they choose to justify their evil actions by reading the Sharia text, the law that is becoming more common in the United Kingdom. So am I an Islamophobe, you bet your life I am!

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9 minutes ago, JemJem said:

I have read somewhere that the guy who shot the terrorist dead just happened to be there by chance because he had been accompanying a politician of whom he was a bodyguard. Has this been confirmed  ?  If yes, we owe it to good luck that he wasn't able to get into the building!  Also I think it is madness that a policeman based at the Parliament does his job unarmed. I mean the slain cop Keith Palmer of course.

It is totally madness, things must change!

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53 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 As shown above; hate teaching is very common in Jewish schools as well, and even occurs in Christian schools.


I guess it's an Abrahamic religion thing; as all three religions are such and so have the same root teachings.

Jewish children are not taught that Christians and Muslims are Monkeys and pigs, Muslims are taught that Christians and Jews are monkeys and pigs and that they are the worst of people while Muslims are the best of people.It's not other faith Schools that are causing division hate and terrorism, Islamic Schools are.

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1 hour ago, thai3 said:

Hate teaching is very common in Islamic faith Schools, has to be really as they teach Islamic values.!


10 minutes ago, thai3 said:

Jewish children are not taught that Christians and Muslims are Monkeys and pigs, Muslims are taught that Christians and Jews are monkeys and pigs and that they are the worst of people while Muslims are the best of people.It's not other faith Schools that are causing division hate and terrorism, Islamic Schools are.

What you're seeing here is a pretty common tactic used by those who don't want to specifically call out the problems in Islam. They tend to either defend it entirely or lump all three religions together so as to avoid any discomfort of actually admitting the problems with Islam.

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To those who have said that only Islam teaches hate and disdain for other religions, watch the start of this:



I must add that the rest of that video appears in some respects to be USA/Israel conspiracy nonsense; but you cannot deny what those men said at the beginning.



Then there's this:




Are these people representative of all Jews?


No, of course not. They are a tiny minority. 


Christianity has it's share of extremist nutters, too


The troubles in Northern Ireland which led to the re-emergence of IRA terrorism arose out of sectarian violence between the catholic and Protestant communities.


Then there's people like the Christian fundamentalists in the USA,


Do these people represent the majority of Christians? Of course not. They are a tiny minority.


Just as the Muslim extremists whose rantings people here use to 'prove' that Islam is evil do not represent the majority of Muslims and are a tiny minority.

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2 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

To those who have said that only Islam teaches hate and disdain for other religions, watch the start of this:



I must add that the rest of that video appears in some respects to be USA/Israel conspiracy nonsense; but you cannot deny what those men said at the beginning.



Then there's this:




Are these people representative of all Jews?


No, of course not. They are a tiny minority. 


Christianity has it's share of extremist nutters, too


The troubles in Northern Ireland which led to the re-emergence of IRA terrorism arose out of sectarian violence between the catholic and Protestant communities.


Then there's people like the Christian fundamentalists in the USA,


Do these people represent the majority of Christians? Of course not. They are a tiny minority.


Just as the Muslim extremists whose rantings people here use to 'prove' that Islam is evil do not represent the majority of Muslims and are a tiny minority.

Are you sure you are not going off topic, this post is about an islamist who killed innocent people on or around Westminster bridge?

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10 minutes ago, vogie said:

Are you sure you are not going off topic, this post is about an islamist who killed innocent people on or around Westminster bridge?

 What has Rigby40's post at the top of this page got to do with the attack?


What have many other posts in this topic got to do with the attack?


You haven't complained about those!


I am replying to those posters who have used this topic and the dreadful events last Wednesday to spread their hate; most of whose posts have absolutely nothing to do with the attack.


My purpose being to show that Islam is not the only religion which contains amongst it's ranks a minority of fundamentalist extremists.


A fact which many of those haters here are in denial about.


Are you one of those?

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Today's leftist/media denial and apologics of atrocities committed at the hands of muslims is yesterdays leftist/media denial of attrocities committed by communists Stalin and Castro. Only today the denial is much more widespread instead of a few elitist news papers, writers and 'intellectuals'.

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2 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Are these people representative of all Jews?


No, of course not. They are a tiny minority. 


Christianity has it's share of extremist nutters, too


The troubles in Northern Ireland which led to the re-emergence of IRA terrorism arose out of sectarian violence between the catholic and Protestant communities.


Then there's people like the Christian fundamentalists in the USA,


Do these people represent the majority of Christians? Of course not. They are a tiny minority.


Just as the Muslim extremists whose rantings people here use to 'prove' that Islam is evil do not represent the majority of Muslims and are a tiny minority.


The flaw in that argument is that most everyone calls out those nutters, including the media, general public and members of their own religion. The problem with Islam is that the majority of "peaceful moderate" Muslims remain silent and very rarely call their "brethren" out on their deranged behaviour. And the media and government continually pander to them out of fear of reprisal. Furthermore, a worryingly high percentage of that silent majority privately agree with and support the goals of the jihadists and despite living in a free society still want sharia law, persecution of homosexuals, honour killings, FGM, stoning of women etc etc. These are not recent immigrants, but people who are 2nd or 3rd generation UK born citizens. At what point will people wake up and stop blaming individuals and start tacking the real problem which is the ideolgy, and accept that it is fundamentally incompatible with western society and treat it with the same contempt that people now show communism, national socialism, fascism and other failed oppressive political ideologies, the only difference being that Islam has been disguised as a religion in order to justify it's motives and avoid criticism.

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40 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


At what point will people wake up and stop blaming individuals and start tacking the real problem which is the ideolgy, and accept that it is fundamentally incompatible with western society and treat it with the same contempt that people now show communism, national socialism, fascism and other failed oppressive political ideologies, the only difference being that Islam has been disguised as a religion in order to justify it's motives and avoid criticism.

I would argue that religion has little to do with why so many people give Islam a pass.

The reason why the left and Islam are in bed together is because 1.) Islam plays the victim card very well(and therefore fit into their little oppression pyramid perfectly) and 2.) they are as anti-West / anti-Christian as the leftists. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that.

The funny thing is that once Islam dominates these weakened, leftist cesspools they will be cast aside and legitimately oppressed as we're starting to see.  

Christianity is a religion and you see how they're treated by the left so I really don't think religion has anything to do with it.

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On 3/24/2017 at 0:55 PM, Khun Han said:
On 3/24/2017 at 0:13 PM, Mosha said:

Named Adrian at birth, another convert. Time converting was looked in to.

Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk


Quite a lot of it happens in the prisons, apparently.



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6 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

Today's leftist/media denial and apologics of atrocities committed at the hands of muslims is yesterdays leftist/media denial of attrocities committed by communists Stalin and Castro. Only today the denial is much more widespread instead of a few elitist news papers, writers and 'intellectuals'.

Get over yourself Mr Proud to be American - you have got to be having a laugh. Before rabbiting on look into your own backyard as to the mishandled ideological policies of various US Administrations  which are some of the major contributors for current instability and threats.

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7 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 What has Rigby40's post at the top of this page got to do with the attack?


What have many other posts in this topic got to do with the attack?


You haven't complained about those!


I am replying to those posters who have used this topic and the dreadful events last Wednesday to spread their hate; most of whose posts have absolutely nothing to do with the attack.


My purpose being to show that Islam is not the only religion which contains amongst it's ranks a minority of fundamentalist extremists.


A fact which many of those haters here are in denial about.


Are you one of those?

Oh dear, you sound a bit like a child caught fighting in the playground 'it wasn't me sir, he started it. 


We know all religions are flawed, they are fairy stories written many many years ago, but with hand on heart, most people would admit that Islam takes the biscuit with whats written in their workshop manual.


You mention "haters on here" and ask if I am one of them, I am not an hater, but lets put the ball back in your court, what do you think I am? You appear to be a 'defender of Islam' and it is you sir that is in denial.


Churchill hit the nail on the head when he said "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.

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53 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Get over yourself Mr Proud to be American - you have got to be having a laugh. Before rabbiting on look into your own backyard as to the mishandled ideological policies of various US Administrations  which are some of the major contributors for current instability and threats.

Surely you're smart enough to realize the difference between the actions of individuals and those of corrupt governments.

You're barking up the wrong tree, I don't support much of the foreign policy and involvement of the government. There are a lot of people I'd like to see being tried for war crimes over the last 15 years and Killary Clinton is high up on that list.

And anyway, Islam has been terrorizing the world for hundreds of years now. You're a fool IF you think violent Islam is a new phenomenon.

By the way, did you used to live in Hanoi? I remember encountering a drunk Australian who got rather angry because I wouldn't take the blame for all the evil things my government has done. Must have been really frustrating for him not being able to give me a guilt trip.

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1 hour ago, Rigby40 said:

Surely you're smart enough to realize the difference between the actions of individuals and those of corrupt governments.

You're barking up the wrong tree, I don't support much of the foreign policy and involvement of the government. There are a lot of people I'd like to see being tried for war crimes over the last 15 years and Killary Clinton is high up on that list.

And anyway, Islam has been terrorizing the world for hundreds of years now. You're a fool IF you think violent Islam is a new phenomenon.

By the way, did you used to live in Hanoi? I remember encountering a drunk Australian who got rather angry because I wouldn't take the blame for all the evil things my government has done. Must have been really frustrating for him not being able to give me a guilt trip.

No I do not think violence from political Islam is recent, being going on for hundreds of years, as with people from other religions / belief systems. 


I'm UK born and educated (London), currently living in Oz. Yep, been to Hanoi, but did not have a conversation you outlined when there, nor drunk.

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There are some posting here who are using figures to compare how many people muslims terrorists have killed, in western countries, compared with others killed/murdered by other than muslims.  


Similarly, they quote figures post 9/11, when quoting post 8/11 would give an entirely different result.


There will always be murders/manslaughter in our countries, committed by everyday people, for whatever reasons, so what we should be looking at is how many have been killed by muslim terrorist acts versus how many have been killed by other religious zealots perpetrating terrorist acts.....IN THE NAME OF THEIR RELIGION!!!   That will give a far more accurate picture.


I suspect it would be......Others NIL.....muslims dozens, hundreds, perhaps thousands, and in the case of 9/11, almost three thousand.

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